path: root/ruby_1_8_6/lib/soap/mapping/wsdlliteralregistry.rb
diff options
authorshyouhei <shyouhei@b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e>2008-07-07 07:38:25 +0000
committershyouhei <shyouhei@b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e>2008-07-07 07:38:25 +0000
commit9ff1e787f915539b1980654e3d3d2013ff5c81d2 (patch)
tree8d0fc9ca5b4dbfa9885dc56862292d55091bcaac /ruby_1_8_6/lib/soap/mapping/wsdlliteralregistry.rb
parent441546edcfbb1b346c87b69c5f578d1a0e522e06 (diff)
wrong commit; sorryv1_8_6_269
git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
Diffstat (limited to 'ruby_1_8_6/lib/soap/mapping/wsdlliteralregistry.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 418 deletions
diff --git a/ruby_1_8_6/lib/soap/mapping/wsdlliteralregistry.rb b/ruby_1_8_6/lib/soap/mapping/wsdlliteralregistry.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 7bb8e12203..0000000000
--- a/ruby_1_8_6/lib/soap/mapping/wsdlliteralregistry.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,418 +0,0 @@
-# SOAP4R - WSDL literal mapping registry.
-# Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>.
-# This program is copyrighted free software by NAKAMURA, Hiroshi. You can
-# redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms of Ruby's license;
-# either the dual license version in 2003, or any later version.
-require 'soap/baseData'
-require 'soap/mapping/mapping'
-require 'soap/mapping/typeMap'
-require 'xsd/codegen/gensupport'
-require 'xsd/namedelements'
-module SOAP
-module Mapping
-class WSDLLiteralRegistry < Registry
- attr_reader :definedelements
- attr_reader :definedtypes
- attr_accessor :excn_handler_obj2soap
- attr_accessor :excn_handler_soap2obj
- def initialize(definedtypes = XSD::NamedElements::Empty,
- definedelements = XSD::NamedElements::Empty)
- @definedtypes = definedtypes
- @definedelements = definedelements
- @excn_handler_obj2soap = nil
- @excn_handler_soap2obj = nil
- @schema_element_cache = {}
- @schema_attribute_cache = {}
- end
- def obj2soap(obj, qname)
- soap_obj = nil
- if ele = @definedelements[qname]
- soap_obj = obj2elesoap(obj, ele)
- elsif type = @definedtypes[qname]
- soap_obj = obj2typesoap(obj, type, true)
- else
- soap_obj = any2soap(obj, qname)
- end
- return soap_obj if soap_obj
- if @excn_handler_obj2soap
- soap_obj = { |yield_obj|
- Mapping.obj2soap(yield_obj, nil, nil, MAPPING_OPT)
- }
- return soap_obj if soap_obj
- end
- raise"cannot map #{} as #{qname}")
- end
- # node should be a SOAPElement
- def soap2obj(node, obj_class = nil)
- # obj_class is given when rpc/literal service. but ignored for now.
- begin
- return any2obj(node)
- rescue MappingError
- end
- if @excn_handler_soap2obj
- begin
- return { |yield_node|
- Mapping.soap2obj(yield_node, nil, nil, MAPPING_OPT)
- }
- rescue Exception
- end
- end
- if node.respond_to?(:type)
- raise"cannot map #{} to Ruby object")
- else
- raise"cannot map #{} to Ruby object")
- end
- end
- MAPPING_OPT = { :no_reference => true }
- def obj2elesoap(obj, ele)
- o = nil
- qualified = (ele.elementform == 'qualified')
- if ele.type
- if type = @definedtypes[ele.type]
- o = obj2typesoap(obj, type, qualified)
- elsif type = TypeMap[ele.type]
- o = base2soap(obj, type)
- else
- raise"cannot find type #{ele.type}")
- end
- elsif ele.local_complextype
- o = obj2typesoap(obj, ele.local_complextype, qualified)
- add_attributes2soap(obj, o)
- elsif ele.local_simpletype
- o = obj2typesoap(obj, ele.local_simpletype, qualified)
- else
- raise'illegal schema?')
- end
- o.elename =
- o
- end
- def obj2typesoap(obj, type, qualified)
- if type.is_a?(::WSDL::XMLSchema::SimpleType)
- simpleobj2soap(obj, type)
- else
- complexobj2soap(obj, type, qualified)
- end
- end
- def simpleobj2soap(obj, type)
- type.check_lexical_format(obj)
- return if obj.nil? # ToDo: check nillable.
- o = base2soap(obj, TypeMap[type.base])
- o
- end
- def complexobj2soap(obj, type, qualified)
- o =
- o.qualified = qualified
- type.each_element do |child_ele|
- child = Mapping.get_attribute(obj,
- if child.nil?
- if child_ele.nillable
- # ToDo: test
- # add empty element
- child_soap = obj2elesoap(nil, child_ele)
- o.add(child_soap)
- elsif Integer(child_ele.minoccurs) == 0
- # nothing to do
- else
- raise"nil not allowed: #{}")
- end
- elsif child_ele.map_as_array?
- child.each do |item|
- child_soap = obj2elesoap(item, child_ele)
- o.add(child_soap)
- end
- else
- child_soap = obj2elesoap(child, child_ele)
- o.add(child_soap)
- end
- end
- o
- end
- def any2soap(obj, qname)
- if obj.is_a?(SOAPElement)
- obj
- elsif obj.class.class_variables.include?('@@schema_element')
- stubobj2soap(obj, qname)
- elsif obj.is_a?(SOAP::Mapping::Object)
- mappingobj2soap(obj, qname)
- elsif obj.is_a?(Hash)
- ele = SOAPElement.from_obj(obj)
- ele.elename = qname
- ele
- else
- # expected to be a basetype or an anyType.
- # SOAPStruct, etc. is used instead of SOAPElement.
- begin
- ele = Mapping.obj2soap(obj, nil, nil, MAPPING_OPT)
- ele.elename = qname
- ele
- rescue MappingError
- ele =, obj.to_s)
- end
- if obj.respond_to?(:__xmlattr)
- obj.__xmlattr.each do |key, value|
- ele.extraattr[key] = value
- end
- end
- ele
- end
- end
- def stubobj2soap(obj, qname)
- ele =
- ele.qualified =
- (obj.class.class_variables.include?('@@schema_qualified') and
- obj.class.class_eval('@@schema_qualified'))
- add_elements2soap(obj, ele)
- add_attributes2soap(obj, ele)
- ele
- end
- def mappingobj2soap(obj, qname)
- ele =
- obj.__xmlele.each do |key, value|
- if value.is_a?(::Array)
- value.each do |item|
- ele.add(obj2soap(item, key))
- end
- else
- ele.add(obj2soap(value, key))
- end
- end
- obj.__xmlattr.each do |key, value|
- ele.extraattr[key] = value
- end
- ele
- end
- def add_elements2soap(obj, ele)
- elements, as_array = schema_element_definition(obj.class)
- if elements
- elements.each do |elename, type|
- if child = Mapping.get_attribute(obj,
- if as_array.include?(
- child.each do |item|
- ele.add(obj2soap(item, elename))
- end
- else
- ele.add(obj2soap(child, elename))
- end
- elsif obj.is_a?(::Array) and as_array.include?(
- obj.each do |item|
- ele.add(obj2soap(item, elename))
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- def add_attributes2soap(obj, ele)
- attributes = schema_attribute_definition(obj.class)
- if attributes
- attributes.each do |qname, param|
- attr = obj.__send__('xmlattr_' +
- XSD::CodeGen::GenSupport.safevarname(
- ele.extraattr[qname] = attr
- end
- end
- end
- def base2soap(obj, type)
- soap_obj = nil
- if type <= XSD::XSDString
- str = XSD::Charset.encoding_conv(obj.to_s,
- Thread.current[:SOAPExternalCES], XSD::Charset.encoding)
- soap_obj =
- else
- soap_obj =
- end
- soap_obj
- end
- def anytype2obj(node)
- if node.is_a?(::SOAP::SOAPBasetype)
- return
- end
- klass = ::SOAP::Mapping::Object
- obj =
- obj
- end
- def any2obj(node, obj_class = nil)
- unless obj_class
- typestr = XSD::CodeGen::GenSupport.safeconstname(
- obj_class = Mapping.class_from_name(typestr)
- end
- if obj_class and obj_class.class_variables.include?('@@schema_element')
- soapele2stubobj(node, obj_class)
- elsif node.is_a?(SOAPElement) or node.is_a?(SOAPStruct)
- # SOAPArray for literal?
- soapele2plainobj(node)
- else
- obj = Mapping.soap2obj(node, nil, obj_class, MAPPING_OPT)
- add_attributes2plainobj(node, obj)
- obj
- end
- end
- def soapele2stubobj(node, obj_class)
- obj = Mapping.create_empty_object(obj_class)
- add_elements2stubobj(node, obj)
- add_attributes2stubobj(node, obj)
- obj
- end
- def soapele2plainobj(node)
- obj = anytype2obj(node)
- add_elements2plainobj(node, obj)
- add_attributes2plainobj(node, obj)
- obj
- end
- def add_elements2stubobj(node, obj)
- elements, as_array = schema_element_definition(obj.class)
- vars = {}
- node.each do |name, value|
- item = elements.find { |k, v| == name }
- if item
- elename, class_name = item
- if klass = Mapping.class_from_name(class_name)
- # klass must be a SOAPBasetype or a class
- if klass.ancestors.include?(::SOAP::SOAPBasetype)
- if value.respond_to?(:data)
- child =
- else
- child =
- end
- else
- child = any2obj(value, klass)
- end
- elsif klass = Mapping.module_from_name(class_name)
- # simpletype
- if value.respond_to?(:data)
- child =
- else
- raise
- "cannot map to a module value: #{class_name}")
- end
- else
- raise"unknown class/module: #{class_name}")
- end
- else # untyped element is treated as anyType.
- child = any2obj(value)
- end
- if as_array.include?(
- (vars[name] ||= []) << child
- else
- vars[name] = child
- end
- end
- Mapping.set_attributes(obj, vars)
- end
- def add_attributes2stubobj(node, obj)
- if attributes = schema_attribute_definition(obj.class)
- define_xmlattr(obj)
- attributes.each do |qname, class_name|
- attr = node.extraattr[qname]
- next if attr.nil? or attr.empty?
- klass = Mapping.class_from_name(class_name)
- if klass.ancestors.include?(::SOAP::SOAPBasetype)
- child =
- else
- child = attr
- end
- obj.__xmlattr[qname] = child
- define_xmlattr_accessor(obj, qname)
- end
- end
- end
- def add_elements2plainobj(node, obj)
- node.each do |name, value|
- obj.__add_xmlele_value(value.elename, any2obj(value))
- end
- end
- def add_attributes2plainobj(node, obj)
- return if node.extraattr.empty?
- define_xmlattr(obj)
- node.extraattr.each do |qname, value|
- obj.__xmlattr[qname] = value
- define_xmlattr_accessor(obj, qname)
- end
- end
- if RUBY_VERSION > "1.7.0"
- def define_xmlattr_accessor(obj, qname)
- name = XSD::CodeGen::GenSupport.safemethodname(
- Mapping.define_attr_accessor(obj, 'xmlattr_' + name,
- proc { @__xmlattr[qname] },
- proc { |value| @__xmlattr[qname] = value })
- end
- else
- def define_xmlattr_accessor(obj, qname)
- name = XSD::CodeGen::GenSupport.safemethodname(
- obj.instance_eval <<-EOS
- def #{name}
- @__xmlattr[#{qname.dump}]
- end
- def #{name}=(value)
- @__xmlattr[#{qname.dump}] = value
- end
- end
- end
- if RUBY_VERSION > "1.7.0"
- def define_xmlattr(obj)
- obj.instance_variable_set('@__xmlattr', {})
- unless obj.respond_to?(:__xmlattr)
- Mapping.define_attr_accessor(obj, :__xmlattr, proc { @__xmlattr })
- end
- end
- else
- def define_xmlattr(obj)
- obj.instance_variable_set('@__xmlattr', {})
- unless obj.respond_to?(:__xmlattr)
- obj.instance_eval <<-EOS
- def __xmlattr
- @__xmlattr
- end
- end
- end
- end
- # it caches @@schema_element. this means that @@schema_element must not be
- # changed while a lifetime of a WSDLLiteralRegistry.
- def schema_element_definition(klass)
- @schema_element_cache[klass] ||= Mapping.schema_element_definition(klass)
- end
- def schema_attribute_definition(klass)
- @schema_attribute_cache[klass] ||= Mapping.schema_attribute_definition(klass)
- end