path: root/ruby_1_8_6/lib/rdoc/options.rb
diff options
authorshyouhei <shyouhei@b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e>2008-07-07 07:38:25 +0000
committershyouhei <shyouhei@b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e>2008-07-07 07:38:25 +0000
commit9ff1e787f915539b1980654e3d3d2013ff5c81d2 (patch)
tree8d0fc9ca5b4dbfa9885dc56862292d55091bcaac /ruby_1_8_6/lib/rdoc/options.rb
parent441546edcfbb1b346c87b69c5f578d1a0e522e06 (diff)
wrong commit; sorryv1_8_6_269
git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
Diffstat (limited to 'ruby_1_8_6/lib/rdoc/options.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 586 deletions
diff --git a/ruby_1_8_6/lib/rdoc/options.rb b/ruby_1_8_6/lib/rdoc/options.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index bea7e6bdcd..0000000000
--- a/ruby_1_8_6/lib/rdoc/options.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,586 +0,0 @@
-# We handle the parsing of options, and subsequently as a singleton
-# object to be queried for option values
-require "rdoc/ri/ri_paths"
-class Options
- require 'singleton'
- require 'getoptlong'
- include Singleton
- # files matching this pattern will be excluded
- attr_accessor :exclude
- # the name of the output directory
- attr_accessor :op_dir
- # the name to use for the output
- attr_reader :op_name
- # include private and protected methods in the
- # output
- attr_accessor :show_all
- # name of the file, class or module to display in
- # the initial index page (if not specified
- # the first file we encounter is used)
- attr_accessor :main_page
- # merge into classes of the name name when generating ri
- attr_reader :merge
- # Don't display progress as we process the files
- attr_reader :quiet
- # description of the output generator (set with the <tt>-fmt</tt>
- # option
- attr_accessor :generator
- # and the list of files to be processed
- attr_reader :files
- # array of directories to search for files to satisfy an :include:
- attr_reader :rdoc_include
- # title to be used out the output
- #attr_writer :title
- # template to be used when generating output
- attr_reader :template
- # should diagrams be drawn
- attr_reader :diagram
- # should we draw fileboxes in diagrams
- attr_reader :fileboxes
- # include the '#' at the front of hyperlinked instance method names
- attr_reader :show_hash
- # image format for diagrams
- attr_reader :image_format
- # character-set
- attr_reader :charset
- # should source code be included inline, or displayed in a popup
- attr_reader :inline_source
- # should the output be placed into a single file
- attr_reader :all_one_file
- # the number of columns in a tab
- attr_reader :tab_width
- # include line numbers in the source listings
- attr_reader :include_line_numbers
- # pattern for additional attr_... style methods
- attr_reader :extra_accessors
- attr_reader :extra_accessor_flags
- # URL of stylesheet
- attr_reader :css
- # URL of web cvs frontend
- attr_reader :webcvs
- # Are we promiscuous about showing module contents across
- # multiple files
- attr_reader :promiscuous
- # scan newer sources than the flag file if true.
- attr_reader :force_update
- module OptionList
- [ "--accessor", "-A", "accessorname[,..]",
- "comma separated list of additional class methods\n" +
- "that should be treated like 'attr_reader' and\n" +
- "friends. Option may be repeated. Each accessorname\n" +
- "may have '=text' appended, in which case that text\n" +
- "appears where the r/w/rw appears for normal accessors."],
- [ "--all", "-a", nil,
- "include all methods (not just public)\nin the output" ],
- [ "--charset", "-c", "charset",
- "specifies HTML character-set" ],
- [ "--debug", "-D", nil,
- "displays lots on internal stuff" ],
- [ "--diagram", "-d", nil,
- "Generate diagrams showing modules and classes.\n" +
- "You need dot V1.8.6 or later to use the --diagram\n" +
- "option correctly. Dot is available from\n"+
- "" ],
- [ "--exclude", "-x", "pattern",
- "do not process files or directories matching\n" +
- "pattern. Files given explicitly on the command\n" +
- "line will never be excluded." ],
- [ "--extension", "-E", "new=old",
- "Treat files ending with .new as if they ended with\n" +
- ".old. Using '-E cgi=rb' will cause xxx.cgi to be\n" +
- "parsed as a Ruby file"],
- [ "--fileboxes", "-F", nil,
- "classes are put in boxes which represents\n" +
- "files, where these classes reside. Classes\n" +
- "shared between more than one file are\n" +
- "shown with list of files that sharing them.\n" +
- "Silently discarded if --diagram is not given\n" +
- "Experimental." ],
- [ "--force-update", "-U", nil,
- "forces to scan all sources even if newer than\n" +
- "the flag file." ],
- [ "--fmt", "-f", "format name",
- "set the output formatter (see below)" ],
- [ "--help", "-h", nil,
- "you're looking at it" ],
- [ "--help-output", "-O", nil,
- "explain the various output options" ],
- [ "--image-format", "-I", "gif/png/jpg/jpeg",
- "Sets output image format for diagrams. Can\n" +
- "be png, gif, jpeg, jpg. If this option is\n" +
- "omitted, png is used. Requires --diagram." ],
- [ "--include", "-i", "dir[,dir...]",
- "set (or add to) the list of directories\n" +
- "to be searched when satisfying :include:\n" +
- "requests. Can be used more than once." ],
- [ "--inline-source", "-S", nil,
- "Show method source code inline, rather\n" +
- "than via a popup link" ],
- [ "--line-numbers", "-N", nil,
- "Include line numbers in the source code" ],
- [ "--main", "-m", "name",
- "'name' will be the initial page displayed" ],
- [ "--merge", "-M", nil,
- "when creating ri output, merge processed classes\n" +
- "into previously documented classes of the name name"],
- [ "--one-file", "-1", nil,
- "put all the output into a single file" ],
- [ "--op", "-o", "dir",
- "set the output directory" ],
- [ "--opname", "-n", "name",
- "Set the 'name' of the output. Has no\n" +
- "effect for HTML." ],
- [ "--promiscuous", "-p", nil,
- "When documenting a file that contains a module\n" +
- "or class also defined in other files, show\n" +
- "all stuff for that module/class in each files\n" +
- "page. By default, only show stuff defined in\n" +
- "that particular file." ],
- [ "--quiet", "-q", nil,
- "don't show progress as we parse" ],
- [ "--ri", "-r", nil,
- "generate output for use by 'ri.' The files are\n" +
- "stored in the '.rdoc' directory under your home\n"+
- "directory unless overridden by a subsequent\n" +
- "--op parameter, so no special privileges are needed." ],
- [ "--ri-site", "-R", nil,
- "generate output for use by 'ri.' The files are\n" +
- "stored in a site-wide directory, making them accessible\n"+
- "to others, so special privileges are needed." ],
- [ "--ri-system", "-Y", nil,
- "generate output for use by 'ri.' The files are\n" +
- "stored in a system-level directory, making them accessible\n"+
- "to others, so special privileges are needed. This option\n"+
- "is intended to be used during Ruby installations" ],
- [ "--show-hash", "-H", nil,
- "A name of the form #name in a comment\n" +
- "is a possible hyperlink to an instance\n" +
- "method name. When displayed, the '#' is\n" +
- "removed unless this option is specified" ],
- [ "--style", "-s", "stylesheet url",
- "specifies the URL of a separate stylesheet." ],
- [ "--tab-width", "-w", "n",
- "Set the width of tab characters (default 8)"],
- [ "--template", "-T", "template name",
- "Set the template used when generating output" ],
- [ "--title", "-t", "text",
- "Set 'txt' as the title for the output" ],
- [ "--version", "-v", nil,
- "display RDoc's version" ],
- [ "--webcvs", "-W", "url",
- "Specify a URL for linking to a web frontend\n" +
- "to CVS. If the URL contains a '\%s', the\n" +
- "name of the current file will be substituted;\n" +
- "if the URL doesn't contain a '\%s', the\n" +
- "filename will be appended to it." ],
- ]
- def OptionList.options
- do |long, short, arg,|
- [ long,
- short,
- arg ? GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT : GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT
- ]
- end
- end
- def OptionList.strip_output(text)
- text =~ /^\s+/
- leading_spaces = $&
- text.gsub!(/^#{leading_spaces}/, '')
- $stdout.puts text
- end
- # Show an error and exit
- def OptionList.error(msg)
- $stderr.puts
- $stderr.puts msg
- $stderr.puts "\nFor help on options, try 'rdoc --help'\n\n"
- exit 1
- end
- # Show usage and exit
- def OptionList.usage(generator_names)
- puts
- puts
- name = File.basename($0)
- OptionList.strip_output(<<-EOT)
- Usage:
- #{name} [options] [names...]
- Files are parsed, and the information they contain
- collected, before any output is produced. This allows cross
- references between all files to be resolved. If a name is a
- directory, it is traversed. If no names are specified, all
- Ruby files in the current directory (and subdirectories) are
- processed.
- Options:
- OPTION_LIST.each do |long, short, arg, desc|
- opt = sprintf("%20s", "#{long}, #{short}")
- oparg = sprintf("%-7s", arg)
- print "#{opt} #{oparg}"
- desc = desc.split("\n")
- if arg.nil? || arg.length < 7
- puts desc.shift
- else
- puts
- end
- desc.each do |line|
- puts(" "*28 + line)
- end
- puts
- end
- puts "\nAvailable output formatters: " +
- generator_names.sort.join(', ') + "\n\n"
- puts "For information on where the output goes, use\n\n"
- puts " rdoc --help-output\n\n"
- exit 0
- end
- def OptionList.help_output
- OptionList.strip_output(<<-EOT)
- How RDoc generates output depends on the output formatter being
- used, and on the options you give.
- - HTML output is normally produced into a number of separate files
- (one per class, module, and file, along with various indices).
- These files will appear in the directory given by the --op
- option (doc/ by default).
- - XML output by default is written to standard output. If a
- --opname option is given, the output will instead be written
- to a file with that name in the output directory.
- - .chm files (Windows help files) are written in the --op directory.
- If an --opname parameter is present, that name is used, otherwise
- the file will be called rdoc.chm.
- For information on other RDoc options, use "rdoc --help".
- exit 0
- end
- end
- # Parse command line options. We're passed a hash containing
- # output generators, keyed by the generator name
- def parse(argv, generators)
- old_argv = ARGV.dup
- begin
- ARGV.replace(argv)
- @op_dir = "doc"
- @op_name = nil
- @show_all = false
- @main_page = nil
- @marge = false
- @exclude = []
- @quiet = false
- @generator_name = 'html'
- @generator = generators[@generator_name]
- @rdoc_include = []
- @title = nil
- @template = nil
- @diagram = false
- @fileboxes = false
- @show_hash = false
- @image_format = 'png'
- @inline_source = false
- @all_one_file = false
- @tab_width = 8
- @include_line_numbers = false
- @extra_accessor_flags = {}
- @promiscuous = false
- @force_update = false
- @css = nil
- @webcvs = nil
- @charset = case $KCODE
- when /^S/i
- 'Shift_JIS'
- when /^E/i
- 'EUC-JP'
- else
- 'iso-8859-1'
- end
- accessors = []
- go =*OptionList.options)
- go.quiet = true
- go.each do |opt, arg|
- case opt
- when "--all" then @show_all = true
- when "--charset" then @charset = arg
- when "--debug" then $DEBUG = true
- when "--exclude" then @exclude <<
- when "--inline-source" then @inline_source = true
- when "--line-numbers" then @include_line_numbers = true
- when "--main" then @main_page = arg
- when "--merge" then @merge = true
- when "--one-file" then @all_one_file = @inline_source = true
- when "--op" then @op_dir = arg
- when "--opname" then @op_name = arg
- when "--promiscuous" then @promiscuous = true
- when "--quiet" then @quiet = true
- when "--show-hash" then @show_hash = true
- when "--style" then @css = arg
- when "--template" then @template = arg
- when "--title" then @title = arg
- when "--webcvs" then @webcvs = arg
- when "--accessor"
- arg.split(/,/).each do |accessor|
- if accessor =~ /^(\w+)(=(.*))?$/
- accessors << $1
- @extra_accessor_flags[$1] = $3
- end
- end
- when "--diagram"
- check_diagram
- @diagram = true
- when "--fileboxes"
- @fileboxes = true if @diagram
- when "--fmt"
- @generator_name = arg.downcase
- setup_generator(generators)
- when "--help"
- OptionList.usage(generators.keys)
- when "--help-output"
- OptionList.help_output
- when "--image-format"
- if ['gif', 'png', 'jpeg', 'jpg'].include?(arg)
- @image_format = arg
- else
- raise"unknown image format: #{arg}")
- end
- when "--include"
- @rdoc_include.concat arg.split(/\s*,\s*/)
- when "--ri", "--ri-site", "--ri-system"
- @generator_name = "ri"
- @op_dir = case opt
- when "--ri" then RI::Paths::HOMEDIR
- when "--ri-site" then RI::Paths::SITEDIR
- when "--ri-system" then RI::Paths::SYSDIR
- else fail opt
- end
- setup_generator(generators)
- when "--tab-width"
- begin
- @tab_width = Integer(arg)
- rescue
- $stderr.puts "Invalid tab width: '#{arg}'"
- exit 1
- end
- when "--extension"
- new, old = arg.split(/=/, 2)
- OptionList.error("Invalid parameter to '-E'") unless new && old
- unless RDoc::ParserFactory.alias_extension(old, new)
- OptionList.error("Unknown extension .#{old} to -E")
- end
- when "--force-update"
- @force_update = true
- when "--version"
- exit
- end
- end
- @files = ARGV.dup
- @rdoc_include << "." if @rdoc_include.empty?
- if @exclude.empty?
- @exclude = nil
- else
- @exclude ="|"))
- end
- check_files
- # If no template was specified, use the default
- # template for the output formatter
- @template ||= @generator_name
- # Generate a regexp from the accessors
- unless accessors.empty?
- re = '^(' +{|a| Regexp.quote(a)}.join('|') + ')$'
- @extra_accessors =
- end
- rescue GetoptLong::InvalidOption, GetoptLong::MissingArgument => error
- OptionList.error(error.message)
- ensure
- ARGV.replace(old_argv)
- end
- end
- def title
- @title ||= "RDoc Documentation"
- end
- # Set the title, but only if not already set. This means that a title set from
- # the command line trumps one set in a source file
- def title=(string)
- @title ||= string
- end
- private
- # Set up an output generator for the format in @generator_name
- def setup_generator(generators)
- @generator = generators[@generator_name]
- if !@generator
- OptionList.error("Invalid output formatter")
- end
- if @generator_name == "xml"
- @all_one_file = true
- @inline_source = true
- end
- end
- # Check that the right version of 'dot' is available.
- # Unfortuately this doesn't work correctly under Windows NT,
- # so we'll bypass the test under Windows
- def check_diagram
- return if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /win/
- ok = false
- ver = nil
- IO.popen("dot -V 2>&1") do |io|
- ver =
- if ver =~ /dot.+version(?:\s+gviz)?\s+(\d+)\.(\d+)/
- ok = ($1.to_i > 1) || ($1.to_i == 1 && $2.to_i >= 8)
- end
- end
- unless ok
- if ver =~ /^dot.+version/
- $stderr.puts "Warning: You may need dot V1.8.6 or later to use\n",
- "the --diagram option correctly. You have:\n\n ",
- ver,
- "\nDiagrams might have strange background colors.\n\n"
- else
- $stderr.puts "You need the 'dot' program to produce diagrams.",
- "(see\n\n"
- exit
- end
-# exit
- end
- end
- # Check that the files on the command line exist
- def check_files
- @files.each do |f|
- stat = File.stat f rescue error("File not found: #{f}")
- error("File '#{f}' not readable") unless stat.readable?
- end
- end
- def error(str)
- $stderr.puts str
- exit(1)
- end