path: root/ruby_2_2/lib/rubygems/dependency_installer.rb
diff options
authorusa <usa@b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e>2017-12-14 15:09:35 +0000
committerusa <usa@b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e>2017-12-14 15:09:35 +0000
commit1a74fa4b04da04bd2bb33103dd3cf431438df38e (patch)
treef4a1d6c2961339e0c1d653c0f8427a53315080f0 /ruby_2_2/lib/rubygems/dependency_installer.rb
parenta5b755e50e2d9aabf28ba24bf58644ca22b01a4f (diff)
add tag v2_2_9
git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
Diffstat (limited to 'ruby_2_2/lib/rubygems/dependency_installer.rb')
1 files changed, 480 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ruby_2_2/lib/rubygems/dependency_installer.rb b/ruby_2_2/lib/rubygems/dependency_installer.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..039d046da2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_2_2/lib/rubygems/dependency_installer.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,480 @@
+require 'rubygems'
+require 'rubygems/dependency_list'
+require 'rubygems/package'
+require 'rubygems/installer'
+require 'rubygems/spec_fetcher'
+require 'rubygems/user_interaction'
+require 'rubygems/source'
+require 'rubygems/available_set'
+# Installs a gem along with all its dependencies from local and remote gems.
+class Gem::DependencyInstaller
+ include Gem::UserInteraction
+ DEFAULT_OPTIONS = { # :nodoc:
+ :env_shebang => false,
+ :document => %w[ri],
+ :domain => :both, # HACK dup
+ :force => false,
+ :format_executable => false, # HACK dup
+ :ignore_dependencies => false,
+ :prerelease => false,
+ :security_policy => nil, # HACK NoSecurity requires OpenSSL. AlmostNo? Low?
+ :wrappers => true,
+ :build_args => nil,
+ :build_docs_in_background => false,
+ :install_as_default => false
+ }.freeze
+ ##
+ # Documentation types. For use by the Gem.done_installing hook
+ attr_reader :document
+ ##
+ # Errors from SpecFetcher while searching for remote specifications
+ attr_reader :errors
+ ##
+ #--
+ # TODO remove, no longer used
+ attr_reader :gems_to_install # :nodoc:
+ ##
+ # List of gems installed by #install in alphabetic order
+ attr_reader :installed_gems
+ ##
+ # Creates a new installer instance.
+ #
+ # Options are:
+ # :cache_dir:: Alternate repository path to store .gem files in.
+ # :domain:: :local, :remote, or :both. :local only searches gems in the
+ # current directory. :remote searches only gems in Gem::sources.
+ # :both searches both.
+ # :env_shebang:: See Gem::Installer::new.
+ # :force:: See Gem::Installer#install.
+ # :format_executable:: See Gem::Installer#initialize.
+ # :ignore_dependencies:: Don't install any dependencies.
+ # :install_dir:: See Gem::Installer#install.
+ # :prerelease:: Allow prerelease versions. See #install.
+ # :security_policy:: See Gem::Installer::new and Gem::Security.
+ # :user_install:: See
+ # :wrappers:: See Gem::Installer::new
+ # :build_args:: See Gem::Installer::new
+ def initialize options = {}
+ @only_install_dir = !!options[:install_dir]
+ @install_dir = options[:install_dir] || Gem.dir
+ @build_root = options[:build_root]
+ options = DEFAULT_OPTIONS.merge options
+ @bin_dir = options[:bin_dir]
+ @dev_shallow = options[:dev_shallow]
+ @development = options[:development]
+ @document = options[:document]
+ @domain = options[:domain]
+ @env_shebang = options[:env_shebang]
+ @force = options[:force]
+ @format_executable = options[:format_executable]
+ @ignore_dependencies = options[:ignore_dependencies]
+ @prerelease = options[:prerelease]
+ @security_policy = options[:security_policy]
+ @user_install = options[:user_install]
+ @wrappers = options[:wrappers]
+ @build_args = options[:build_args]
+ @build_docs_in_background = options[:build_docs_in_background]
+ @install_as_default = options[:install_as_default]
+ # Indicates that we should not try to update any deps unless
+ # we absolutely must.
+ @minimal_deps = options[:minimal_deps]
+ @available = nil
+ @installed_gems = []
+ @toplevel_specs = nil
+ @cache_dir = options[:cache_dir] || @install_dir
+ @errors = []
+ end
+ ##
+ #--
+ # TODO remove, no longer used
+ def add_found_dependencies to_do, dependency_list # :nodoc:
+ seen = {}
+ dependencies = { |h, name| h[name] = name }
+ until to_do.empty? do
+ spec = to_do.shift
+ # HACK why is spec nil?
+ next if spec.nil? or seen[]
+ seen[] = true
+ deps = spec.runtime_dependencies
+ if @development
+ if @dev_shallow
+ if @toplevel_specs.include? spec.full_name
+ deps |= spec.development_dependencies
+ end
+ else
+ deps |= spec.development_dependencies
+ end
+ end
+ deps.each do |dep|
+ dependencies[] = dependencies[].merge dep
+ if @minimal_deps
+ next if Gem::Specification.any? do |installed_spec|
+ == and
+ dep.requirement.satisfied_by? installed_spec.version
+ end
+ end
+ results = find_gems_with_sources(dep)
+ results.sorted.each do |t|
+ to_do.push t.spec
+ end
+ results.remove_installed! dep
+ @available << results
+ results.inject_into_list dependency_list
+ end
+ end
+ dependency_list.remove_specs_unsatisfied_by dependencies
+ end
+ ##
+ # Creates an AvailableSet to install from based on +dep_or_name+ and
+ # +version+
+ def available_set_for dep_or_name, version # :nodoc:
+ if String === dep_or_name then
+ find_spec_by_name_and_version dep_or_name, version, @prerelease
+ else
+ dep = dep_or_name.dup
+ dep.prerelease = @prerelease
+ @available = find_gems_with_sources dep
+ end
+ @available.pick_best!
+ end
+ ##
+ # Indicated, based on the requested domain, if local
+ # gems should be considered.
+ def consider_local?
+ @domain == :both or @domain == :local
+ end
+ ##
+ # Indicated, based on the requested domain, if remote
+ # gems should be considered.
+ def consider_remote?
+ @domain == :both or @domain == :remote
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns a list of pairs of gemspecs and source_uris that match
+ # Gem::Dependency +dep+ from both local (Dir.pwd) and remote (Gem.sources)
+ # sources. Gems are sorted with newer gems preferred over older gems, and
+ # local gems preferred over remote gems.
+ def find_gems_with_sources dep, best_only=false # :nodoc:
+ set =
+ if consider_local?
+ sl =
+ if spec = sl.find_gem(
+ if dep.matches_spec? spec
+ set.add spec, sl
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if consider_remote?
+ begin
+ # TODO this is pulled from #spec_for_dependency to allow
+ # us to filter tuples before fetching specs.
+ #
+ tuples, errors = Gem::SpecFetcher.fetcher.search_for_dependency dep
+ if best_only && !tuples.empty?
+ tuples.sort! { |a,b| b[0].version <=> a[0].version }
+ tuples = [tuples.first]
+ end
+ specs = []
+ tuples.each do |tup, source|
+ begin
+ spec = source.fetch_spec(tup)
+ rescue Gem::RemoteFetcher::FetchError => e
+ errors <<, e)
+ else
+ specs << [spec, source]
+ end
+ end
+ if @errors
+ @errors += errors
+ else
+ @errors = errors
+ end
+ set << specs
+ rescue Gem::RemoteFetcher::FetchError => e
+ # FIX if there is a problem talking to the network, we either need to always tell
+ # the user (no really_verbose) or fail hard, not silently tell them that we just
+ # couldn't find their requested gem.
+ verbose do
+ "Error fetching remote data:\t\t#{e.message}\n" \
+ "Falling back to local-only install"
+ end
+ @domain = :local
+ end
+ end
+ set
+ end
+ ##
+ # Finds a spec and the source_uri it came from for gem +gem_name+ and
+ # +version+. Returns an Array of specs and sources required for
+ # installation of the gem.
+ def find_spec_by_name_and_version gem_name,
+ version = Gem::Requirement.default,
+ prerelease = false
+ set =
+ if consider_local?
+ if gem_name =~ /\.gem$/ and File.file? gem_name then
+ src =
+ set.add src.spec, src
+ elsif gem_name =~ /\.gem$/ then
+ Dir[gem_name].each do |name|
+ begin
+ src = name
+ set.add src.spec, src
+ rescue Gem::Package::FormatError
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ local =
+ if s = local.find_gem(gem_name, version)
+ set.add s, local
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if set.empty?
+ dep = gem_name, version
+ dep.prerelease = true if prerelease
+ set = find_gems_with_sources(dep, true)
+ set.match_platform!
+ end
+ if set.empty?
+ raise, version, @errors)
+ end
+ @available = set
+ end
+ ##
+ # Gathers all dependencies necessary for the installation from local and
+ # remote sources unless the ignore_dependencies was given.
+ #--
+ # TODO remove at RubyGems 3
+ def gather_dependencies # :nodoc:
+ specs = @available.all_specs
+ # these gems were listed by the user, always install them
+ keep_names = { |spec| spec.full_name }
+ if @dev_shallow
+ @toplevel_specs = keep_names
+ end
+ dependency_list = @development
+ dependency_list.add(*specs)
+ to_do = specs.dup
+ add_found_dependencies to_do, dependency_list unless @ignore_dependencies
+ # REFACTOR maybe abstract away using Gem::Specification.include? so
+ # that this isn't dependent only on the currently installed gems
+ dependency_list.specs.reject! { |spec|
+ not keep_names.include?(spec.full_name) and
+ Gem::Specification.include?(spec)
+ }
+ unless dependency_list.ok? or @ignore_dependencies or @force then
+ reason = dependency_list.why_not_ok?.map { |k,v|
+ "#{k} requires #{v.join(", ")}"
+ }.join("; ")
+ raise Gem::DependencyError, "Unable to resolve dependencies: #{reason}"
+ end
+ @gems_to_install = dependency_list.dependency_order.reverse
+ end
+ def in_background what # :nodoc:
+ fork_happened = false
+ if @build_docs_in_background and Process.respond_to?(:fork)
+ begin
+ Process.fork do
+ yield
+ end
+ fork_happened = true
+ say "#{what} in a background process."
+ rescue NotImplementedError
+ end
+ end
+ yield unless fork_happened
+ end
+ ##
+ # Installs the gem +dep_or_name+ and all its dependencies. Returns an Array
+ # of installed gem specifications.
+ #
+ # If the +:prerelease+ option is set and there is a prerelease for
+ # +dep_or_name+ the prerelease version will be installed.
+ #
+ # Unless explicitly specified as a prerelease dependency, prerelease gems
+ # that +dep_or_name+ depend on will not be installed.
+ #
+ # If c-1.a depends on b-1 and a-1.a and there is a gem b-1.a available then
+ # c-1.a, b-1 and a-1.a will be installed. b-1.a will need to be installed
+ # separately.
+ def install dep_or_name, version = Gem::Requirement.default
+ request_set = resolve_dependencies dep_or_name, version
+ @installed_gems = []
+ options = {
+ :bin_dir => @bin_dir,
+ :build_args => @build_args,
+ :document => @document,
+ :env_shebang => @env_shebang,
+ :force => @force,
+ :format_executable => @format_executable,
+ :ignore_dependencies => @ignore_dependencies,
+ :prerelease => @prerelease,
+ :security_policy => @security_policy,
+ :user_install => @user_install,
+ :wrappers => @wrappers,
+ :build_root => @build_root,
+ :install_as_default => @install_as_default
+ }
+ options[:install_dir] = @install_dir if @only_install_dir
+ request_set.install options do |_, installer|
+ @installed_gems << installer.spec if installer
+ end
+ @installed_gems.sort!
+ # Since this is currently only called for docs, we can be lazy and just say
+ # it's documentation. Ideally the hook adder could decide whether to be in
+ # the background or not, and what to call it.
+ in_background "Installing documentation" do
+ Gem.done_installing_hooks.each do |hook|
+ self, @installed_gems
+ end
+ end unless Gem.done_installing_hooks.empty?
+ @installed_gems
+ end
+ def install_development_deps # :nodoc:
+ if @development and @dev_shallow then
+ :shallow
+ elsif @development then
+ :all
+ else
+ :none
+ end
+ end
+ def resolve_dependencies dep_or_name, version # :nodoc:
+ request_set =
+ request_set.development = @development
+ request_set.development_shallow = @dev_shallow
+ request_set.soft_missing = @force
+ request_set.prerelease = @prerelease
+ request_set.remote = false unless consider_remote?
+ installer_set = @domain
+ installer_set.ignore_installed = @only_install_dir
+ if consider_local?
+ if dep_or_name =~ /\.gem$/ and File.file? dep_or_name then
+ src = dep_or_name
+ installer_set.add_local dep_or_name, src.spec, src
+ version = src.spec.version if version == Gem::Requirement.default
+ elsif dep_or_name =~ /\.gem$/ then
+ Dir[dep_or_name].each do |name|
+ begin
+ src = name
+ installer_set.add_local dep_or_name, src.spec, src
+ rescue Gem::Package::FormatError
+ end
+ end
+ # else This is a dependency. InstallerSet handles this case
+ end
+ end
+ dependency =
+ if spec = installer_set.local?(dep_or_name) then
+, version
+ elsif String === dep_or_name then
+ dep_or_name, version
+ else
+ dep_or_name
+ end
+ dependency.prerelease = @prerelease
+ request_set.import [dependency]
+ installer_set.add_always_install dependency
+ request_set.always_install = installer_set.always_install
+ if @ignore_dependencies then
+ installer_set.ignore_dependencies = true
+ request_set.ignore_dependencies = true
+ request_set.soft_missing = true
+ end
+ request_set.resolve installer_set
+ @errors.concat request_set.errors
+ request_set
+ end