path: root/string.c
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authorBurdette Lamar <>2022-04-07 14:29:04 -0500
committerGitHub <>2022-04-07 14:29:04 -0500
commit9ca3d537b9dffba416bd37dfb25466f2cebc8510 (patch)
tree504e9cac8cba825f8fd179fd4eb68abf6bafc8e3 /string.c
parenta7d7ee90233a35f4974a509cc63b128cfbcf2b6c (diff)
All-in-one RDoc for class String (#5777)
Notes: Merged-By: BurdetteLamar <>
Diffstat (limited to 'string.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 416 deletions
diff --git a/string.c b/string.c
index 9f08e85d60..262f67840d 100644
--- a/string.c
+++ b/string.c
@@ -11892,422 +11892,6 @@ rb_enc_interned_str_cstr(const char *ptr, rb_encoding *enc)
return rb_enc_interned_str(ptr, strlen(ptr), enc);
- * A \String object has an arbitrary sequence of bytes,
- * typically representing text or binary data.
- * A \String object may be created using String::new or as literals.
- *
- * String objects differ from Symbol objects in that Symbol objects are
- * designed to be used as identifiers, instead of text or data.
- *
- * You can create a \String object explicitly with:
- *
- * - A {string literal}[rdoc-ref:syntax/literals.rdoc@String+Literals].
- * - A {heredoc literal}[rdoc-ref:syntax/literals.rdoc@Here+Document+Literals].
- *
- * You can convert certain objects to Strings with:
- *
- * - \Method #String.
- *
- * Some \String methods modify +self+.
- * Typically, a method whose name ends with <tt>!</tt> modifies +self+
- * and returns +self+;
- * often a similarly named method (without the <tt>!</tt>)
- * returns a new string.
- *
- * In general, if there exist both bang and non-bang version of method,
- * the bang! mutates and the non-bang! does not.
- * However, a method without a bang can also mutate, such as String#replace.
- *
- * == Substitution Methods
- *
- * These methods perform substitutions:
- *
- * - String#sub: One substitution (or none); returns a new string.
- * - String#sub!: One substitution (or none); returns +self+.
- * - String#gsub: Zero or more substitutions; returns a new string.
- * - String#gsub!: Zero or more substitutions; returns +self+.
- *
- * Each of these methods takes:
- *
- * - A first argument, +pattern+ (string or regexp),
- * that specifies the substring(s) to be replaced.
- *
- * - Either of these:
- *
- * - A second argument, +replacement+ (string or hash),
- * that determines the replacing string.
- * - A block that will determine the replacing string.
- *
- * The examples in this section mostly use methods String#sub and String#gsub;
- * the principles illustrated apply to all four substitution methods.
- *
- * <b>Argument +pattern+</b>
- *
- * Argument +pattern+ is commonly a regular expression:
- *
- * s = 'hello'
- * s.sub(/[aeiou]/, '*') # => "h*llo"
- * s.gsub(/[aeiou]/, '*') # => "h*ll*"
- * s.gsub(/[aeiou]/, '') # => "hll"
- * s.sub(/ell/, 'al') # => "halo"
- * s.gsub(/xyzzy/, '*') # => "hello"
- * 'THX1138'.gsub(/\d+/, '00') # => "THX00"
- *
- * When +pattern+ is a string, all its characters are treated
- * as ordinary characters (not as regexp special characters):
- *
- * 'THX1138'.gsub('\d+', '00') # => "THX1138"
- *
- * <b>\String +replacement+</b>
- *
- * If +replacement+ is a string, that string will determine
- * the replacing string that is to be substituted for the matched text.
- *
- * Each of the examples above uses a simple string as the replacing string.
- *
- * \String +replacement+ may contain back-references to the pattern's captures:
- *
- * - <tt>\n</tt> (_n_ a non-negative integer) refers to <tt>$n</tt>.
- * - <tt>\k<name></tt> refers to the named capture +name+.
- *
- * See rdoc-ref:regexp.rdoc for details.
- *
- * Note that within the string +replacement+, a character combination
- * such as <tt>$&</tt> is treated as ordinary text, and not as
- * a special match variable.
- * However, you may refer to some special match variables using these
- * combinations:
- *
- * - <tt>\&</tt> and <tt>\0</tt> correspond to <tt>$&</tt>,
- * which contains the complete matched text.
- * - <tt>\'</tt> corresponds to <tt>$'</tt>,
- * which contains string after match.
- * - <tt>\`</tt> corresponds to <tt>$`</tt>,
- * which contains string before match.
- * - <tt>\+</tt> corresponds to <tt>$+</tt>,
- * which contains last capture group.
- *
- * See rdoc-ref:regexp.rdoc for details.
- *
- * Note that <tt>\\\\</tt> is interpreted as an escape, i.e., a single backslash.
- *
- * Note also that a string literal consumes backslashes.
- * See {String Literals}[rdoc-ref:syntax/literals.rdoc@String+Literals] for details about string literals.
- *
- * A back-reference is typically preceded by an additional backslash.
- * For example, if you want to write a back-reference <tt>\&</tt> in
- * +replacement+ with a double-quoted string literal, you need to write
- * <tt>"..\\\\&.."</tt>.
- *
- * If you want to write a non-back-reference string <tt>\&</tt> in
- * +replacement+, you need first to escape the backslash to prevent
- * this method from interpreting it as a back-reference, and then you
- * need to escape the backslashes again to prevent a string literal from
- * consuming them: <tt>"..\\\\\\\\&.."</tt>.
- *
- * You may want to use the block form to avoid a lot of backslashes.
- *
- * <b>\Hash +replacement+</b>
- *
- * If argument +replacement+ is a hash, and +pattern+ matches one of its keys,
- * the replacing string is the value for that key:
- *
- * h = {'foo' => 'bar', 'baz' => 'bat'}
- * 'food'.sub('foo', h) # => "bard"
- *
- * Note that a symbol key does not match:
- *
- * h = {foo: 'bar', baz: 'bat'}
- * 'food'.sub('foo', h) # => "d"
- *
- * <b>Block</b>
- *
- * In the block form, the current match string is passed to the block;
- * the block's return value becomes the replacing string:
- *
- * s = '@'
- * '1234'.gsub(/\d/) {|match| s.succ! } # => "ABCD"
- *
- * Special match variables such as <tt>$1</tt>, <tt>$2</tt>, <tt>$`</tt>,
- * <tt>$&</tt>, and <tt>$'</tt> are set appropriately.
- *
- * == Whitespace in Strings
- *
- * In class \String, _whitespace_ is defined as a contiguous sequence of characters
- * consisting of any mixture of the following:
- *
- * - NL (null): <tt>"\x00"</tt>, <tt>"\u0000"</tt>.
- * - HT (horizontal tab): <tt>"\x09"</tt>, "<tt>\t"</tt>.
- * - LF (line feed): <tt>"\x0a"</tt>, <tt>"\n"</tt>.
- * - VT (vertical tab): <tt>"\x0b"</tt>, <tt>"\v"</tt>.
- * - FF (form feed): <tt>"\x0c"</tt>, <tt>"\f"</tt>.
- * - CR (carriage return): <tt>"\x0d"</tt>, <tt>"\r"</tt>.
- * - SP (space): <tt>"\x20"</tt>, <tt>" "</tt>.
- *
- *
- * Whitespace is relevant for these methods:
- *
- * - #lstrip, #lstrip!: strip leading whitespace.
- * - #rstrip, #rstrip!: strip trailing whitespace.
- * - #strip, #strip!: strip leading and trailing whitespace.
- *
- * :include: doc/string/slices.rdoc
- *
- * == What's Here
- *
- * First, what's elsewhere. \Class \String:
- *
- * - Inherits from {class Object}[rdoc-ref:Object@What-27s+Here].
- * - Includes {module Comparable}[rdoc-ref:Comparable@What-27s+Here].
- *
- * Here, class \String provides methods that are useful for:
- *
- * - {Creating a String}[rdoc-ref:String@Methods+for+Creating+a+String]
- * - {Frozen/Unfrozen Strings}[rdoc-ref:String@Methods+for+a+Frozen-2FUnfrozen+String]
- * - {Querying}[rdoc-ref:String@Methods+for+Querying]
- * - {Comparing}[rdoc-ref:String@Methods+for+Comparing]
- * - {Modifying a String}[rdoc-ref:String@Methods+for+Modifying+a+String]
- * - {Converting to New String}[rdoc-ref:String@Methods+for+Converting+to+New+String]
- * - {Converting to Non-String}[rdoc-ref:String@Methods+for+Converting+to+Non--5CString]
- * - {Iterating}[rdoc-ref:String@Methods+for+Iterating]
- *
- * === Methods for Creating a \String
- *
- * - ::new: Returns a new string.
- * - ::try_convert: Returns a new string created from a given object.
- *
- * === Methods for a Frozen/Unfrozen String
- *
- * - #+@: Returns a string that is not frozen: +self+, if not frozen;
- * +self.dup+ otherwise.
- * - #-@: Returns a string that is frozen: +self+, if already frozen;
- * +self.freeze+ otherwise.
- * - #freeze: Freezes +self+, if not already frozen; returns +self+.
- *
- * === Methods for Querying
- *
- * _Counts_
- *
- * - #length, #size: Returns the count of characters (not bytes).
- * - #empty?: Returns +true+ if +self.length+ is zero; +false+ otherwise.
- * - #bytesize: Returns the count of bytes.
- * - #count: Returns the count of substrings matching given strings.
- *
- * _Substrings_
- *
- * - #=~: Returns the index of the first substring that matches a given
- * Regexp or other object; returns +nil+ if no match is found.
- * - #index: Returns the index of the _first_ occurrence of a given substring;
- * returns +nil+ if none found.
- * - #rindex: Returns the index of the _last_ occurrence of a given substring;
- * returns +nil+ if none found.
- * - #include?: Returns +true+ if the string contains a given substring; +false+ otherwise.
- * - #match: Returns a MatchData object if the string matches a given Regexp; +nil+ otherwise.
- * - #match?: Returns +true+ if the string matches a given Regexp; +false+ otherwise.
- * - #start_with?: Returns +true+ if the string begins with any of the given substrings.
- * - #end_with?: Returns +true+ if the string ends with any of the given substrings.
- *
- * _Encodings_
- *
- * - #encoding: Returns the Encoding object that represents the encoding of the string.
- * - #unicode_normalized?: Returns +true+ if the string is in Unicode normalized form; +false+ otherwise.
- * - #valid_encoding?: Returns +true+ if the string contains only characters that are valid
- * for its encoding.
- * - #ascii_only?: Returns +true+ if the string has only ASCII characters; +false+ otherwise.
- *
- * _Other_
- *
- * - #sum: Returns a basic checksum for the string: the sum of each byte.
- * - #hash: Returns the integer hash code.
- *
- * === Methods for Comparing
- *
- * - #==, #===: Returns +true+ if a given other string has the same content as +self+.
- * - #eql?: Returns +true+ if the content is the same as the given other string.
- * - #<=>: Returns -1, 0, or 1 as a given other string is smaller than,
- * equal to, or larger than +self+.
- * - #casecmp: Ignoring case, returns -1, 0, or 1 as a given
- * other string is smaller than, equal to, or larger than +self+.
- * - #casecmp?: Returns +true+ if the string is equal to a given string after Unicode case folding;
- * +false+ otherwise.
- *
- * === Methods for Modifying a \String
- *
- * Each of these methods modifies +self+.
- *
- * _Insertion_
- *
- * - #insert: Returns +self+ with a given string inserted at a given offset.
- * - #<<: Returns +self+ concatenated with a given string or integer.
- *
- * _Substitution_
- *
- * - #sub!: Replaces the first substring that matches a given pattern with a given replacement string;
- * returns +self+ if any changes, +nil+ otherwise.
- * - #gsub!: Replaces each substring that matches a given pattern with a given replacement string;
- * returns +self+ if any changes, +nil+ otherwise.
- * - #succ!, #next!: Returns +self+ modified to become its own successor.
- * - #replace: Returns +self+ with its entire content replaced by a given string.
- * - #reverse!: Returns +self+ with its characters in reverse order.
- * - #setbyte: Sets the byte at a given integer offset to a given value; returns the argument.
- * - #tr!: Replaces specified characters in +self+ with specified replacement characters;
- * returns +self+ if any changes, +nil+ otherwise.
- * - #tr_s!: Replaces specified characters in +self+ with specified replacement characters,
- * removing duplicates from the substrings that were modified;
- * returns +self+ if any changes, +nil+ otherwise.
- *
- * _Casing_
- *
- * - #capitalize!: Upcases the initial character and downcases all others;
- * returns +self+ if any changes, +nil+ otherwise.
- * - #downcase!: Downcases all characters; returns +self+ if any changes, +nil+ otherwise.
- * - #upcase!: Upcases all characters; returns +self+ if any changes, +nil+ otherwise.
- * - #swapcase!: Upcases each downcase character and downcases each upcase character;
- * returns +self+ if any changes, +nil+ otherwise.
- *
- * _Encoding_
- *
- * - #encode!: Returns +self+ with all characters transcoded from one given encoding into another.
- * - #unicode_normalize!: Unicode-normalizes +self+; returns +self+.
- * - #scrub!: Replaces each invalid byte with a given character; returns +self+.
- * - #force_encoding: Changes the encoding to a given encoding; returns +self+.
- *
- * _Deletion_
- *
- * - #clear: Removes all content, so that +self+ is empty; returns +self+.
- * - #slice!, #[]=: Removes a substring determined by a given index, start/length, range, regexp, or substring.
- * - #squeeze!: Removes contiguous duplicate characters; returns +self+.
- * - #delete!: Removes characters as determined by the intersection of substring arguments.
- * - #lstrip!: Removes leading whitespace; returns +self+ if any changes, +nil+ otherwise.
- * - #rstrip!: Removes trailing whitespace; returns +self+ if any changes, +nil+ otherwise.
- * - #strip!: Removes leading and trailing whitespace; returns +self+ if any changes, +nil+ otherwise.
- * - #chomp!: Removes trailing record separator, if found; returns +self+ if any changes, +nil+ otherwise.
- * - #chop!: Removes trailing newline characters if found; otherwise removes the last character;
- * returns +self+ if any changes, +nil+ otherwise.
- *
- * === Methods for Converting to New \String
- *
- * Each of these methods returns a new \String based on +self+,
- * often just a modified copy of +self+.
- *
- * _Extension_
- *
- * - #*: Returns the concatenation of multiple copies of +self+,
- * - #+: Returns the concatenation of +self+ and a given other string.
- * - #center: Returns a copy of +self+ centered between pad substring.
- * - #concat: Returns the concatenation of +self+ with given other strings.
- * - #prepend: Returns the concatenation of a given other string with +self+.
- * - #ljust: Returns a copy of +self+ of a given length, right-padded with a given other string.
- * - #rjust: Returns a copy of +self+ of a given length, left-padded with a given other string.
- *
- * _Encoding_
- *
- * - #b: Returns a copy of +self+ with ASCII-8BIT encoding.
- * - #scrub: Returns a copy of +self+ with each invalid byte replaced with a given character.
- * - #unicode_normalize: Returns a copy of +self+ with each character Unicode-normalized.
- * - #encode: Returns a copy of +self+ with all characters transcoded from one given encoding into another.
- *
- * _Substitution_
- *
- * - #dump: Returns a copy of +self with all non-printing characters replaced by \xHH notation
- * and all special characters escaped.
- * - #undump: Returns a copy of +self with all <tt>\xNN</tt> notation replace by <tt>\uNNNN</tt> notation
- * and all escaped characters unescaped.
- * - #sub: Returns a copy of +self+ with the first substring matching a given pattern
- * replaced with a given replacement string;.
- * - #gsub: Returns a copy of +self+ with each substring that matches a given pattern
- * replaced with a given replacement string.
- * - #succ, #next: Returns the string that is the successor to +self+.
- * - #reverse: Returns a copy of +self+ with its characters in reverse order.
- * - #tr: Returns a copy of +self+ with specified characters replaced with specified replacement characters.
- * - #tr_s: Returns a copy of +self+ with specified characters replaced with
- specified replacement characters,
- * removing duplicates from the substrings that were modified.
- * - #%: Returns the string resulting from formatting a given object into +self+
- *
- * _Casing_
- *
- * - #capitalize: Returns a copy of +self+ with the first character upcased
- * and all other characters downcased.
- * - #downcase: Returns a copy of +self+ with all characters downcased.
- * - #upcase: Returns a copy of +self+ with all characters upcased.
- * - #swapcase: Returns a copy of +self+ with all upcase characters downcased
- * and all downcase characters upcased.
- *
- * _Deletion_
- *
- * - #delete: Returns a copy of +self+ with characters removed
- * - #delete_prefix: Returns a copy of +self+ with a given prefix removed.
- * - #delete_suffix: Returns a copy of +self+ with a given suffix removed.
- * - #lstrip: Returns a copy of +self+ with leading whitespace removed.
- * - #rstrip: Returns a copy of +self+ with trailing whitespace removed.
- * - #strip: Returns a copy of +self+ with leading and trailing whitespace removed.
- * - #chomp: Returns a copy of +self+ with a trailing record separator removed, if found.
- * - #chop: Returns a copy of +self+ with trailing newline characters or the last character removed.
- * - #squeeze: Returns a copy of +self+ with contiguous duplicate characters removed.
- * - #[], #slice: Returns a substring determined by a given index, start/length, or range, or string.
- * - #byteslice: Returns a substring determined by a given index, start/length, or range.
- * - #chr: Returns the first character.
- *
- * _Duplication_
- *
- * - #to_s, $to_str: If +self+ is a subclass of \String, returns +self+ copied into a \String;
- * otherwise, returns +self+.
- *
- * === Methods for Converting to Non-\String
- *
- * Each of these methods converts the contents of +self+ to a non-\String.
- *
- * <em>Characters, Bytes, and Clusters</em>
- *
- * - #bytes: Returns an array of the bytes in +self+.
- * - #chars: Returns an array of the characters in +self+.
- * - #codepoints: Returns an array of the integer ordinals in +self+.
- * - #getbyte: Returns an integer byte as determined by a given index.
- * - #grapheme_clusters: Returns an array of the grapheme clusters in +self+.
- *
- * _Splitting_
- *
- * - #lines: Returns an array of the lines in +self+, as determined by a given record separator.
- * - #partition: Returns a 3-element array determined by the first substring that matches
- * a given substring or regexp,
- * - #rpartition: Returns a 3-element array determined by the last substring that matches
- * a given substring or regexp,
- * - #split: Returns an array of substrings determined by a given delimiter -- regexp or string --
- * or, if a block given, passes those substrings to the block.
- *
- * _Matching_
- *
- * - #scan: Returns an array of substrings matching a given regexp or string, or,
- * if a block given, passes each matching substring to the block.
- * - #unpack: Returns an array of substrings extracted from +self+ according to a given format.
- * - #unpack1: Returns the first substring extracted from +self+ according to a given format.
- *
- * _Numerics_
- *
- * - #hex: Returns the integer value of the leading characters, interpreted as hexadecimal digits.
- * - #oct: Returns the integer value of the leading characters, interpreted as octal digits.
- * - #ord: Returns the integer ordinal of the first character in +self+.
- * - #to_i: Returns the integer value of leading characters, interpreted as an integer.
- * - #to_f: Returns the floating-point value of leading characters, interpreted as a floating-point number.
- *
- * <em>Strings and Symbols</em>
- *
- * - #inspect: Returns copy of +self+, enclosed in double-quotes, with special characters escaped.
- * - #to_sym, #intern: Returns the symbol corresponding to +self+.
- *
- * === Methods for Iterating
- *
- * - #each_byte: Calls the given block with each successive byte in +self+.
- * - #each_char: Calls the given block with each successive character in +self+.
- * - #each_codepoint: Calls the given block with each successive integer codepoint in +self+.
- * - #each_grapheme_cluster: Calls the given block with each successive grapheme cluster in +self+.
- * - #each_line: Calls the given block with each successive line in +self+,
- * as determined by a given record separator.
- * - #upto: Calls the given block with each string value returned by successive calls to #succ.
- */