path: root/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest
diff options
authorusa <usa@b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e>2017-12-14 15:59:18 +0000
committerusa <usa@b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e>2017-12-14 15:59:18 +0000
commit72113d58cd2fc62b3f4ef3d2eb6cec37393532a4 (patch)
tree534843caaea28f1171378c1ac5bea0184ed04054 /ruby_2_2/bootstraptest
parent1a74fa4b04da04bd2bb33103dd3cf431438df38e (diff)
parent02b8978ff10b05304dbb46d73b49a2cf3a87cb92 (diff)
add tag v2_2_9v2_2_9
git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
Diffstat (limited to 'ruby_2_2/bootstraptest')
27 files changed, 0 insertions, 6952 deletions
diff --git a/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/pending.rb b/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/pending.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 744c0adac1..0000000000
--- a/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/pending.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-assert_equal 'A', %q{
- class A
- @@a = 'A'
- def a=(x)
- @@a = x
- end
- def a
- @@a
- end
- end
- B = A.dup
- = 'B'
-}, '[ruby-core:17019]'
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- def m
- lambda{
- proc{
- return :ng1
- }
- }
- :ng2
- end
- begin
- m()
- rescue LocalJumpError
- :ok
- end
-assert_normal_exit %q{
- r = Range.allocate
- def r.<=>(o) true end
- r.instance_eval { initialize r, r }
- r.inspect
diff --git a/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/runner.rb b/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/runner.rb
deleted file mode 100755
index d58b824386..0000000000
--- a/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/runner.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,505 +0,0 @@
-"exec" "${RUBY-ruby}" "-x" "$0" "$@" || true # -*- mode: ruby; coding: utf-8 -*-
-# $Id$
-# NOTE:
-# Never use optparse in this file.
-# Never use test/unit in this file.
-# Never use Ruby extensions in this file.
- require 'fileutils'
- require 'tmpdir'
-rescue LoadError
- $:.unshift File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../lib')
- retry
-if !Dir.respond_to?(:mktmpdir)
- # copied from lib/tmpdir.rb
- def Dir.mktmpdir(prefix_suffix=nil, tmpdir=nil)
- case prefix_suffix
- when nil
- prefix = "d"
- suffix = ""
- when String
- prefix = prefix_suffix
- suffix = ""
- when Array
- prefix = prefix_suffix[0]
- suffix = prefix_suffix[1]
- else
- raise ArgumentError, "unexpected prefix_suffix: #{prefix_suffix.inspect}"
- end
- tmpdir ||= Dir.tmpdir
- t ="%Y%m%d")
- n = nil
- begin
- path = "#{tmpdir}/#{prefix}#{t}-#{$$}-#{rand(0x100000000).to_s(36)}"
- path << "-#{n}" if n
- path << suffix
- Dir.mkdir(path, 0700)
- rescue Errno::EEXIST
- n ||= 0
- n += 1
- retry
- end
- if block_given?
- begin
- yield path
- ensure
- FileUtils.remove_entry_secure path
- end
- else
- path
- end
- end
-def main
- @ruby = File.expand_path('miniruby')
- @verbose = false
- $stress = false
- @color = nil
- @tty = nil
- @quiet = false
- dir = nil
- quiet = false
- tests = nil
- ARGV.delete_if {|arg|
- case arg
- when /\A--ruby=(.*)/
- @ruby = $1
- @ruby.gsub!(/^([^ ]*)/){File.expand_path($1)}
- @ruby.gsub!(/(\s+-I\s*)((?!(?:\.\/)*-(?:\s|\z))\S+)/){$1+File.expand_path($2)}
- @ruby.gsub!(/(\s+-r\s*)(\.\.?\/\S+)/){$1+File.expand_path($2)}
- true
- when /\A--sets=(.*)/
- tests = Dir.glob("#{File.dirname($0)}/test_{#{$1}}*.rb").sort
- puts {|path| File.basename(path) }.inspect
- true
- when /\A--dir=(.*)/
- dir = $1
- true
- when /\A(--stress|-s)/
- $stress = true
- when /\A--color(?:=(?:always|(auto)|(never)|(.*)))?\z/
- warn "unknown --color argument: #$3" if $3
- @color = $1 ? nil : !$2
- true
- when /\A--tty(=(?:yes|(no)|(.*)))?\z/
- warn "unknown --tty argument: #$3" if $3
- @tty = !$1 || !$2
- true
- when /\A(-q|--q(uiet))\z/
- quiet = true
- @quiet = true
- true
- when /\A(-v|--v(erbose))\z/
- @verbose = true
- when /\A(-h|--h(elp)?)\z/
- puts(<<-End)
-Usage: #{File.basename($0, '.*')} --ruby=PATH [--sets=NAME,NAME,...]
- --sets=NAME,NAME,... Name of test sets.
- --dir=DIRECTORY Working directory.
- default: /tmp/bootstraptestXXXXX.tmpwd
- --color[=WHEN] Colorize the output. WHEN defaults to 'always'
- or can be 'never' or 'auto'.
- -s, --stress stress test.
- -v, --verbose Output test name before exec.
- -q, --quiet Don\'t print header message.
- -h, --help Print this message and quit.
- exit true
- when /\A-j/
- true
- else
- false
- end
- }
- if tests and not ARGV.empty?
- $stderr.puts "--tests and arguments are exclusive"
- exit false
- end
- tests ||= ARGV
- tests = Dir.glob("#{File.dirname($0)}/test_*.rb").sort if tests.empty?
- pathes = {|path| File.expand_path(path) }
- @progress = %w[- \\ | /]
- @progress_bs = "\b" * @progress[0].size
- @tty = $stderr.tty? if @tty.nil?
- case @color
- when nil
- @color = @tty && /dumb/ !~ ENV["TERM"]
- end
- @tty &&= !@verbose
- if @color
- # dircolors-like style
- colors = (colors = ENV['TEST_COLORS']) ? Hash[colors.scan(/(\w+)=([^:]*)/)] : {}
- @passed = "\e[#{colors["pass"] || "32"}m"
- @failed = "\e[#{colors["fail"] || "31"}m"
- @reset = "\e[m"
- else
- @passed = @failed = @reset = ""
- end
- unless quiet
- puts
- if defined?(RUBY_DESCRIPTION)
- puts "Driver is #{RUBY_DESCRIPTION}"
- elsif defined?(RUBY_PATCHLEVEL)
- else
- puts "Driver is ruby #{RUBY_VERSION} (#{RUBY_RELEASE_DATE}) [#{RUBY_PLATFORM}]"
- end
- puts "Target is #{`#{@ruby} -v`.chomp}"
- puts
- $stdout.flush
- end
- in_temporary_working_directory(dir) {
- exec_test pathes
- }
-def erase(e = true)
- if e and @columns > 0 and !@verbose
- "\r#{" "*@columns}\r"
- else
- ""
- end
-def exec_test(pathes)
- @count = 0
- @error = 0
- @errbuf = []
- @location = nil
- @columns = 0
- @width = {|path| File.basename(path).size}.max + 2
- pathes.each do |path|
- @basename = File.basename(path)
- $stderr.printf("%s%-*s ", erase(@quiet), @width, @basename)
- $stderr.flush
- @columns = @width + 1
- $stderr.puts if @verbose
- count = @count
- error = @error
- load File.expand_path(path)
- if @tty
- if @error == error
- msg = "PASS #{@count-count}"
- @columns += msg.size - 1
- $stderr.print "#{@progress_bs}#{@passed}#{msg}#{@reset}"
- else
- msg = "FAIL #{@error-error}/#{@count-count}"
- $stderr.print "#{@progress_bs}#{@failed}#{msg}#{@reset}"
- @columns = 0
- end
- end
- $stderr.puts unless @quiet and @tty and @error == error
- end
- $stderr.print(erase) if @quiet
- if @error == 0
- if @count == 0
- $stderr.puts "No tests, no problem"
- else
- $stderr.puts "#{@passed}PASS#{@reset} all #{@count} tests"
- end
- exit true
- else
- @errbuf.each do |msg|
- $stderr.puts msg
- end
- $stderr.puts "#{@failed}FAIL#{@reset} #{@error}/#{@count} tests failed"
- exit false
- end
-def show_progress(message = '')
- if @verbose
- $stderr.print "\##{@count} #{@location} "
- elsif @tty
- $stderr.print "#{@progress_bs}#{@progress[@count % @progress.size]}"
- end
- t = if @verbose
- faildesc, errout = with_stderr {yield}
- t = - t if @verbose
- if !faildesc
- if @tty
- $stderr.print "#{@progress_bs}#{@progress[@count % @progress.size]}"
- elsif @verbose
- $stderr.printf(". %.3f\n", t)
- else
- $stderr.print '.'
- end
- else
- $stderr.print "#{@failed}F"
- $stderr.printf(" %.3f", t) if @verbose
- $stderr.print "#{@reset}"
- $stderr.puts if @verbose
- error faildesc, message
- unless errout.empty?
- $stderr.print "#{@failed}stderr output is not empty#{@reset}\n", adjust_indent(errout)
- end
- if @tty and !@verbose
- $stderr.printf("%-*s%s", @width, @basename, @progress[@count % @progress.size])
- end
- end
-rescue Interrupt
- raise Interrupt
-rescue Exception => err
- $stderr.print 'E'
- $stderr.puts if @verbose
- error err.message, message
-# NativeClient is special. The binary is cross-compiled. But runs on the build environment.
-# So RUBY_PLATFORM in this process is not useful to detect it.
-def nacl?
- @ruby and File.basename(@ruby.split(/\s/).first)['sel_ldr']
-def assert_check(testsrc, message = '', opt = '')
- show_progress(message) {
- result = get_result_string(testsrc, opt)
- check_coredump
- yield(result)
- }
-def assert_equal(expected, testsrc, message = '')
- newtest
- assert_check(testsrc, message) {|result|
- if expected == result
- nil
- else
- desc = "#{result.inspect} (expected #{expected.inspect})"
- pretty(testsrc, desc, result)
- end
- }
-def assert_match(expected_pattern, testsrc, message = '')
- newtest
- assert_check(testsrc, message) {|result|
- if expected_pattern =~ result
- nil
- else
- desc = "#{expected_pattern.inspect} expected to be =~\n#{result.inspect}"
- pretty(testsrc, desc, result)
- end
- }
-def assert_not_match(unexpected_pattern, testsrc, message = '')
- newtest
- assert_check(testsrc, message) {|result|
- if unexpected_pattern !~ result
- nil
- else
- desc = "#{unexpected_pattern.inspect} expected to be !~\n#{result.inspect}"
- pretty(testsrc, desc, result)
- end
- }
-def assert_valid_syntax(testsrc, message = '')
- newtest
- assert_check(testsrc, message, '-c') {|result|
- result if /Syntax OK/ !~ result
- }
-def assert_normal_exit(testsrc, *rest)
- newtest
- opt = {}
- opt = rest.pop if Hash === rest.last
- message, ignore_signals = rest
- message ||= ''
- timeout = opt[:timeout]
- show_progress(message) {
- faildesc = nil
- filename = make_srcfile(testsrc)
- old_stderr = $stderr.dup
- timeout_signaled = false
- begin
- $stderr.reopen("assert_normal_exit.log", "w")
- io = IO.popen("#{@ruby} -W0 #{filename}")
- pid =
- th = {
- io.close
- $?
- }
- if !th.join(timeout)
- Process.kill :KILL, pid
- timeout_signaled = true
- end
- status = th.value
- ensure
- $stderr.reopen(old_stderr)
- old_stderr.close
- end
- if status && status.signaled?
- signo = status.termsig
- signame = Signal.list.invert[signo]
- unless ignore_signals and ignore_signals.include?(signame)
- sigdesc = "signal #{signo}"
- if signame
- sigdesc = "SIG#{signame} (#{sigdesc})"
- end
- if timeout_signaled
- sigdesc << " (timeout)"
- end
- faildesc = pretty(testsrc, "killed by #{sigdesc}", nil)
- stderr_log ="assert_normal_exit.log")
- if !stderr_log.empty?
- faildesc << "\n" if /\n\z/ !~ faildesc
- stderr_log << "\n" if /\n\z/ !~ stderr_log
- stderr_log.gsub!(/^.*\n/) { '| ' + $& }
- faildesc << stderr_log
- end
- end
- end
- faildesc
- }
-def assert_finish(timeout_seconds, testsrc, message = '')
- newtest
- show_progress(message) {
- faildesc = nil
- filename = make_srcfile(testsrc)
- io = IO.popen("#{@ruby} -W0 #{filename}")
- pid =
- waited = false
- tlimit = + timeout_seconds
- while < tlimit
- if Process.waitpid pid, Process::WNOHANG
- waited = true
- break
- end
- sleep 0.1
- end
- if !waited
- Process.kill(:KILL, pid)
- Process.waitpid pid
- faildesc = pretty(testsrc, "not finished in #{timeout_seconds} seconds", nil)
- end
- io.close
- faildesc
- }
-def flunk(message = '')
- newtest
- show_progress('') { message }
-def pretty(src, desc, result)
- src = src.sub(/\A.*\n/, '')
- (/\n/ =~ src ? "\n#{adjust_indent(src)}" : src) + " #=> #{desc}"
-INDENT = 27
-def adjust_indent(src)
- untabify(src).gsub(/^ {#{INDENT}}/o, '').gsub(/^/, ' ').sub(/\s*\z/, "\n")
-def untabify(str)
- str.gsub(/^\t+/) {' ' * (8 * $&.size) }
-def make_srcfile(src)
- filename = 'bootstraptest.tmp.rb'
-, 'w') {|f|
- f.puts "GC.stress = true" if $stress
- f.puts "print(begin; #{src}; end)"
- }
- filename
-def get_result_string(src, opt = '')
- if @ruby
- filename = make_srcfile(src)
- begin
- `#{@ruby} -W0 #{opt} #{filename}`
- ensure
- raise Interrupt if $? and $?.signaled? && $?.termsig == Signal.list["INT"]
- raise CoreDumpError, "core dumped" if $? and $?.coredump?
- end
- else
- eval(src).to_s
- end
-def with_stderr
- out = err = nil
- begin
- r, w = IO.pipe
- stderr = $stderr.dup
- $stderr.reopen(w)
- w.close
- reader = Thread.start {}
- begin
- out = yield
- ensure
- $stderr.reopen(stderr)
- err = reader.value
- end
- ensure
- w.close rescue nil
- r.close rescue nil
- end
- return out, err
-def newtest
- @location = File.basename(caller(2).first)
- @count += 1
- cleanup_coredump
-def error(msg, additional_message)
- msg = "#{@failed}\##{@count} #{@location}#{@reset}: #{msg} #{additional_message}"
- if @tty
- $stderr.puts "#{erase}#{msg}"
- else
- @errbuf.push msg
- end
- @error += 1
-def in_temporary_working_directory(dir)
- if dir
- Dir.mkdir dir
- Dir.chdir(dir) {
- yield
- }
- else
- Dir.mktmpdir(["bootstraptest", ".tmpwd"]) {|d|
- Dir.chdir(d) {
- yield
- }
- }
- end
-def cleanup_coredump
- FileUtils.rm_f 'core'
- FileUtils.rm_f Dir.glob('core.*')
- FileUtils.rm_f @ruby+'.stackdump' if @ruby
-class CoreDumpError < StandardError; end
-def check_coredump
- if File.file?('core') or not Dir.glob('core.*').empty? or
- (@ruby and File.exist?(@ruby+'.stackdump'))
- raise CoreDumpError, "core dumped"
- end
diff --git a/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/test_attr.rb b/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/test_attr.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 721a847145..0000000000
--- a/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/test_attr.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- module M
- class A
- class << self
- attr_accessor :at
- def workflow_rule
- yield self
- end
- def eval_str(str)
- eval(str)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- begin
- M::A.eval_str(<<-END)
- workflow_rule do |r|
- 1
- end
- rescue ArgumentError => e
- print "ok"
- end
-}, '[ruby-core:14641]'
-assert_equal %{ok}, %{
- class A
- attr :m
- end
- begin
- rescue ArgumentError => e
- print "ok"
- end
-}, '[ruby-core:15120]'
diff --git a/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/test_autoload.rb b/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/test_autoload.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index a9f8e6dacd..0000000000
--- a/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/test_autoload.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- File.unlink('zzz.rb') if File.file?('zzz.rb')
- instance_eval do
- autoload :ZZZ, './zzz.rb'
- begin
- rescue LoadError
- :ok
- end
- end
-}, '[ruby-dev:43816]'
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- open('zzz.rb', 'w') {|f| f.puts '' }
- instance_eval do
- autoload :ZZZ, './zzz.rb'
- begin
- rescue NameError
- :ok
- end
- end
-}, '[ruby-dev:43816]'
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- open('zzz.rb', 'w') {|f| f.puts 'class ZZZ; def self.ok;:ok;end;end'}
- instance_eval do
- autoload :ZZZ, './zzz.rb'
- ZZZ.ok
- end
-}, '[ruby-dev:43816]'
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- open("zzz.rb", "w") {|f| f.puts "class ZZZ; def self.ok;:ok;end;end"}
- autoload :ZZZ, "./zzz.rb"
- ZZZ.ok
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- open("zzz.rb", "w") {|f| f.puts "class ZZZ; def self.ok;:ok;end;end"}
- autoload :ZZZ, "./zzz.rb"
- require "./zzz.rb"
- ZZZ.ok
-assert_equal 'okok', %q{
- open("zzz.rb", "w") {|f| f.puts "class ZZZ; def self.ok;:ok;end;end"}
- autoload :ZZZ, "./zzz.rb"
- t1 = {ZZZ.ok}
- t2 = {ZZZ.ok}
- [t1.value, t2.value].join
-assert_finish 5, %q{
- autoload :ZZZ, File.expand_path(__FILE__)
- begin
- rescue NameError
- end
-}, '[ruby-core:21696]'
-assert_equal 'A::C', %q{
- open("zzz.rb", "w") {}
- class A
- autoload :C, "./zzz"
- class C
- end
- C
- end
diff --git a/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/test_block.rb b/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/test_block.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index cdc5960a59..0000000000
--- a/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/test_block.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,613 +0,0 @@
-assert_equal %q{1}, %q{
- 1.times{
- begin
- a = 1
- ensure
- foo = nil
- end
- }
-assert_equal %q{2}, %q{
- [1,2,3].find{|x| x == 2}
-assert_equal %q{2}, %q{
- class E
- include Enumerable
- def each(&block)
- [1, 2, 3].each(&block)
- end
- end
- {|x| x == 2 }
-assert_equal %q{6}, %q{
- sum = 0
- for x in [1, 2, 3]
- sum += x
- end
- sum
-assert_equal %q{15}, %q{
- sum = 0
- for x in (1..5)
- sum += x
- end
- sum
-assert_equal %q{0}, %q{
- sum = 0
- for x in []
- sum += x
- end
- sum
-assert_equal %q{1}, %q{
- ans = []
- 1.times{
- for n in 1..3
- a = n
- ans << a
- end
- }
-assert_equal %q{1..3}, %q{
- ans = []
- for m in 1..3
- for n in 1..3
- a = [m, n]
- ans << a
- end
- end
-assert_equal %q{[1, 2, 3]}, %q{
- (1..3).to_a
-assert_equal %q{[4, 8, 12]}, %q{
- (1..3).map{|e|
- e * 4
- }
-assert_equal %q{[1, 2, 3]}, %q{
- class C
- include Enumerable
- def each
- [1,2,3].each{|e|
- yield e
- }
- end
- end
-assert_equal %q{[4, 5, 6]}, %q{
- class C
- include Enumerable
- def each
- [1,2,3].each{|e|
- yield e
- }
- end
- end
- e + 3
- }
-assert_equal %q{100}, %q{
- def m
- yield
- end
- def n
- yield
- end
- m{
- n{
- 100
- }
- }
-assert_equal %q{20}, %q{
- def m
- yield 1
- end
- m{|ib|
- m{|jb|
- i = 20
- }
- }
-assert_equal %q{2}, %q{
- def m
- yield 1
- end
- m{|ib|
- m{|jb|
- ib = 20
- kb = 2
- }
- }
-assert_equal %q{3}, %q{
- def iter1
- iter2{
- yield
- }
- end
- def iter2
- yield
- end
- iter1{
- jb = 2
- iter1{
- jb = 3
- }
- jb
- }
-assert_equal %q{2}, %q{
- def iter1
- iter2{
- yield
- }
- end
- def iter2
- yield
- end
- iter1{
- jb = 2
- iter1{
- jb
- }
- jb
- }
-assert_equal %q{2}, %q{
- def m
- yield 1
- end
- m{|ib|
- ib*2
- }
-assert_equal %q{92580}, %q{
- def m
- yield 12345, 67890
- end
- m{|ib,jb|
- ib*2+jb
- }
-assert_equal %q{[10, nil]}, %q{
- def iter
- yield 10
- end
- a = nil
- [iter{|a|
- a
- }, a]
-assert_equal %q{21}, %q{
- def iter
- yield 10
- end
- iter{|a|
- iter{|a|
- a + 1
- } + a
- }
-assert_equal %q{[10, 20, 30, 40, nil, nil, nil, nil]}, %q{
- def iter
- yield 10, 20, 30, 40
- end
- a = b = c = d = nil
- iter{|a, b, c, d|
- [a, b, c, d]
- } + [a, b, c, d]
-assert_equal %q{[10, 20, 30, 40, nil, nil]}, %q{
- def iter
- yield 10, 20, 30, 40
- end
- a = b = nil
- iter{|a, b, c, d|
- [a, b, c, d]
- } + [a, b]
-assert_equal %q{[1]}, %q{
- $a = []
- def iter
- yield 1
- end
- def m
- x = iter{|x|
- $a << x
- y = 0
- }
- end
- m
- $a
-assert_equal %q{[1, [2]]}, %q{
- def iter
- yield 1, 2
- end
- iter{|a, *b|
- [a, b]
- }
-assert_equal %q{[[1, 2]]}, %q{
- def iter
- yield 1, 2
- end
- iter{|*a|
- [a]
- }
-assert_equal %q{[1, 2, []]}, %q{
- def iter
- yield 1, 2
- end
- iter{|a, b, *c|
- [a, b, c]
- }
-assert_equal %q{[1, 2, nil, []]}, %q{
- def iter
- yield 1, 2
- end
- iter{|a, b, c, *d|
- [a, b, c, d]
- }
-assert_equal %q{1}, %q{
- def m
- yield
- end
- m{
- 1
- }
-assert_equal %q{15129}, %q{
- def m
- yield 123
- end
- m{|ib|
- m{|jb|
- ib*jb
- }
- }
-assert_equal %q{2}, %q{
- def m a
- yield a
- end
- m(1){|ib|
- m(2){|jb|
- ib*jb
- }
- }
-assert_equal %q{9}, %q{
- sum = 0
- 3.times{|ib|
- 2.times{|jb|
- sum += ib + jb
- }}
- sum
-assert_equal %q{10}, %q{
- 3.times{|bl|
- break 10
- }
-assert_equal %q{[1, 2]}, %q{
- def iter
- yield 1,2,3
- end
- iter{|i, j|
- [i, j]
- }
-assert_equal %q{[1, nil]}, %q{
- def iter
- yield 1
- end
- iter{|i, j|
- [i, j]
- }
-assert_equal '0', %q{
-def m()
-m {|(v0,*,(*)),|}
-m {|(*v0,(*)),|}
-m {|(v0,*v1,(*)),|}
-m {|((v0,*v1,v2)),|}
-m {|(v0,*v1,v2),|}
-m {|(v0,*v1,(v2)),|}
-m {|((*),*v0,v1),|}
-m {|((v0),*v1,v2),|}
-m {|(v0,v1,*v2,v3),|}
-m {|v0,(v1,*v2,v3),|}
-m {|(v0,*v1,v2),v3,|}
-m {|(v0,*v1,v2)|}
-m {|(v0,*v1,v2),&v3|}
-m {|(v0,*v1,v2),*|}
-m {|(v0,*v1,v2),*,&v3|}
-m {|*,(v0,*v1,v2)|}
-m {|*,(v0,*v1,v2),&v3|}
-m {|v0,*,(v1,*v2,v3)|}
-m {|v0,*,(v1,*v2,v3),&v4|}
-m {|(v0,*v1,v2),*,v3|}
-m {|(v0,*v1,v2),*,v3,&v4|}
-m {|(v0, *v1, v2)|}
-m {|(*,v)|}
-}, "block parameter (shouldn't SEGV: [ruby-dev:31143])"
-assert_equal 'nil', %q{
- def m
- yield
- end
- m{|&b| b}.inspect
-}, '[ruby-dev:31147]'
-assert_equal 'nil', %q{
- def m()
- yield
- end
- m {|(v,(*))|}.inspect
-}, '[ruby-dev:31160]'
-assert_equal 'nil', %q{
- def m()
- yield
- end
- m {|(*,a,b)|}.inspect
-}, '[ruby-dev:31153]'
-assert_equal 'nil', %q{
- def m()
- yield
- end
- m {|((*))|}.inspect
-assert_equal %q{[1, 1, [1, nil], [1, nil], [1, nil], [1, nil], [1, 1], 1, [1, nil], [1, nil], [1, nil], [1, nil], [[1, 1], [1, 1]], [1, 1], [1, 1], [1, 1], [1, nil], [1, nil], [[[1, 1], [1, 1]], [[1, 1], [1, 1]]], [[1, 1], [1, 1]], [[1, 1], [1, 1]], [[1, 1], [1, 1]], [1, 1], [1, 1], [[[[1, 1], [1, 1]], [[1, 1], [1, 1]]], [[[1, 1], [1, 1]], [[1, 1], [1, 1]]]], [[[1, 1], [1, 1]], [[1, 1], [1, 1]]], [[[1, 1], [1, 1]], [[1, 1], [1, 1]]], [[[1, 1], [1, 1]], [[1, 1], [1, 1]]], [[1, 1], [1, 1]], [[1, 1], [1, 1]]]}, %q{
-def m(ary = [])
- yield(ary)
-$ans = []
-o = 1
- v,(*) = o; $ans << o
- m(o){|(v,(*))| $ans << v}
- ((x, y)) = o; $ans << [x, y]
- m(o){|((x, y))| $ans << [x, y]}
- (((x, y))) = o; $ans << [x, y]
- m(o){|(((x, y)))| $ans << [x, y]}
- o = [o, o]
-}; $ans
-assert_equal '0', %q{
- def m()
- yield [0]
- end
- m {|*,v| v}.inspect
-}, '[ruby-dev:31437]'
-assert_equal '[0]', %q{
- def m
- yield [0]
- end
- m{|v, &b| v}.inspect
-}, '[ruby-dev:31440]'
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- begin
- lambda{|a|}.call(1, 2)
- rescue ArgumentError
- :ok
- else
- :ng
- end
-}, '[ruby-dev:31464]'
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- begin
- lambda{|&b|}.call(3)
- rescue ArgumentError
- :ok
- else
- :ng
- end
-}, '[ruby-dev:31472]'
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- class C
- def each
- yield [1,2]
- yield 1,2
- end
- end
- vs1 = []
- {|*v| vs1 << v }
- vs2 = []
- {|*v| vs2 << v }
- vs1 == vs2 ? :ok : :ng
-}, '[ruby-dev:32329]'
-assert_normal_exit %q{
- e = [1,2,3].each
- 10000.times {
- e = [e].each
- }
- { GC.start }.join
-}, '[ruby-dev:32604]'
-assert_equal '[nil, []]', %q{
- def m() yield nil,[] end
- l = lambda {|*v| v}
- GC.stress=true
- r = m(&l)
- GC.stress=false
- r.inspect
-}, '[ruby-dev:32567]'
-assert_equal NilClass.to_s, %q{
- r = false; 1.times{|&b| r = b}; r.class
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- class C
- define_method(:foo) do |arg, &block|
- if block then else arg end
- end
- end
-"ng") {"ok"}
-}, '[ruby-talk:266422]'
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- class C
- define_method(:xyz) do |o, k, &block|
-, k)
- end
- end
-"o","k") {|o, k| o+k}
-}, '[ruby-core:20544]'
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- class C
- define_method(:xyz) do |*args, &block|
- end
- end
-"o","k") {|*args| args.join("")}
-}, '[ruby-core:20544]'
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- class C
- define_method(:foo) do |&block|
- if block
- end
- result = "ng"
- {result = "ok"}
- result
- end
-assert_equal "ok", %q{
- class Bar
- def bar; :ok; end
- end
- def foo
- yield( if block_given?
- end
- foo(&:bar)
-}, '[ruby-core:14279]'
-assert_normal_exit %q{
- class Controller
- def respond_to(&block)
- responder =
- responder.respond
- end
- def test_for_bug
- respond_to{|format|
- format.js{
- puts "in test"
- render{|obj|
- puts obj
- }
- }
- }
- end
- def render(&block)
- puts "in render"
- end
- end
- class Responder
- def method_missing(symbol, &block)
- puts "enter method_missing"
- @response ={
- puts 'in method missing'
- }
- puts "leave method_missing"
- end
- def respond
- end
- end
- t =
- t.test_for_bug
-}, '[ruby-core:14395]'
-assert_equal 'true', %q{
- class C0
- def foo
- block_given?
- end
- end
- class C1 < C0
- def foo
- super
- end
- end
-assert_equal 'true', %q{
- class C0
- def foo
- block_given?
- end
- end
- class C1 < C0
- def foo
- super()
- end
- end
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- 1.times do
- begin
- raise
- rescue
- begin
- raise
- rescue
- break
- end
- end
- end
- 'ok'
diff --git a/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/test_class.rb b/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/test_class.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index b7fe0a1acd..0000000000
--- a/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/test_class.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-# class
-assert_equal 'true', %q( class C; end
- Object.const_defined?(:C) )
-assert_equal 'Class', %q( class C; end
- C.class )
-assert_equal 'C', %q( class C; end
- )
-assert_equal 'C', %q( class C; end
- )
-assert_equal 'C', %q( class C; end
- )
-assert_equal 'Class', %q( class C; end
- )
-assert_equal 'true', %q( Object.__send__(:remove_const, :TrueClass)
- GC.start
- true.inspect)
-assert_equal 'false', %q( Object.__send__(:remove_const, :FalseClass)
- GC.start
- false.inspect)
-assert_equal 'nil', %q( Object.__send__(:remove_const, :NilClass)
- GC.start
- nil.inspect)
-# inherited class
-assert_equal 'true', %q( class A; end
- class C < A; end
- Object.const_defined?(:C) )
-assert_equal 'Class', %q( class A; end
- class C < A; end
- C.class )
-assert_equal 'C', %q( class A; end
- class C < A; end
- )
-assert_equal 'C', %q( class A; end
- class C < A; end
- )
-assert_equal 'C', %q( class A; end
- class C < A; end
- )
-assert_equal 'Class', %q( class A; end
- class C < A; end
- )
-# module
-assert_equal 'true', %q( module M; end
- Object.const_defined?(:M) )
-assert_equal 'Module', %q( module M; end
- M.class )
-assert_equal 'M', %q( module M; end
- )
-assert_equal 'C', %q( module M; end
- class C; include M; end
- )
-# nested class
-assert_equal 'A::B', %q( class A; end
- class A::B; end
- A::B )
-assert_equal 'A::B', %q( class A; end
- class A::B; end
- )
-assert_equal 'A::B', %q( class A; end
- class A::B; end
- )
-assert_equal 'Class', %q( class A; end
- class A::B; end
- )
-assert_equal 'A::B::C', %q( class A; end
- class A::B; end
- class A::B::C; end
- A::B::C )
-assert_equal 'A::B::C', %q( class A; end
- class A::B; end
- class A::B::C; end
- )
-assert_equal 'Class', %q( class A; end
- class A::B; end
- class A::B::C; end
- A::B::C.class )
-assert_equal 'A::B::C', %q( class A; end
- class A::B; end
- class A::B::C; end
- )
-assert_equal 'Class', %q( class A; end
- class A::B; end
- class A::B::C; end
- )
-assert_equal 'A::B2', %q( class A; end
- class A::B; end
- class A::B2 < A::B; end
- A::B2 )
-assert_equal 'Class', %q( class A; end
- class A::B; end
- class A::B2 < A::B; end
- A::B2.class )
-# reopen
-assert_equal 'true', %q( class C; end; c1 = ::C
- class C; end; c2 = ::C
- c1.equal?(c2) )
-assert_equal '1', %q( class C; end
- class A; end
- begin class C < A; end; rescue TypeError; 1 end )
-assert_equal '1', %q( class C; end
- begin module C; end; rescue TypeError; 1 end )
-assert_equal '1', %q( C = 1 # [yarv-dev:782]
- begin class C; end; rescue TypeError; 1 end )
-assert_equal '1', %q( C = 1 # [yarv-dev:800]
- begin module C; end; rescue TypeError; 1 end )
-# colon2, colon3
-assert_equal '1', %q( class A; end; A::C = 1; A::C )
-assert_equal '1', %q( A = 7; begin A::C = 7; rescue TypeError; 1 end )
-assert_equal '1', %q( begin 7::C = 7; rescue TypeError; 1 end )
-assert_equal 'C', %q( class A; class ::C; end end; C )
-assert_equal 'Class', %q( class A; class ::C; end end; C.class )
-assert_equal 'OK', %q( class A; ::C = "OK"; end; C )
-assert_equal 'String', %q( class A; ::C = "OK"; end; C.class )
-# class/module dup
-assert_equal 'Class', %q( class C; end; C.dup.class )
-assert_equal 'Module', %q( module M; end; M.dup.class )
-assert_equal "ok", %q{
- module Foo
- end
- begin
- def foo(&b)
- Foo.module_eval &b
- end
- foo{
- def bar
- end
- }
- bar()
- rescue NameError
- :ok
- end
-}, '[ruby-core:14378]'
-assert_equal '3', %q{
- $i = 0
- class C
- def self.const_missing *args
- $i+=1
- end
- end
- 3.times{
- C::FOO
- }
- $i
-assert_match /::C\z/, %q{
- c = nil
-{|m| c = class m::C; name; end}
- c
-}, '[ruby-dev:38456]'
-assert_normal_exit %q{
- s = Symbol.dup
- class << s
- end
- s.allocate.to_s
-}, '[ruby-core:30843]'
diff --git a/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/test_eval.rb b/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/test_eval.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index bf7478006d..0000000000
--- a/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/test_eval.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,324 +0,0 @@
-assert_equal %q{ok}, %q{
- def m
- a = :ok
- $b = binding
- end
- m
- eval('a', $b)
-assert_equal %q{[:ok, :ok2]}, %q{
- def m
- a = :ok
- $b = binding
- end
- m
- eval('b = :ok2', $b)
- eval('[a, b]', $b)
-assert_equal %q{[nil, 1]}, %q{
- $ans = []
- def m
- $b = binding
- end
- m
- $ans << eval(%q{
- $ans << eval(%q{
- a
- }, $b)
- a = 1
- }, $b)
- $ans
-assert_equal %q{C}, %q{
- Const = :top
- class C
- Const = :C
- def m
- binding
- end
- end
- eval('Const',
-assert_equal %q{top}, %q{
- Const = :top
- a = 1
- class C
- Const = :C
- def m
- eval('Const', TOPLEVEL_BINDING)
- end
- end
-assert_equal %q{:ok
-ok}, %q{
- class C
- $b = binding
- end
- eval %q{
- def m
- :ok
- end
- }, $b
- p
-assert_equal %q{ok}, %q{
- b = proc{
- a = :ok
- binding
- }.call
- a = :ng
- eval("a", b)
-assert_equal %q{C}, %q{
- class C
- def foo
- binding
- end
- end
-assert_equal %q{1}, %q{
- eval('1')
-assert_equal %q{1}, %q{
- eval('a=1; a')
-assert_equal %q{1}, %q{
- a = 1
- eval('a')
-assert_equal %q{ok}, %q{
- __send__ :eval, %{
- :ok
- }
-assert_equal %q{ok}, %q{
- 1.__send__ :instance_eval, %{
- :ok
- }
-assert_equal %q{1}, %q{
- 1.instance_eval{
- self
- }
-assert_equal %q{foo}, %q{
- 'foo'.instance_eval{
- self
- }
-assert_equal %q{1}, %q{
- class Fixnum
- Const = 1
- end
- 1.instance_eval %{
- Const
- }
-assert_equal %q{top}, %q{
- Const = :top
- class C
- Const = :C
- end
- C.module_eval{
- Const
- }
-assert_equal %q{C}, %q{
- Const = :top
- class C
- Const = :C
- end
- C.class_eval %{
- def m
- Const
- end
- }
-assert_equal %q{top}, %q{
- Const = :top
- class C
- Const = :C
- end
- C.class_eval{
- def m
- Const
- end
- }
-assert_equal %q{[:top, :C, :top, :C]}, %q{
- Const = :top
- class C
- Const = :C
- end
- $nest = false
- $ans = []
- def m
- $ans << Const
- C.module_eval %{
- $ans << Const
- Boo = false unless defined? Boo
- unless $nest
- $nest = true
- m
- end
- }
- end
- m
- $ans
-assert_equal %q{[10, main]}, %q{
- $nested = false
- $ans = []
- $pr = proc{
- $ans << self
- unless $nested
- $nested = true
- $
- end
- }
- class C
- def initialize &b
- 10.instance_eval(&b)
- end
- end
- $ans
-%w[break next redo].each do |keyword|
- assert_match %r"Can't escape from eval with #{keyword}\z", %{
- begin
- eval "0 rescue #{keyword}"
- rescue SyntaxError => e
- e.message
- end
- }, '[ruby-dev:31372]'
-assert_normal_exit %q{
- class Foo
- def self.add_method
- class_eval("def some-bad-name; puts 'hello' unless @some_variable.some_function(''); end")
- end
- end
- Foo.add_method
-}, '[ruby-core:14556] reported by Frederick Cheung'
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- class Module
- def my_module_eval(&block)
- module_eval(&block)
- end
- end
- class String
- Integer.my_module_eval do
- def hoge; end
- end
- end
- if Integer.instance_methods(false).map{|m|m.to_sym}.include?(:hoge) &&
- !String.instance_methods(false).map{|m|m.to_sym}.include?(:hoge)
- :ok
- else
- :ng
- end
-}, "[ruby-dev:34236]"
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- begin
- eval("class nil::Foo; end")
- :ng
- rescue Exception
- :ok
- end
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- begin
- 0.instance_eval { def m() :m end }
- 1.m
- :ng
- rescue Exception
- :ok
- end
-}, '[ruby-dev:34579]'
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- begin
- 12.instance_eval { @@a }
- rescue NameError
- :ok
- end
-}, '[ruby-core:16794]'
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- begin
- 12.instance_exec { @@a }
- rescue NameError
- :ok
- end
-}, '[ruby-core:16794]'
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- nil.instance_eval {
- def defd_using_instance_eval() :ok end
- }
- nil.defd_using_instance_eval
-}, '[ruby-core:28324]'
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- nil.instance_exec {
- def defd_using_instance_exec() :ok end
- }
- nil.defd_using_instance_exec
-}, '[ruby-core:28324]'
-assert_normal_exit %q{
- eval("", method(:proc).call {}.binding)
-assert_equal "", %q{
- b = binding
- 10.times{
- eval('', b)
- }
- begin
- eval('1.times{raise}', b)
- rescue => e
- e.message
- end
-}, '[ruby-dev:35392]'
-assert_equal "[:x]", %q{
- def kaboom!
- yield.eval("local_variables")
- end
- for x in enum_for(:kaboom!)
- binding
- end
-}, '[ruby-core:25125]'
-assert_normal_exit %q{
- hash = {}
- ("aaaa".."matz").each_with_index do |s, i|
- hash[s] = i
- end
- begin
- eval "class C; @@h = #{hash.inspect}; end"
- end
-}, '[ruby-core:25714]'
-assert_normal_exit %q{
- begin
- eval("# encoding:utf-16le\nfoo")
- rescue Exception => e
- p e
- RubyVM::InstructionSequence.compile("p:hello")
- end
-}, 'check escaping the internal value th->base_block'
diff --git a/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/test_exception.rb b/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/test_exception.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 35c8d25e37..0000000000
--- a/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/test_exception.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,432 +0,0 @@
-assert_equal %q{2}, %q{
- begin
- 1+1
- ensure
- 2+2
- end
-assert_equal %q{4}, %q{
- begin
- 1+1
- begin
- 2+2
- ensure
- 3+3
- end
- ensure
- 4+4
- end
-assert_equal %q{4}, %q{
- begin
- 1+1
- begin
- 2+2
- ensure
- 3+3
- end
- ensure
- 4+4
- begin
- 5+5
- ensure
- 6+6
- end
- end
-assert_equal %q{NilClass}, %q{
- a = nil
- 1.times{|e|
- begin
- rescue => err
- end
- a = err.class
- }
- a
-assert_equal %q{RuntimeError}, %q{
- a = nil
- 1.times{|e|
- begin
- raise
- rescue => err
- end
- a = err.class
- }
- a
-assert_equal %q{}, %q{
- $!
-assert_equal %q{FOO}, %q{
- begin
- raise "FOO"
- rescue
- $!
- end
-assert_equal %q{FOO}, %q{
- def m
- $!
- end
- begin
- raise "FOO"
- rescue
- m()
- end
-assert_equal %q{[#<RuntimeError: BAR>, #<RuntimeError: FOO>]}, %q{
- $ans = []
- def m
- $!
- end
- begin
- raise "FOO"
- rescue
- begin
- raise "BAR"
- rescue
- $ans << m()
- end
- $ans << m()
- end
- $ans
-assert_equal %q{[#<RuntimeError: FOO>, #<RuntimeError: FOO>]}, %q{
- $ans = []
- def m
- $!
- end
- begin
- begin
- raise "FOO"
- ensure
- $ans << m()
- end
- rescue
- $ans << m()
- end
-assert_equal %q{[nil]}, %q{
- $ans = []
- def m
- $!
- end
- def m2
- 1.times{
- begin
- return
- ensure
- $ans << m
- end
- }
- end
- m2
- $ans
-assert_equal %q{ok}, %q{
- begin
- raise
- rescue
- :ok
- end
-assert_equal %q{ok}, %q{
- begin
- raise
- rescue
- :ok
- ensure
- :ng
- end
-assert_equal %q{RuntimeError}, %q{
- begin
- raise
- rescue => e
- e.class
- end
-assert_equal %q{ng}, %q{
- begin
- raise
- rescue StandardError
- :ng
- rescue Exception
- :ok
- end
-assert_equal %q{c}, %q{
- begin
- begin
- raise "a"
- rescue
- raise "b"
- ensure
- raise "c"
- end
- rescue => e
- e.message
- end
-assert_equal %q{33}, %q{
- def m a, b
- a + b
- end
- m(1, begin
- raise
- rescue
- 2
- end) +
- m(10, begin
- raise
- rescue
- 20
- ensure
- 30
- end)
-assert_equal %q{3}, %q{
- def m a, b
- a + b
- end
- m(begin
- raise
- rescue
- 1
- end,
- begin
- raise
- rescue
- 2
- end)
-assert_equal %q{ok3}, %q{
- class E1 < Exception
- end
- def m
- yield
- end
- begin
- begin
- begin
- m{
- raise
- }
- rescue E1
- :ok2
- ensure
- end
- rescue
- :ok3
- ensure
- end
- rescue E1
- :ok
- ensure
- end
-assert_equal %q{7}, %q{
- $i = 0
- def m
- iter{
- begin
- $i += 1
- begin
- $i += 2
- break
- ensure
- end
- ensure
- $i += 4
- end
- $i = 0
- }
- end
- def iter
- yield
- end
- m
- $i
-assert_equal %q{10}, %q{
- $i = 0
- def m
- begin
- $i += 1
- begin
- $i += 2
- return
- ensure
- $i += 3
- end
- ensure
- $i += 4
- end
- p :end
- end
- m
- $i
-assert_equal %q{1}, %q{
- begin
- 1
- rescue
- 2
- end
-assert_equal %q{4}, %q{
- begin
- 1
- begin
- 2
- rescue
- 3
- end
- 4
- rescue
- 5
- end
-assert_equal %q{3}, %q{
- begin
- 1
- rescue
- 2
- else
- 3
- end
-assert_equal %q{2}, %q{
- begin
- 1+1
- rescue
- 2+2
- ensure
- 3+3
- end
- }
-assert_equal %q{2}, %q{
- begin
- 1+1
- rescue
- 2+2
- ensure
- 3+3
- end
- }
-assert_equal %q{6}, %q{
- begin
- 1+1
- rescue
- 2+2
- else
- 3+3
- ensure
- 4+4
- end
- }
-assert_equal %q{12}, %q{
- begin
- 1+1
- begin
- 2+2
- rescue
- 3+3
- else
- 4+4
- end
- rescue
- 5+5
- else
- 6+6
- ensure
- 7+7
- end
- }
-assert_equal %q{ok}, %q{ #
- proc{
- begin
- raise
- break
- rescue
- :ok
- end
- }.call
-assert_equal %q{}, %q{
- proc do
- begin
- raise StandardError
- redo
- rescue StandardError
- end
-assert_match /undefined method `foo\'/, %q{#`
- class C
- def inspect
- bar {}
- end
- def bar
- raise
- ensure
- end
- end
-}, "[ruby-dev:31407]"
-assert_equal 'nil', %q{
- doit = false
- exc = nil
- t = {
- begin
- doit = true
- sleep 10
- ensure
- exc = $!
- end
- }
- Thread.pass until doit
- t.kill
- t.join
- exc.inspect
-}, '[ruby-dev:32608]'
-assert_equal 'exception class/object expected', %q{
- class ZeroDivisionError
- def
- 42
- end
- end
- begin
- 1/0
- rescue Exception => e
- e.message
- end
-}, '[ruby-core:24767]'
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- class C
- def ===(o)
- true
- end
- end
- begin
- begin
- raise
- rescue
- end
- rescue TypeError
- :ok
- end
diff --git a/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/test_finalizer.rb b/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/test_finalizer.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 22a16b1220..0000000000
--- a/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/test_finalizer.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-assert_normal_exit %q{
-}, '[ruby-dev:35778]'
diff --git a/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/test_flip.rb b/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/test_flip.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index ff194868b2..0000000000
--- a/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/test_flip.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-assert_equal %q{E}, %q{$_ = "E"; eval("nil if true..~/^E/",nil,"-e"); $_}
diff --git a/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/test_flow.rb b/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/test_flow.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 0390062a24..0000000000
--- a/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/test_flow.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,591 +0,0 @@
-assert_equal %q{[1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]}, %q{$a = []; begin; ; $a << 1
- [1,2].each{; $a << 2
- break; $a << 3
- }; $a << 4
- begin; $a << 5
- ensure; $a << 6
- end; $a << 7
-; $a << 8
-; rescue Exception; $a << 99; end; $a}
-assert_equal %q{[1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8]}, %q{$a = []; begin; ; $a << 1
- begin; $a << 2
- [1,2].each do; $a << 3
- break; $a << 4
- end; $a << 5
- ensure; $a << 6
- end; $a << 7
-; $a << 8
-; rescue Exception; $a << 99; end; $a}
-assert_equal %q{ok}, %q{
- ["a"].inject("ng"){|x,y|
- break :ok
- }
-assert_equal %q{ok}, %q{
- unless ''.respond_to? :lines
- class String
- def lines
- self
- end
- end
- end
- ('a'){|e|
- break :ok
- }
-assert_equal %q{[1, 2, 4, 5]}, %q{$a = []; begin; ; $a << 1
- ["a"].inject("ng"){|x,y|; $a << 2
- break :ok; $a << 3
- }; $a << 4
-; $a << 5
-; rescue Exception; $a << 99; end; $a}
-assert_equal %q{[1, 2, 4, 5]}, %q{$a = []; begin; ; $a << 1
- ('a'..'b').map{|e|; $a << 2
- break :ok; $a << 3
- }; $a << 4
-; $a << 5
-; rescue Exception; $a << 99; end; $a}
-assert_equal %q{[1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8]}, %q{$a = []; begin; ; $a << 1
- [1,2].each do; $a << 2
- begin; $a << 3
- break; $a << 4
- ensure; $a << 5
- end; $a << 6
- end; $a << 7
-; $a << 8
-; rescue Exception; $a << 99; end; $a}
-assert_equal %q{[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10]}, %q{$a = []; begin; ; $a << 1
- i=0; $a << 2
- while i<3; $a << 3
- i+=1; $a << 4
- begin; $a << 5
- ensure; $a << 6
- break; $a << 7
- end; $a << 8
- end; $a << 9
-; $a << 10
-; rescue Exception; $a << 99; end; $a}
-assert_equal %q{[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 11]}, %q{$a = []; begin; ; $a << 1
- i=0; $a << 2
- while i<3; $a << 3
- i+=1; $a << 4
- begin; $a << 5
- raise; $a << 6
- ensure; $a << 7
- break; $a << 8
- end; $a << 9
- end; $a << 10
-; $a << 11
-; rescue Exception; $a << 99; end; $a}
-assert_equal %q{[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 11]}, %q{$a = []; begin; ; $a << 1
- i=0; $a << 2
- while i<3; $a << 3
- i+=1; $a << 4
- begin; $a << 5
- raise; $a << 6
- rescue; $a << 7
- break; $a << 8
- end; $a << 9
- end; $a << 10
-; $a << 11
-; rescue Exception; $a << 99; end; $a}
-assert_equal %q{[1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 9]}, %q{$a = []; begin; ; $a << 1
- [1,2].each do; $a << 2
- begin; $a << 3
- raise StandardError; $a << 4
- ensure; $a << 5
- break; $a << 6
- end; $a << 7
- end; $a << 8
-; $a << 9
-; rescue Exception; $a << 99; end; $a}
-assert_equal %q{[1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 9]}, %q{$a = []; begin; ; $a << 1
- [1,2].each do; $a << 2
- begin; $a << 3
- raise StandardError; $a << 4
- rescue; $a << 5
- break; $a << 6
- end; $a << 7
- end; $a << 8
-; $a << 9
-; rescue Exception; $a << 99; end; $a}
-assert_equal %q{[1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11]}, %q{$a = []; begin; ; $a << 1
- [1,2].each do; $a << 2
- begin; $a << 3
- begin; $a << 4
- break; $a << 5
- ensure; $a << 6
- end; $a << 7
- ensure; $a << 8
- end; $a << 9
- end; $a << 10
-; $a << 11
-; rescue Exception; $a << 99; end; $a}
-assert_equal %q{[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 13, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 13, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 13, 14, 15]}, %q{$a = []; begin; ; $a << 1
- i = 0; $a << 2
- while i<3; $a << 3
- i+=1; $a << 4
- j = 0; $a << 5
- while j<3; $a << 6
- j+=1; $a << 7
- begin; $a << 8
- raise; $a << 9
- rescue; $a << 10
- break; $a << 11
- end; $a << 12
- end; $a << 13
- end; $a << 14
-; $a << 15
-; rescue Exception; $a << 99; end; $a}
-assert_equal %q{[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 14, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 14, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 14, 15, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 14, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 14, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 14, 15, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 14, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 14, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17]}, %q{$a = []; begin; ; $a << 1
- i = 0; $a << 2
- while i<3; $a << 3
- i+=1; $a << 4
- j = 0; $a << 5
- while j<3; $a << 6
- j+=1; $a << 7
- 1.times{; $a << 8
- begin; $a << 9
- raise; $a << 10
- rescue; $a << 11
- break; $a << 12
- end; $a << 13
- }; $a << 14
- end; $a << 15
- end; $a << 16
-; $a << 17
-; rescue Exception; $a << 99; end; $a}
-assert_equal %q{[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 13, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 13, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 13, 14, 15]}, %q{$a = []; begin; ; $a << 1
- i = 0; $a << 2
- while i<3; $a << 3
- i+=1; $a << 4
- j = 0; $a << 5
- while j<3; $a << 6
- j+=1; $a << 7
- begin; $a << 8
- raise; $a << 9
- ensure; $a << 10
- break; $a << 11
- end; $a << 12
- end; $a << 13
- end; $a << 14
-; $a << 15
-; rescue Exception; $a << 99; end; $a}
-assert_equal %q{[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 14, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 14, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 14, 15, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 14, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 14, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 14, 15, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 14, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 14, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17]}, %q{$a = []; begin; ; $a << 1
- i = 0; $a << 2
- while i<3; $a << 3
- i+=1; $a << 4
- j = 0; $a << 5
- while j<3; $a << 6
- j+=1; $a << 7
- 1.times{; $a << 8
- begin; $a << 9
- raise; $a << 10
- ensure; $a << 11
- break; $a << 12
- end; $a << 13
- }; $a << 14
- end; $a << 15
- end; $a << 16
-; $a << 17
-; rescue Exception; $a << 99; end; $a}
-assert_equal %q{[1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 9]}, %q{$a = []; begin; ; $a << 1
- while true; $a << 2
- begin; $a << 3
- break; $a << 4
- ensure; $a << 5
- break; $a << 6
- end; $a << 7
- end; $a << 8
-; $a << 9
-; rescue Exception; $a << 99; end; $a}
-assert_equal %q{[1, 2, 3, 5, 99]}, %q{
-$a = [];
-begin; ; $a << 1
- while true; $a << 2
- begin; $a << 3
- break; $a << 4
- ensure; $a << 5
- raise; $a << 6
- end; $a << 7
- end; $a << 8
-; $a << 9
-; rescue Exception; $a << 99; end; $a}
-assert_equal %q{[1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11]}, %q{$a = []; begin; ; $a << 1
- begin; $a << 2
- [1,2].each do; $a << 3
- begin; $a << 4
- break; $a << 5
- ensure; $a << 6
- end; $a << 7
- end; $a << 8
- ensure; $a << 9
- end; $a << 10
-; $a << 11
-; rescue Exception; $a << 99; end; $a}
-assert_equal %q{[1, 2, 4, 99]}, %q{$a = []; begin; ; $a << 1
- begin; $a << 2
- raise StandardError; $a << 3
- ensure; $a << 4
- end; $a << 5
-; $a << 6
-; rescue Exception; $a << 99; end; $a}
-assert_equal %q{[1, 2, 3, 4]}, %q{$a = []; begin; ; $a << 1
- begin; $a << 2
- ensure; $a << 3
- end ; $a << 4
-; rescue Exception; $a << 99; end; $a}
-assert_equal %q{[1, 2, 3, 5, 99]}, %q{$a = []; begin; ; $a << 1
- [1,2].each do; $a << 2
- begin; $a << 3
- break; $a << 4
- ensure; $a << 5
- raise StandardError; $a << 6
- end; $a << 7
- end; $a << 8
-; $a << 9
-; rescue Exception; $a << 99; end; $a}
-assert_equal %q{3}, %q{
- def m a, b
- a + b
- end
- m(1,
- while true
- break 2
- end
- )
-assert_equal %q{4}, %q{
- def m a, b
- a + b
- end
- m(1,
- (i=0; while i<2
- i+=1
- class C
- next 2
- end
- end; 3)
- )
-assert_equal %q{34}, %q{
- def m a, b
- a+b
- end
- m(1, 1.times{break 3}) +
- m(10, (1.times{next 3}; 20))
-assert_equal %q{[1, 2, 3, 6, 7]}, %q{$a = []; begin; ; $a << 1
- 3.times{; $a << 2
- class C; $a << 3
- break; $a << 4
- end; $a << 5
- }; $a << 6
-; $a << 7
-; rescue Exception; $a << 99; end; $a}
-assert_equal %q{[1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9]}, %q{$a = []; begin; ; $a << 1
- 3.times{; $a << 2
- class A; $a << 3
- class B; $a << 4
- break; $a << 5
- end; $a << 6
- end; $a << 7
- }; $a << 8
-; $a << 9
-; rescue Exception; $a << 99; end; $a}
-assert_equal %q{[1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 6, 7]}, %q{$a = []; begin; ; $a << 1
- 3.times{; $a << 2
- class C; $a << 3
- next; $a << 4
- end; $a << 5
- }; $a << 6
-; $a << 7
-; rescue Exception; $a << 99; end; $a}
-assert_equal %q{[1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 3, 4, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9]}, %q{$a = []; begin; ; $a << 1
- 3.times{; $a << 2
- class C; $a << 3
- class D; $a << 4
- next; $a << 5
- end; $a << 6
- end; $a << 7
- }; $a << 8
-; $a << 9
-; rescue Exception; $a << 99; end; $a}
-assert_equal %q{[1, 2, 3, 6, 7]}, %q{$a = []; begin; ; $a << 1
- while true; $a << 2
- class C; $a << 3
- break; $a << 4
- end; $a << 5
- end; $a << 6
-; $a << 7
-; rescue Exception; $a << 99; end; $a}
-assert_equal %q{[1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9]}, %q{$a = []; begin; ; $a << 1
- while true; $a << 2
- class C; $a << 3
- class D; $a << 4
- break; $a << 5
- end; $a << 6
- end; $a << 7
- end; $a << 8
-; $a << 9
-; rescue Exception; $a << 99; end; $a}
-assert_equal %q{[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 3, 4, 5, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9]}, %q{$a = []; begin; ; $a << 1
- i=0; $a << 2
- while i<3; $a << 3
- i+=1; $a << 4
- class C; $a << 5
- next 10; $a << 6
- end; $a << 7
- end; $a << 8
-; $a << 9
-; rescue Exception; $a << 99; end; $a}
-assert_equal %q{1}, %q{
- 1.times{
- while true
- class C
- begin
- break
- ensure
- break
- end
- end
- end
- }
-assert_equal %q{[1, 2, 3, 5, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8]}, %q{$a = []; begin; ; $a << 1
- [1,2].each do; $a << 2
- begin; $a << 3
- next; $a << 4
- ensure; $a << 5
- end; $a << 6
- end; $a << 7
-; $a << 8
-; rescue Exception; $a << 99; end; $a}
-assert_equal %q{[1, 2, 6, 3, 5, 7, 8]}, %q{$a = []; begin; ; $a << 1
- o = "test"; $a << 2
- def o.test(a); $a << 3
- return a; $a << 4
- ensure; $a << 5
- end; $a << 6
- o.test(123); $a << 7
-; $a << 8
-; rescue Exception; $a << 99; end; $a}
-assert_equal %q{[1, 4, 7, 5, 8, 9]}, %q{$a = []; begin; ; $a << 1
- def m1 *args; $a << 2
- ; $a << 3
- end; $a << 4
- def m2; $a << 5
- m1(:a, :b, (return 1; :c)); $a << 6
- end; $a << 7
- m2; $a << 8
-; $a << 9
-; rescue Exception; $a << 99; end; $a}
-assert_equal %q{[1, 8, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10]}, %q{$a = []; begin; ; $a << 1
- def m(); $a << 2
- begin; $a << 3
- 2; $a << 4
- ensure; $a << 5
- return 3; $a << 6
- end; $a << 7
- end; $a << 8
- m; $a << 9
-; $a << 10
-; rescue Exception; $a << 99; end; $a}
-assert_equal %q{[1, 3, 11, 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 13]}, %q{$a = []; begin; ; $a << 1
- def m2; $a << 2
- end; $a << 3
- def m(); $a << 4
- m2(begin; $a << 5
- 2; $a << 6
- ensure; $a << 7
- return 3; $a << 8
- end); $a << 9
- 4; $a << 10
- end; $a << 11
- m(); $a << 12
-; $a << 13
-; rescue Exception; $a << 99; end; $a}
-assert_equal %q{[1, 16, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 17, 18]}, %q{$a = []; begin; ; $a << 1
- def m; $a << 2
- 1; $a << 3
- 1.times{; $a << 4
- 2; $a << 5
- begin; $a << 6
- 3; $a << 7
- return; $a << 8
- 4; $a << 9
- ensure; $a << 10
- 5; $a << 11
- end; $a << 12
- 6; $a << 13
- }; $a << 14
- 7; $a << 15
- end; $a << 16
- m(); $a << 17
-; $a << 18
-; rescue Exception; $a << 99; end; $a}
-assert_equal %q{[:ok, :ok2, :last]}, %q{
- a = []
- i = 0
- begin
- while i < 1
- i+=1
- begin
- begin
- next
- ensure
- a << :ok
- end
- ensure
- a << :ok2
- end
- end
- ensure
- a << :last
- end
- a
-assert_equal %q{[:ok, :ok2, :last]}, %q{
- a = []
- i = 0
- begin
- while i < 1
- i+=1
- begin
- begin
- break
- ensure
- a << :ok
- end
- ensure
- a << :ok2
- end
- end
- ensure
- a << :last
- end
- a
-assert_equal %q{[:ok, :ok2, :last]}, %q{
- a = []
- i = 0
- begin
- while i < 1
- if i>0
- break
- end
- i+=1
- begin
- begin
- redo
- ensure
- a << :ok
- end
- ensure
- a << :ok2
- end
- end
- ensure
- a << :last
- end
- a
-assert_equal %Q{ENSURE\n}, %q{
- def test
- while true
- return
- end
- ensure
- puts("ENSURE")
- end
- test
-}, '[ruby-dev:37967]'
-[['[ruby-core:28129]', %q{
- class Bug2728
- include Enumerable
- define_method(:dynamic_method) do
- "dynamically defined method"
- end
- def each
- begin
- yield :foo
- ensure
- dynamic_method
- end
- end
- end
- e =
- ['[ruby-core:28132]', %q{
- class Bug2729
- include Enumerable
- def each
- begin
- yield :foo
- ensure
- proc {}.call
- end
- end
- end
- e =
- ['[ruby-core:39125]', %q{
- class Bug5234
- include Enumerable
- def each
- begin
- yield :foo
- ensure
- proc
- end
- end
- end
- e =
- ['[ruby-dev:45656]', %q{
- class Bug6460
- include Enumerable
- def each
- begin
- yield :foo
- ensure
- 1.times { }
- end
- end
- end
- e =
-}]].each do |bug, src|
- assert_equal "foo", src + %q{e.detect {true}}, bug
- assert_equal "true", src + %q{e.any? {true}}, bug
- assert_equal "false", src + %q{e.all? {false}}, bug
- assert_equal "true", src + %q{e.include?(:foo)}, bug
-assert_equal "foo", %q{
- class Bug6460
- def m1
- m2 {|e|
- return e
- }
- end
- def m2
- begin
- yield :foo
- ensure
- begin
- begin
- yield :foo
- ensure
- raise ''
- end
- rescue
- end
- end
- end
- end
-}, '[ruby-dev:46372]'
diff --git a/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/test_fork.rb b/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/test_fork.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 5de6ee1b12..0000000000
--- a/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/test_fork.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-assert_equal '0', %q{
- begin
- GC.stress = true
- pid = fork {}
- Process.wait pid
- $?.to_i
- rescue NotImplementedError
- 0
- end
-}, '[ruby-dev:32404]'
-assert_finish 10, %q{
- begin
- children = (1..10).map{
- Thread.start{fork{}}.value
- }
- while !children.empty? and pid = Process.wait
- children.delete(pid)
- end
- rescue NotImplementedError
- end
-}, '[ruby-core:22158]'
-assert_normal_exit(<<'End', '[ruby-dev:37934]')
- main = Thread.current
- { sleep 0.01 until main.stop?; Thread.kill main }
- Process.setrlimit(:NPROC, 1)
- fork {}
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- begin
- r, w = IO.pipe
- if pid1 = fork
- w.close
- Process.kill("USR1", pid1)
- _, s = Process.wait2(pid1)
- s.success? ? :ok : :ng
- else
- r.close
- if pid2 = fork
- trap("USR1") {; Process.kill("USR2", pid2) }
- w.close
- Process.wait2(pid2)
- else
- w.close
- sleep 0.2
- end
- exit true
- end
- rescue NotImplementedError
- :ok
- end
-}, '[ruby-core:28924]'
-assert_equal '[1, 2]', %q{
- a = []
- main = Thread.current
- trap(:INT) { a.push(1).size == 2 and main.wakeup }
- trap(:TERM) { a.push(2).size == 2 and main.wakeup }
- pid = $$
- begin
- pid = fork do
- Process.kill(:INT, pid)
- Process.kill(:TERM, pid)
- end
- Process.wait(pid)
- 100.times {break if a.size > 1; sleep 0.001}
- a.sort
- rescue NotImplementedError
- [1, 2]
- end
-}, '[ruby-dev:44005] [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4950]'
diff --git a/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/test_gc.rb b/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/test_gc.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index eb68c9845e..0000000000
--- a/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/test_gc.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-assert_normal_exit %q{
-a = []
-ms = "a".."k"
-("A".."Z").each do |mod|
- mod = eval("module #{mod}; self; end")
- ms.each do |meth|
- iseq = RubyVM::InstructionSequence.compile("module #{mod}; def #{meth}; end; end")
- GC.stress = true
- iseq.eval
- GC.stress = false
- end
- o =
- ms.each do |meth|
- o.send(meth)
- end
-}, '[ruby-dev:39453]'
-assert_normal_exit %q{
-a = []
-ms = "a".."k"
-("A".."Z").each do |mod|
- mod = eval("module #{mod}; self; end")
- ms.each do |meth|
- GC.stress = true
- mod.module_eval {define_method(meth) {}}
- GC.stress = false
- end
- o =
- ms.each do |meth|
- o.send(meth)
- end
-}, '[ruby-dev:39453]'
diff --git a/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/test_io.rb b/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/test_io.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d2b19368a..0000000000
--- a/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/test_io.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-assert_finish 5, %q{
- r, w = IO.pipe
- t1 = { r.sysread(1) }
- t2 = { r.sysread(1) }
- sleep 0.01 until t1.stop? and t2.stop?
- w.write "a"
- w.write "a"
-}, '[ruby-dev:31866]'
-assert_finish 10, %q{
- begin
- require "io/nonblock"
- require "timeout"
- timeout(3) do
- r, w = IO.pipe
- w.nonblock?
- w.nonblock = true
- w.write_nonblock("a" * 100000)
- w.nonblock = false
- t1 = { w.write("b" * 4096) }
- t2 = { w.write("c" * 4096) }
- sleep 0.5
- r.sysread(4096).length
- sleep 0.5
- r.sysread(4096).length
- t1.join
- t2.join
- end
- rescue LoadError, Timeout::Error, NotImplementedError
- end
-}, '[ruby-dev:32566]'
-assert_finish 1, %q{
- r, w = IO.pipe
- {
- w << "ab"
- sleep 0.01
- w << "ab"
- }
- r.gets("abab")
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- require 'tmpdir'
- begin
- tmpname = "#{Dir.tmpdir}/ruby-btest-#{$$}-#{rand(0x100000000).to_s(36)}"
- rw =, File::RDWR|File::CREAT|File::EXCL)
- rescue Errno::EEXIST
- retry
- end
- save = STDIN.dup
- STDIN.reopen(rw)
- STDIN.reopen(save)
- rw.close
- File.unlink(tmpname) unless RUBY_PLATFORM['nacl']
- :ok
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- require 'tmpdir'
- begin
- tmpname = "#{Dir.tmpdir}/ruby-btest-#{$$}-#{rand(0x100000000).to_s(36)}"
- rw =, File::RDWR|File::CREAT|File::EXCL)
- rescue Errno::EEXIST
- retry
- end
- save = STDIN.dup
- STDIN.reopen(rw)
- STDIN.print "a"
- STDIN.reopen(save)
- rw.close
- File.unlink(tmpname) unless RUBY_PLATFORM['nacl']
- :ok
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- dup = STDIN.dup
- dupfd = dup.fileno
- dupfd == STDIN.dup.fileno ? :ng : :ok
-}, '[ruby-dev:46834]'
-assert_normal_exit %q{
- ARGF.set_encoding "foo"
-10.times do
- assert_normal_exit %q{
- at_exit { p :foo }
- megacontent = "abc" * 12345678
-"megasrc", "w") {|f| f << megacontent }
- t0 = Thread.main
- { sleep 0.001 until t0.stop?; Process.kill(:INT, $$) }
- r1, w1 = IO.pipe
- r2, w2 = IO.pipe
- t1 = { w1 << megacontent; w1.close }
- t2 = {; r2.close }
- IO.copy_stream(r1, w2) rescue nil
- w2.close
- r1.close
- t1.join
- t2.join
- }, 'megacontent-copy_stream', ["INT"], :timeout => 10 or break
-assert_normal_exit %q{
- r, w = IO.pipe
- STDOUT.reopen(w)
- STDOUT.reopen(__FILE__, "r")
-}, '[ruby-dev:38131]'
diff --git a/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/test_jump.rb b/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/test_jump.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 595aaa7c4b..0000000000
--- a/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/test_jump.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,308 +0,0 @@
-assert_equal %q{ok}, %q{
- def m
- :ng1
- mm{
- yield
- }
- :ng2
- end
- def mm
- :ng3
- yield
- :ng4
- end
- m{
- break :ok
- }
-assert_equal %q{ok}, %q{
- 3.times{
- break :ok
- }
-assert_equal %q{}, %q{
- catch(:foo){
- throw :foo
- }
-assert_equal %q{false}, %q{
- catch(:foo){
- throw :foo, false
- }
-assert_equal %q{}, %q{
- catch(:foo){
- throw :foo, nil
- }
-assert_equal %q{ok}, %q{
- catch(:foo){
- throw :foo, :ok
- }
-assert_equal %q{}, %q{
- catch(:foo){
- 1.times{
- throw :foo
- }
- }
-assert_equal %q{ok}, %q{
- catch(:foo){
- 1.times{
- throw :foo, :ok
- }
- }
-assert_equal %q{ok}, %q{
- catch(:foo){
- catch(:bar){
- throw :foo, :ok
- }
- :ng
- }
-assert_equal %q{ok}, %q{
- catch(:foo){
- catch(:bar){
- 1.times{
- throw :foo, :ok
- }
- }
- :ng
- }
-assert_equal %q{2}, %q{
- module Enumerable
- def all_?
- self.each{|e|
- unless yield(e)
- return false
- end
- }
- true
- end
- end
- xxx = 0
- [1,2].each{|bi|
- [3,4].each{|bj|
- [true, nil, true].all_?{|be| be}
- break
- }
- xxx += 1
- }
- xxx
-assert_equal %q{ok}, %q{
- def m
- yield
- end
- m{
- begin
- ensure
- break :ok
- end
- }
-assert_equal %q{ok}, %q{
- def m
- yield
- :ok
- end
- i=0
- m{
- if i>10
- i*i
- else
- i+=1
- next
- end
- }
-assert_equal %q{ok}, %q{
- def m
- yield
- end
- m{
- next :ok
- }
-assert_equal %q{131}, %q{
- def m
- yield + 10
- end
- i=0
- m{
- if i>10
- i*i
- else
- i+=1
- redo
- end
- }
-assert_equal %q{ok}, %q{
- eval %q{
- 1.times{
- retry
- }
- }
-rescue SyntaxError
- :ok
-assert_equal %q{3}, %q{
- def m
- return 3
- end
- m
-assert_equal %q{ok}, %q{
- def m
- :ng1
- mm{
- return :ok
- }
- :ng2
- end
- def mm
- :ng3
- yield
- :ng4
- end
- m
-assert_equal %q{100}, %q{
- $i = 0
- def m
- begin
- iter{
- return
- }
- ensure
- $i = 100
- end
- end
- def iter
- yield
- end
- m
- $i
-assert_equal %q{ok}, %q{
- def m
- begin
- raise
- rescue
- return :ok
- end
- :ng
- end
- m
-assert_equal %q{1}, %q{
- def m
- begin
- raise
- rescue
- return 1
- end
- end
- m
-assert_equal %q{1}, %q{
- def m
- begin
- #
- ensure
- return 1
- end
- end
- m
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- begin
- catch {|t| throw t, :ok }
- rescue ArgumentError
- :ng
- end
-}, '[ruby-dev:31609]'
-assert_equal "1", %q{
- catch do |t|
- begin
- throw t, 1
- 2
- ensure
- 3
- end
- end
-}, "[ruby-dev:31698]"
-assert_normal_exit %q{
- f = 0
- 1.times do
- begin
- f += 1
- ensure
- redo unless f > 2
- end
- end
-assert_normal_exit %q{
- -> do
- 1.times do
- begin
- raise
- rescue
- return
- end
- end
-assert_normal_exit %q{
- while true
- begin
- raise
- next
- rescue
- end
- break
- end
-}, '[ruby-core:28172]'
-assert_equal "true", %q{
- class Object
- def return_eigenclass
- class << self
- return self
- end
- end
- end
- s = "foo"
- s.return_eigenclass == class << s; self; end
-}, '[ruby-core:21379]'
-assert_equal "true", %q{
- class Object
- def yield_eigenclass
- class << self
- yield self
- end
- end
- end
- s = "foo"
- s.yield_eigenclass {|c| c == class << s; self; end }
-}, '[ruby-dev:40975]'
diff --git a/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/test_literal.rb b/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/test_literal.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index aa65bddae1..0000000000
--- a/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/test_literal.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,231 +0,0 @@
-# empty program
-assert_equal '', ''
-assert_equal '', ' '
-assert_equal '', "\n"
-# special const
-assert_equal 'true', 'true'
-assert_equal 'TrueClass', 'true.class'
-assert_equal 'false', 'false'
-assert_equal 'FalseClass', 'false.class'
-assert_equal '', 'nil'
-assert_equal 'nil', 'nil.inspect'
-assert_equal 'NilClass', 'nil.class'
-assert_equal 'sym', ':sym'
-assert_equal ':sym', ':sym.inspect'
-assert_equal 'Symbol', ':sym.class'
-assert_equal '1234', '1234'
-assert_equal 'Fixnum', '1234.class'
-assert_equal '1234', '1_2_3_4'
-assert_equal 'Fixnum', '1_2_3_4.class'
-assert_equal '18', '0x12'
-assert_equal 'Fixnum', '0x12.class'
-assert_equal '15', '0o17'
-assert_equal 'Fixnum', '0o17.class'
-assert_equal '5', '0b101'
-assert_equal 'Fixnum', '0b101.class'
-assert_equal '123456789012345678901234567890', '123456789012345678901234567890'
-assert_equal 'Bignum', '123456789012345678901234567890.class'
-assert_equal '2.0', '2.0'
-assert_equal 'Float', '1.3.class'
-# self
-assert_equal 'main', 'self'
-assert_equal 'Object', 'self.class'
-# string literal
-assert_equal 'a', '?a'
-assert_equal 'String', '?a.class'
-assert_equal 'A', '?A'
-assert_equal 'String', '?A.class'
-assert_equal "\n", '?\n'
-assert_equal 'String', '?\n.class'
-assert_equal ' ', '?\ '
-assert_equal 'String', '?\ .class'
-assert_equal 'string', "'string'"
-assert_equal 'string', '"string"'
-assert_equal 'string', '%(string)'
-assert_equal 'string', '%q(string)'
-assert_equal 'string', '%Q(string)'
-assert_equal 'string string', '"string string"'
-assert_equal ' ', '" "'
-assert_equal "\0", '"\0"'
-assert_equal "\1", '"\1"'
-assert_equal "3", '"\x33"'
-assert_equal "\n", '"\n"'
-# dynamic string literal
-assert_equal '2', '"#{1 + 1}"'
-assert_equal '16', '"#{2 ** 4}"'
-assert_equal 'string', 's = "string"; "#{s}"'
-# dynamic symbol literal
-assert_equal 'a3c', ':"a#{1+2}c"'
-assert_equal ':a3c', ':"a#{1+2}c".inspect'
-assert_equal 'Symbol', ':"a#{1+2}c".class'
-# xstring
-unless nacl?
- assert_equal "foo\n", %q(`echo foo`)
- assert_equal "foo\n", %q(s = "foo"; `echo #{s}`)
-# regexp
-assert_equal '', '//.source'
-assert_equal 'Regexp', '//.class'
-assert_equal '0', '// =~ "a"'
-assert_equal '0', '// =~ ""'
-assert_equal 'a', '/a/.source'
-assert_equal 'Regexp', '/a/.class'
-assert_equal '0', '/a/ =~ "a"'
-assert_equal '0', '/test/ =~ "test"'
-assert_equal '', '/test/ =~ "tes"'
-assert_equal '0', 're = /test/; re =~ "test"'
-assert_equal '0', 'str = "test"; /test/ =~ str'
-assert_equal '0', 're = /test/; str = "test"; re =~ str'
-# dynamic regexp
-assert_equal 'regexp', %q(/re#{'ge'}xp/.source)
-assert_equal 'Regexp', %q(/re#{'ge'}xp/.class)
-# array
-assert_equal 'Array', '[].class'
-assert_equal '0', '[].size'
-assert_equal '0', '[].length'
-assert_equal '[]', '[].inspect'
-assert_equal 'Array', '[0].class'
-assert_equal '1', '[3].size'
-assert_equal '[3]', '[3].inspect'
-assert_equal '3', 'a = [3]; a[0]'
-assert_equal 'Array', '[1,2].class'
-assert_equal '2', '[1,2].size'
-assert_equal '[1, 2]', '[1,2].inspect'
-assert_equal 'Array', '[1,2,3,4,5].class'
-assert_equal '5', '[1,2,3,4,5].size'
-assert_equal '[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]', '[1,2,3,4,5].inspect'
-assert_equal '1', 'a = [1,2]; a[0]'
-assert_equal '2', 'a = [1,2]; a[1]'
-assert_equal 'Array', 'a = [1 + 2, 3 + 4, 5 + 6]; a.class'
-assert_equal '[3, 7, 11]', 'a = [1 + 2, 3 + 4, 5 + 6]; a.inspect'
-assert_equal '7', 'a = [1 + 2, 3 + 4, 5 + 6]; a[1]'
-assert_equal '1', '([0][0] += 1)'
-assert_equal '1', '([2][0] -= 1)'
-assert_equal 'Array', 'a = [obj =]; a.class'
-assert_equal '1', 'a = [obj =]; a.size'
-assert_equal 'true', 'a = [obj =]; a[0] == obj'
-assert_equal '5', 'a = [1,2,3]; a[1] = 5; a[1]'
-assert_equal 'bar', '[*:foo];:bar'
-assert_equal '[1, 2]', 'def nil.to_a; [2]; end; [1, *nil]'
-assert_equal '[1, 2]', 'def nil.to_a; [1, 2]; end; [*nil]'
-assert_equal '[0, 1, {2=>3}]', '[0, *[1], 2=>3]', "[ruby-dev:31592]"
-# hash
-assert_equal 'Hash', '{}.class'
-assert_equal '{}', '{}.inspect'
-assert_equal 'Hash', '{1=>2}.class'
-assert_equal '{1=>2}', '{1=>2}.inspect'
-assert_equal '2', 'h = {1 => 2}; h[1]'
-assert_equal '0', 'h = {1 => 2}; h.delete(1); h.size'
-assert_equal '', 'h = {1 => 2}; h.delete(1); h[1]'
-assert_equal '2', 'h = {"string" => "literal", "goto" => "hell"}; h.size'
-assert_equal 'literal', 'h = {"string"=>"literal", "goto"=>"hell"}; h["string"]'
-assert_equal 'hell', 'h = {"string"=>"literal", "goto"=>"hell"}; h["goto"]'
-# range
-assert_equal 'Range', '(1..2).class'
-assert_equal '1..2', '(1..2).inspect'
-assert_equal '1', '(1..2).begin'
-assert_equal '2', '(1..2).end'
-assert_equal 'false', '(1..2).exclude_end?'
-assert_equal 'Range', 'r = 1..2; r.class'
-assert_equal '1..2', 'r = 1..2; r.inspect'
-assert_equal '1', 'r = 1..2; r.begin'
-assert_equal '2', 'r = 1..2; r.end'
-assert_equal 'false', 'r = 1..2; r.exclude_end?'
-assert_equal 'Range', '(1...3).class'
-assert_equal '1...3', '(1...3).inspect'
-assert_equal '1', '(1...3).begin'
-assert_equal '3', '(1...3).end'
-assert_equal 'true', '(1...3).exclude_end?'
-assert_equal 'Range', 'r = (1...3); r.class'
-assert_equal '1...3', 'r = (1...3); r.inspect'
-assert_equal '1', 'r = (1...3); r.begin'
-assert_equal '3', 'r = (1...3); r.end'
-assert_equal 'true', 'r = (1...3); r.exclude_end?'
-assert_equal 'Range', 'r = (1+2 .. 3+4); r.class'
-assert_equal '3..7', 'r = (1+2 .. 3+4); r.inspect'
-assert_equal '3', 'r = (1+2 .. 3+4); r.begin'
-assert_equal '7', 'r = (1+2 .. 3+4); r.end'
-assert_equal 'false', 'r = (1+2 .. 3+4); r.exclude_end?'
-assert_equal 'Range', 'r = (1+2 ... 3+4); r.class'
-assert_equal '3...7', 'r = (1+2 ... 3+4); r.inspect'
-assert_equal '3', 'r = (1+2 ... 3+4); r.begin'
-assert_equal '7', 'r = (1+2 ... 3+4); r.end'
-assert_equal 'true', 'r = (1+2 ... 3+4); r.exclude_end?'
-assert_equal 'Range', 'r = ("a".."c"); r.class'
-assert_equal '"a".."c"', 'r = ("a".."c"); r.inspect'
-assert_equal 'a', 'r = ("a".."c"); r.begin'
-assert_equal 'c', 'r = ("a".."c"); r.end'
-assert_equal 'String', '__FILE__.class'
-assert_equal 'Fixnum', '__LINE__.class'
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- # this cause "called on terminated object".
- ObjectSpace.each_object(Module) {|m| }
- :ok
-assert_normal_exit %q{
- begin
- r = 0**-1
- r + r
- rescue
- end
-}, '[ruby-dev:34524]'
-assert_normal_exit %q{
- begin
- r = Marshal.load("\x04\bU:\rRational[\ai\x06i\x05")
- r + r
- rescue
- end
-}, '[ruby-dev:34536]'
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- "#{}""#{}ok"
-}, '[ruby-dev:38968]'
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- "#{}o""#{}k""#{}"
-}, '[ruby-core:25284]'
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{ # long array literal
- x = nil
- eval "a = [#{(1..10_000).map{'x'}.join(", ")}]"
- :ok
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{ # long array literal (optimized)
- eval "a = [#{(1..10_000).to_a.join(", ")}]"
- :ok
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{ # long hash literal
- x = nil
- eval "a = {#{(1..10_000).map{|n| "#{n} => x"}.join(', ')}}"
- :ok
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{ # long hash literal (optimized)
- eval "a = {#{(1..10_000).map{|n| "#{n} => #{n}"}.join(', ')}}"
- :ok
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- [print(:ok), exit] # void literal with side-effect
- :dummy
diff --git a/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/test_literal_suffix.rb b/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/test_literal_suffix.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 4316c9e040..0000000000
--- a/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/test_literal_suffix.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-# numbers with suffix
-assert_equal '0/1', '0r'
-assert_equal 'Rational', '0r.class'
-assert_equal '1/1', '1r'
-assert_equal 'Rational', '1r.class'
-assert_equal '-1/1', '-1r'
-assert_equal 'Rational', '(-1r).class'
-assert_equal '1/1', '0x1r'
-assert_equal 'Rational', '0x1r.class'
-assert_equal '1/1', '0b1r'
-assert_equal 'Rational', '0b1r.class'
-assert_equal '1/1', '0d1r'
-assert_equal 'Rational', '0d1r.class'
-assert_equal '1/1', '0o1r'
-assert_equal 'Rational', '0o1r.class'
-assert_equal '1/1', '01r'
-assert_equal 'Rational', '01r.class'
-assert_equal '6/5', '1.2r'
-assert_equal 'Rational', '1.2r.class'
-assert_equal '-6/5', '-1.2r'
-assert_equal 'Rational', '(-1.2r).class'
-assert_equal '0+0i', '0i'
-assert_equal 'Complex', '0i.class'
-assert_equal '0+1i', '1i'
-assert_equal 'Complex', '1i.class'
-assert_equal '0+1i', '0x1i'
-assert_equal 'Complex', '0x1i.class'
-assert_equal '0+1i', '0b1i'
-assert_equal 'Complex', '0b1i.class'
-assert_equal '0+1i', '0d1i'
-assert_equal 'Complex', '0d1i.class'
-assert_equal '0+1i', '0o1i'
-assert_equal 'Complex', '0o1i.class'
-assert_equal '0+1i', '01i'
-assert_equal 'Complex', '01i.class'
-assert_equal '0+1.2i', '1.2i'
-assert_equal 'Complex', '1.2i.class'
-assert_equal '0+1/1i', '1ri'
-assert_equal 'Complex', '1ri.class'
-assert_equal '0+6/5i', '1.2ri'
-assert_equal 'Complex', '1.2ri.class'
-assert_equal '0+10.0i', '1e1i'
-assert_equal 'Complex', '1e1i.class'
-assert_equal '1', '1if true'
-assert_equal '1', '1rescue nil'
-assert_equal '10000000000000000001/10000000000000000000',
- '1.0000000000000000001r'
-assert_equal 'syntax error, unexpected tIDENTIFIER, expecting end-of-input',
- %q{begin eval('1ir', nil, '', 0); rescue SyntaxError => e; e.message[/\A:(?:\d+:)? (.*)/, 1] end}
-assert_equal 'syntax error, unexpected tIDENTIFIER, expecting end-of-input',
- %q{begin eval('1.2ir', nil, '', 0); rescue SyntaxError => e; e.message[/\A:(?:\d+:)? (.*)/, 1] end}
-assert_equal 'syntax error, unexpected tIDENTIFIER, expecting end-of-input',
- %q{begin eval('1e1r', nil, '', 0); rescue SyntaxError => e; e.message[/\A:(?:\d+:)? (.*)/, 1] end}
diff --git a/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/test_load.rb b/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/test_load.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index e63c93a8f4..0000000000
--- a/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/test_load.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- open("require-lock-test.rb", "w") {|f|
- f.puts "sleep 0.1"
- f.puts "module M"
- f.puts "end"
- }
- $:.unshift Dir.pwd
- vs = (1..2).map {|i|
- Thread.start {
- require "require-lock-test"
- M
- }
- }.map {|t| t.value }
- vs[0] == M && vs[1] == M ? :ok : :ng
-}, '[ruby-dev:32048]'
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- %w[a a/foo b].each {|d| Dir.mkdir(d)}
- open("b/foo", "w") {|f| f.puts "$ok = :ok"}
- $:.replace(%w[a b])
- begin
- load "foo"
- $ok
- rescue => e
- e.message
- end
-}, '[ruby-dev:38097]'
diff --git a/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/test_marshal.rb b/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/test_marshal.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e34176169..0000000000
--- a/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/test_marshal.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-assert_normal_exit %q{
- Marshal.load(Marshal.dump({"k"=>"v"}), lambda {|v| v})
diff --git a/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/test_massign.rb b/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/test_massign.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f63dd424a..0000000000
--- a/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/test_massign.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
-assert_equal '[[1], 2, 3]', '*v1, (a, b) = [1,[2, 3]]; [v1, a, b]'
-assert_equal '[[1], 2, 3]', '*v1,(*), (a, b) = [1,:x,[2, 3]]; [v1, a, b]'
-assert_equal '[]', '*a = *nil; a'
-assert_equal '[nil]', '*a = nil; a'
-assert_equal '2', 'a, a = 1, 2; a', "[ruby-dev:31522]"
-assert_equal '[1, 2]', 'a, b = 1, 2'
-assert_equal '[1, 2]', %q{
- ans = []
- trace_var(:$a){|v| ans << v}
- trace_var(:$b){|v| ans << v}
- $a, $b = 1, 2
- ans
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- r = :ok
- :ng.tap {|(r)|}
- r
-}, '[ruby-dev:31507]'
-# generated by this script:
- 8.times{|e|
- ary = (0...e).to_a
- a,b,c,d,e,f = nil
- vals = %w(a b c d e f)
- vals[i] = '*' + vals[i]
- program = "#{vals.join(", ")} = *ary"
- eval(program)
- ans = [a,b,c,d,e,f]
- puts %Q{
- assert_equal "#{ans.inspect}", %q{
- ary = #{ary.inspect}
- #{program}; [a, b, c, d, e, f]
- }}
- }
- assert_equal "[[], nil, nil, nil, nil, nil]", %q{
- ary = []
- *a, b, c, d, e, f = *ary; [a, b, c, d, e, f]
- }
- assert_equal "[[], 0, nil, nil, nil, nil]", %q{
- ary = [0]
- *a, b, c, d, e, f = *ary; [a, b, c, d, e, f]
- }
- assert_equal "[[], 0, 1, nil, nil, nil]", %q{
- ary = [0, 1]
- *a, b, c, d, e, f = *ary; [a, b, c, d, e, f]
- }
- assert_equal "[[], 0, 1, 2, nil, nil]", %q{
- ary = [0, 1, 2]
- *a, b, c, d, e, f = *ary; [a, b, c, d, e, f]
- }
- assert_equal "[[], 0, 1, 2, 3, nil]", %q{
- ary = [0, 1, 2, 3]
- *a, b, c, d, e, f = *ary; [a, b, c, d, e, f]
- }
- assert_equal "[[], 0, 1, 2, 3, 4]", %q{
- ary = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
- *a, b, c, d, e, f = *ary; [a, b, c, d, e, f]
- }
- assert_equal "[[0], 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]", %q{
- ary = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
- *a, b, c, d, e, f = *ary; [a, b, c, d, e, f]
- }
- assert_equal "[[0, 1], 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]", %q{
- ary = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
- *a, b, c, d, e, f = *ary; [a, b, c, d, e, f]
- }
- assert_equal "[nil, [], nil, nil, nil, nil]", %q{
- ary = []
- a, *b, c, d, e, f = *ary; [a, b, c, d, e, f]
- }
- assert_equal "[0, [], nil, nil, nil, nil]", %q{
- ary = [0]
- a, *b, c, d, e, f = *ary; [a, b, c, d, e, f]
- }
- assert_equal "[0, [], 1, nil, nil, nil]", %q{
- ary = [0, 1]
- a, *b, c, d, e, f = *ary; [a, b, c, d, e, f]
- }
- assert_equal "[0, [], 1, 2, nil, nil]", %q{
- ary = [0, 1, 2]
- a, *b, c, d, e, f = *ary; [a, b, c, d, e, f]
- }
- assert_equal "[0, [], 1, 2, 3, nil]", %q{
- ary = [0, 1, 2, 3]
- a, *b, c, d, e, f = *ary; [a, b, c, d, e, f]
- }
- assert_equal "[0, [], 1, 2, 3, 4]", %q{
- ary = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
- a, *b, c, d, e, f = *ary; [a, b, c, d, e, f]
- }
- assert_equal "[0, [1], 2, 3, 4, 5]", %q{
- ary = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
- a, *b, c, d, e, f = *ary; [a, b, c, d, e, f]
- }
- assert_equal "[0, [1, 2], 3, 4, 5, 6]", %q{
- ary = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
- a, *b, c, d, e, f = *ary; [a, b, c, d, e, f]
- }
- assert_equal "[nil, nil, [], nil, nil, nil]", %q{
- ary = []
- a, b, *c, d, e, f = *ary; [a, b, c, d, e, f]
- }
- assert_equal "[0, nil, [], nil, nil, nil]", %q{
- ary = [0]
- a, b, *c, d, e, f = *ary; [a, b, c, d, e, f]
- }
- assert_equal "[0, 1, [], nil, nil, nil]", %q{
- ary = [0, 1]
- a, b, *c, d, e, f = *ary; [a, b, c, d, e, f]
- }
- assert_equal "[0, 1, [], 2, nil, nil]", %q{
- ary = [0, 1, 2]
- a, b, *c, d, e, f = *ary; [a, b, c, d, e, f]
- }
- assert_equal "[0, 1, [], 2, 3, nil]", %q{
- ary = [0, 1, 2, 3]
- a, b, *c, d, e, f = *ary; [a, b, c, d, e, f]
- }
- assert_equal "[0, 1, [], 2, 3, 4]", %q{
- ary = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
- a, b, *c, d, e, f = *ary; [a, b, c, d, e, f]
- }
- assert_equal "[0, 1, [2], 3, 4, 5]", %q{
- ary = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
- a, b, *c, d, e, f = *ary; [a, b, c, d, e, f]
- }
- assert_equal "[0, 1, [2, 3], 4, 5, 6]", %q{
- ary = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
- a, b, *c, d, e, f = *ary; [a, b, c, d, e, f]
- }
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- a,s=[],"aaa"
- 300.times { a<<s; s=s.succ }
- eval <<-END__
- GC.stress=true
- do
- #{ a.join(",") },*zzz=1
- end.resume
- END__
- :ok
-}, '[ruby-dev:32581]'
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- while true
- *, z = 1
- break
- end
- :ok
-}, '[ruby-dev:32892]'
diff --git a/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/test_method.rb b/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/test_method.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a7cb0a577..0000000000
--- a/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/test_method.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1220 +0,0 @@
-# regular argument
-assert_equal '1', 'def m() 1 end; m()'
-assert_equal '1', 'def m(a) a end; m(1)'
-assert_equal '[1, 2]', 'def m(a,b) [a, b] end; m(1,2)'
-assert_equal '[1, 2, 3]', 'def m(a,b,c) [a, b, c] end; m(1,2,3)'
-assert_equal 'wrong number of arguments (1 for 0)', %q{
- def m; end
- begin
- m(1)
- rescue => e
- e.message
- end
-assert_equal 'wrong number of arguments (0 for 1)', %q{
- def m a; end
- begin
- m
- rescue => e
- e.message
- end
-# default argument
-assert_equal '1', 'def m(x=1) x end; m()'
-assert_equal '1', 'def m(x=7) x end; m(1)'
-assert_equal '1', 'def m(a,x=1) x end; m(7)'
-assert_equal '1', 'def m(a,x=7) x end; m(7,1)'
-assert_equal '1', 'def m(a,b,x=1) x end; m(7,7)'
-assert_equal '1', 'def m(a,b,x=7) x end; m(7,7,1)'
-assert_equal '1', 'def m(a,x=1,y=1) x end; m(7)'
-assert_equal '1', 'def m(a,x=1,y=1) y end; m(7)'
-assert_equal '1', 'def m(a,x=7,y=1) x end; m(7,1)'
-assert_equal '1', 'def m(a,x=7,y=1) y end; m(7,1)'
-assert_equal '1', 'def m(a,x=7,y=7) x end; m(7,1,1)'
-assert_equal '1', 'def m(a,x=7,y=7) y end; m(7,1,1)'
-# rest argument
-assert_equal '[]', 'def m(*a) a end; m().inspect'
-assert_equal '[1]', 'def m(*a) a end; m(1).inspect'
-assert_equal '[1, 2]', 'def m(*a) a end; m(1,2).inspect'
-assert_equal '[]', 'def m(x,*a) a end; m(7).inspect'
-assert_equal '[1]', 'def m(x,*a) a end; m(7,1).inspect'
-assert_equal '[1, 2]', 'def m(x,*a) a end; m(7,1,2).inspect'
-assert_equal '[]', 'def m(x,y,*a) a end; m(7,7).inspect'
-assert_equal '[1]', 'def m(x,y,*a) a end; m(7,7,1).inspect'
-assert_equal '[1, 2]', 'def m(x,y,*a) a end; m(7,7,1,2).inspect'
-assert_equal '[]', 'def m(x,y=7,*a) a end; m(7).inspect'
-assert_equal '[]', 'def m(x,y,z=7,*a) a end; m(7,7).inspect'
-assert_equal '[]', 'def m(x,y,z=7,*a) a end; m(7,7,7).inspect'
-assert_equal '[]', 'def m(x,y,z=7,zz=7,*a) a end; m(7,7,7).inspect'
-assert_equal '[]', 'def m(x,y,z=7,zz=7,*a) a end; m(7,7,7,7).inspect'
-assert_equal '1', 'def m(x,y,z=7,zz=1,*a) zz end; m(7,7,7).inspect'
-assert_equal '1', 'def m(x,y,z=7,zz=1,*a) zz end; m(7,7,7).inspect'
-assert_equal '1', 'def m(x,y,z=7,zz=7,*a) zz end; m(7,7,7,1).inspect'
-# block argument
-assert_equal 'Proc', 'def m(&block) block end; m{}.class'
-assert_equal 'nil', 'def m(&block) block end; m().inspect'
-assert_equal 'Proc', 'def m(a,&block) block end; m(7){}.class'
-assert_equal 'nil', 'def m(a,&block) block end; m(7).inspect'
-assert_equal '1', 'def m(a,&block) a end; m(1){}'
-assert_equal 'Proc', 'def m(a,b=nil,&block) block end; m(7){}.class'
-assert_equal 'nil', 'def m(a,b=nil,&block) block end; m(7).inspect'
-assert_equal 'Proc', 'def m(a,b=nil,&block) block end; m(7,7){}.class'
-assert_equal '1', 'def m(a,b=nil,&block) b end; m(7,1){}'
-assert_equal 'Proc', 'def m(a,b=nil,*c,&block) block end; m(7){}.class'
-assert_equal 'nil', 'def m(a,b=nil,*c,&block) block end; m(7).inspect'
-assert_equal '1', 'def m(a,b=nil,*c,&block) a end; m(1).inspect'
-assert_equal '1', 'def m(a,b=1,*c,&block) b end; m(7).inspect'
-assert_equal '1', 'def m(a,b=7,*c,&block) b end; m(7,1).inspect'
-assert_equal '[1]', 'def m(a,b=7,*c,&block) c end; m(7,7,1).inspect'
-# splat
-assert_equal '1', 'def m(a) a end; m(*[1])'
-assert_equal '1', 'def m(x,a) a end; m(7,*[1])'
-assert_equal '1', 'def m(x,y,a) a end; m(7,7,*[1])'
-assert_equal '1', 'def m(a,b) a end; m(*[1,7])'
-assert_equal '1', 'def m(a,b) b end; m(*[7,1])'
-assert_equal '1', 'def m(x,a,b) b end; m(7,*[7,1])'
-assert_equal '1', 'def m(x,y,a,b) b end; m(7,7,*[7,1])'
-assert_equal '1', 'def m(a,b,c) a end; m(*[1,7,7])'
-assert_equal '1', 'def m(a,b,c) b end; m(*[7,1,7])'
-assert_equal '1', 'def m(a,b,c) c end; m(*[7,7,1])'
-assert_equal '1', 'def m(x,a,b,c) a end; m(7,*[1,7,7])'
-assert_equal '1', 'def m(x,y,a,b,c) a end; m(7,7,*[1,7,7])'
-# hash argument
-assert_equal '1', 'def m(h) h end; m(7=>1)[7]'
-assert_equal '1', 'def m(h) h end; m(7=>1).size'
-assert_equal '1', 'def m(h) h end; m(7=>1, 8=>7)[7]'
-assert_equal '2', 'def m(h) h end; m(7=>1, 8=>7).size'
-assert_equal '1', 'def m(h) h end; m(7=>1, 8=>7, 9=>7)[7]'
-assert_equal '3', 'def m(h) h end; m(7=>1, 8=>7, 9=>7).size'
-assert_equal '1', 'def m(x,h) h end; m(7, 7=>1)[7]'
-assert_equal '1', 'def m(x,h) h end; m(7, 7=>1, 8=>7)[7]'
-assert_equal '1', 'def m(x,h) h end; m(7, 7=>1, 8=>7, 9=>7)[7]'
-assert_equal '1', 'def m(x,y,h) h end; m(7,7, 7=>1)[7]'
-assert_equal '1', 'def m(x,y,h) h end; m(7,7, 7=>1, 8=>7)[7]'
-assert_equal '1', 'def m(x,y,h) h end; m(7,7, 7=>1, 8=>7, 9=>7)[7]'
-# block argument
-assert_equal '1', %q(def m(&block) mm(&block) end
- def mm() yield 1 end
- m {|a| a })
-assert_equal '1', %q(def m(x,&block) mm(x,&block) end
- def mm(x) yield 1 end
- m(7) {|a| a })
-assert_equal '1', %q(def m(x,y,&block) mm(x,y,&block) end
- def mm(x,y) yield 1 end
- m(7,7) {|a| a })
-# recursive call
-assert_equal '1', %q(def m(n) n == 0 ? 1 : m(n-1) end; m(5))
-# instance method
-assert_equal '1', %q(class C; def m() 1 end end;
-assert_equal '1', %q(class C; def m(a) a end end;
-assert_equal '1', %q(class C; def m(a = 1) a end end;
-assert_equal '[1]', %q(class C; def m(*a) a end end;
-assert_equal '1', %q( class C
- def m() mm() end
- def mm() 1 end
- end
- )
-# singleton method (const)
-assert_equal '1', %q(class C; def C.m() 1 end end; C.m)
-assert_equal '1', %q(class C; def C.m(a) a end end; C.m(1))
-assert_equal '1', %q(class C; def C.m(a = 1) a end end; C.m)
-assert_equal '[1]', %q(class C; def C.m(*a) a end end; C.m(1).inspect)
-assert_equal '1', %q(class C; end; def C.m() 1 end; C.m)
-assert_equal '1', %q(class C; end; def C.m(a) a end; C.m(1))
-assert_equal '1', %q(class C; end; def C.m(a = 1) a end; C.m)
-assert_equal '[1]', %q(class C; end; def C.m(*a) a end; C.m(1).inspect)
-assert_equal '1', %q(class C; def m() 7 end end; def C.m() 1 end; C.m)
-assert_equal '1', %q( class C
- def C.m() mm() end
- def 1 end
- end
- C.m )
-# singleton method (lvar)
-assert_equal '1', %q(obj =; def obj.m() 1 end; obj.m)
-assert_equal '1', %q(obj =; def obj.m(a) a end; obj.m(1))
-assert_equal '1', %q(obj =; def obj.m(a=1) a end; obj.m)
-assert_equal '[1]', %q(obj =; def obj.m(*a) a end; obj.m(1))
-assert_equal '1', %q(class C; def m() 7 end; end
- obj =
- def obj.m() 1 end
- obj.m)
-# inheritance
-assert_equal '1', %q(class A; def m(a) a end end
- class B < A; end
-assert_equal '1', %q(class A; end
- class B < A; def m(a) a end end
-assert_equal '1', %q(class A; def m(a) a end end
- class B < A; end
- class C < B; end
-# include
-assert_equal '1', %q(class A; def m(a) a end end
- module M; end
- class B < A; include M; end
-assert_equal '1', %q(class A; end
- module M; def m(a) a end end
- class B < A; include M; end
-# alias
-assert_equal '1', %q( def a() 1 end
- alias m a
- m() )
-assert_equal '1', %q( class C
- def a() 1 end
- alias m a
- end
- )
-assert_equal '1', %q( class C
- def a() 1 end
- alias :m a
- end
- )
-assert_equal '1', %q( class C
- def a() 1 end
- alias m :a
- end
- )
-assert_equal '1', %q( class C
- def a() 1 end
- alias :m :a
- end
- )
-assert_equal '1', %q( class C
- def a() 1 end
- alias m a
- undef a
- end
- )
-# undef
-assert_equal '1', %q( class C
- def m() end
- undef m
- end
- begin; rescue NoMethodError; 1 end )
-assert_equal '1', %q( class A
- def m() end
- end
- class C < A
- def m() end
- undef m
- end
- begin; rescue NoMethodError; 1 end )
-assert_equal '1', %q( class A; def a() end end # [yarv-dev:999]
- class B < A
- def b() end
- undef a, b
- end
- begin; rescue NoMethodError; 1 end )
-assert_equal '1', %q( class A; def a() end end # [yarv-dev:999]
- class B < A
- def b() end
- undef a, b
- end
- begin; rescue NoMethodError; 1 end )
-assert_equal '3', %q{
- def m1
- 1
- end
- alias m2 m1
- alias :"#{'m3'}" m1
- m1 + m2 + m3
-}, '[ruby-dev:32308]'
-assert_equal '1', %q{
- def foobar
- end
- undef :"foo#{:bar}"
- 1
-}, '[ruby-dev:32308]'
-assert_equal '1', %q{
- def foobar
- 1
- end
- alias :"bar#{:baz}" :"foo#{:bar}"
- barbaz
-}, '[ruby-dev:32308]'
-# private
-assert_equal '1', %q( class C
- def m() mm() end
- def mm() 1 end
- private :mm
- end
- )
-assert_equal '1', %q( class C
- def m() 7 end
- private :m
- end
- begin C.m; rescue NoMethodError; 1 end )
-assert_equal '1', %q( class C
- def C.m() mm() end
- def 1 end
- private_class_method :mm
- end
- C.m )
-assert_equal '1', %q( class C
- def C.m() 7 end
- private_class_method :m
- end
- begin C.m; rescue NoMethodError; 1 end )
-assert_equal '1', %q( class C; def m() 1 end end
- # cache
- class C
- alias mm m; private :mm
- end
- begin; 7; rescue NoMethodError; 1 end )
-# nested method
-assert_equal '1', %q( class C
- def m
- def mm() 1 end
- end
- end
- )
-assert_equal '1', %q( class C
- def m
- def mm() 1 end
- end
- end
- instance_eval ";" )
-# method_missing
-assert_equal ':m', %q( class C
- def method_missing(mid, *args) mid end
- end
- )
-assert_equal ':mm', %q( class C
- def method_missing(mid, *args) mid end
- end
- )
-assert_equal '[1, 2]', %q( class C
- def method_missing(mid, *args) args end
- end
-,2).inspect )
-assert_equal '1', %q( class C
- def method_missing(mid, *args) yield 1 end
- end
- {|a| a })
-assert_equal 'nil', %q( class C
- def method_missing(mid, *args, &block) block end
- end
- )
-# send
-assert_equal '1', %q( class C; def m() 1 end end;
- )
-assert_equal '1', %q( class C; def m() 1 end end;
- )
-assert_equal '1', %q( class C; def m(a) a end end;
-,1) )
-assert_equal '1', %q( class C; def m(a,b) a end end;
-,1,7) )
-assert_equal '1', %q( class C; def m(x,a=1) a end end;
-,7) )
-assert_equal '1', %q( class C; def m(x,a=7) a end end;
-,7,1) )
-assert_equal '[1, 2]', %q( class C; def m(*a) a end end;
-,1,2).inspect )
-assert_equal '1', %q( class C; def m() 7 end; private :m end
- begin; rescue NoMethodError; 1 end )
-assert_equal '1', %q( class C; def m() 1 end; private :m end
- )
-# with block
-assert_equal '[[:ok1, :foo], [:ok2, :foo, :bar]]',
- class C
- def [](a)
- $ary << [yield, a]
- end
- def []=(a, b)
- $ary << [yield, a, b]
- end
- end
- $ary = []
-[:foo, &lambda{:ok1}]
-[:foo, &lambda{:ok2}] = :bar
- $ary
-# with
-assert_equal '[:ok1, [:ok2, 11]]', %q{
- class C
- def []
- $ary << :ok1
- 10
- end
- def []=(a)
- $ary << [:ok2, a]
- end
- end
- $ary = []
- $ary
-# splat and block arguments
-assert_equal %q{[[[:x, :y, :z], NilClass], [[1, :x, :y, :z], NilClass], [[1, 2, :x, :y, :z], NilClass], [[:obj], NilClass], [[1, :obj], NilClass], [[1, 2, :obj], NilClass], [[], Proc], [[1], Proc], [[1, 2], Proc], [[], Proc], [[1], Proc], [[1, 2], Proc], [[:x, :y, :z], Proc], [[1, :x, :y, :z], Proc], [[1, 2, :x, :y, :z], Proc]]}, %q{
-def m(*args, &b)
- $result << [args, b.class]
-$result = []
-ary = [:x, :y, :z]
-obj = :obj
-b ={}
-# aset and splat
-assert_equal '4', %q{class Foo;def []=(a,b,c,d);end;end;[1,*a=[2,3]]=4}
-assert_equal '4', %q{class Foo;def []=(a,b,c,d);end;end;def m(&blk)[1,*a=[2,3],&blk]=4;end;m{}}
-# post test
-assert_equal %q{[1, 2, :o1, :o2, [], 3, 4, NilClass, nil, nil]}, %q{
-def m(m1, m2, o1=:o1, o2=:o2, *r, p1, p2, &b)
- x, y = :x, :y if $foo
- [m1, m2, o1, o2, r, p1, p2, b.class, x, y]
-; m(1, 2, 3, 4)}
-assert_equal %q{[1, 2, 3, :o2, [], 4, 5, NilClass, nil, nil]}, %q{
-def m(m1, m2, o1=:o1, o2=:o2, *r, p1, p2, &b)
- x, y = :x, :y if $foo
- [m1, m2, o1, o2, r, p1, p2, b.class, x, y]
-; m(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)}
-assert_equal %q{[1, 2, 3, 4, [], 5, 6, NilClass, nil, nil]}, %q{
-def m(m1, m2, o1=:o1, o2=:o2, *r, p1, p2, &b)
- x, y = :x, :y if $foo
- [m1, m2, o1, o2, r, p1, p2, b.class, x, y]
-; m(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)}
-assert_equal %q{[1, 2, 3, 4, [5], 6, 7, NilClass, nil, nil]}, %q{
-def m(m1, m2, o1=:o1, o2=:o2, *r, p1, p2, &b)
- x, y = :x, :y if $foo
- [m1, m2, o1, o2, r, p1, p2, b.class, x, y]
-; m(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)}
-assert_equal %q{[1, 2, 3, 4, [5, 6], 7, 8, NilClass, nil, nil]}, %q{
-def m(m1, m2, o1=:o1, o2=:o2, *r, p1, p2, &b)
- x, y = :x, :y if $foo
- [m1, m2, o1, o2, r, p1, p2, b.class, x, y]
-; m(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)}
-assert_equal %q{[1, 2, 3, 4, [5, 6, 7], 8, 9, NilClass, nil, nil]}, %q{
-def m(m1, m2, o1=:o1, o2=:o2, *r, p1, p2, &b)
- x, y = :x, :y if $foo
- [m1, m2, o1, o2, r, p1, p2, b.class, x, y]
-; m(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)}
-assert_equal %q{[1, 2, 3, 4, [5, 6, 7, 8], 9, 10, NilClass, nil, nil]}, %q{
-def m(m1, m2, o1=:o1, o2=:o2, *r, p1, p2, &b)
- x, y = :x, :y if $foo
- [m1, m2, o1, o2, r, p1, p2, b.class, x, y]
-; m(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)}
-assert_equal %q{[1, 2, 3, 4, [5, 6, 7, 8, 9], 10, 11, NilClass, nil, nil]}, %q{
-def m(m1, m2, o1=:o1, o2=:o2, *r, p1, p2, &b)
- x, y = :x, :y if $foo
- [m1, m2, o1, o2, r, p1, p2, b.class, x, y]
-; m(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11)}
-assert_equal %q{[1, 2, :o1, :o2, [], 3, 4, Proc, nil, nil]}, %q{
-def m(m1, m2, o1=:o1, o2=:o2, *r, p1, p2, &b)
- x, y = :x, :y if $foo
- [m1, m2, o1, o2, r, p1, p2, b.class, x, y]
-; m(1, 2, 3, 4){}}
-assert_equal %q{[1, 2, 3, :o2, [], 4, 5, Proc, nil, nil]}, %q{
-def m(m1, m2, o1=:o1, o2=:o2, *r, p1, p2, &b)
- x, y = :x, :y if $foo
- [m1, m2, o1, o2, r, p1, p2, b.class, x, y]
-; m(1, 2, 3, 4, 5){}}
-assert_equal %q{[1, 2, 3, 4, [], 5, 6, Proc, nil, nil]}, %q{
-def m(m1, m2, o1=:o1, o2=:o2, *r, p1, p2, &b)
- x, y = :x, :y if $foo
- [m1, m2, o1, o2, r, p1, p2, b.class, x, y]
-; m(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6){}}
-assert_equal %q{[1, 2, 3, 4, [5], 6, 7, Proc, nil, nil]}, %q{
-def m(m1, m2, o1=:o1, o2=:o2, *r, p1, p2, &b)
- x, y = :x, :y if $foo
- [m1, m2, o1, o2, r, p1, p2, b.class, x, y]
-; m(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7){}}
-assert_equal %q{[1, 2, 3, 4, [5, 6], 7, 8, Proc, nil, nil]}, %q{
-def m(m1, m2, o1=:o1, o2=:o2, *r, p1, p2, &b)
- x, y = :x, :y if $foo
- [m1, m2, o1, o2, r, p1, p2, b.class, x, y]
-; m(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8){}}
-assert_equal %q{[1, 2, 3, 4, [5, 6, 7], 8, 9, Proc, nil, nil]}, %q{
-def m(m1, m2, o1=:o1, o2=:o2, *r, p1, p2, &b)
- x, y = :x, :y if $foo
- [m1, m2, o1, o2, r, p1, p2, b.class, x, y]
-; m(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9){}}
-assert_equal %q{[1, 2, 3, 4, [5, 6, 7, 8], 9, 10, Proc, nil, nil]}, %q{
-def m(m1, m2, o1=:o1, o2=:o2, *r, p1, p2, &b)
- x, y = :x, :y if $foo
- [m1, m2, o1, o2, r, p1, p2, b.class, x, y]
-; m(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10){}}
-assert_equal %q{[1, 2, 3, 4, [5, 6, 7, 8, 9], 10, 11, Proc, nil, nil]}, %q{
-def m(m1, m2, o1=:o1, o2=:o2, *r, p1, p2, &b)
- x, y = :x, :y if $foo
- [m1, m2, o1, o2, r, p1, p2, b.class, x, y]
-; m(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11){}}
-assert_equal %q{[1, 2, :o1, :o2, [], 3, 4, nil, nil]}, %q{
-def m(m1, m2, o1=:o1, o2=:o2, *r, p1, p2)
- x, y = :x, :y if $foo
- [m1, m2, o1, o2, r, p1, p2, x, y]
-; m(1, 2, 3, 4)}
-assert_equal %q{[1, 2, 3, :o2, [], 4, 5, nil, nil]}, %q{
-def m(m1, m2, o1=:o1, o2=:o2, *r, p1, p2)
- x, y = :x, :y if $foo
- [m1, m2, o1, o2, r, p1, p2, x, y]
-; m(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)}
-assert_equal %q{[1, 2, 3, 4, [], 5, 6, nil, nil]}, %q{
-def m(m1, m2, o1=:o1, o2=:o2, *r, p1, p2)
- x, y = :x, :y if $foo
- [m1, m2, o1, o2, r, p1, p2, x, y]
-; m(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)}
-# super
-# below programs are generated by this program:
-BASE = <<EOS__
-class C0; def m *args; [:C0_m, args]; end; end
-class C1 < C0; <TEST>; super; end; end
-tests = {
- def m
-} => %q{
- def m a
-} => %q{
- 1
- def m a
- a = :a
-} => %q{
- 1
- def m a, o=:o
-} => %q{
- 1
- 1, 2
- def m a, o=:o
- a = :a
-} => %q{
- 1
- 1, 2
- def m a, o=:o
- o = :x
-} => %q{
- 1
- 1, 2
- def m a, *r
-} => %q{
- 1
- 1, 2
- 1, 2, 3
- def m a, *r
- r = [:x, :y]
-} => %q{
- 1
- 1, 2
- 1, 2, 3
- def m a, o=:o, *r
-} => %q{
- 1
- 1, 2
- 1, 2, 3
- 1, 2, 3, 4
- def m a, o=:o, *r, &b
-} => %q{
- 1
- 1, 2
- 1, 2, 3
- 1, 2, 3, 4
-, 2){}
-, 2, 3){}
-, 2, 3, 4){}
-"def m(m1, m2, o1=:o1, o2=:o2, p1, p2)" =>
-"def m(m1, m2, *r, p1, p2)" =>
-"def m(m1, m2, o1=:o1, o2=:o2, *r, p1, p2)" =>
-tests.each{|setup, methods| setup = setup.dup; setup.strip!
- setup = BASE.gsub(/<TEST>/){setup}
- methods.split(/\n/).each{|m| m = m.dup; m.strip!
- next if m.empty?
- expr = "#{setup}; #{m}"
- result = eval(expr)
- puts "assert_equal %q{#{result.inspect}}, %q{\n#{expr}}"
- puts
- }
-assert_equal %q{[:C0_m, [1, 2, :o1, :o2, 3, 4]]}, %q{
-class C0; def m *args; [:C0_m, args]; end; end
-class C1 < C0; def m(m1, m2, o1=:o1, o2=:o2, p1, p2); super; end; end
-assert_equal %q{[:C0_m, [1, 2, 3, :o2, 4, 5]]}, %q{
-class C0; def m *args; [:C0_m, args]; end; end
-class C1 < C0; def m(m1, m2, o1=:o1, o2=:o2, p1, p2); super; end; end
-assert_equal %q{[:C0_m, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]}, %q{
-class C0; def m *args; [:C0_m, args]; end; end
-class C1 < C0; def m(m1, m2, o1=:o1, o2=:o2, p1, p2); super; end; end
-assert_equal %q{[:C0_m, [1, :o]]}, %q{
-class C0; def m *args; [:C0_m, args]; end; end
-class C1 < C0; def m a, o=:o, *r; super; end; end
-; 1}
-assert_equal %q{[:C0_m, [1, 2]]}, %q{
-class C0; def m *args; [:C0_m, args]; end; end
-class C1 < C0; def m a, o=:o, *r; super; end; end
-; 1, 2}
-assert_equal %q{[:C0_m, [1, 2, 3]]}, %q{
-class C0; def m *args; [:C0_m, args]; end; end
-class C1 < C0; def m a, o=:o, *r; super; end; end
-; 1, 2, 3}
-assert_equal %q{[:C0_m, [1, 2, 3, 4]]}, %q{
-class C0; def m *args; [:C0_m, args]; end; end
-class C1 < C0; def m a, o=:o, *r; super; end; end
-; 1, 2, 3, 4}
-assert_equal %q{[:C0_m, [:a]]}, %q{
-class C0; def m *args; [:C0_m, args]; end; end
-class C1 < C0; def m a
- a = :a; super; end; end
-; 1}
-assert_equal %q{[:C0_m, [1, 2, 3, 4]]}, %q{
-class C0; def m *args; [:C0_m, args]; end; end
-class C1 < C0; def m(m1, m2, *r, p1, p2); super; end; end
-assert_equal %q{[:C0_m, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]}, %q{
-class C0; def m *args; [:C0_m, args]; end; end
-class C1 < C0; def m(m1, m2, *r, p1, p2); super; end; end
-assert_equal %q{[:C0_m, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]}, %q{
-class C0; def m *args; [:C0_m, args]; end; end
-class C1 < C0; def m(m1, m2, *r, p1, p2); super; end; end
-assert_equal %q{[:C0_m, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]]}, %q{
-class C0; def m *args; [:C0_m, args]; end; end
-class C1 < C0; def m(m1, m2, *r, p1, p2); super; end; end
-assert_equal %q{[:C0_m, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]]}, %q{
-class C0; def m *args; [:C0_m, args]; end; end
-class C1 < C0; def m(m1, m2, *r, p1, p2); super; end; end
-assert_equal %q{[:C0_m, [1, :o]]}, %q{
-class C0; def m *args; [:C0_m, args]; end; end
-class C1 < C0; def m a, o=:o, *r, &b; super; end; end
-; 1}
-assert_equal %q{[:C0_m, [1, 2]]}, %q{
-class C0; def m *args; [:C0_m, args]; end; end
-class C1 < C0; def m a, o=:o, *r, &b; super; end; end
-; 1, 2}
-assert_equal %q{[:C0_m, [1, 2, 3]]}, %q{
-class C0; def m *args; [:C0_m, args]; end; end
-class C1 < C0; def m a, o=:o, *r, &b; super; end; end
-; 1, 2, 3}
-assert_equal %q{[:C0_m, [1, 2, 3, 4]]}, %q{
-class C0; def m *args; [:C0_m, args]; end; end
-class C1 < C0; def m a, o=:o, *r, &b; super; end; end
-; 1, 2, 3, 4}
-assert_equal %q{[:C0_m, [1, :o]]}, %q{
-class C0; def m *args; [:C0_m, args]; end; end
-class C1 < C0; def m a, o=:o, *r, &b; super; end; end
-assert_equal %q{[:C0_m, [1, 2]]}, %q{
-class C0; def m *args; [:C0_m, args]; end; end
-class C1 < C0; def m a, o=:o, *r, &b; super; end; end
-;, 2){}}
-assert_equal %q{[:C0_m, [1, 2, 3]]}, %q{
-class C0; def m *args; [:C0_m, args]; end; end
-class C1 < C0; def m a, o=:o, *r, &b; super; end; end
-;, 2, 3){}}
-assert_equal %q{[:C0_m, [1, 2, 3, 4]]}, %q{
-class C0; def m *args; [:C0_m, args]; end; end
-class C1 < C0; def m a, o=:o, *r, &b; super; end; end
-;, 2, 3, 4){}}
-assert_equal %q{[:C0_m, [1, :x]]}, %q{
-class C0; def m *args; [:C0_m, args]; end; end
-class C1 < C0; def m a, o=:o
- o = :x; super; end; end
-; 1}
-assert_equal %q{[:C0_m, [1, :x]]}, %q{
-class C0; def m *args; [:C0_m, args]; end; end
-class C1 < C0; def m a, o=:o
- o = :x; super; end; end
-; 1, 2}
-assert_equal %q{[:C0_m, [:a, :o]]}, %q{
-class C0; def m *args; [:C0_m, args]; end; end
-class C1 < C0; def m a, o=:o
- a = :a; super; end; end
-; 1}
-assert_equal %q{[:C0_m, [:a, 2]]}, %q{
-class C0; def m *args; [:C0_m, args]; end; end
-class C1 < C0; def m a, o=:o
- a = :a; super; end; end
-; 1, 2}
-assert_equal %q{[:C0_m, [1]]}, %q{
-class C0; def m *args; [:C0_m, args]; end; end
-class C1 < C0; def m a; super; end; end
-; 1}
-assert_equal %q{[:C0_m, [1, :x, :y]]}, %q{
-class C0; def m *args; [:C0_m, args]; end; end
-class C1 < C0; def m a, *r
- r = [:x, :y]; super; end; end
-; 1}
-assert_equal %q{[:C0_m, [1, :x, :y]]}, %q{
-class C0; def m *args; [:C0_m, args]; end; end
-class C1 < C0; def m a, *r
- r = [:x, :y]; super; end; end
-; 1, 2}
-assert_equal %q{[:C0_m, [1, :x, :y]]}, %q{
-class C0; def m *args; [:C0_m, args]; end; end
-class C1 < C0; def m a, *r
- r = [:x, :y]; super; end; end
-; 1, 2, 3}
-assert_equal %q{[:C0_m, [1, 2, :o1, :o2, 3, 4]]}, %q{
-class C0; def m *args; [:C0_m, args]; end; end
-class C1 < C0; def m(m1, m2, o1=:o1, o2=:o2, *r, p1, p2); super; end; end
-assert_equal %q{[:C0_m, [1, 2, 3, :o2, 4, 5]]}, %q{
-class C0; def m *args; [:C0_m, args]; end; end
-class C1 < C0; def m(m1, m2, o1=:o1, o2=:o2, *r, p1, p2); super; end; end
-assert_equal %q{[:C0_m, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]}, %q{
-class C0; def m *args; [:C0_m, args]; end; end
-class C1 < C0; def m(m1, m2, o1=:o1, o2=:o2, *r, p1, p2); super; end; end
-assert_equal %q{[:C0_m, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]]}, %q{
-class C0; def m *args; [:C0_m, args]; end; end
-class C1 < C0; def m(m1, m2, o1=:o1, o2=:o2, *r, p1, p2); super; end; end
-assert_equal %q{[:C0_m, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]]}, %q{
-class C0; def m *args; [:C0_m, args]; end; end
-class C1 < C0; def m(m1, m2, o1=:o1, o2=:o2, *r, p1, p2); super; end; end
-assert_equal %q{[:C0_m, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]]}, %q{
-class C0; def m *args; [:C0_m, args]; end; end
-class C1 < C0; def m(m1, m2, o1=:o1, o2=:o2, *r, p1, p2); super; end; end
-assert_equal %q{[:C0_m, [1]]}, %q{
-class C0; def m *args; [:C0_m, args]; end; end
-class C1 < C0; def m a, *r; super; end; end
-; 1}
-assert_equal %q{[:C0_m, [1, 2]]}, %q{
-class C0; def m *args; [:C0_m, args]; end; end
-class C1 < C0; def m a, *r; super; end; end
-; 1, 2}
-assert_equal %q{[:C0_m, [1, 2, 3]]}, %q{
-class C0; def m *args; [:C0_m, args]; end; end
-class C1 < C0; def m a, *r; super; end; end
-; 1, 2, 3}
-assert_equal %q{[:C0_m, []]}, %q{
-class C0; def m *args; [:C0_m, args]; end; end
-class C1 < C0; def m; super; end; end
-assert_equal %q{[:C0_m, [1, :o]]}, %q{
-class C0; def m *args; [:C0_m, args]; end; end
-class C1 < C0; def m a, o=:o; super; end; end
-; 1}
-assert_equal %q{[:C0_m, [1, 2]]}, %q{
-class C0; def m *args; [:C0_m, args]; end; end
-class C1 < C0; def m a, o=:o; super; end; end
-; 1, 2}
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- class C
- def x=(n)
- end
- def m
- self.x = :ok
- end
- end
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- proc{
- $SAFE = 1
- class C
- def m
- :ok
- end
- end
- }.call
-}, '[ruby-core:11998]'
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- proc{
- $SAFE = 2
- class C
- def m
- :ok
- end
- end
- }.call
-}, '[ruby-core:11998]'
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- proc{
- $SAFE = 3
- class C
- def m
- :ng
- end
- end
- }.call
- begin
- rescue SecurityError
- :ok
- end
-}, '[ruby-core:11998]'
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- class B
- def m() :fail end
- end
- class C < B
- undef m
- begin
- remove_method :m
- rescue NameError
- end
- end
- begin
- rescue NameError
- :ok
- end
-}, '[ruby-dev:31816], [ruby-dev:31817]'
-assert_normal_exit %q{
- begin
- Process.setrlimit(Process::RLIMIT_STACK, 4_206_592)
- # FreeBSD SEGVs this less than 4M + 12K bytes.
- rescue Exception
- exit
- end
- class C
- attr "a" * (10*1024*1024)
- end
-}, '[ruby-dev:31818]'
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- class Module
- def define_method2(name, &block)
- define_method(name, &block)
- end
- end
- class C
- define_method2(:m) {|x, y| :fail }
- end
- begin
- rescue ArgumentError
- :ok
- end
-assert_not_match /method_missing/, %q{
- variable_or_mehtod_not_exist
-assert_equal '[false, false, false, false, true, true]', %q{
- class C
- define_method(:foo) {
- block_given?
- }
- end
- {}
- class D
- def foo
- D.module_eval{
- define_method(:m1){
- block_given?
- }
- }
- end
- def bar
- D.module_eval{
- define_method(:m2){
- block_given?
- }
- }
- end
- end
- [,{},,{},,{}]
-}, '[ruby-core:14813]'
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- class Foo
- define_method(:foo) do |&b|
- end
- end
- do
- break :ok
- end
-}, '[ruby-dev:36028]'
-assert_equal '[1, 2, [3, 4]]', %q{
- def regular(a, b, *c)
- [a, b, c]
- end
- regular(*[], 1, *[], *[2, 3], *[], 4)
-}, '[ruby-core:19413]'
-assert_equal '[1, [:foo, 3, 4, :foo]]', %q{
- def regular(a, *b)
- [a, b]
- end
- a = b = [:foo]
- regular(1, *a, *[3, 4], *b)
-assert_equal '["B", "A"]', %q{
- class A
- def m
- 'A'
- end
- end
- class B < A
- define_method(:m) do
- ['B', super()]
- end
- end
- class C < B
- end
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- module Foo
- def foo
- begin
- super
- rescue NoMethodError
- :ok
- end
- end
- module_function :foo
- end
-}, '[ruby-dev:37587]'
-assert_equal 'Object#foo', %q{
- class Object
- def
- ""
- end
- def foo
- "Object#foo"
- end
- end
- module Foo
- def foo
- begin
- super
- rescue NoMethodError
- :ok
- end
- end
- module_function :foo
- end
-}, '[ruby-dev:37587]'
-assert_normal_exit %q{
- class BasicObject
- remove_method :method_missing
- end
- begin
- "a".lalala!
- rescue NoMethodError => e
- e.message == "undefined method `lalala!' for \"a\":String" ? :ok : :ng
- end
-}, '[ruby-core:22298]'
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- "hello"[0] ||= "H"
- "ok"
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- "hello"[0, 1] ||= "H"
- "ok"
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- class C
- define_method(:foo) do
- C.class_eval { remove_method(:foo) }
- super()
- end
- end
- begin
- rescue NoMethodError
- 'ok'
- end
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- [0][0, &proc{}] += 21
- 'ok'
-}, '[ruby-core:30534]'
-# should not cache when splat
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- class C
- attr_reader :a
- def initialize
- @a = 1
- end
- end
- def m *args
- end
- m()
- begin
- m(1)
- rescue ArgumentError
- 'ok'
- end
-assert_equal 'DC', %q{
- $result = []
- class C
- def foo *args
- $result << 'C'
- end
- end
- class D
- def foo *args
- $result << 'D'
- end
- end
- o1 = $o1 =
- o2 = $o2 =
- args =
- def args.to_a
- test1 $o2, nil
- []
- end
- def test1 o, args
- end
- test1 o1, args
- $result.join
-assert_equal 'DC', %q{
- $result = []
- class C
- def foo *args
- $result << 'C'
- end
- end
- class D
- def foo *args
- $result << 'D'
- end
- end
- o1 = $o1 =
- o2 = $o2 =
- block =
- def block.to_proc
- test2 $o2, %w(a, b, c), nil
- end
- def test2 o, args, block
-*args, &block)
- end
- test2 o1, [], block
- $result.join
diff --git a/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/test_objectspace.rb b/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/test_objectspace.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 862a94e376..0000000000
--- a/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/test_objectspace.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-assert_normal_exit %q{
- minobj = ObjectSpace.to_enum(:each_object).min_by {|a| a.object_id }
- maxobj = ObjectSpace.to_enum(:each_object).max_by {|a| a.object_id }
- (((minobj.object_id-100)..(minobj.object_id+100))+
- ((maxobj.object_id-100)..(maxobj.object_id+100))).each {|id|
- begin
- o = ObjectSpace._id2ref(id)
- rescue RangeError
- next
- end
- o.inspect if defined?(o.inspect)
- }
-}, '[ruby-dev:31911]'
-assert_normal_exit %q{
- ary = (1..10).to_a
- ary.permutation(2) {|x|
- if x == [1,2]
- ObjectSpace.each_object(String) {|s|
- s.clear if !s.frozen? && (s.length == 40 || s.length == 80)
- }
- end
- }
-}, '[ruby-dev:31982]'
-assert_normal_exit %q{
- ary = (1..100).to_a
- ary.permutation(2) {|x|
- if x == [1,2]
- ObjectSpace.each_object(Array) {|o| o.clear if o == ary && o.object_id != ary.object_id }
- end
- }
-}, '[ruby-dev:31985]'
-assert_normal_exit %q{
- ObjectSpace.define_finalizer("") do
- end
-}, '[ruby-dev:44049]'
-assert_normal_exit %q{
- ObjectSpace.define_finalizer("") do
- {}
- end
-}, '[ruby-core:37858]'
diff --git a/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/test_proc.rb b/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/test_proc.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index c23394e8d2..0000000000
--- a/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/test_proc.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,483 +0,0 @@
-assert_equal %q{[1, 2, 3]}, %q{
- def getproc &b
- b
- end
- def m
- yield
- end
- m{
- i = 1
- m{
- j = 2
- m{
- k = 3
- getproc{
- [i, j, k]
- }
- }
- }
- }.call
-assert_equal %q{7}, %q{
- def make_proc(&b)
- b
- end
- def make_closure
- a = 0
- make_proc{
- a+=1
- }
- end
- cl = make_closure
- + *
-assert_equal %q{ok}, %q{
- class C
- def foo
- :ok
- end
- end
- def block
- C.method(:new).to_proc
- end
- b = block()
-assert_equal %q{[0, 1, :last, 0, 2, :last]}, %q{
- def proc &b
- b
- end
- pr = []
- proc{|i_b|
- p3 = proc{|j_b|
- pr << proc{|k_b|
- [i_b, j_b, k_b]
- }
- }
- }.call(0)
- pr[0].call(:last).concat pr[1].call(:last)
-assert_equal %q{12}, %q{
- def iter
- yield
- end
- def getproc &b
- b
- end
- iter{
- bvar = 3
- getproc{
- bvar2 = 4
- bvar * bvar2
- }
- }.call
-assert_equal %q{200}, %q{
- def iter
- yield
- end
- def getproc &b
- b
- end
- loc1 = 0
- pr1 = iter{
- bl1 = 1
- getproc{
- loc1 += 1
- bl1 += 1
- loc1 + bl1
- }
- }
- pr2 = iter{
- bl1 = 1
- getproc{
- loc1 += 1
- bl1 += 1
- loc1 + bl1
- }
- }
- ( + * loc1
-assert_equal %q{[1, 2]}, %q{
- def proc(&pr)
- pr
- end
- def m
- a = 1
- m2{
- a
- }
- end
- def m2
- b = 2
- proc{
- [yield, b]
- }
- end
- pr = m
- x = ['a', 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,
- 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,
- 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,
- 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,
- 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,]
-assert_equal %q{1}, %q{
- def proc(&pr)
- pr
- end
- def m
- a = 1
- m2{
- a
- }
- end
- def m2
- b = 2
- proc{
- [yield, b]
- }
- 100000.times{|x|
- "#{x}"
- }
- yield
- end
- m
-assert_equal %q{[:C, :C]}, %q{
- Const = :top
- class C
- Const = :C
- $pr = proc{
- (1..2).map{
- Const
- }
- }
- end
- $
-assert_equal %q{top}, %q{
- Const = :top
- class C
- Const = :C
- end
- pr = proc{
- Const
- }
- C.class_eval %q{
- }
-assert_equal %q{1}, %q{
- def m(&b)
- b
- end
- m{|e_proctest| e_proctest}.call(1)
-assert_equal %q{12}, %q{
- def m(&b)
- b
- end
- m{|e_proctest1, e_proctest2|
- a = e_proctest1 * e_proctest2 * 2
- a * 3
- }.call(1, 2)
-assert_equal %q{[[], [1], [1, 2], [1, 2, 3]]}, %q{
- [
-{|*args| args}.call(),
-{|*args| args}.call(1),
-{|*args| args}.call(1, 2),
-{|*args| args}.call(1, 2, 3),
- ]
-assert_equal %q{[[nil, []], [1, []], [1, [2]], [1, [2, 3]]]}, %q{
- [
-{|a, *b| [a, b]}.call(),
-{|a, *b| [a, b]}.call(1),
-{|a, *b| [a, b]}.call(1, 2),
-{|a, *b| [a, b]}.call(1, 2, 3),
- ]
-assert_equal %q{0}, %q{
- pr = proc{
- }
- $SAFE = 1
-assert_equal %q{[1, 0]}, %q{
- pr = proc{
- $SAFE += 1
- }
- [, $SAFE]
-assert_equal %q{1}, %q{
- def m(&b)
- b
- end
- m{1}.call
-assert_equal %q{3}, %q{
- def m(&b)
- b
- end
- m{
- a = 1
- a + 2
- }.call
-assert_equal %Q{ok\n}, %q{
- class A; def get_block; proc {puts "ok"} end end
- block =
- GC.start
-}, '[ruby-core:14885]'
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- a = lambda {|x, y, &b| b }
- b = a.curry[1]
- if{} == nil
- :ng
- else
- :ok
- end
-}, '[ruby-core:15551]'
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- lambda {
- break :ok
- :ng
- }.call
-}, '[ruby-dev:34646]'
-assert_equal %q{[:bar, :foo]}, %q{
- def foo
- klass = do
- define_method(:bar) do
- return :bar
- end
- end
- [, :foo]
- end
- foo
-}, "[ ruby-Bugs-19304 ]"
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- $x = :ok
- def def7(x, y)
- x[y]
- $x = :ng
- end
- def test_def7
- def7(lambda {|x|}, {return})
- $x = :ng
- end
- test_def7
- $x
-}, '[ruby-core:17164]'
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- lambda { a = lambda { return }; $x = :ng; a[]; $x = :ok }.call
- $x
-}, '[ruby-core:17164]'
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- lambda { a = lambda { break }; $x = :ng; a[]; $x = :ok }.call
- $x
-}, '[ruby-core:17164]'
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- def def8
- $x = :ng
- lambda { a = { return }; a[]}.call
- $x = :ok
- end
- def8
- $x
-}, '[ruby-core:17164]'
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- def def9
- lambda {|a| $x = :ok; a[]; $x = :ng }.call( { return })
- $x = :ng
- end
- def9
- $x
-}, '[ruby-core:17164]'
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- def def10
- $x = :ng
- lambda { 1.times { return } }.call
- $x = :ok
- end
- $x = :ok
- def10
- $x
-}, '[ruby-core:17164]'
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- def def11
- yield
- end
- begin
- lambda { def11 { return } }.call
- rescue LocalJumpError
- :ng
- else
- :ok
- end
-}, '[ruby-core:17164]'
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- def def12
- b = { $x = :ng; lambda { return }.call; $x = :ok }.call
- end
- def12
- $x
-}, '[ruby-core:17164]'
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- def m
- pr = proc{
- proc{
- return :ok
- }
- }.call
- :ng
- end
- m()
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- class Foo
- def call_it
- p =
- end
- end
- def give_it
- proc { :ok }
- end
- f =
- a_proc = give_it
- f.call_it(&give_it())
-}, '[ruby-core:15711]'
-assert_equal 'foo!', %q{
- class FooProc < Proc
- def initialize
- @foo = "foo!"
- end
- def bar
- @foo
- end
- end
- def bar
- &lambda{
- p 1
- }
- end
- fp = bar(&lambda{
- p 2
- })
-}, 'Subclass of Proc'
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- o =
- def o.write(s); end
- $stderr = o
- at_exit{
- print $!.message
- }
- raise "ok"
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- lambda do
- class A
- class B
- proc{return :ng}.call
- end
- end
- :ok
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- $proc = proc{return}
- begin
- lambda do
- class A
- class B
- $
- end
- end
- :ng
- rescue LocalJumpError
- :ok
- end
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- def x
- binding
- end
- b = x{|a| a }
- b.eval('yield("ok")')
-}, '[Bug #5634]'
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- def x
- binding
- end
- eval("x { 'ok' }").eval "yield"
-}, '[Bug #5634]'
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- def x
- binding
- end
- def m
- x{ 'ok' }
- end
- eval('yield', m)
-}, '[Bug #5634]'
diff --git a/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/test_string.rb b/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/test_string.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 849dcd45b0..0000000000
--- a/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/test_string.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-assert_normal_exit %q{
- inspect.clear
-}, '[ruby-core:68110]'
diff --git a/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/test_struct.rb b/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/test_struct.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index a65964d5f9..0000000000
--- a/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/test_struct.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-assert_equal 'Struct::Foo', %q{
- Struct.instance_eval { const_set(:Foo, nil) }
- Struct::Foo
diff --git a/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/test_syntax.rb b/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/test_syntax.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 80eaa6416d..0000000000
--- a/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/test_syntax.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,902 +0,0 @@
-assert_equal %q{4}, %q{1 && 2 && 3 && 4}
-assert_equal %q{}, %q{1 && nil && 3 && 4}
-assert_equal %q{}, %q{1 && 2 && 3 && nil}
-assert_equal %q{false}, %q{1 && 2 && 3 && false}
-assert_equal %q{4}, %q{1 and 2 and 3 and 4}
-assert_equal %q{}, %q{1 and nil and 3 and 4}
-assert_equal %q{}, %q{1 and 2 and 3 and nil}
-assert_equal %q{false}, %q{1 and 2 and 3 and false}
-assert_equal %q{}, %q{nil && true}
-assert_equal %q{false}, %q{false && true}
-assert_equal %q{}, %q{
- case 1
- when 2
- :ng
- end}
-assert_equal %q{ok}, %q{
- case 1
- when 10,20,30
- :ng1
- when 1,2,3
- :ok
- when 100,200,300
- :ng2
- else
- :elseng
- end}
-assert_equal %q{elseok}, %q{
- case 123
- when 10,20,30
- :ng1
- when 1,2,3
- :ng2
- when 100,200,300
- :ng3
- else
- :elseok
- end
-assert_equal %q{ok}, %q{
- case 'test'
- when /testx/
- :ng1
- when /test/
- :ok
- when /tetxx/
- :ng2
- else
- :ng_else
- end
-assert_equal %q{ok}, %q{
- case
- when Object
- :ok
- end
-assert_equal %q{ok}, %q{
- case Object
- when
- :ng
- else
- :ok
- end
-assert_equal %q{ok}, %q{
- case 'test'
- when 'tes'
- :ng
- when 'te'
- :ng
- else
- :ok
- end
-assert_equal %q{ok}, %q{
- case 'test'
- when 'tes'
- :ng
- when 'te'
- :ng
- when 'test'
- :ok
- end
-assert_equal %q{ng}, %q{
- case 'test'
- when 'tes'
- :ng
- when /te/
- :ng
- else
- :ok
- end
-assert_equal %q{ok}, %q{
- case 'test'
- when 'tes'
- :ng
- when /test/
- :ok
- else
- :ng
- end
-assert_equal %q{100}, %q{
- def test(arg)
- case 1
- when 2
- 3
- end
- return arg
- end
- test(100)
-assert_equal %q{ok}, %q{
- ary = [1, 2]
- case 1
- when *ary
- :ok
- else
- :ng
- end
-assert_equal %q{ok}, %q{
- ary = [1, 2]
- case 3
- when *ary
- :ng
- else
- :ok
- end
-assert_equal %q{ok}, %q{
- ary = [1, 2]
- case 1
- when :x, *ary
- :ok
- when :z
- :ng1
- else
- :ng2
- end
-assert_equal %q{ok}, %q{
- ary = [1, 2]
- case 3
- when :x, *ary
- :ng1
- when :z
- :ng2
- else
- :ok
- end
-assert_equal %q{[:false, :false, :false, :false, :false, :false, :false, :false, :false, :false, :false, :then, :false, :false, :false, :then, :false, :false, :false, :then, :false, :false, :false, :then, :false, :false, :then, :then, :false, :false, :then, :then, :false, :false, :then, :then, :false, :false, :then, :then, :false, :then, :then, :then, :false, :then, :then, :then, :false, :then, :then, :then, :false, :then, :then, :then, :then, :then, :then, :then, :then, :then, :then, :then, :false, :false, :false, :then, :false, :false, :false, :then, :false, :false, :false, :false, :false, :false, :false, :false, :false, :false, :then, :then, :false, :false, :then, :then, :false, :false, :false, :then, :false, :false, :false, :then, :false, :then, :then, :then, :false, :then, :then, :then, :false, :false, :then, :then, :false, :false, :then, :then, :then, :then, :then, :then, :then, :then, :then, :then, :false, :then, :then, :then, :false, :then, :then, :then, :false, :false, :false, :then, :false, :false, :false, :then, :false, :false, :then, :then, :false, :false, :then, :then, :false, :false, :false, :false, :false, :false, :false, :false, :false, :false, :false, :then, :false, :false, :false, :then, :false, :then, :then, :then, :false, :then, :then, :then, :then, :then, :then, :then, :then, :then, :then, :then, :false, :false, :then, :then, :false, :false, :then, :then, :false, :then, :then, :then, :false, :then, :then, :then, :false, :false, :then, :then, :false, :false, :then, :then, :false, :false, :false, :then, :false, :false, :false, :then, :false, :false, :false, :then, :false, :false, :false, :then, :false, :false, :false, :false, :false, :false, :false, :false, :then, :then, :then, :then, :then, :then, :then, :then, :false, :then, :then, :then, :false, :then, :then, :then, :false, :then, :then, :then, :false, :then, :then, :then, :false, :false, :then, :then, :false, :false, :then, :then, :false, :false, :then, :then, :false, :false, :then, 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:sep, :sep, :sep, :then, :sep, :then, :sep, :sep, :sep, :then, :sep, :then, :sep, :sep, :sep, :then, :sep, :then, :sep, :sep, :sep, :then, :sep, :then, :sep, :sep, :sep, :then, :sep, :then, :sep, :then, :sep, :sep, :then, :sep, :then, :sep, :then, :sep, :sep, :then, :sep, :then, :sep, :then, :sep, :sep, :then, :sep, :then, :sep, :then, :sep, :sep, :then, :sep, :then, :sep, :then, :sep, :then, :sep, :then, :sep, :then, :sep, :then, :sep, :then, :sep]}, %q{
- def make_perm ary, num
- if num == 1
-{|e| [e]}
- else
- base = make_perm(ary, num-1)
- res = []
- base.each{|b|
- ary.each{|e|
- res << [e] + b
- }
- }
- res
- end
- end
- def each_test
- conds = make_perm(['fv', 'tv'], 3)
- bangs = make_perm(['', '!'], 3)
- exprs = make_perm(['and', 'or'], 3)
- ['if', 'unless'].each{|syn|
- conds.each{|cs|
- bangs.each{|bs|
- exprs.each{|es|
- yield(syn, cs, bs, es)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- end
- fv = false
- tv = true
- $ans = []
- each_test{|syn, conds, bangs, exprs|
- c1, c2, c3 = conds
- bang1, bang2, bang3 = bangs
- e1, e2 = exprs
- eval %Q{
- #{syn} #{bang1}#{c1} #{e1} #{bang2}#{c2} #{e2} #{bang3}#{c3}
- $ans << :then
- else
- $ans << :false
- end
- }
- }
- each_test{|syn, conds, bangs, exprs|
- c1, c2, c3 = conds
- bang1, bang2, bang3 = bangs
- e1, e2 = exprs
- eval %Q{
- #{syn} #{bang1}#{c1} #{e1} #{bang2}#{c2} #{e2} #{bang3}#{c3}
- $ans << :then
- end
- $ans << :sep
- }
- }
- $ans
-assert_equal %q{}, %q{
- defined?(m)
-assert_equal %q{method}, %q{
- def m
- end
- defined?(m)
-assert_equal %q{}, %q{
- defined?(a.class)
-assert_equal %q{method}, %q{
- a = 1
- defined?(a.class)
-assert_equal %q{["method", "method", "method", "method", nil, nil, "method", "method", "method", nil]}, %q{
- class C
- def test
- [defined?(m1()), defined?(self.m1), defined?(,
- defined?(m2()), defined?(self.m2), defined?(,
- defined?(m3()), defined?(self.m3), defined?(]
- end
- def m1
- end
- private
- def m2
- end
- protected
- def m3
- end
- end
- + [defined?(]
-assert_equal %q{[nil, nil, nil, nil, "global-variable", "global-variable", nil, nil]}, %q{
- $ans = [defined?($1), defined?($2), defined?($3), defined?($4)]
- /(a)(b)/ =~ 'ab'
- $ans + [defined?($1), defined?($2), defined?($3), defined?($4)]
-assert_equal %q{nilselftruefalse}, %q{
- defined?(nil) + defined?(self) +
- defined?(true) + defined?(false)
-assert_equal %q{}, %q{
- defined?(@a)
-assert_equal %q{instance-variable}, %q{
- @a = 1
- defined?(@a)
-assert_equal %q{}, %q{
- defined?(@@a)
-assert_equal %q{class variable}, %q{
- @@a = 1
- defined?(@@a)
-assert_equal %q{}, %q{
- defined?($a)
-assert_equal %q{global-variable}, %q{
- $a = 1
- defined?($a)
-assert_equal %q{}, %q{
- defined?(C_definedtest)
-assert_equal %q{constant}, %q{
- C_definedtest = 1
- defined?(C_definedtest)
-assert_equal %q{}, %q{
- defined?(::C_definedtest)
-assert_equal %q{constant}, %q{
- C_definedtest = 1
- defined?(::C_definedtest)
-assert_equal %q{}, %q{
- defined?(C_definedtestA::C_definedtestB::C_definedtestC)
-assert_equal %q{constant}, %q{
- class C_definedtestA
- class C_definedtestB
- C_definedtestC = 1
- end
- end
- defined?(C_definedtestA::C_definedtestB::C_definedtestC)
-assert_equal %q{30}, %q{
- sum = 0
- 30.times{|ib|
- if ib % 10 == 0 .. true
- sum += ib
- end
- }
- sum
-assert_equal %q{63}, %q{
- sum = 0
- 30.times{|ib|
- if ib % 10 == 0 ... true
- sum += ib
- end
- }
- sum
-assert_equal %q{[["NUM", "Type: NUM\n"], ["NUM", "123\n"], ["NUM", "456\n"], ["NUM", "Type: ARP\n"], ["NUM", "aaa\n"], ["NUM", "bbb\n"], ["NUM", "\f\n"], ["ARP", "Type: ARP\n"], ["ARP", "aaa\n"], ["ARP", "bbb\n"]]}, %q{
- t = nil
- unless ''.respond_to? :lines
- class String
- def lines
- self
- end
- end
- end
- ary = []
-"this must not print
-Type: NUM
-Type: ARP
-this must not print
-Type: ARP
- if (t = l[/^Type: (.*)/, 1])..(/^\f/ =~ l)
- ary << [t, l]
- end
- }
- ary
-assert_equal %q{1}, %q{if true then 1 ; end}
-assert_equal %q{}, %q{if false then 1 ; end}
-assert_equal %q{1}, %q{if true then 1 ; else; 2; end}
-assert_equal %q{2}, %q{if false then 1 ; else; 2; end}
-assert_equal %q{}, %q{if true then ; elsif true then ; 1 ; end}
-assert_equal %q{1}, %q{if false then ; elsif true then ; 1 ; end}
-assert_equal %q{}, %q{unless true then 1 ; end}
-assert_equal %q{1}, %q{unless false then 1 ; end}
-assert_equal %q{2}, %q{unless true then 1 ; else; 2; end}
-assert_equal %q{1}, %q{unless false then 1 ; else; 2; end}
-assert_equal %q{1}, %q{1 if true}
-assert_equal %q{}, %q{1 if false}
-assert_equal %q{}, %q{1 if nil}
-assert_equal %q{}, %q{1 unless true}
-assert_equal %q{1}, %q{1 unless false}
-assert_equal %q{1}, %q{1 unless nil}
-assert_equal %q{1}, %q{1 || 2 || 3 || 4}
-assert_equal %q{1}, %q{1 || false || 3 || 4}
-assert_equal %q{2}, %q{nil || 2 || 3 || 4}
-assert_equal %q{2}, %q{false || 2 || 3 || 4}
-assert_equal %q{false}, %q{nil || false || nil || false}
-assert_equal %q{1}, %q{1 or 2 or 3 or 4}
-assert_equal %q{1}, %q{1 or false or 3 or 4}
-assert_equal %q{2}, %q{nil or 2 or 3 or 4}
-assert_equal %q{2}, %q{false or 2 or 3 or 4}
-assert_equal %q{false}, %q{nil or false or nil or false}
-assert_equal %q{elseng}, %q{
- case
- when 1==2, 2==3
- :ng1
- when false, 4==5
- :ok
- when false
- :ng2
- else
- :elseng
- end
-assert_equal %q{ok}, %q{
- case
- when nil, nil
- :ng1
- when 1,2,3
- :ok
- when false, false
- :ng2
- else
- :elseng
- end
-assert_equal %q{elseok}, %q{
- case
- when nil
- :ng1
- when false
- :ng2
- else
- :elseok
- end}
-assert_equal %q{}, %q{
- case
- when 1
- end
-assert_equal %q{ok}, %q{
- r = nil
- ary = []
- case
- when false
- r = :ng1
- when false, false
- r = :ng2
- when *ary
- r = :ng3
- when false, *ary
- r = :ng4
- when true, *ary
- r = :ok
- end
- r
-assert_equal %q{ok}, %q{
- ary = []
- case
- when false, *ary
- :ng
- else
- :ok
- end
-assert_equal %q{ok}, %q{
- ary = [false, nil]
- case
- when *ary
- :ng
- else
- :ok
- end
-assert_equal %q{ok}, %q{
- ary = [false, nil]
- case
- when *ary
- :ng
- when true
- :ok
- else
- :ng2
- end
-assert_equal %q{ng}, %q{
- ary = [false, nil]
- case
- when *ary
- :ok
- else
- :ng
- end
-assert_equal %q{ok}, %q{
- ary = [false, true]
- case
- when *ary
- :ok
- else
- :ng
- end
-assert_equal %q{ok}, %q{
- ary = [false, true]
- case
- when false, false
- when false, *ary
- :ok
- else
- :ng
- end
-assert_equal %q{}, %q{
- i = 0
- while i < 10
- i+=1
- end}
-assert_equal %q{10}, %q{
- i = 0
- while i < 10
- i+=1
- end; i}
-assert_equal %q{}, %q{
- i = 0
- until i > 10
- i+=1
- end}
-assert_equal %q{11}, %q{
- i = 0
- until i > 10
- i+=1
- end; i}
-assert_equal %q{1}, %q{
- i = 0
- begin
- i+=1
- end while false
- i
-assert_equal %q{1}, %q{
- i = 0
- begin
- i+=1
- end until true
- i
-def assert_syntax_error expected, code, message = ''
- assert_equal "#{expected}",
- "begin eval(%q{#{code}}, nil, '', 0)"'; rescue SyntaxError => e; e.message[/\A:(?:\d+:)? (.*)/, 1] end', message
-assert_syntax_error "unterminated string meets end of file", '().."', '[ruby-dev:29732]'
-assert_equal %q{[]}, %q{$&;[]}, '[ruby-dev:31068]'
-assert_syntax_error "syntax error, unexpected *, expecting '}'", %q{{*0}}, '[ruby-dev:31072]'
-assert_syntax_error "`@0' is not allowed as an instance variable name", %q{@0..0}, '[ruby-dev:31095]'
-assert_syntax_error "identifier $00 is not valid to get", %q{$00..0}, '[ruby-dev:31100]'
-assert_syntax_error "identifier $00 is not valid to set", %q{0..$00=1}
-assert_equal %q{0}, %q{[*0];0}, '[ruby-dev:31102]'
-assert_syntax_error "syntax error, unexpected ')'", %q{v0,(*,v1,) = 0}, '[ruby-dev:31104]'
-assert_equal %q{1}, %q{
- class << (ary=[]); def []; 0; end; def []=(x); super(0,x);end;end; ary[]+=1
-}, '[ruby-dev:31110]'
-assert_syntax_error "Can't set variable $1", %q{0..$1=1}, '[ruby-dev:31118]'
-assert_valid_syntax %q{1.times{1+(1&&next)}}, '[ruby-dev:31119]'
-assert_valid_syntax %q{x=-1;loop{x+=1&&redo if (x+=1).zero?}}, '[ruby-dev:31119]'
-assert_syntax_error %q{syntax error, unexpected end-of-input}, %q{!}, '[ruby-dev:31243]'
-assert_equal %q{[nil]}, %q{[()]}, '[ruby-dev:31252]'
-assert_equal %q{true}, %q{!_=()}, '[ruby-dev:31263]'
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{while true; redo; end if 1 == 2; :ok}, '[ruby-dev:31360]'
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- 1.times {
- begin
- ensure
- next
- end
- }; :ok
-}, '[ruby-dev:31373]'
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- flag = false
- 1.times {
- next if flag
- flag = true
- begin
- ensure
- redo
- end
- }; :ok
-}, '[ruby-dev:31373]'
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- 1.times{
- p(1, (next; 2))
- }; :ok
-assert_equal '3', %q{
- i = 0
- 1 + (while true
- break 2 if (i+=1) > 1
- next
- end)
-assert_equal '3', %q{
- i = 0
- 1 + (while true
- break 2 if (i+=1) > 1
- p(1, (next; 2))
- end)
-# redo
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- i = 0
- 1.times{
- break if i>1
- i+=1
- p(1, (redo; 2))
- }; :ok
-assert_equal '3', %q{
- i = 0
- 1 + (while true
- break 2 if (i+=1) > 1
- redo
- end)
-assert_equal '3', %q{
- i = 0
- 1 + (while true
- break 2 if (i+=1) > 1
- p(1, (redo; 2))
- end)
-assert_equal '1', %q{
- a = [0]
- a[*a]+=1
-assert_equal '2', %q{
- ary = [0]
- case 1
- when *ary, 1
- 1
- end +
- case
- when *ary
- 1
- end
-assert_match /invalid multibyte char/, %q{
- eval("\"\xf0".force_encoding("utf-8"))
-}, '[ruby-dev:32429]'
-# method ! and !=
-assert_equal 'true', %q{!false}
-assert_equal 'true', %q{1 == 1}
-assert_equal 'true', %q{1 != 2}
-assert_equal 'true', %q{
- class C; def !=(obj); true; end; end
- != 1
-assert_equal 'true', %q{
- class C; def !@; true; end; end
- !
-assert_normal_exit %q{
- eval "while true; return; end rescue p $!"
-}, '[ruby-dev:31663]'
-assert_equal '1', %q{
- def bar
- raise
- end
- def foo
- 1.times{
- begin
- return bar
- rescue
- :ok
- end
- }
- end
- foo
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- counter = 2
- while true
- counter -= 1
- next if counter != 0
- break
- end
- :ok
-}, '[ruby-core:14385]'
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- counter = 2
- while true
- counter -= 1
- next if counter != 0
- break :ok
- end # direct
-}, '[ruby-core:14385]'
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- counter = 2
- while true
- counter -= 1
- break if counter == 0
- "#{next}"
- end
- :ok
-}, 'reported by Yusuke ENDOH'
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- counter = 2
- while true
- counter -= 1
- break if counter == 0
- next
- redo
- end
- :ok
-}, 'reported by Yusuke ENDOH'
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- counter = 2
- while true
- counter -= 1
- break if counter == 0
- next
- "#{ redo }"
- end
- :ok
-}, 'reported by Yusuke ENDOH'
-assert_normal_exit %q{
- begin
- raise
- rescue
- counter = 2
- while true
- counter -= 1
- break if counter == 0
- next
- retry
- end
- end
-}, 'reported by Yusuke ENDOH'
-assert_normal_exit %q{
- counter = 2
- while true
- counter -= 1
- break if counter == 0
- next
- "#{ break }"
- end
-}, 'reported by Yusuke ENDOH'
-assert_normal_exit %q{
- counter = 2
- while true
- counter -= 1
- next if counter != 0
- "#{ break }"
- end
-}, 'reported by Yusuke ENDOH'
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- 1.times do
- [
- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
- begin
- false ? next : p
- break while true
- end
- ]
- end
- :ok
-}, '[ruby-dev:32882]'
-assert_equal "1\n2\n", %q{
- i = 0
- while i<2
- i += 1
- next p(i)
- end
-assert_valid_syntax('1.times {|i|print (42),1;}', '[ruby-list:44479]')
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- def a() end
- begin
- if defined?(a(1).a)
- :ng
- else
- :ok
- end
- rescue
- :ng
- end
-}, '[ruby-core:16010]'
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- def a() end
- begin
- if defined?(a::B)
- :ng
- else
- :ok
- end
- rescue
- :ng
- end
-}, '[ruby-core:16010]'
-assert_normal_exit %q{
- defined? C && 0
-assert_normal_exit %q{
- class C
- def m
- defined?(super())
- end
- end
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- class X < RuntimeError;end
- x = [X]
- begin
- raise X
- rescue *x
- :ok
- end
-}, '[ruby-core:14537]'
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- a = [false]
- (a[0] &&= true) == false ? :ok : :ng
-}, '[ruby-dev:34679]'
-assert_normal_exit %q{
- a = []
- 100.times {|i| a << i << nil << nil }
- p a.compact!
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- "#{}""#{}ok"
-}, '[ruby-dev:38968]'
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- "o" "#{}k"
-}, '[ruby-dev:38980]'
-bug2415 = '[ruby-core:26961]'
-assert_normal_exit %q{
- 0.times do
- 0.times do
- def x(a=1, b, *rest); nil end
- end
- end
-}, bug2415
-assert_normal_exit %q{
- 0.times do
- 0.times do
- def x@; nil end
- end
- end
-}, bug2415
-assert_normal_exit %q{
- 0.times do
- 0.times do
- def x(a = 0.times do
- def y(a=1, b, *rest); nil; end
- end)
- nil
- end
- end
- end
-}, bug2415
-assert_normal_exit %q{
- 0.times do
- 0.times do
- def x(a = 0.times do
- def x@; nil; end
- end)
- nil
- end
- end
- end
-}, bug2415
-assert_normal_exit %q{
- a {
- b {|c.d| }
- e
- }
-}, '[ruby-dev:39861]'
-bug1240 = '[ruby-core:22637]'
-assert_valid_syntax('x y { "#{}".z { } }', bug1240)
-assert_valid_syntax('x y { "#{}".z do end }', bug1240)
-assert_valid_syntax('y "#{a 1}" do end', '[ruby-core:29579]')
-assert_normal_exit %q{
- def foo(&block)
- yield
- end
- foo do
- s = defined?(raise + 1)
- Class
- end
-}, '[ruby-core:30293]'
diff --git a/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/test_thread.rb b/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/test_thread.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index d64f44be49..0000000000
--- a/ruby_2_2/bootstraptest/test_thread.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,476 +0,0 @@
-# Thread and Fiber
-assert_equal %q{ok}, %q{
- }.join
- :ok
-assert_equal %q{ok}, %q{
- :ok
- }.value
-assert_equal %q{ok}, %q{
- v = 0
- (1..200).map{|i|
- i
- }
- }.each{|t|
- v += t.value
- }
- v == 20100 ? :ok : v
-rescue ThreadError => e
- :ok if /can't create Thread/ =~ e.message
-assert_equal %q{5000}, %q{
- 5000.times{|e|
- (1..2).map{
- }
- }.each{|e|
- e.join()
- }
- }
-assert_equal %q{5000}, %q{
- 5000.times{|e|
- (1..2).map{
- }
- }.each{|e|
- e.join(1000000000)
- }
- }
-assert_equal %q{ok}, %q{
- :ok if 5000 == 5000.times{
- t ={}
- while t.alive?
- Thread.pass
- end
- }
-rescue NoMemoryError
- :ok
-assert_equal %q{100}, %q{
- 100.times{
- }
-assert_equal %q{ok}, %q{
- :ok
- }.join.value
-assert_equal %q{ok}, %q{
- begin
- raise "ok"
- }.join
- rescue => e
- e
- end
-assert_equal %q{ok}, %q{
- ans = nil
- t ={
- begin
- sleep 0.5
- ensure
- ans = :ok
- end
- }
- Thread.pass until t.stop?
- t.kill
- t.join
- ans
-assert_equal %q{ok}, %q{
- t ={
- sleep
- }
- sleep 0.1
- t.raise
- begin
- t.join
- :ng
- rescue
- :ok
- end
-assert_equal %q{ok}, %q{
- t ={
- loop{}
- }
- Thread.pass
- t.raise
- begin
- t.join
- :ng
- rescue
- :ok
- end
-assert_equal %q{ok}, %q{
- t ={
- }
- Thread.pass
- t.join
- t.raise # raise to exited thread
- begin
- t.join
- :ok
- rescue
- :ng
- end
-assert_equal %q{run}, %q{
- t ={
- loop{}
- }
- st = t.status
- t.kill
- st
-assert_equal %q{sleep}, %q{
- t ={
- sleep
- }
- sleep 0.1
- st = t.status
- t.kill
- st
-assert_equal %q{false}, %q{
- t ={
- }
- t.kill
- sleep 0.1
- t.status
-assert_equal %q{[ThreadGroup, true]}, %q{
- ptg =
- ctg =
- [ctg.class, ctg == ptg]
- }.value
-assert_equal %q{[1, 1]}, %q{
- thg =
- t ={
- thg.add Thread.current
- sleep
- }
- sleep 0.1
- [thg.list.size, ThreadGroup::Default.list.size]
-assert_equal %q{true}, %q{
- thg =
- t ={sleep 5}
- thg.add t
- thg.list.include?(t)
-assert_equal %q{[true, nil, true]}, %q{
- /a/ =~ 'a'
- $a = $~
- $b = $~
- /b/ =~ 'b'
- $c = $~
- }.join
- $d = $~
- [$a == $d, $b, $c != $d]
-assert_equal %q{11}, %q{
- Thread.current[:a] = 1
- Thread.current[:a] = 10
- Thread.pass
- Thread.current[:a]
- }.value + Thread.current[:a]
-assert_normal_exit %q{
- begin
- 100.times do |i|
- begin
- th = Thread.start(Thread.current) {|u| u.raise }
- raise
- rescue
- ensure
- th.join
- end
- end
- rescue
- end
-}, '[ruby-dev:31371]'
-assert_equal 'true', %{
- t = { loop {} }
- begin
- pid = fork {
- exit t.status != "run"
- }
- Process.wait pid
- $?.success?
- rescue NotImplementedError
- true
- end
-assert_equal 'ok', %{
- open("zzz.rb", "w") do |f|
- f.puts <<-END
- begin
- { fork { GC.start } }.join
- pid, status = Process.wait2
- $result = status.success? ? :ok : :ng
- rescue NotImplementedError
- $result = :ok
- end
- end
- require "./zzz.rb"
- $result
-assert_finish 3, %{
- th = {sleep 0.2}
- th.join(0.1)
- th.join
-assert_finish 3, %{
- require 'timeout'
- th = {sleep 0.2}
- begin
- Timeout.timeout(0.1) {th.join}
- rescue Timeout::Error
- end
- th.join
-assert_normal_exit %q{
- exec "/"
-assert_normal_exit %q{
- (0..10).map {
- {
- 10000.times {
- }
- }
- }.each {|t|
- t.join
- }
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- def m
- t = { while true; // =~ "" end }
- sleep 0.01
- 10.times {
- if /((ab)*(ab)*)*(b)/ =~ "ab"*7
- return :ng if !$4
- return :ng if $~.size != 5
- end
- }
- :ok
- ensure
- Thread.kill t
- end
- m
-}, '[ruby-dev:34492]'
-assert_normal_exit %q{
- at_exit {{}.resume }
-assert_normal_exit %q{
- g = enum_for(:local_variables)
- loop { }
-}, '[ruby-dev:34128]'
-assert_normal_exit %q{
- g = enum_for(:block_given?)
- loop { }
-}, '[ruby-dev:34128]'
-assert_normal_exit %q{
- g = enum_for(:binding)
- loop { }
-}, '[ruby-dev:34128]'
-assert_normal_exit %q{
- g = "abc".enum_for(:scan, /./)
- loop { }
-}, '[ruby-dev:34128]'
-assert_normal_exit %q{
- g = Module.enum_for(:new)
- loop { }
-}, '[ruby-dev:34128]'
-assert_normal_exit %q{
-}, '[ruby-dev:34128]'
-assert_normal_exit %q{
-"foo", &Object.method(:class_eval)).join
-}, '[ruby-dev:34128]'
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- begin
- { Thread.stop }
- Thread.stop
- :ng
- rescue Exception
- :ok
- end
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- begin
- m1, m2 =,
- f1 = f2 = false
- { m1.lock; f2 = true; sleep 0.001 until f1; m2.lock }
- m2.lock; f1 = true; sleep 0.001 until f2; m1.lock
- :ng
- rescue Exception
- :ok
- end
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- m =
- { m.lock }; sleep 0.1; m.lock
- :ok
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- m =
- { m.lock }; m.lock
- :ok
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- m =
- { m.lock }.join; m.lock
- :ok
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- m =
- { m.lock; sleep 0.2 }
- sleep 0.1; m.lock
- :ok
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- m =
- { m.lock; sleep 0.2; m.unlock }
- sleep 0.1; m.lock
- :ok
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- t = {`echo`}
- t.join
- $? ? :ng : :ok
-}, '[ruby-dev:35414]'
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- begin
- 100.times{
- (1..100).map{ {|x| x == false } }.each{|th| th.join}
- }
- rescue NoMemoryError, StandardError
- end
- :ok
-assert_equal 'ok', %{
- open("zzz.rb", "w") do |f|
- f.puts <<-'end;' # do
- begin
- m =
- parent = Thread.current
- th1 = { m.lock; sleep }
- sleep 0.01 until th1.stop?
- do
- sleep 0.01 until parent.stop?
- begin
- fork { GC.start }
- rescue Exception
- parent.raise $!
- end
- end
- m.lock
- pid, status = Process.wait2
- $result = status.success? ? :ok : :ng
- rescue NotImplementedError
- $result = :ok
- end
- end;
- end
- require "./zzz.rb"
- $result
-assert_finish 3, %q{
- require 'thread'
- lock =
- cond =
- t = do
- lock.synchronize do
- cond.wait(lock)
- end
- end
- begin
- pid = fork do
- # Child
- STDOUT.write "This is the child process.\n"
- STDOUT.write "Child process exiting.\n"
- end
- Process.waitpid(pid)
- rescue NotImplementedError
- end
-}, '[ruby-core:23572]'
-assert_equal 'ok', %q{
- begin
- Process.waitpid2(fork {})[1].success? ? 'ok' : 'ng'
- rescue NotImplementedError
- 'ok'
- end
-assert_equal 'foo', %q{
- i = 0
- Thread.start {sleep 1; exit!}
- f = proc {|s, c| /#{; s}/o }
- th2 = {
- sleep 0.01 until i == 1
- i = 2
-"bar", proc {sleep 2});
- nil
- }
- th1 = {
-"foo", proc {i = 1; sleep 0.01 until i == 2; sleep 0.01})
- nil
- }
- [th1, th2].each {|t| t.join }
- GC.start