path: root/lib
diff options
authormatz <matz@b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e>1998-11-17 09:12:50 +0000
committermatz <matz@b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e>1998-11-17 09:12:50 +0000
commit8271cacad706ed0d7741889faebb0c19270b8370 (patch)
treeedf2f74b145f81822640b282fdc13e282da99e2b /lib
parentee5ab9cc136baf18756abc6bd5d136a0231f973e (diff)
git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
14 files changed, 0 insertions, 5934 deletions
diff --git a/lib/tk.rb b/lib/tk.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index e32723be96..0000000000
--- a/lib/tk.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2499 +0,0 @@
-# tk.rb - Tk interface modue using tcltklib
-# $Date$
-# by Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
-# use Shigehiro's tcltklib
-require "tcltklib"
-require "tkutil"
-module TkComm
- None =
- def None.to_s
- 'None'
- end
- Tk_CMDTBL = {}
- Tk_WINDOWS = {}
- def error_at
- frames = caller()
- frames.delete_if do |c|
- c =~ %r!/tk(|core|thcore|canvas|text|entry|scrollbox)\.rb:\d+!
- end
- frames
- end
- private :error_at
- def _genobj_for_tkwidget(path)
- return if path == '.'
- begin
- tk_class = TkCore::INTERP._invoke('winfo', 'class', path)
- rescue
- return path
- end
- ruby_class = TkClassBind::WidgetClassNameTBL[tk_class]
- gen_class_name = + 'GeneratedOnTk'
- unless Object.const_defined? gen_class_name
- eval "class #{gen_class_name}<#{}
- def initialize(path)
- @path=path
- Tk_WINDOWS[@path] = self
- end
- end"
- end
- eval "#{gen_class_name}.new('#{path}')"
- end
- def tk_tcl2ruby(val)
- if val =~ /^rb_out (c\d+)/
- return Tk_CMDTBL[$1]
- end
- if val.include? ?\s
- return val.split.collect{|v| tk_tcl2ruby(v)}
- end
- case val
- when /^@font/
- TkFont.get_obj(val)
- when /^-?\d+$/
- val.to_i
- when /^\./
- Tk_WINDOWS[val] ? Tk_WINDOWS[val] : _genobj_for_tkwidget(val)
- when / /
- val.split.collect{|elt|
- tk_tcl2ruby(elt)
- }
- when /^-?\d+\.\d*$/
- val.to_f
- else
- val
- end
- end
- def tk_split_list(str)
- return [] if str == ""
- idx = str.index('{')
- return tk_tcl2ruby(str) unless idx
- list = tk_tcl2ruby(str[0,idx])
- list = [] if list == ""
- str = str[idx+1..-1]
- i = -1
- brace = 1
- str.each_byte {|c|
- i += 1
- brace += 1 if c == ?{
- brace -= 1 if c == ?}
- break if brace == 0
- }
- if str[0, i] == ' '
- list.push ' '
- else
- list.push tk_split_list(str[0, i])
- end
- list += tk_split_list(str[i+1..-1])
- list
- end
- def tk_split_simplelist(str)
- return [] if str == ""
- idx = str.index('{')
- return str.split unless idx
- list = str[0,idx].split
- str = str[idx+1..-1]
- i = -1
- brace = 1
- str.each_byte {|c|
- i += 1
- brace += 1 if c == ?{
- brace -= 1 if c == ?}
- break if brace == 0
- }
- if i == 0
- list.push ''
- elsif str[0, i] == ' '
- list.push ' '
- else
- list.push str[0..i-1]
- end
- list += tk_split_simplelist(str[i+1..-1])
- list
- end
- private :tk_tcl2ruby, :tk_split_list, :tk_split_simplelist
- def hash_kv(keys)
- conf = []
- if keys and keys != None
- for k, v in keys
- conf.push("-#{k}")
- conf.push(v)
- end
- end
- conf
- end
- private :hash_kv
- def array2tk_list(ary)
- ary.collect{|e|
- if e.kind_of? Array
- "{#{array2tk_list(e)}}"
- elsif e.kind_of? Hash
- "{#{e.to_a.collect{|ee| array2tk_list(ee)}.join(' ')}}"
- else
- s = _get_eval_string(e)
- (s.index(/\s/))? "{#{s}}": s
- end
- }.join(" ")
- end
- private :array2tk_list
- def bool(val)
- case val
- when "1", 1, 'yes', 'true'
- else
- end
- end
- def number(val)
- case val
- when /^-?\d+$/
- val.to_i
- when /^-?\d+\.\d*$/
- val.to_f
- else
- val
- end
- end
- def string(val)
- if val == "{}"
- ''
- elsif val[0] == ?{
- val[1..-2]
- else
- val
- end
- end
- def list(val)
- tk_split_list(val).to_a
- end
- def window(val)
- Tk_WINDOWS[val]
- end
- def procedure(val)
- if val =~ /^rb_out (c\d+)/
- Tk_CMDTBL[$1]
- else
- nil
- end
- end
- private :bool, :number, :string, :list, :window, :procedure
- def _get_eval_string(str)
- return nil if str == None
- if str.kind_of?(Hash)
- str = hash_kv(str).join(" ")
- elsif str.kind_of?(Array)
- str = array2tk_list(str)
- elsif str.kind_of?(Proc)
- str = install_cmd(str)
- elsif str == nil
- str = ""
- elsif str == false
- str = "0"
- elsif str == true
- str = "1"
- elsif (str.respond_to?(:to_eval))
- str = str.to_eval()
- else
- str = str.to_s()
- end
- return str
- end
- private :_get_eval_string
- Tk_IDs = [0, 0] # [0]-cmdid, [1]-winid
- def _curr_cmd_id
- id = format("c%.4d", Tk_IDs[0])
- end
- def _next_cmd_id
- id = _curr_cmd_id
- Tk_IDs[0] += 1
- id
- end
- def install_cmd(cmd)
- return '' if cmd == ''
- id = _next_cmd_id
- Tk_CMDTBL[id] = cmd
- @cmdtbl = [] if not @cmdtbl
- @cmdtbl.push id
- return format("rb_out %s", id);
- end
- def uninstall_cmd(id)
- Tk_CMDTBL[id] = nil
- end
- private :install_cmd, :uninstall_cmd
- def install_win(ppath)
- id = format("w%.4d", Tk_IDs[1])
- Tk_IDs[1] += 1
- if !ppath or ppath == "."
- @path = format(".%s", id);
- else
- @path = format("%s.%s", ppath, id)
- end
- Tk_WINDOWS[@path] = self
- end
- def uninstall_win()
- Tk_WINDOWS[@path] = nil
- end
- class Event
- def initialize(seq,b,f,h,k,s,t,w,x,y,aa,ee,kk,nn,ww,tt,xx,yy)
- @serial = seq
- @num = b
- @focus = (f == 1)
- @height = h
- @keycode = k
- @state = s
- @time = t
- @width = w
- @x = x
- @y = y
- @char = aa
- @send_event = (ee == 1)
- @keysym = kk
- @keysym_num = nn
- @type = tt
- @widget = ww
- @x_root = xx
- @y_root = yy
- end
- attr :serial
- attr :num
- attr :focus
- attr :height
- attr :keycode
- attr :state
- attr :time
- attr :width
- attr :x
- attr :y
- attr :char
- attr :send_event
- attr :keysym
- attr :keysym_num
- attr :type
- attr :widget
- attr :x_root
- attr :y_root
- end
- def install_bind(cmd, args=nil)
- if args
- id = install_cmd(proc{|arg|
- TkUtil.eval_cmd cmd, *arg
- })
- id + " " + args
- else
- id = install_cmd(proc{|arg|
- TkUtil.eval_cmd cmd,*arg)
- })
- id + ' %# %b %f %h %k %s %t %w %x %y %A %E %K %N %W %T %X %Y'
- end
- end
- def tk_event_sequence(context)
- if context.kind_of? TkVirtualEvent
- context = context.path
- end
- if context.kind_of? Array
- context = context.collect{|ev|
- if context.kind_of? TkVirtualEvent
- ev.path
- else
- ev
- end
- }.join("><")
- end
- if /,/ =~ context
- context = context.split(/\s*,\s*/).join("><")
- else
- context
- end
- end
- def _bind_core(mode, path, context, cmd, args=nil)
- id = install_bind(cmd, args)
- begin
- tk_call 'bind', path, "<#{tk_event_sequence(context)}>", mode + id
- rescue
- uninstall_cmd(id)
- fail
- end
- end
- def _bind(path, context, cmd, args=nil)
- _bind_core('', path, context, cmd, args)
- end
- def _bind_append(path, context, cmd, args=nil)
- _bind_core('+', path, context, cmd, args)
- end
- private :install_bind, :tk_event_sequence, :_bind_core, :_bind, :_bind_append
- def bind_all(context,, args=nil)
- _bind 'all', context, cmd, args
- end
- def bind_append_all(context,, args=nil)
- _bind_append 'all', context, cmd, args
- end
- def bind(tagOrClass, context,, args=nil)
- _bind tagOrClass, context, cmd, args
- end
- def bind_append(tagOrClass, context,, args=nil)
- _bind_append tagOrClass, context, cmd, args
- end
- def _bindinfo(tagOrClass, context=nil)
- if context
- (tk_call('bind', tagOrClass,
- "<#{tk_event_sequence(context)}>")).collect{|cmdline|
- if cmdline =~ /^rb_out (c\d+)\s+(.*)$/
- [Tk_CMDTBL[$1], $2]
- else
- cmdline
- end
- }
- else
- tk_split_list(tk_call 'bind', tagOrClass).collect{|seq|
- seq[1..-2].gsub(/></,',')
- }
- end
- end
- def bindinfo(tagOrClass, context=nil)
- _bindinfo tagOrClass, context
- end
- def pack(*args)
- TkPack.configure *args
- end
- def grid(*args)
- TkGrid.configure *args
- end
- def update(idle=nil)
- if idle
- tk_call 'update', 'idletasks'
- else
- tk_call 'update'
- end
- end
-module TkCore
- include TkComm
- extend TkComm
- INTERP._invoke("proc", "rb_out", "args", "if {[set st [catch {ruby [format \"TkCore.callback %%Q!%s!\" $args]} ret]] != 0} {return -code $st $ret} {return $ret}")
- def callback_break
- raise TkCallbackBreak, "Tk callback returns 'break' status"
- end
- def callback_continue
- raise TkCallbackContinue, "Tk callback returns 'continue' status"
- end
- def after(ms,
- myid = _curr_cmd_id
- cmdid = install_cmd(cmd)
- tk_call("after",ms,cmdid)
- return
- if false #defined? Thread
- Thread.start do
- ms = Float(ms)/1000
- ms = 10 if ms == 0
- sleep ms/1000
- end
- else
- cmdid = install_cmd(cmd)
- tk_call("after",ms,cmdid)
- end
- end
- def TkCore.callback(arg)
- arg = Array(tk_split_list(arg))
- _get_eval_string(TkUtil.eval_cmd(Tk_CMDTBL[arg.shift], *arg))
- end
- def appname(name=None)
- tk_call('tk', 'appname', name)
- end
- def appsend(interp, async, *args)
- if async
- tk_call('send', '-async', '--', interp, *args)
- else
- tk_call('send', '--', interp, *args)
- end
- end
- def rb_appsend(interp, async, *args)
- args = args.filter{|c| _get_eval_string(c).gsub(/[][$"]/, '\\\\\&')}
- args.push(').to_s"')
- appsend(interp, async, 'ruby "(', *args)
- end
- def appsend_displayof(interp, win, async, *args)
- win = '.' if win == nil
- if async
- tk_call('send', '-async', '-displayof', win, '--', interp, *args)
- else
- tk_call('send', '-displayor', win, '--', interp, *args)
- end
- end
- def rb_appsend_displayof(interp, win, async, *args)
- args = args.filter{|c| _get_eval_string(c).gsub(/[][$"]/, '\\\\\&')}
- args.push(').to_s"')
- appsend_displayof(interp, win, async, 'ruby "(', *args)
- end
- def info(*args)
- tk_call('info', *args)
- end
- def mainloop
- TclTkLib.mainloop
- end
- def event_generate(window, context, keys=nil)
- window = window.path if window.kind_of? TkObject
- if keys
- tk_call('event', 'generate', window,
- "<#{tk_event_sequence(context)}>", *hash_kv(keys))
- else
- tk_call('event', 'generate', window, "<#{tk_event_sequence(context)}>")
- end
- end
- def messageBox(keys)
- tk_call 'tk_messageBox', *hash_kv(keys)
- end
- def getOpenFile(keys)
- tk_call 'tk_getOpenFile', *hash_kv(keys)
- end
- def getSaveFile(keys)
- tk_call 'tk_getSaveFile', *hash_kv(keys)
- end
- def chooseColor(keys)
- tk_call 'tk_chooseColor', *hash_kv(keys)
- end
- def tk_call(*args)
- print args.join(" "), "\n" if $DEBUG
- args.filter {|x|_get_eval_string(x)}
- args.compact!
- args.flatten!
- begin
- res = INTERP._invoke(*args)
- rescue NameError
- err = $!
- begin
- args.unshift "unknown"
- res = INTERP._invoke(*args)
- rescue
- raise unless /^invalid command/ =~ $!
- raise err
- end
- end
- if INTERP._return_value() != 0
- fail RuntimeError, res, error_at
- end
- print "==> ", res, "\n" if $DEBUG
- return res
- end
-module Tk
- include TkCore
- extend Tk
- TCL_VERSION = INTERP._invoke("info", "tclversion")
- TK_VERSION = INTERP._invoke("set", "tk_version")
- JAPANIZED_TK = (INTERP._invoke("info", "commands", "kanji") != "")
- def root
- end
- def bell
- tk_call 'bell'
- end
- def Tk.focus(display=nil)
- if display == nil
- r = tk_call('focus')
- else
- r = tk_call('focus', '-displayof', display)
- end
- tk_tcl2ruby(r)
- end
- def Tk.focus_lastfor(win)
- tk_tcl2ruby(tk_call('focus', '-lastfor', win))
- end
- def toUTF8(str,encoding)
- INTERP._toUTF8(str,encoding)
- end
- def fromUTF8(str,encoding)
- INTERP._fromUTF8(str,encoding)
- end
- module Scrollable
- def xscrollcommand(
- configure_cmd 'xscrollcommand', cmd
- end
- def yscrollcommand(
- configure_cmd 'yscrollcommand', cmd
- end
- end
- module Wm
- def aspect(*args)
- w = window(tk_call('wm', 'grid', path, *args))
- w.split.collect{|s|s.to_i} if args.length == 0
- end
- def client(name=None)
- tk_call 'wm', 'client', path, name
- end
- def colormapwindows(*args)
- list(tk_call('wm', 'colormapwindows', path, *args))
- end
- def wm_command(value=None)
- string(tk_call('wm', 'command', path, value))
- end
- def deiconify
- tk_call 'wm', 'deiconify', path
- end
- def focusmodel(*args)
- tk_call 'wm', 'focusmodel', path, *args
- end
- def frame
- tk_call 'wm', 'frame', path
- end
- def geometry(*args)
- list(tk_call('wm', 'geometry', path, *args))
- end
- def grid(*args)
- w = tk_call('wm', 'grid', path, *args)
- list(w) if args.size == 0
- end
- def group(*args)
- tk_call 'wm', 'group', path, *args
- end
- def iconbitmap(*args)
- tk_call 'wm', 'iconbitmap', path, *args
- end
- def iconify
- tk_call 'wm', 'iconify', path
- end
- def iconmask(*args)
- tk_call 'wm', 'iconmask', path, *args
- end
- def iconname(*args)
- tk_call 'wm', 'iconname', path, *args
- end
- def iconposition(*args)
- w = tk_call('wm', 'iconposition', path, *args)
- list(w) if args.size == 0
- end
- def iconwindow(*args)
- w = tk_call('wm', 'iconwindow', path, *args)
- window(w) if args.size == 0
- end
- def maxsize(*args)
- w = tk_call('wm', 'maxsize', path, *args)
- list(w) if not args.size == 0
- end
- def minsize(*args)
- w = tk_call('wm', 'minsize', path, *args)
- list(w) if args.size == 0
- end
- def overrideredirect(bool=None)
- if bool == None
- bool(tk_call('wm', 'overrideredirect', path))
- else
- tk_call 'wm', 'overrideredirect', path, bool
- end
- end
- def positionfrom(*args)
- tk_call 'wm', 'positionfrom', path, *args
- end
- def protocol(name=nil, cmd=nil)
- if cmd
- tk_call('wm', 'protocol', path, name, cmd)
- elsif name
- result = tk_call('wm', 'protocol', path, name)
- (result == "")? nil : tk_tcl2ruby(result)
- else
- tk_split_simplelist(tk_call('wm', 'protocol', path))
- end
- end
- def resizable(*args)
- w = tk_call('wm', 'resizable', path, *args)
- if args.length == 0
- list(w).collect{|e| bool(e)}
- end
- end
- def sizefrom(*args)
- list(tk_call('wm', 'sizefrom', path, *args))
- end
- def state
- tk_call 'wm', 'state', path
- end
- def title(*args)
- tk_call 'wm', 'title', path, *args
- end
- def transient(*args)
- tk_call 'wm', 'transient', path, *args
- end
- def withdraw
- tk_call 'wm', 'withdraw', path
- end
- end
-class TkVariable
- include Tk
- extend TkCore
- TkVar_CB_TBL = {}
- Tk_VARIABLE_ID = ["v00000"]
- INTERP._invoke("proc", "rb_var", "args", "ruby [format \"TkVariable.callback %%Q!%s!\" $args]")
- def TkVariable.callback(args)
- name1,name2,op = tk_split_list(args)
- if TkVar_CB_TBL[name1]
- _get_eval_string(TkVar_CB_TBL[name1].trace_callback(name2,op))
- else
- ''
- end
- end
- def initialize(val="")
- @id = Tk_VARIABLE_ID[0]
- Tk_VARIABLE_ID[0] = Tk_VARIABLE_ID[0].succ
- if val == []
- INTERP._eval(format('global %s; set %s(0) 0; unset %s(0)',
- @id, @id, @id))
- elsif val.kind_of?(Array)
- a = []
- val.each_with_index{|e,i| a.push(i); a.push(array2tk_list(e))}
- s = '"' + a.join(" ").gsub(/[][$"]/, '\\\\\&') + '"' #'
- INTERP._eval(format('global %s; array set %s %s', @id, @id, s))
- elsif val.kind_of?(Hash)
- s = '"' + val.to_a.collect{|e| array2tk_list(e)}.join(" ")\
- .gsub(/[][$"]/, '\\\\\&') + '"' #'
- INTERP._eval(format('global %s; array set %s %s', @id, @id, s))
- else
- s = '"' + _get_eval_string(val).gsub(/[][$"]/, '\\\\\&') + '"' #'
- INTERP._eval(format('global %s; set %s %s', @id, @id, s))
- end
- end
- def wait
- INTERP._eval("tkwait variable #{@id}")
- end
- def id
- @id
- end
- def value
- begin
- INTERP._eval(format('global %s; set %s', @id, @id))
- rescue
- if INTERP._eval(format('global %s; array exists %s', @id, @id)) != "1"
- raise
- else
- Hash[*tk_split_simplelist(INTERP\
- ._eval(format('global %s; array get %s',
- @id, @id)))]
- end
- end
- end
- def value=(val)
- begin
- s = '"' + _get_eval_string(val).gsub(/[][$"]/, '\\\\\&') + '"' #'
- INTERP._eval(format('global %s; set %s %s', @id, @id, s))
- rescue
- if INTERP._eval(format('global %s; array exists %s', @id, @id)) != "1"
- raise
- else
- INTERP._eval(format('global %s; unset %s'), @id, @id)
- if val == []
- INTERP._eval(format('global %s; set %s(0) 0; unset %s(0)',
- @id, @id, @id))
- elsif val.kind_of?(Array)
- a = []
- val.each_with_index{|e,i| a.push(i); a.push(array2tk_list(e))}
- s = '"' + a.join(" ").gsub(/[][$"]/, '\\\\\&') + '"' #'
- INTERP._eval(format('global %s; unset %s; array set %s %s',
- @id, @id, @id, s))
- elsif val.kind_of?(Hash)
- s = '"' + val.to_a.collect{|e| array2tk_list(e)}.join(" ")\
- .gsub(/[][$"]/, '\\\\\&') + '"' #'
- INTERP._eval(format('global %s; unset %s; array set %s %s',
- @id, @id, @id, s))
- else
- raise
- end
- end
- end
- end
- def [](index)
- INTERP._eval(format('global %s; set %s(%s)',
- @id, @id, _get_eval_string(index)))
- end
- def []=(index,val)
- INTERP._eval(format('global %s; set %s(%s) %s', @id, @id,
- _get_eval_string(index), _get_eval_string(val)))
- end
- def to_i
- Integer(number(value))
- end
- def to_f
- Float(number(value))
- end
- def to_s
- String(string(value))
- end
- def inspect
- format "<TkVariable: %s>", @id
- end
- def ==(other)
- case other
- when TkVariable
- self.equal(self)
- when String
- self.to_s == other
- when Integer
- self.to_i == other
- when Float
- self.to_f == other
- when Array
- self.to_a == other
- else
- false
- end
- end
- def to_a
- list(value)
- end
- def to_eval
- @id
- end
- def unset(elem=nil)
- if elem
- INTERP._eval(format('global %s; unset %s(%s)',
- @id, @id, tk_tcl2ruby(elem)))
- else
- INTERP._eval(format('global %s; unset %s', @id, @id))
- end
- end
- alias remove unset
- def trace_callback(elem, op)
- if @trace_var.kind_of? Array
- @trace_var.each{|m,e|,elem,op) if m.index(op)}
- end
- if elem.kind_of? String
- if @trace_elem[elem].kind_of? Array
- @trace_elem[elem].each{|m,e|,elem,op) if m.index(op)}
- end
- end
- end
- def trace(opts, cmd)
- @trace_var = [] if @trace_var == nil
- opts = ['r','w','u'].find_all{|c| opts.index(c)}.join('')
- @trace_var.unshift([opts,cmd])
- if @trace_opts == nil
- TkVar_CB_TBL[@id] = self
- @trace_opts = opts
- Tk.tk_call('trace', 'variable', @id, @trace_opts, 'rb_var')
- else
- newopts = @trace_opts.dup
- opts.each_byte{|c| newopts += c.chr unless @newopts.index(c)}
- if newopts != @trace_opts
- Tk.tk_call('trace', 'vdelete', @id, @trace_opts, 'rb_var')
- @trace_opts.replace(newopts)
- Tk.tk_call('trace', 'variable', @id, @trace_opts, 'rb_var')
- end
- end
- end
- def trace_element(elem, opts, cmd)
- @trace_elem = {} if @trace_elem == nil
- @trace_elem[elem] = [] if @trace_elem[elem] == nil
- opts = ['r','w','u'].find_all{|c| opts.index(c)}.join('')
- @trace_elem[elem].unshift([opts,cmd])
- if @trace_opts == nil
- TkVar_CB_TBL[@id] = self
- @trace_opts = opts
- Tk.tk_call('trace', 'variable', @id, @trace_opts, 'rb_var')
- else
- newopts = @trace_opts.dup
- opts.each_byte{|c| newopts += c.chr unless @newopts.index(c)}
- if newopts != @trace_opts
- Tk.tk_call('trace', 'vdelete', @id, @trace_opts, 'rb_var')
- @trace_opts.replace(newopts)
- Tk.tk_call('trace', 'variable', @id, @trace_opts, 'rb_var')
- end
- end
- end
- def trace_vinfo
- return [] unless @trace_var
- @trace_var.dup
- end
- def trace_vinfo_for_element(elem)
- return [] unless @trace_elem
- return [] unless @trace_elem[elem]
- @trace_elem[elem].dup
- end
- def trace_vdelete(opts,cmd)
- return unless @trace_var.kind_of? Array
- opts = ['r','w','u'].find_all{|c| opts.index(c)}.join('')
- idx = -1
- newopts = ''
- @trace_var.each_with_index{|i,e|
- if idx < 0 && e[0] == opts && e[1] == cmd
- idx = i
- next
- end
- e[0].each_byte{|c| newopts += c.chr unless newopts.index(c)}
- }
- if idx >= 0
- @trace_var.delete_at(idx)
- else
- return
- end
- @trace_elem.each{|elem|
- @trace_elem[elem].each{|e|
- e[0].each_byte{|c| newopts += c.chr unless newopts.index(c)}
- }
- }
- newopts = ['r','w','u'].find_all{|c| newopts.index(c)}.join('')
- if newopts != @trace_opts
- Tk.tk_call('trace', 'vdelete', @id, @trace_opts, 'rb_var')
- @trace_opts.replace(newopts)
- if @trace_opts != ''
- Tk.tk_call('trace', 'variable', @id, @trace_opts, 'rb_var')
- end
- end
- end
- def trace_vdelete_for_element(elem,opts,cmd)
- return unless @trace_elem.kind_of? Hash
- return unless @trace_elem[elem].kind_of? Array
- opts = ['r','w','u'].find_all{|c| opts.index(c)}.join('')
- idx = -1
- @trace_elem[elem].each_with_index{|i,e|
- if idx < 0 && e[0] == opts && e[1] == cmd
- idx = i
- next
- end
- }
- if idx >= 0
- @trace_elem[elem].delete_at(idx)
- else
- return
- end
- newopts = ''
- @trace_var.each{|e|
- e[0].each_byte{|c| newopts += c.chr unless newopts.index(c)}
- }
- @trace_elem.each{|elem|
- @trace_elem[elem].each{|e|
- e[0].each_byte{|c| newopts += c.chr unless newopts.index(c)}
- }
- }
- newopts = ['r','w','u'].find_all{|c| newopts.index(c)}.join('')
- if newopts != @trace_opts
- Tk.tk_call('trace', 'vdelete', @id, @trace_opts, 'rb_var')
- @trace_opts.replace(newopts)
- if @trace_opts != ''
- Tk.tk_call('trace', 'variable', @id, @trace_opts, 'rb_var')
- end
- end
- end
-class TkVarAccess<TkVariable
- def initialize(varname, val=nil)
- @id = varname
- if val
- s = '"' + _get_eval_string(val).gsub(/[][$"]/, '\\\\\&') + '"' #'
- INTERP._eval(format('global %s; set %s %s', @id, @id, s))
- end
- end
-module TkSelection
- include Tk
- extend Tk
- def clear(win=Tk.root)
- tk_call 'selection', 'clear', win.path
- end
- def get(type=None)
- tk_call 'selection', 'get', type
- end
- def TkSelection.handle(win, func, type=None, format=None)
- id = install_cmd(func)
- tk_call 'selection', 'handle', win.path, id, type, format
- end
- def handle(func, type=None, format=None)
- TkSelection.handle self, func, type, format
- end
- def TkSelection.own(win, func=None)
- id = install_cmd(func)
- tk_call 'selection', 'own', win.path, id
- end
- def own(func=None)
- TkSelection.own self, func
- end
- module_function :clear, :get
-module TkKinput
- include Tk
- extend Tk
- def TkKinput.start(window, style=None)
- tk_call 'kinput_start', window.path, style
- end
- def kinput_start(style=None)
- TkKinput.start(self, style)
- end
- def TkKinput.send_spot(window)
- tk_call 'kinput_send_spot', window.path
- end
- def kinput_send_spot
- TkKinput.send_spot(self)
- end
- def TkKinput.input_start(window, keys=nil)
- tk_call 'kanjiInput', 'start', window.path, *hash_kv(keys)
- end
- def kanji_input_start(keys=nil)
- TkKinput.input_start(self, keys)
- end
- def TkKinput.attribute_config(window, slot, value=None)
- if slot.kind_of? Hash
- tk_call 'kanjiInput', 'attribute', window.path, *hash_kv(slot)
- else
- tk_call 'kanjiInput', 'attribute', window.path, "-#{slot}", value
- end
- end
- def kinput_attribute_config(slot, value=None)
- TkKinput.attribute_config(self, slot, value)
- end
- def TkKinput.attribute_info(window, slot=nil)
- if slot
- conf = tk_split_list(tk_call('kanjiInput', 'attribute',
- window.path, "-#{slot}"))
- conf[0] = conf[0][1..-1]
- conf
- else
- tk_split_list(tk_call('kanjiInput', 'attribute',
- window.path)).collect{|conf|
- conf[0] = conf[0][1..-1]
- conf
- }
- end
- end
- def kinput_attribute_info(slot=nil)
- TkKinput.attribute_info(self, slot)
- end
- def TkKinput.input_end(window)
- tk_call 'kanjiInput', 'end', window.path
- end
- def kanji_input_end
- TkKinput.input_end(self)
- end
-module TkWinfo
- include Tk
- extend Tk
- def TkWinfo.atom(name)
- tk_call 'winfo', name
- end
- def winfo_atom(name)
- TkWinfo.atom name
- end
- def TkWinfo.atomname(id)
- tk_call 'winfo', id
- end
- def winfo_atomname(id)
- TkWinfo.atomname id
- end
- def TkWinfo.cells(window)
- number(tk_call('winfo', window.path))
- end
- def winfo_cells
- TkWinfo.cells self
- end
- def TkWinfo.children(window)
- c = tk_call('winfo', 'children', window.path)
- list(c)
- end
- def winfo_children
- TkWinfo.children self
- end
- def TkWinfo.classname(window)
- tk_call 'winfo', 'class', window.path
- end
- def winfo_classname
- TkWinfo.classname self
- end
- def TkWinfo.containing(rootX, rootY)
- path = tk_call('winfo', 'containing', rootX, rootY)
- window(path)
- end
- def winfo_containing(x, y)
- TkWinfo.containing x, y
- end
- def TkWinfo.depth(window)
- number(tk_call('winfo', 'depth', window.path))
- end
- def winfo_depth
- TkWinfo.depth self
- end
- def TkWinfo.exist?(window)
- bool(tk_call('winfo', 'exists', window.path))
- end
- def winfo_exist?
- TkWinfo.exist? self
- end
- def TkWinfo.fpixels(window, number)
- number(tk_call('winfo', 'fpixels', window.path, number))
- end
- def winfo_fpixels(number)
- TkWinfo.fpixels self, number
- end
- def TkWinfo.geometry(window)
- list(tk_call('winfo', 'geometry', window.path))
- end
- def winfo_geometry
- TkWinfo.geometry self
- end
- def TkWinfo.height(window)
- number(tk_call('winfo', 'height', window.path))
- end
- def winfo_height
- TkWinfo.height self
- end
- def
- number(tk_call('winfo', 'id', window.path))
- end
- def winfo_id
- self
- end
- def TkWinfo.interps(window=nil)
- if window
- tk_split_simplelist(tk_call('winfo', '-displayof', window.path,
- 'interps'))
- else
- tk_split_simplelist(tk_call('winfo', 'interps'))
- end
- end
- def winfo_interps
- TkWinfo.interps self
- end
- def TkWinfo.mapped?(window)
- bool(tk_call('winfo', 'ismapped', window.path))
- end
- def winfo_mapped?
- TkWinfo.mapped? self
- end
- def TkWinfo.appname(window)
- bool(tk_call('winfo', 'name', window.path))
- end
- def winfo_appname
- TkWinfo.appname self
- end
- def TkWinfo.parent(window)
- window(tk_call('winfo', 'parent', window.path))
- end
- def winfo_parent
- TkWinfo.parent self
- end
- def TkWinfo.widget(id)
- window(tk_call('winfo', 'pathname', id))
- end
- def winfo_widget(id)
- TkWinfo.widget id
- end
- def TkWinfo.pixels(window, number)
- number(tk_call('winfo', 'pixels', window.path, number))
- end
- def winfo_pixels(number)
- TkWinfo.pixels self, number
- end
- def TkWinfo.reqheight(window)
- number(tk_call('winfo', 'reqheight', window.path))
- end
- def winfo_reqheight
- TkWinfo.reqheight self
- end
- def TkWinfo.reqwidth(window)
- number(tk_call('winfo', 'reqwidth', window.path))
- end
- def winfo_reqwidth
- TkWinfo.reqwidth self
- end
- def TkWinfo.rgb(window, color)
- list(tk_call('winfo', 'rgb', window.path, color))
- end
- def winfo_rgb(color)
- TkWinfo.rgb self, color
- end
- def TkWinfo.rootx(window)
- number(tk_call('winfo', 'rootx', window.path))
- end
- def winfo_rootx
- TkWinfo.rootx self
- end
- def TkWinfo.rooty(window)
- number(tk_call('winfo', 'rooty', window.path))
- end
- def winfo_rooty
- TkWinfo.rooty self
- end
- def TkWinfo.screen(window)
- tk_call 'winfo', 'screen', window.path
- end
- def winfo_screen
- TkWinfo.screen self
- end
- def TkWinfo.screencells(window)
- number(tk_call('winfo', 'screencells', window.path))
- end
- def winfo_screencells
- TkWinfo.screencells self
- end
- def TkWinfo.screendepth(window)
- number(tk_call('winfo', 'screendepth', window.path))
- end
- def winfo_screendepth
- TkWinfo.screendepth self
- end
- def TkWinfo.screenheight (window)
- number(tk_call('winfo', 'screenheight', window.path))
- end
- def winfo_screenheight
- TkWinfo.screenheight self
- end
- def TkWinfo.screenmmheight(window)
- number(tk_call('winfo', 'screenmmheight', window.path))
- end
- def winfo_screenmmheight
- TkWinfo.screenmmheight self
- end
- def TkWinfo.screenmmwidth(window)
- number(tk_call('winfo', 'screenmmwidth', window.path))
- end
- def winfo_screenmmwidth
- TkWinfo.screenmmwidth self
- end
- def TkWinfo.screenvisual(window)
- tk_call 'winfo', 'screenvisual', window.path
- end
- def winfo_screenvisual
- TkWinfo.screenvisual self
- end
- def TkWinfo.screenwidth(window)
- number(tk_call('winfo', 'screenwidth', window.path))
- end
- def winfo_screenwidth
- TkWinfo.screenwidth self
- end
- def TkWinfo.toplevel(window)
- window(tk_call('winfo', 'toplevel', window.path))
- end
- def winfo_toplevel
- TkWinfo.toplevel self
- end
- def TkWinfo.visual(window)
- tk_call 'winfo', 'visual', window.path
- end
- def winfo_visual
- TkWinfo.visual self
- end
- def TkWinfo.vrootheigh(window)
- number(tk_call('winfo', 'vrootheight', window.path))
- end
- def winfo_vrootheight
- TkWinfo.vrootheight self
- end
- def TkWinfo.vrootwidth(window)
- number(tk_call('winfo', 'vrootwidth', window.path))
- end
- def winfo_vrootwidth
- TkWinfo.vrootwidth self
- end
- def TkWinfo.vrootx(window)
- number(tk_call('winfo', 'vrootx', window.path))
- end
- def winfo_vrootx
- TkWinfo.vrootx self
- end
- def TkWinfo.vrooty(window)
- number(tk_call('winfo', 'vrooty', window.path))
- end
- def winfo_vrooty
- TkWinfo.vrooty self
- end
- def TkWinfo.width(window)
- number(tk_call('winfo', 'width', window.path))
- end
- def winfo_width
- TkWinfo.width self
- end
- def TkWinfo.x(window)
- number(tk_call('winfo', 'x', window.path))
- end
- def winfo_x
- TkWinfo.x self
- end
- def TkWinfo.y(window)
- number(tk_call('winfo', 'y', window.path))
- end
- def winfo_y
- TkWinfo.y self
- end
- def TkWinfo.viewable(window)
- bool(tk_call 'winfo', 'viewable', window.path)
- end
- def winfo_viewable
- TkWinfo.viewable self
- end
- def TkWinfo.pointerx(window)
- number(tk_call('winfo', 'pointerx', window.path))
- end
- def winfo_pointerx
- TkWinfo.pointerx self
- end
- def TkWinfo.pointery(window)
- number(tk_call('winfo', 'pointery', window.path))
- end
- def winfo_pointery
- TkWinfo.pointery self
- end
- def TkWinfo.pointerxy(window)
- list(tk_call('winfo', 'pointerxy', window.path))
- end
- def winfo_pointerxy
- TkWinfo.pointerxy self
- end
-module TkPack
- include Tk
- extend Tk
- def configure(win, *args)
- if args[-1].kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = args.pop
- end
- wins = [win.epath]
- for i in args
- wins.push i.epath
- end
- tk_call "pack", 'configure', *(wins+hash_kv(keys))
- end
- def forget(*args)
- tk_call 'pack', 'forget' *args
- end
- def propagate(master, bool=None)
- bool(tk_call('pack', 'propagate', master.epath, bool))
- end
- module_function :configure, :forget, :propagate
-module TkGrid
- include Tk
- extend Tk
- def bbox(*args)
- list(tk_call('grid', 'bbox', *args))
- end
- def configure(widget, *args)
- if args[-1].kind_of?(Hash)
- keys = args.pop
- end
- wins = [widget.epath]
- for i in args
- wins.push i.epath
- end
- tk_call "grid", 'configure', *(wins+hash_kv(keys))
- end
- def columnconfigure(master, index, args)
- tk_call "grid", 'columnconfigure', master, index, *hash_kv(args)
- end
- def rowconfigure(master, index, args)
- tk_call "grid", 'rowconfigure', master, index, *hash_kv(args)
- end
- def add(widget, *args)
- configure(widget, *args)
- end
- def forget(*args)
- tk_call 'grid', 'forget', *args
- end
- def info(slave)
- list(tk_call('grid', 'info', slave))
- end
- def location(master, x, y)
- list(tk_call('grid', 'location', master, x, y))
- end
- def propagate(master, bool=None)
- bool(tk_call('grid', 'propagate', master.epath, bool))
- end
- def remove(*args)
- tk_call 'grid', 'remove', *args
- end
- def size(master)
- tk_call 'grid', 'size', master
- end
- def slaves(args)
- list(tk_call('grid', 'slaves', *hash_kv(args)))
- end
- module_function :bbox, :forget, :propagate, :info
- module_function :remove, :size, :slaves, :location
- module_function :configure, :columnconfigure, :rowconfigure
-module TkOption
- include Tk
- extend Tk
- def add pat, value, pri=None
- tk_call 'option', 'add', pat, value, pri
- end
- def clear
- tk_call 'option', 'clear'
- end
- def get win, name, klass
- tk_call 'option', 'get', win ,name, klass
- end
- def readfile file, pri=None
- tk_call 'option', 'readfile', file, pri
- end
- module_function :add, :clear, :get, :readfile
-module TkTreatFont
- def font_configinfo
- ret = TkFont.used_on(self.path)
- if ret == nil
- ret = TkFont.init_widget_font(self.path, self.path, 'configure')
- end
- ret
- end
- alias fontobj font_configinfo
- def font_configure(slot)
- if (fnt = slot['font'])
- slot['font'] = nil
- if fnt.kind_of? TkFont
- return fnt.call_font_configure(self.path, self.path,'configure',slot)
- else
- latinfont_configure(fnt) if fnt
- end
- end
- if (ltn = slot['latinfont'])
- slot['latinfont'] = nil
- latinfont_configure(ltn) if ltn
- end
- if (ltn = slot['asciifont'])
- slot['asciifont'] = nil
- latinfont_configure(ltn) if ltn
- end
- if (knj = slot['kanjifont'])
- slot['kanjifont'] = nil
- kanjifont_configure(knj) if knj
- end
- tk_call(self.path, 'configure', *hash_kv(slot)) if slot != {}
- self
- end
- def latinfont_configure(ltn, keys=nil)
- fobj = fontobj
- if ltn.kind_of? TkFont
- conf = {}
- ltn.latin_configinfo.each{|key,val| conf[key] = val}
- if keys
- fobj.latin_configure(conf.update(keys))
- else
- fobj.latin_configure(conf)
- end
- else
- fobj.latin_replace(ltn)
- end
- end
- alias asciifont_configure latinfont_configure
- def kanjifont_configure(knj, keys=nil)
- fobj = fontobj
- if knj.kind_of? TkFont
- conf = {}
- knj.kanji_configinfo.each{|key,val| conf[key] = val}
- if keys
- fobj.kanji_configure(conf.update(keys))
- else
- fobj.kanji_configure(cond)
- end
- else
- fobj.kanji_replace(knj)
- end
- end
- def font_copy(window, tag=nil)
- if tag
- window.tagfontobj(tag).configinfo.each{|key,value|
- fontobj.configure(key,value)
- }
- fontobj.replace(window.tagfontobj(tag).latin_font,
- window.tagfontobj(tag).kanji_font)
- else
- window.fontobj.configinfo.each{|key,value|
- fontobj.configure(key,value)
- }
- fontobj.replace(window.fontobj.latin_font, window.fontobj.kanji_font)
- end
- end
- def latinfont_copy(window, tag=nil)
- if tag
- fontobj.latin_replace(window.tagfontobj(tag).latin_font)
- else
- fontobj.latin_replace(window.fontobj.latin_font)
- end
- end
- alias asciifont_copy latinfont_copy
- def kanjifont_copy(window, tag=nil)
- if tag
- fontobj.kanji_replace(window.tagfontobj(tag).kanji_font)
- else
- fontobj.kanji_replace(window.fontobj.kanji_font)
- end
- end
-class TkObject<TkKernel
- include Tk
- include TkTreatFont
- def path
- return @path
- end
- def epath
- return @path
- end
- def to_eval
- @path
- end
- def tk_send(cmd, *rest)
- tk_call path, cmd, *rest
- end
- private :tk_send
- def method_missing(id, *args)
- name = id.id2name
- case args.length
- when 1
- configure name, args[0]
- when 0
- begin
- cget name
- rescue
- fail NameError, "undefined local variable or method `#{name}' for #{self.to_s}", error_at
- end
- else
- fail NameError, "undefined method `#{name}' for #{self.to_s}", error_at
- end
- end
- def [](id)
- cget id
- end
- def []=(id, val)
- configure id, val
- end
- def cget(slot)
- tk_tcl2ruby tk_call path, 'cget', "-#{slot}"
- end
- def configure(slot, value=None)
- if slot.kind_of? Hash
- if ( slot['font'] || slot['kanjifont'] \
- || slot['latinfont'] || slot['asciifont'] )
- font_configure(slot.dup)
- else
- tk_call path, 'configure', *hash_kv(slot)
- end
- else
- if ( slot == 'font' || slot == 'kanjifont' \
- || slot == 'latinfont' || slot == 'asciifont' )
- font_configure({slot=>value})
- else
- tk_call path, 'configure', "-#{slot}", value
- end
- end
- end
- def configure_cmd(slot, value)
- configure slot, install_cmd(value)
- end
- def configinfo(slot = nil)
- if slot == 'font' || slot == 'kanjifont'
- fontobj
- else
- if slot
- conf = tk_split_list(tk_send('configure', "-#{slot}") )
- conf[0] = conf[0][1..-1]
- conf
- else
- ret = tk_split_list(tk_send('configure') ).collect{|conf|
- conf[0] = conf[0][1..-1]
- conf
- }
- if ret.assoc('font')
- ret.delete_if{|item| item[0] == 'font' || item[0] == 'kanjifont'}
- ret.push(['font', fontobj])
- else
- ret
- end
- end
- end
- end
- def bind(context,, args=nil)
- _bind path, context, cmd, args
- end
- def bind_append(context,, args=nil)
- _bind_append path, context, cmd, args
- end
- def bindinfo(context=nil)
- _bindinfo path, context
- end
- def event_generate(context, keys=nil)
- if keys
- tk_call('event', 'generate', path,
- "<#{tk_event_sequence(context)}>", *hash_kv(keys))
- else
- tk_call('event', 'generate', path, "<#{tk_event_sequence(context)}>")
- end
- end
- def tk_trace_variable(v)
- unless v.kind_of?(TkVariable)
- fail ArgumentError, format("requires TkVariable given %s", v.type)
- end
- v
- end
- private :tk_trace_variable
- def destroy
- tk_call 'trace', 'vdelete', @tk_vn, 'w', @var_id if @var_id
- end
-module TkClassBind
- WidgetClassNameTBL = {}
- def TkClassBind.name2class(name)
- WidgetClassNameTBL[name]
- end
- def bind(context,, args=nil)
- Tk.bind to_eval, context, cmd, args
- end
- def bind_append(context,, args=nil)
- Tk.bind_append to_eval, context, cmd, args
- end
- def bindinfo(context=nil)
- Tk.bindinfo to_eval, context
- end
-class TkWindow<TkObject
- extend TkClassBind
- def initialize(parent=nil, keys=nil)
- install_win(if parent then parent.path end)
- create_self
- if keys
- # tk_call @path, 'configure', *hash_kv(keys)
- configure(keys)
- end
- end
- def create_self
- end
- private :create_self
- def pack(keys = nil)
- tk_call 'pack', epath, *hash_kv(keys)
- self
- end
- def unpack(keys = nil)
- tk_call 'pack', 'forget', epath
- self
- end
- def grid(keys = nil)
- tk_call 'grid', epath, *hash_kv(keys)
- self
- end
- def ungrid(keys = nil)
- tk_call 'grid', 'forget', epath
- self
- end
- def place(keys = nil)
- tk_call 'place', epath, *hash_kv(keys)
- self
- end
- def unplace(keys = nil)
- tk_call 'place', 'forget', epath, *hash_kv(keys)
- self
- end
- alias place_forget unplace
- def place_config(keys)
- tk_call "place", 'configure', epath, *hash_kv(keys)
- end
- def place_info()
- ilist = list(tk_call('place', 'info', epath))
- info = {}
- while key = ilist.shift
- info[key[1..-1]] = ilist.shift
- end
- return info
- end
- def pack_slaves()
- list(tk_call('pack', 'slaves', epath))
- end
- def pack_info()
- ilist = list(tk_call('pack', 'info', epath))
- info = {}
- while key = ilist.shift
- info[key[1..-1]] = ilist.shift
- end
- return info
- end
- def place_slaves()
- list(tk_call('place', 'slaves', epath))
- end
- def focus(force=false)
- if force
- tk_call 'focus', '-force', path
- else
- tk_call 'focus', path
- end
- self
- end
- def grab(*args)
- if !args or args.length == 0
- tk_call 'grab', 'set', path
- elsif args.length == 1
- case args[0]
- when 'global'
- tk_call 'grab', 'set', '-global', path
- else
- val = tk_call('grab', args[0], path)
- end
- case args[0]
- when 'current'
- return window(val)
- when 'status'
- return val
- end
- else
- fail ArgumentError, 'wrong # of args'
- end
- end
- def lower(below=None)
- tk_call 'lower', path, below
- self
- end
- def raise(above=None)
- tk_call 'raise', path, above
- self
- end
- def command(
- configure_cmd 'command', cmd
- end
- def colormodel model=None
- tk_call 'tk', 'colormodel', path, model
- self
- end
- def destroy
- tk_call 'destroy', path
- if @cmdtbl
- for id in @cmdtbl
- uninstall_cmd id
- end
- end
- uninstall_win
- end
- def wait_visibility
- tk_call 'tkwait', 'visibility', path
- end
- alias wait wait_visibility
- def wait_destroy
- tk_call 'tkwait', 'window', path
- end
- def bindtags(taglist=nil)
- if taglist
- fail unless taglist.kind_of? Array
- tk_call('bindtags', path, taglist)
- else
- tk_split_list(tk_call('bindtags', path)).collect{|tag|
- if tag == nil
- '.'
- elsif tag.kind_of?(String) && (cls = TkClassBind.name2class(tag))
- cls
- else
- tag
- end
- }
- end
- end
-class TkRoot<TkWindow
- include Wm
- ROOT = []
- def
- return ROOT[0] if ROOT[0]
- new = super
- ROOT[0] = new
- Tk_WINDOWS["."] = new
- end
- WidgetClassName = 'Tk'.freeze
- TkClassBind::WidgetClassNameTBL[WidgetClassName] = self
- def self.to_eval
- WidgetClassName
- end
- def create_self
- @path = '.'
- end
- def path
- "."
- end
-class TkToplevel<TkWindow
- include Wm
- WidgetClassName = 'Toplevel'.freeze
- TkClassBind::WidgetClassNameTBL[WidgetClassName] = self
- def self.to_eval
- WidgetClassName
- end
- def initialize(parent=nil, screen=nil, classname=nil, keys=nil)
- if screen.kind_of? Hash
- keys = screen.dup
- else
- @screen = screen
- end
- @classname = classname
- if keys.kind_of? Hash
- keys = keys.dup
- if keys['classname']
- @classname = keys['classname']
- keys['classname'] = nil
- end
- if keys['colormap']
- @colormap = keys['colormap']
- keys['colormap'] = nil
- end
- if keys['container']
- @classname = keys['container']
- keys['classname'] = nil
- end
- if keys['screen']
- @screen = keys['screen']
- keys['screen'] = nil
- end
- if keys['use']
- @use = keys['use']
- keys['use'] = nil
- end
- if keys['visual']
- @screen = keys['visual']
- keys['visual'] = nil
- end
- end
- super(parent, keys)
- end
- def create_self
- s = []
- s.push << "-class" << @classname if @classname
- s.push << "-colormap" << @colormap if @colormap
- s.push << "-container" << @container if @container
- s.push << "-screen" << @screen if @screen
- s.push << "-use" << @use if @use
- s.push << "-visual" << @visual if @visual
- tk_call 'toplevel', @path, *s
- end
- def specific_class
- @classname
- end
-class TkFrame<TkWindow
- WidgetClassName = 'Frame'.freeze
- TkClassBind::WidgetClassNameTBL[WidgetClassName] = self
- def self.to_eval
- WidgetClassName
- end
- def initialize(parent=nil, keys=nil)
- if keys.kind_of? Hash
- keys = keys.dup
- if keys['classname']
- @classname = keys['classname']
- keys['classname'] = nil
- end
- if keys['colormap']
- @colormap = keys['colormap']
- keys['colormap'] = nil
- end
- if keys['container']
- @classname = keys['container']
- keys['classname'] = nil
- end
- if keys['visual']
- @screen = keys['visual']
- keys['visual'] = nil
- end
- end
- super(parent, keys)
- end
- def create_self
- s = []
- s.push << "-class" << @classname if @classname
- s.push << "-colormap" << @colormap if @colormap
- s.push << "-container" << @container if @container
- s.push << "-visual" << @visual if @visual
- tk_call 'frame', @path, *s
- end
-class TkLabel<TkWindow
- WidgetClassName = 'Label'.freeze
- TkClassBind::WidgetClassNameTBL[WidgetClassName] = self
- def self.to_eval
- WidgetClassName
- end
- def create_self
- tk_call 'label', @path
- end
- def textvariable(v)
- configure 'textvariable', tk_trace_variable(v)
- end
-class TkButton<TkLabel
- WidgetClassName = 'Button'.freeze
- TkClassBind::WidgetClassNameTBL[WidgetClassName] = self
-# def TkButton.to_eval
- def self.to_eval
- WidgetClassName
- end
- def create_self
- tk_call 'button', @path
- end
- def invoke
- tk_send 'invoke'
- end
- def flash
- tk_send 'flash'
- end
-class TkRadioButton<TkButton
- WidgetClassName = 'Radiobutton'.freeze
- TkClassBind::WidgetClassNameTBL[WidgetClassName] = self
- def TkRadioButton.to_eval
- WidgetClassName
- end
- def create_self
- tk_call 'radiobutton', @path
- end
- def deselect
- tk_send 'deselect'
- end
- def select
- tk_send 'select'
- end
- def variable(v)
- configure 'variable', tk_trace_variable(v)
- end
-class TkCheckButton<TkRadioButton
- TkClassBind::WidgetClassNameTBL['Checkbutton'] = self
- def TkCheckButton.to_eval
- 'Checkbutton'
- end
- def create_self
- tk_call 'checkbutton', @path
- end
- def toggle
- tk_send 'toggle'
- end
-class TkMessage<TkLabel
- TkClassBind::WidgetClassNameTBL['Message'] = self
- def TkMessage.to_eval
- 'Message'
- end
- def create_self
- tk_call 'message', @path
- end
-class TkScale<TkWindow
- WidgetClassName = 'Scale'.freeze
- TkClassBind::WidgetClassNameTBL[WidgetClassName] = self
- def self.to_eval
- WidgetClassName
- end
- def create_self
- tk_call 'scale', path
- end
- def get
- number(tk_send('get'))
- end
- def set(val)
- tk_send "set", val
- end
- def value
- get
- end
- def value= (val)
- set val
- end
-class TkScrollbar<TkWindow
- WidgetClassName = 'Scrollbar'.freeze
- TkClassBind::WidgetClassNameTBL[WidgetClassName] = self
- def self.to_eval
- WidgetClassName
- end
- def create_self
- tk_call 'scrollbar', path
- end
- def delta(deltax=None, deltay=None)
- number(tk_send('delta', deltax, deltay))
- end
- def fraction(x=None, y=None)
- number(tk_send('fraction', x, y))
- end
- def identify(x=None, y=None)
- tk_send('fraction', x, y)
- end
- def get
- ary1 = tk_send('get', path).split
- ary2 = []
- for i in ary1
- ary2.push number(i)
- end
- ary2
- end
- def set(first, last)
- tk_send "set", first, last
- end
-class TkTextWin<TkWindow
- def create_self
- raise TypeError, "TkTextWin is abstract class"
- end
- def bbox(index)
- tk_send 'bbox', index
- end
- def delete(first, last=None)
- tk_send 'delete', first, last
- end
- def get(*index)
- tk_send 'get', *index
- end
- def index(index)
- tk_send 'index', index
- end
- def insert(index, chars, *args)
- tk_send 'insert', index, chars, *args
- end
- def scan_mark(x, y)
- tk_send 'scan', 'mark', x, y
- end
- def scan_dragto(x, y)
- tk_send 'scan', 'dragto', x, y
- end
- def see(index)
- tk_send 'see', index
- end
-class TkListbox<TkTextWin
- TkClassBind::WidgetClassNameTBL['Listbox'] = self
- def TkListbox.to_eval
- 'Listbox'
- end
- def create_self
- tk_call 'listbox', path
- end
- def activate(y)
- tk_send 'activate', y
- end
- def curselection
- list(tk_send('curselection'))
- end
- def nearest(y)
- tk_send('nearest', y).to_i
- end
- def size(y)
- tk_send('size').to_i
- end
- def selection_anchor(index)
- tk_send 'selection', 'anchor', index
- end
- def selection_clear(first, last=None)
- tk_send 'selection', 'clear', first, last
- end
- def selection_includes
- bool(tk_send('selection', 'includes'))
- end
- def selection_set(first, last=None)
- tk_send 'selection', 'set', first, last
- end
- def xview(cmd, index, *more)
- v = tk_send('xview', cmd, index, *more)
- v.to_i if more.size == 0
- end
- def yview(cmd, index, *more)
- v = tk_send('yview', cmd, index, *more)
- v.to_i if more.size == 0
- end
-module TkTreatMenuEntryFont
- def tagfont_configinfo(index)
- pathname = self.path + ';' + index
- ret = TkFont.used_on(pathname)
- if ret == nil
- ret = TkFont.init_widget_font(pathname,
- self.path, 'entryconfigure', index)
- end
- ret
- end
- alias tagfontobj tagfont_configinfo
- def tagfont_configure(index, slot)
- pathname = self.path + ';' + index
- if (fnt = slot['font'])
- slot['font'] = nil
- if fnt.kind_of? TkFont
- return fnt.call_font_configure(pathname,
- self.path,'entryconfigure',index,slot)
- else
- latintagfont_configure(index, fnt) if fnt
- end
- end
- if (ltn = slot['latinfont'])
- slot['latinfont'] = nil
- latintagfont_configure(index, ltn) if ltn
- end
- if (ltn = slot['asciifont'])
- slot['asciifont'] = nil
- latintagfont_configure(index, ltn) if ltn
- end
- if (knj = slot['kanjifont'])
- slot['kanjifont'] = nil
- kanjitagfont_configure(index, knj) if knj
- end
- tk_call(self.path, 'entryconfigure', index, *hash_kv(slot)) if slot != {}
- self
- end
- def latintagfont_configure(index, ltn, keys=nil)
- fobj = tagfontobj(index)
- if ltn.kind_of? TkFont
- conf = {}
- ltn.latin_configinfo.each{|key,val| conf[key] = val if val != []}
- if conf == {}
- fobj.latin_replace(ltn)
- fobj.latin_configure(keys) if keys
- elsif keys
- fobj.latin_configure(conf.update(keys))
- else
- fobj.latin_configure(conf)
- end
- else
- fobj.latin_replace(ltn)
- end
- end
- alias asciitagfont_configure latintagfont_configure
- def kanjitagfont_configure(index, knj, keys=nil)
- fobj = tagfontobj(index)
- if knj.kind_of? TkFont
- conf = {}
- knj.kanji_configinfo.each{|key,val| conf[key] = val if val != []}
- if conf == {}
- fobj.kanji_replace(knj)
- fobj.kanji_configure(keys) if keys
- elsif keys
- fobj.kanji_configure(conf.update(keys))
- else
- fobj.kanji_configure(conf)
- end
- else
- fobj.kanji_replace(knj)
- end
- end
- def tagfont_copy(index, window, wintag=nil)
- if wintag
- window.tagfontobj(wintag).configinfo.each{|key,value|
- tagfontobj(index).configure(key,value)
- }
- tagfontobj(index).replace(window.tagfontobj(wintag).latin_font,
- window.tagfontobj(wintag).kanji_font)
- else
- window.tagfont(wintag).configinfo.each{|key,value|
- tagfontobj(index).configure(key,value)
- }
- tagfontobj(index).replace(window.fontobj.latin_font,
- window.fontobj.kanji_font)
- end
- end
- def latintagfont_copy(index, window, wintag=nil)
- if wintag
- tagfontobj(index).latin_replace(window.tagfontobj(wintag).latin_font)
- else
- tagfontobj(index).latin_replace(window.fontobj.latin_font)
- end
- end
- alias asciitagfont_copy latintagfont_copy
- def kanjitagfont_copy(index, window, wintag=nil)
- if wintag
- tagfontobj(index).kanji_replace(window.tagfontobj(wintag).kanji_font)
- else
- tagfontobj(index).kanji_replace(window.fontobj.kanji_font)
- end
- end
-class TkMenu<TkWindow
- include TkTreatMenuEntryFont
- WidgetClassName = 'Menu'.freeze
- TkClassBind::WidgetClassNameTBL[WidgetClassName] = self
- def self.to_eval
- WidgetClassName
- end
- def create_self
- tk_call 'menu', path
- end
- def activate(index)
- tk_send 'activate', index
- end
- def add(type, keys=nil)
- tk_send 'add', type, *hash_kv(keys)
- end
- def index(index)
- tk_send 'index', index
- end
- def invoke(index)
- tk_send 'invoke', index
- end
- def insert(index, type, keys=nil)
- tk_send 'add', index, type, *hash_kv(keys)
- end
- def delete(index, last=None)
- tk_send 'delete', index, last
- end
- def post(x, y)
- tk_send 'post', x, y
- end
- def postcascade(index)
- tk_send 'postcascade', index
- end
- def postcommand(
- configure_cmd 'postcommand', cmd
- end
- def menutype(index)
- tk_send 'type', index
- end
- def unpost
- tk_send 'unpost'
- end
- def yposition(index)
- number(tk_send('yposition', index))
- end
- def entryconfigure(index, keys=nil)
- tk_send 'entryconfigure', index, *hash_kv(keys)
- end
-# def entryconfigure(index, keys=nil)
-# tk_send 'entryconfigure', index, *hash_kv(keys)
-# end
- def entrycget(index, key)
- tk_tcl2ruby tk_send 'entrycget', index, "-#{key}"
- end
- def entryconfigure(index, key, val=None)
- if key.kind_of? Hash
- if ( key['font'] || key['kanjifont'] \
- || key['latinfont'] || key['asciifont'] )
- tagfont_configure(index, key.dup)
- else
- tk_send 'entryconfigure', index, *hash_kv(key)
- end
- else
- if ( key == 'font' || key == 'kanjifont' \
- || key == 'latinfont' || key == 'asciifont' )
- tagfont_configure({key=>val})
- else
- tk_call 'entryconfigure', index, "-#{key}", val
- end
- end
- end
- def entryconfiginfo(index, key=nil)
- if key
- conf = tk_split_list(tk_send('entryconfigure',index,"-#{key}"))
- conf[0] = conf[0][1..-1]
- conf
- else
- tk_split_list(tk_send('entryconfigure', index)).collect{|conf|
- conf[0] = conf[0][1..-1]
- conf
- }
- end
- end
-class TkMenubutton<TkLabel
- TkClassBind::WidgetClassNameTBL['Menubutton'] = self
- def TkMenubutton.to_eval
- 'Menubutton'
- end
- def create_self
- tk_call 'menubutton', path
- end
-module TkComposite
- def initialize(parent=nil, *args)
- @frame =
- @path = @epath = @frame.path
- initialize_composite(*args)
- end
- def epath
- @epath
- end
- def initialize_composite(*args) end
- private :initialize_composite
- def delegate(option, *wins)
- unless @delegates
- @delegates = {}
- @delegates['DEFAULT'] = @frame
- end
- if @delegates[option].kind_of?(Array)
- for i in wins
- @delegates[option].push(i)
- end
- else
- @delegates[option] = wins
- end
- end
- def configure(slot, value=None)
- if slot.kind_of? Hash
- slot.each{|slot,value| configure slot, value}
- else
- if @delegates and @delegates[slot]
- for i in @delegates[slot]
- if not i
- i = @delegates['DEFALUT']
- redo
- else
- last = i.configure(slot, value)
- end
- end
- last
- else
- super
- end
- end
- end
-module TkClipboard
- include Tk
- extend Tk
- def clear
- tk_call 'clipboard', 'clear'
- end
- def get
- begin
- tk_call 'selection', 'get', '-selection', 'CLIPBOARD'
- rescue
- ''
- end
- end
- def set(data)
- clear
- append(data)
- end
- def append(data)
- tk_call 'clipboard', 'append', data
- end
- module_function :clear, :set, :get, :append
-autoload :TkCanvas, 'tkcanvas'
-autoload :TkImage, 'tkcanvas'
-autoload :TkBitmapImage, 'tkcanvas'
-autoload :TkPhotoImage, 'tkcanvas'
-autoload :TkEntry, 'tkentry'
-autoload :TkText, 'tktext'
-autoload :TkDialog, 'tkdialog'
-autoload :TkMenubar, 'tkmenubar'
-autoload :TkAfter, 'tkafter'
-autoload :TkPalette, 'tkpalette'
-autoload :TkFont, 'tkfont'
-autoload :TkVirtualEvent, 'tkvirtevent'
diff --git a/lib/tkafter.rb b/lib/tkafter.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index be2e50ff3a..0000000000
--- a/lib/tkafter.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,296 +0,0 @@
-# tkafter.rb : methods for Tcl/Tk after command
-# 1998/07/02 by Hidetoshi Nagai <>
-require 'tk'
-class TkAfter
- include TkCore
- extend TkCore
- Tk_CBID = [0]
- Tk_CBTBL = {}
- INTERP._invoke("proc", "rb_after", "args", "ruby [format \"TkAfter.callback %%Q!%s!\" $args]")
- ###############################
- # class methods
- ###############################
- def TkAfter.callback(arg)
- @after_id = nil
- arg = Array(tk_split_list(arg))
- obj_id = arg.shift
- ex_obj = Tk_CBTBL[obj_id]
- return nil if ex_obj == nil; # canceled
- _get_eval_string(ex_obj.do_callback(*arg))
- end
- def
- tk_call('after', 'info').split(' ').filter{|id|
- ret = Tk_CBTBL.find{|key,val| val.after_id == id}
- (ret == nil)? id: ret[1]
- }
- end
- ###############################
- # instance methods
- ###############################
- def do_callback(*args)
- @in_callback = true
- ret =*args)
- if @set_next
- set_next_callback(*args)
- else
- @set_next = true
- end
- @in_callback = false
- ret
- end
- def set_callback(sleep, args=nil)
- @after_script = "rb_after #{@id} #{_get_eval_string(args)}"
- @after_id = tk_call('after', sleep, @after_script)
- @current_script = [sleep, @after_script]
- end
- def set_next_callback(*args)
- if @running == false || @proc_max == 0 || @do_loop == 0
- Tk_CBTBL[@id] = nil ;# for GC
- @running = false
- return
- end
- if @current_pos >= @proc_max
- if @do_loop < 0 || (@do_loop -= 1) > 0
- @current_pos = 0
- else
- Tk_CBTBL[@id] = nil ;# for GC
- @running = false
- return
- end
- end
- @current_args = args
- if @sleep_time.kind_of? Proc
- sleep =*args)
- else
- sleep = @sleep_time
- end
- @current_sleep = sleep
- cmd, *cmd_args = @loop_proc[@current_pos]
- @current_pos += 1
- @current_proc = cmd
- if cmd_args[0].kind_of? Proc
- #c = cmd_args.shift
- #cb_args =*(cmd_args + args))
- cb_args = cmd_args[0].call(*args)
- else
- cb_args = cmd_args
- end
- set_callback(sleep, cb_args)
- end
- def initialize(*args)
- @id = format("a%.4d", Tk_CBID[0])
- Tk_CBID[0] += 1
- @set_next = true
- @init_sleep = 0
- @init_proc = nil
- @init_args = []
- @current_script = []
- @current_proc = nil
- @current_args = nil
- @sleep_time = 0
- @current_sleep = 0
- @loop_exec = 0
- @do_loop = 0
- @loop_proc = []
- @proc_max = 0
- @current_pos = 0
- @after_id = nil
- @after_script = nil
- set_procs(*args) if args != []
- @running = false
- end
- attr :after_id
- attr :after_script
- attr :current_proc
- attr :current_sleep
- attr_accessor :loop_exec
- def get_procs
- [@init_sleep, @init_proc, @init_args, @sleep_time, @loop_exec, @loop_proc]
- end
- def current_status
- [@running, @current_sleep, @current_proc, @current_args, @do_loop]
- end
- def running?
- @running
- end
- def loop_rest
- @do_loop
- end
- def loop_rest=(rest)
- @do_loop = rest
- end
- def set_procs(interval, loop_exec, *procs)
- if !interval == 'idle' \
- && !interval.kind_of?(Integer) && !interval.kind_of?(Proc)
- fail format("%s need to be Integer or Proc", interval.inspect)
- end
- @sleep_time = interval
- @loop_proc = []
- procs.each{|e|
- if e.kind_of? Proc
- @loop_proc.push([e])
- else
- @loop_proc.push(e)
- end
- }
- @proc_max = @loop_proc.size
- @current_pos = 0
- @do_loop = 0
- if loop_exec
- if loop_exec.kind_of?(Integer) && loop_exec < 0
- @loop_exec = -1
- elsif loop_exec == nil || loop_exec == false || loop_exec == 0
- @loop_exec = 1
- else
- if not loop_exec.kind_of?(Integer)
- fail format("%s need to be Integer", loop_exec.inspect)
- end
- @loop_exec = loop_exec
- end
- @do_loop = @loop_exec
- end
- self
- end
- def add_procs(*procs)
- procs.each{|e|
- if e.kind_of? Proc
- @loop_proc.push([e])
- else
- @loop_proc.push(e)
- end
- }
- @proc_max = @loop_proc.size
- self
- end
- def set_start_proc(sleep, init_proc, *init_args)
- if !sleep == 'idle' && !sleep.kind_of?(Integer)
- fail format("%s need to be Integer", sleep.inspect)
- end
- @init_sleep = sleep
- @init_proc = init_proc
- @init_args = init_args
- self
- end
- def start(*init_args)
- return nil if @running
- Tk_CBTBL[@id] = self
- @do_loop = @loop_exec
- @current_pos = 0
- argc = init_args.size
- if argc > 0
- sleep = init_args.shift
- if !sleep == 'idle' && !sleep.kind_of?(Integer)
- fail format("%s need to be Integer", sleep.inspect)
- end
- @init_sleep = sleep
- end
- @init_proc = init_args.shift if argc > 1
- @init_args = init_args if argc > 0
- @current_sleep = @init_sleep
- @running = true
- if @init_proc
- if not @init_proc.kind_of? Proc
- fail format("%s need to be Proc", @init_proc.inspect)
- end
- @current_proc = @init_proc
- set_callback(sleep, @init_args)
- @set_next = false if @in_callback
- else
- set_next_callback(*@init_args)
- end
- self
- end
- def restart(*restart_args)
- cancel if @running
- if restart_args == []
- start(@init_sleep, @init_proc, *@init_args)
- else
- start(*restart_args)
- end
- end
- def cancel
- @running = false
- tk_call 'after', 'cancel', @after_id if @after_id
- @after_id = nil
- Tk_CBTBL[@id] = nil ;# for GC
- self
- end
- alias stop cancel
- def continue(wait=nil)
- sleep, cmd = @current_script
- return nil if cmd == nil || @running == true
- if wait
- if not wait.kind_of? Integer
- fail format("%s need to be Integer", wait.inspect)
- end
- sleep = wait
- end
- Tk_CBTBL[@id] = self
- @running = true
- @after_id = tk_call('after', sleep, cmd)
- self
- end
- def skip
- return nil if @running == false
- cancel
- Tk_CBTBL[@id] = self
- @running = true
- set_next_callback(@current_args)
- self
- end
- def info
- if @after_id
- inf = tk_split_list(tk_call('after', 'info', @after_id))
- [Tk_CBTBL[inf[0][1]], inf[1]]
- else
- nil
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/tkbgerror.rb b/lib/tkbgerror.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 8022077a3f..0000000000
--- a/lib/tkbgerror.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-# tkbgerror -- bgerror ( tkerror ) module
-# 1998/07/16 by Hidetoshi Nagai <>
-require 'tk'
-module TkBgError
- extend Tk
- def bgerror(message)
- tk_call 'bgerror', message
- end
- alias tkerror bgerror
- alias show bgerror
- module_function :bgerror, :tkerror, :show
diff --git a/lib/tkcanvas.rb b/lib/tkcanvas.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 1cf24eeb7b..0000000000
--- a/lib/tkcanvas.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,829 +0,0 @@
-# tkcanvas.rb - Tk canvas classes
-# $Date$
-# by Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
-# $Date$
-# by Hidetoshi Nagai <>
-require "tk"
-require 'tkfont'
-module TkTreatCItemFont
- def tagfont_configinfo(tagOrId)
- if tagOrId.kind_of?(TkcItem) || tagOrId.kind_of?(TkcTag)
- pathname = self.path + ';' +
- else
- pathname = self.path + ';' + tagOrId.to_s
- end
- ret = TkFont.used_on(pathname)
- if ret == nil
- ret = TkFont.init_widget_font(pathname,
- self.path, 'itemconfigure', tagOrId)
- end
- ret
- end
- alias tagfontobj tagfont_configinfo
- def tagfont_configure(tagOrId, slot)
- if tagOrId.kind_of?(TkcItem) || tagOrId.kind_of?(TkcTag)
- pathname = self.path + ';' +
- else
- pathname = self.path + ';' + tagOrId.to_s
- end
- if (fnt = slot['font'])
- slot['font'] = nil
- if fnt.kind_of? TkFont
- return fnt.call_font_configure(pathname,
- self.path,'itemconfigure',tagOrId,slot)
- else
- latintagfont_configure(tagOrId, fnt) if fnt
- end
- end
- if (ltn = slot['latinfont'])
- slot['latinfont'] = nil
- latintagfont_configure(tagOrId, ltn) if ltn
- end
- if (ltn = slot['asciifont'])
- slot['asciifont'] = nil
- latintagfont_configure(tagOrId, ltn) if ltn
- end
- if (knj = slot['kanjifont'])
- slot['kanjifont'] = nil
- kanjitagfont_configure(tagOrId, knj) if knj
- end
- tk_call(self.path, 'itemconfigure', tagOrId, *hash_kv(slot)) if slot != {}
- self
- end
- def latintagfont_configure(tagOrId, ltn, keys=nil)
- fobj = tagfontobj(tagOrId)
- if ltn.kind_of? TkFont
- conf = {}
- ltn.latin_configinfo.each{|key,val| conf[key] = val if val != []}
- if conf == {}
- fobj.latin_replace(ltn)
- fobj.latin_configure(keys) if keys
- elsif keys
- fobj.latin_configure(conf.update(keys))
- else
- fobj.latin_configure(conf)
- end
- else
- fobj.latin_replace(ltn)
- end
- end
- alias asciitagfont_configure latintagfont_configure
- def kanjitagfont_configure(tagOrId, knj, keys=nil)
- fobj = tagfontobj(tagOrId)
- if knj.kind_of? TkFont
- conf = {}
- knj.kanji_configinfo.each{|key,val| conf[key] = val if val != []}
- if conf == {}
- fobj.kanji_replace(knj)
- fobj.kanji_configure(keys) if keys
- elsif keys
- fobj.kanji_configure(conf.update(keys))
- else
- fobj.kanji_configure(conf)
- end
- else
- fobj.kanji_replace(knj)
- end
- end
- def tagfont_copy(tagOrId, window, wintag=nil)
- if wintag
- window.tagfontobj(wintag).configinfo.each{|key,value|
- tagfontobj(tagOrId).configure(key,value)
- }
- tagfontobj(tagOrId).replace(window.tagfontobj(wintag).latin_font,
- window.tagfontobj(wintag).kanji_font)
- else
- window.tagfont(tagOrId).configinfo.each{|key,value|
- tagfontobj(tagOrId).configure(key,value)
- }
- tagfontobj(tagOrId).replace(window.fontobj.latin_font,
- window.fontobj.kanji_font)
- end
- end
- def latintagfont_copy(tagOrId, window, wintag=nil)
- if wintag
- tagfontobj(tagOrId).latin_replace(window.tagfontobj(wintag).latin_font)
- else
- tagfontobj(tagOrId).latin_replace(window.fontobj.latin_font)
- end
- end
- alias asciitagfont_copy latintagfont_copy
- def kanjitagfont_copy(tagOrId, window, wintag=nil)
- if wintag
- tagfontobj(tagOrId).kanji_replace(window.tagfontobj(wintag).kanji_font)
- else
- tagfontobj(tagOrId).kanji_replace(window.fontobj.kanji_font)
- end
- end
-class TkCanvas<TkWindow
- include TkTreatCItemFont
- WidgetClassName = 'Canvas'.freeze
- TkClassBind::WidgetClassNameTBL[WidgetClassName] = self
- def self.to_eval
- WidgetClassName
- end
- def create_self
- tk_call 'canvas', path
- end
- def tagid(tag)
- if tag.kind_of?(TkcItem) || tag.kind_of?(TkcTag)
- else
- tag
- end
- end
- private :tagid
- def addtag(tag, mode, *args)
- tk_send 'addtag', tagid(tag), mode, *args
- end
- def addtag_above(tagOrId, target)
- addtag(tagOrId, 'above', tagid(target))
- end
- def addtag_all(tagOrId)
- addtag(tagOrId, 'all')
- end
- def addtag_below(tagOrId, target)
- addtag(tagOrId, 'below', tagid(target))
- end
- def addtag_closest(tagOrId, x, y, halo=None, start=None)
- addtag(tagOrId, 'closest', x, y, halo, start)
- end
- def addtag_enclosed(tagOrId, x1, y1, x2, y2)
- addtag(tagOrId, 'enclosed', x1, y1, x2, y2)
- end
- def addtag_overlapping(tagOrId, x1, y1, x2, y2)
- addtag(tagOrId, 'overlapping', x1, y1, x2, y2)
- end
- def addtag_withtag(tagOrId, tag)
- addtag(tagOrId, 'withtag', tagid(tag))
- end
- def bbox(tagOrId, *tags)
- list(tk_send('bbox', tagid(tagOrId), *tags))
- end
- def itembind(tag, context,, args=nil)
- id = install_bind(cmd, args)
- begin
- tk_send 'bind', tagid(tag), "<#{tk_event_sequence(context)}>", id
- rescue
- uninstall_cmd(cmd)
- fail
- end
- # @cmdtbl.push id
- end
- def itembindinfo(tag, context=nil)
- if context
- (tk_send('bind', tagid(tag),
- "<#{tk_event_sequence(context)}>")).collect{|cmdline|
- if cmdline =~ /^rb_out (c\d+)\s+(.*)$/
- [Tk_CMDTBL[$1], $2]
- else
- cmdline
- end
- }
- else
- tk_split_list(tk_send 'bind', tagid(tag)).filter{|seq|
- seq[1..-2].gsub(/></,',')
- }
- end
- end
- def canvasx(x, *args)
- tk_tcl2ruby(tk_send 'canvasx', x, *args)
- end
- def canvasy(y, *args)
- tk_tcl2ruby(tk_send 'canvasy', y, *args)
- end
- def coords(tag, *args)
- if args == []
- tk_split_list(tk_send('coords', tagid(tag)))
- else
- tk_send('coords', tagid(tag), *args)
- end
- end
- def dchars(tag, first, last=None)
- tk_send 'dchars', tagid(tag), first, last
- end
- def delete(*args)
- tk_send 'delete', *args
- end
- alias remove delete
- def dtag(tag, tag_to_del=None)
- tk_send 'dtag', tagid(tag), tag_to_del
- end
- def find(mode, *args)
- list(tk_send 'find', mode, *args).filter{|id|
- TkcItem.id2obj(id)
- }
- end
- def find_above(target)
- find('above', tagid(target))
- end
- def find_all
- find('all')
- end
- def find_below(target)
- find('below', tagid(target))
- end
- def find_closest(x, y, halo=None, start=None)
- find('closest', x, y, halo, start)
- end
- def find_enclosed(x1, y1, x2, y2)
- find('enclosed', x1, y1, x2, y2)
- end
- def find_overlapping(x1, y1, x2, y2)
- find('overlapping', x1, y1, x2, y2)
- end
- def find_withtag(tag)
- find('withtag', tag)
- end
- def itemfocus(tagOrId=nil)
- if tagOrId
- tk_send 'focus', tagid(tagOrId)
- else
- ret = tk_send('focus')
- if ret == ""
- nil
- else
- TkcItem.id2obj(ret)
- end
- end
- end
- def gettags(tagOrId)
- list(tk_send('gettags', tagid(tagOrId))).collect{|tag|
- TkcTag.id2obj(tag)
- }
- end
- def icursor(tagOrId, index)
- tk_send 'icursor', tagid(tagOrId), index
- end
- def index(tagOrId, index)
- tk_send 'index', tagid(tagOrId), index
- end
- def insert(tagOrId, index, string)
- tk_send 'insert', tagid(tagOrId), index, string
- end
- def itemcget(tagOrId, option)
- tk_tcl2ruby tk_send 'itemcget', tagid(tagOrId), "-#{option}"
- end
- def itemconfigure(tagOrId, key, value=None)
- if key.kind_of? Hash
- if ( key['font'] || key['kanjifont'] \
- || key['latinfont'] || key['asciifont'] )
- tagfont_configure(tagOrId, key.dup)
- else
- tk_send 'itemconfigure', tagid(tagOrId), *hash_kv(key)
- end
- else
- if ( key == 'font' || key == 'kanjifont' \
- || key == 'latinfont' || key == 'asciifont' )
- tagfont_configure(tagid(tagOrId), {key=>value})
- else
- tk_send 'itemconfigure', tagid(tagOrId), "-#{key}", value
- end
- end
- end
-# def itemconfigure(tagOrId, key, value=None)
-# if key.kind_of? Hash
-# tk_send 'itemconfigure', tagid(tagOrId), *hash_kv(key)
-# else
-# tk_send 'itemconfigure', tagid(tagOrId), "-#{key}", value
-# end
-# end
-# def itemconfigure(tagOrId, keys)
-# tk_send 'itemconfigure', tagid(tagOrId), *hash_kv(keys)
-# end
- def itemconfiginfo(tagOrId, key=nil)
- if key
- conf = tk_split_list(tk_send 'itemconfigure', tagid(tagOrId), "-#{key}")
- conf[0] = conf[0][1..-1]
- conf
- else
- tk_split_list(tk_send 'itemconfigure', tagid(tagOrId)).collect{|conf|
- conf[0] = conf[0][1..-1]
- conf
- }
- end
- end
- def lower(tag, below=None)
- tk_send 'lower', tagid(tag), below
- end
- def move(tag, x, y)
- tk_send 'move', tagid(tag), x, y
- end
- def postscript(keys)
- tk_send "postscript", *hash_kv(keys)
- end
- def raise(tag, above=None)
- tk_send 'raise', tagid(tag), above
- end
- def scale(tag, x, y, xs, ys)
- tk_send 'scale', tagid(tag), x, y, xs, ys
- end
- def scan_mark(x, y)
- tk_send 'scan', 'mark', x, y
- end
- def scan_dragto(x, y)
- tk_send 'scan', 'dragto', x, y
- end
- def select(mode, *args)
- tk_send 'select', mode, *args
- end
- def select_adjust(tagOrId, index)
- select('adjust', tagid(tagOrId), index)
- end
- def select_clear
- select('clear')
- end
- def select_from(tagOrId, index)
- select('from', tagid(tagOrId), index)
- end
- def select_item
- select('item')
- end
- def select_to(tagOrId, index)
- select('to', tagid(tagOrId), index)
- end
- def itemtype(tag)
- TkcItem.type2class(tk_send 'type', tagid(tag))
- end
- def xview(*index)
- tk_send 'xview', *index
- end
- def yview(*index)
- tk_send 'yview', *index
- end
-module TkcTagAccess
- include TkComm
- include TkTreatTagFont
- def addtag(tag)
- @c.addtag(tag, 'with', @id)
- end
- def bbox
- @c.bbox(@id)
- end
- def bind(seq,, args=nil)
- @c.itembind @id, seq, cmd, args
- end
- def bindinfo(seq=nil)
- @c.itembindinfo @id, seq
- end
- def cget(option)
- @c.itemcget @id, option
- end
- def configure(key, value=None)
- @c.itemconfigure @id, key, value
- end
-# def configure(keys)
-# @c.itemconfigure @id, keys
-# end
- def configinfo(key=nil)
- @c.itemconfiginfo @id, key
- end
- def coords(*args)
- @c.coords @id, *args
- end
- def dchars(first, last=None)
- @c.dchars @id, first, last
- end
- def dtag(tag_to_del=None)
- @c.dtag @id, tag_to_del
- end
- def find
- @c.find 'withtag', @id
- end
- alias list find
- def focus
- @c.itemfocus @id
- end
- def gettags
- @c.gettags @id
- end
- def icursor(index)
- @c.icursor @id, index
- end
- def index(index)
- @c.index @id, index
- end
- def insert(beforethis, string)
- @c.insert @id, beforethis, string
- end
- def lower(belowthis=None)
- @c.lower @id, belowthis
- end
- def move(xamount, yamount)
- @c.move @id, xamount, yamount
- end
- def raise(abovethis=None)
- @c.raise @id, abovethis
- end
- def scale(xorigin, yorigin, xscale, yscale)
- @c.scale @id, xorigin, yorigin, xscale, yscale
- end
- def select_adjust(index)
-'adjust', @id, index)
- end
- def select_from(index)
-'from', @id, index)
- end
- def select_to(index)
-'to', @id, index)
- end
- def itemtype
- @c.itemtype @id
- end
-class TkcTag<TkObject
- include TkcTagAccess
- CTagID_TBL = {}
- def TkcTag.id2obj(id)
- CTagID_TBL[id]? CTagID_TBL[id]: id
- end
- $tk_canvas_tag = 'ctag0000'
- def initialize(parent, mode=nil, *args)
- if not parent.kind_of?(TkCanvas)
- fail format("%s need to be TkCanvas", parent.inspect)
- end
- @c = parent
- @path = @id = $tk_canvas_tag
- CTagID_TBL[@id] = self
- $tk_canvas_tag = $tk_canvas_tag.succ
- if mode
- tk_call @c.path, "addtag", @id, mode, *args
- end
- end
- def id
- return @id
- end
- def delete
- @c.delete @id
- CTagID_TBL[@id] = nil
- end
- alias remove delete
- alias destroy delete
- def set_to_above(target)
- @c.addtag_above(@id, target)
- end
- alias above set_to_above
- def set_to_all
- @c.addtag_all(@id)
- end
- alias all set_to_all
- def set_to_below(target)
- @c.addtag_below(@id, target)
- end
- alias below set_to_below
- def set_to_closest(x, y, halo=None, start=None)
- @c.addtag_closest(@id, x, y, halo, start)
- end
- alias closest set_to_closest
- def set_to_enclosed(x1, y1, x2, y2)
- @c.addtag_enclosest(@id, x1, y1, x2, y2)
- end
- alias enclosed set_to_enclosed
- def set_to_overlapping(x1, y1, x2, y2)
- @c.addtag_overlapping(@id, x1, y1, x2, y2)
- end
- alias overlapping set_to_overlapping
- def set_to_withtag(target)
- @c.addtag_withtag(@id, target)
- end
- alias withtag set_to_withtag
-class TkcTagAll<TkcTag
- def initialize(parent)
- if not parent.kind_of?(TkCanvas)
- fail format("%s need to be TkCanvas", parent.inspect)
- end
- @c = parent
- @path = @id = 'all'
- CTagID_TBL[@id] = self
- end
-class TkcTagCurrent<TkcTag
- def initialize(parent)
- if not parent.kind_of?(TkCanvas)
- fail format("%s need to be TkCanvas", parent.inspect)
- end
- @c = parent
- @path = @id = 'current'
- CTagID_TBL[@id] = self
- end
-class TkcGroup<TkcTag
- $tk_group_id = 'tkg00000'
- def create_self(parent, *args)
- if not parent.kind_of?(TkCanvas)
- fail format("%s need to be TkCanvas", parent.inspect)
- end
- @c = parent
- @path = @id = $tk_group_id
- CTagID_TBL[@id] = self
- $tk_group_id = $tk_group_id.succ
- add(*args) if args != []
- end
- def include(*tags)
- for i in tags
- i.addtag @id
- end
- end
- def exclude(*tags)
- for i in tags
- i.delete @id
- end
- end
-class TkcItem<TkObject
- include TkcTagAccess
- CItemTypeToClass = {}
- CItemID_TBL = {}
- def TkcItem.type2class(type)
- CItemTypeToClass[type]
- end
- def TkcItem.id2obj(id)
- CItemID_TBL[id]? CItemID_TBL[id]: id
- end
- def initialize(parent, *args)
- if not parent.kind_of?(TkCanvas)
- fail format("%s need to be TkCanvas", parent.inspect)
- end
- @parent = @c = parent
- @path = parent.path
- if args[-1].kind_of? Hash
- keys = args.pop
- end
- @id = create_self(*args).to_i ;# 'canvas item id' is integer number
- CItemID_TBL[@id] = self
- if keys
- # tk_call @path, 'itemconfigure', @id, *hash_kv(keys)
- configure(keys) if keys
- end
- end
- def create_self(*args); end
- private :create_self
- def id
- return @id
- end
- def delete
- @c.delete @id
- CItemID_TBL[@id] = nil
- end
- alias remove delete
- alias destroy delete
-class TkcArc<TkcItem
- CItemTypeToClass['arc'] = self
- def create_self(*args)
- tk_call(@path, 'create', 'arc', *args)
- end
-class TkcBitmap<TkcItem
- CItemTypeToClass['bitmap'] = self
- def create_self(*args)
- tk_call(@path, 'create', 'bitmap', *args)
- end
-class TkcImage<TkcItem
- CItemTypeToClass['image'] = self
- def create_self(*args)
- tk_call(@path, 'create', 'image', *args)
- end
-class TkcLine<TkcItem
- CItemTypeToClass['line'] = self
- def create_self(*args)
- tk_call(@path, 'create', 'line', *args)
- end
-class TkcOval<TkcItem
- CItemTypeToClass['oval'] = self
- def create_self(*args)
- tk_call(@path, 'create', 'oval', *args)
- end
-class TkcPolygon<TkcItem
- CItemTypeToClass['polygon'] = self
- def create_self(*args)
- tk_call(@path, 'create', 'polygon', *args)
- end
-class TkcRectangle<TkcItem
- CItemTypeToClass['rectangle'] = self
- def create_self(*args)
- tk_call(@path, 'create', 'rectangle', *args)
- end
-class TkcText<TkcItem
- CItemTypeToClass['text'] = self
- def create_self(*args)
- tk_call(@path, 'create', 'text', *args)
- end
-class TkcWindow<TkcItem
- CItemTypeToClass['window'] = self
- def create_self(*args)
- tk_call(@path, 'create', 'window', *args)
- end
-class TkImage<TkObject
- include Tk
- Tk_IMGTBL = {}
- $tk_image_id = 'i00000'
- def initialize(keys=nil)
- @path = $tk_image_id
- $tk_image_id = $tk_image_id.succ
- tk_call 'image', 'create', @type, @path, *hash_kv(keys)
- Tk_IMGTBL[@path] = self
- end
- def delete
- Tk_IMGTBL[@id] = nil if @id
- tk_call('image', 'delete', @path)
- end
- def height
- number(tk_call('image', 'height', @path))
- end
- def itemtype
- tk_call('image', 'type', @path)
- end
- def width
- number(tk_call('image', 'width', @path))
- end
- def TkImage.names
- Tk.tk_call('image', 'names').split.filter{|id|
- (Tk_IMGTBL[id])? Tk_IMGTBL[id] : id
- }
- end
- def TkImage.types
- Tk.tk_call('image', 'types').split
- end
-class TkBitmapImage<TkImage
- def initialize(*args)
- @type = 'bitmap'
- super
- end
-class TkPhotoImage<TkImage
- def initialize(*args)
- @type = 'photo'
- super
- end
- def blank
- tk_send 'blank'
- end
- def cget(option)
- tk_tcl2ruby tk_send 'cget', option
- end
- def copy(source, *opts)
- args = opts.collect{|term|
- if term.kind_of?(String) && term.include?(?\s)
- term.split
- else
- term
- end
- }.flatten
- tk_send 'copy', source, *args
- end
- def get(x, y)
- tk_send 'get', x, y
- end
- def put(data, *to)
- if to == []
- tk_send 'put', data
- else
- tk_send 'put', data, '-to', *to
- end
- end
- def read(file, *opts)
- args = opts.collect{|term|
- if term.kind_of?(String) && term.include?(?\s)
- term.split
- else
- term
- end
- }.flatten
- tk_send 'read', file, *args
- end
- def redither
- tk_send 'redither'
- end
- def write(file, *opts)
- args = opts.collect{|term|
- if term.kind_of?(String) && term.include?(?\s)
- term.split
- else
- term
- end
- }.flatten
- tk_send 'write', file, *args
- end
diff --git a/lib/tkclass.rb b/lib/tkclass.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b33d4ec8b..0000000000
--- a/lib/tkclass.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-# tkclass.rb - Tk classes
-# $Date$
-# by Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
-require "tk"
-TopLevel = TkToplevel
-Frame = TkFrame
-Label = TkLabel
-Button = TkButton
-Radiobutton = TkRadioButton
-Checkbutton = TkCheckButton
-Message = TkMessage
-Entry = TkEntry
-Text = TkText
-Scale = TkScale
-Scrollbar = TkScrollbar
-Listbox = TkListbox
-Menu = TkMenu
-Menubutton = TkMenubutton
-Canvas = TkCanvas
-Arc = TkcArc
-Bitmap = TkcBitmap
-Line = TkcLine
-Oval = TkcOval
-Polygon = TkcPolygon
-Rectangle = TkcRectangle
-TextItem = TkcText
-WindowItem = TkcWindow
-Selection = TkSelection
-Winfo = TkWinfo
-Pack = TkPack
-Variable = TkVariable
-def Mainloop
- Tk.mainloop
diff --git a/lib/tkdialog.rb b/lib/tkdialog.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 1133db6ae9..0000000000
--- a/lib/tkdialog.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-require "tk"
-class TkDialog < TkWindow
- extend Tk
- # initialize tk_dialog
- def initialize(keys = nil)
- super()
- @var =
- id =
- @title = title
- @message = message
- @message_config = message_config
- @bitmap = bitmap
- @bitmap_config = message_config
- @default_button = default_button
- @buttons = buttons
- @button_configs = proc{|num| button_configs num}
- if keys.kind_of? Hash
- @title = keys['title'] if keys['title']
- @message = keys['message'] if keys['message']
- @bitmap = keys['bitmap'] if keys['bitmap']
- @default_button = keys['default'] if keys['default']
- @buttons = keys['buttons'] if keys['buttons']
- @command = keys['prev_command']
- @message_config = keys['message_config'] if keys['message_config']
- @bitmap_config = keys['bitmap_config'] if keys['bitmap_config']
- @button_configs = keys['button_configs'] if keys['button_configs']
- end
- if @title.include? ?\s
- @title = '{' + @title + '}'
- end
- @buttons = tk_split_list(@buttons) if @buttons.kind_of? String
- @buttons = @buttons.collect{|s|
- if s.kind_of? Array
- s = s.join(' ')
- end
- if s.include? ?\s
- '{' + s + '}'
- else
- s
- end
- }
- config = ""
- if @message_config.kind_of? Hash
- config << format("%s.msg configure %s\n",
- @path, hash_kv(@message_config).join(' '))
- end
- if @bitmap_config.kind_of? Hash
- config << format("%s.msg configure %s\n",
- @path, hash_kv(@bitmap_config).join(' '))
- end
- if @button_configs.kind_of? Proc
- @buttons.each_index{|i|
- if (c = Hash
- config << format("%s.button%s configure %s\n",
- @path, i, hash_kv(c).join(' '))
- end
- }
- end
- config = 'after idle {' + config + '};' if config != ""
- if @command.kind_of? Proc
- end
- INTERP._eval('eval {global '+id+';'+config+
- 'set '+id+' [tk_dialog '+
- @path+" "+@title+" {#{@message}} "+@bitmap+" "+
- String(@default_button)+" "+@buttons.join(' ')+']}')
- end
- def value
- return @var.value.to_i
- end
- ######################################################
- # #
- # these methods must be overridden for each dialog #
- # #
- ######################################################
- def title
- return "DIALOG"
- end
- def message
- return "MESSAGE"
- end
- def message_config
- return nil
- end
- def bitmap
- return "info"
- end
- def bitmap_config
- return nil
- end
- def default_button
- return 0
- end
- def buttons
- #return "BUTTON1 BUTTON2"
- return ["BUTTON1", "BUTTON2"]
- end
- def button_configs(num)
- return nil
- end
-# dialog for warning
-class TkWarning < TkDialog
- def initialize(mes)
- @mes = mes
- super()
- end
- def message
- return @mes
- end
- def title
- return "WARNING";
- end
- def bitmap
- return "warning";
- end
- def default_button
- return 0;
- end
- def buttons
- return "OK";
- end
diff --git a/lib/tkentry.rb b/lib/tkentry.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index b834c455c6..0000000000
--- a/lib/tkentry.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-# tkentry.rb - Tk entry classes
-# $Date$
-# by Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
-require 'tk.rb'
-class TkEntry<TkLabel
- WidgetClassName = 'Entry'.freeze
- TkClassBind::WidgetClassNameTBL[WidgetClassName] = self
- def self.to_eval
- WidgetClassName
- end
- def create_self
- tk_call 'entry', @path
- end
- def scrollcommand(cmd)
- configure 'scrollcommand', cmd
- end
- def delete(s, e=None)
- tk_send 'delete', s, e
- end
- def cursor
- tk_send 'index', 'insert'
- end
- def cursor=(index)
- tk_send 'icursor', index
- end
- def index(index)
- number(tk_send('index', index))
- end
- def insert(pos,text)
- tk_send 'insert', pos, text
- end
- def mark(pos)
- tk_send 'scan', 'mark', pos
- end
- def dragto(pos)
- tk_send 'scan', 'dragto', pos
- end
- def selection_adjust(index)
- tk_send 'selection', 'adjust', index
- end
- def selection_clear
- tk_send 'selection', 'clear', 'end'
- end
- def selection_from(index)
- tk_send 'selection', 'from', index
- end
- def selection_present()
- tk_send('selection', 'present') == 1
- end
- def selection_range(s, e)
- tk_send 'selection', 'range', s, e
- end
- def selection_to(index)
- tk_send 'selection', 'to', index
- end
- def xview(*index)
- tk_send 'xview', *index
- end
- def value
- tk_send 'get'
- end
- def value= (val)
- tk_send 'delete', 0, 'end'
- tk_send 'insert', 0, val
- end
diff --git a/lib/tkfont.rb b/lib/tkfont.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c11f8f842..0000000000
--- a/lib/tkfont.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,939 +0,0 @@
-# tkfont.rb - the class to treat fonts on Ruby/Tk
-# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (
-require 'tk'
-class TkFont
- include Tk
- extend TkCore
- Tk_FontID = [0]
- Tk_FontNameTBL = {}
- Tk_FontUseTBL = {}
- DEFAULT_LATIN_FONT_NAME = 'a14'.freeze
- DEFAULT_KANJI_FONT_NAME = 'k14'.freeze
- ###################################
- # class methods
- ###################################
- def TkFont.families(window=nil)
- case (Tk::TK_VERSION)
- when /^4\.*/
- ['fixed']
- when /^8\.*/
- if window
- list(tk_call('font', 'families', '-displayof', window))
- else
- list(tk_call('font', 'families'))
- end
- end
- end
- def TkFont.names
- case (Tk::TK_VERSION)
- when /^4\.*/
- r = ['fixed']
- r += ['a14', 'k14'] if JAPANIZED_TK
- Tk_FontNameTBL.each_value{|obj| r.push(obj)}
- r | []
- when /^8\.*/
- tk_split_simplelist(tk_call('font', 'names'))
- end
- end
- def TkFont.create_copy(font)
- keys = {}
- font.configure.each{|key,value| keys[key] = value }
- new_font =, font.kanji_font, keys)
- end
- def TkFont.get_obj(name)
- if name =~ /^(@font[0-9]+)(|c|l|k)$/
- Tk_FontNameTBL[$1]
- else
- nil
- end
- end
- def TkFont.init_widget_font(path, *args)
- case (Tk::TK_VERSION)
- when /^4\.*/
- conf = tk_split_list(tk_call(*args))
- if font_inf = conf.assoc('-font')
- ltn = font_inf[4]
- ltn = nil if ltn == []
- else
- #ltn = nil
- raise RuntimeError, "unknown option '-font'"
- end
- if font_inf = conf.assoc('-kanjifont')
- knj = font_inf[4]
- knj = nil if knj == []
- else
- knj = nil
- end
-, knj).call_font_configure(path, *(args + [{}]))
- when /^8\.*/
- conf = tk_split_list(tk_call(*args))
- unless font_inf = conf.assoc('-font')
- raise RuntimeError, "unknown option '-font'"
- end
- fnt = font_inf[4]
- if fnt == []
-, nil).call_font_configure(path, *(args + [{}]))
- else
- begin
- compound = Hash[*list(tk_call('font', 'configure',
- fnt))].collect{|key,value|
- [key[1..-1], value]
- }.assoc('compound')[1]
- rescue
- compound = []
- end
- if compound == []
- .call_font_configure(path, *(args + [{}]))
- else
-[0], compound[1]) \
- .call_font_configure(path, *(args + [{}]))
- end
- end
- end
- end
- def TkFont.used_on(path=nil)
- if path
- Tk_FontUseTBL[path]
- else
- Tk_FontUseTBL.values | []
- end
- end
- ###################################
- private
- ###################################
- def initialize(ltn=nil, knj=nil, keys=nil)
- @id = format("@font%.4d", Tk_FontID[0])
- Tk_FontID[0] += 1
- Tk_FontNameTBL[@id] = self
- ltn = DEFAULT_LATIN_FONT_NAME unless ltn
- create_latinfont(ltn)
- knj = DEFAULT_KANJI_FONT_NAME unless knj
- create_kanjifont(knj)
- create_compoundfont(keys)
- end
- def _get_font_info_from_hash(font)
- foundry = (info = font['foundry'] .to_s)? info: '*'
- family = (info = font['family'] .to_s)? info: '*'
- weight = (info = font['weight'] .to_s)? info: '*'
- slant = (info = font['slant'] .to_s)? info: '*'
- swidth = (info = font['swidth'] .to_s)? info: '*'
- adstyle = (info = font['adstyle'] .to_s)? info: '*'
- pixels = (info = font['pixels'] .to_s)? info: '*'
- points = (info = font['points'] .to_s)? info: '*'
- resx = (info = font['resx'] .to_s)? info: '*'
- resy = (info = font['resy'] .to_s)? info: '*'
- space = (info = font['space'] .to_s)? info: '*'
- avgWidth = (info = font['avgWidth'].to_s)? info: '*'
- charset = (info = font['charset'] .to_s)? info: '*'
- encoding = (info = font['encoding'].to_s)? info: '*'
- Array([foundry, family, weight, slant, swidth, adstyle,
- pixels, points, resx, resy, space, avgWidth, charset, encoding])
- end
- def create_latinfont_tk4x(font)
- if font.kind_of? Hash
- @latinfont = '-' + _get_font_info_from_hash(font).join('-') + '-'
- elsif font.kind_of? Array
- finfo = {}
- finfo['family'] = font[0].to_s
- if font[1]
- fsize = font[1].to_s
- if fsize != '0' && fsize =~ /^(|\+|-)([0-9]+)$/
- if $1 == '-'
- finfo['pixels'] = $2
- else
- finfo['points'] = $2
- end
- else
- finfo['points'] = '13'
- end
- end
- font[2..-1].each{|style|
- case (style)
- when 'normal'
- finfo['weight'] = style
- when 'bold'
- finfo['weight'] = style
- when 'roman'
- finfo['slant'] = 'r'
- when 'italic'
- finfo['slant'] = 'i'
- end
- }
- @latinfont = '-' + _get_font_info_from_hash(finfo).join('-') + '-'
- elsif font.kind_of? TkFont
- @latinfont = font.latin_font
- else
- @latinfont = font
- end
- end
- def create_kanjifont_tk4x(font)
- @kanjifont = ""
- return
- end
- if font.kind_of? Hash
- @kanjifont = '-' + _get_font_info_from_hash(font).join('-') + '-'
- elsif font.kind_of? Array
- finfo = {}
- finfo['family'] = font[0].to_s
- if font[1]
- fsize = font[1].to_s
- if fsize != '0' && fsize =~ /^(|\+|-)([0-9]+)$/
- if $1 == '-'
- finfo['pixels'] = $2
- else
- finfo['points'] = $2
- end
- else
- finfo['points'] = '13'
- end
- end
- font[2..-1].each{|style|
- case (style)
- when 'normal'
- finfo['weight'] = style
- when 'bold'
- finfo['weight'] = style
- when 'roman'
- finfo['slant'] = 'r'
- when 'italic'
- finfo['slant'] = 'i'
- end
- }
- @kanjifont = '-' + _get_font_info_from_hash(finfo).join('-') + '-'
- elsif font.kind_of? TkFont
- @kanjifont = font.kanji_font
- else
- @kanjifont = font
- end
- end
- def create_compoundfont_tk4x(keys)
- @compoundfont = [[@latinfont], [@kanjifont]]
- @fontslot = {'font'=>@latinfont, 'kanjifont'=>@kanjifont}
- else
- @compoundfont = @latinfont
- @fontslot = {'font'=>@latinfont}
- end
- end
- def create_latinfont_tk8x(font)
- @latinfont = @id + 'l'
- if font.kind_of? Hash
- tk_call('font', 'create', @latinfont, *hash_kv(font))
- elsif font.kind_of? Array
- tk_call('font', 'create', @latinfont, '-copy', array2tk_list(font))
- elsif font.kind_of? TkFont
- tk_call('font', 'create', @latinfont, '-copy', font.latin_font)
- else
- tk_call('font', 'create', @latinfont, '-copy', font)
- end
- else
- if font.kind_of? Hash
- tk_call('font', 'create', @latinfont, *hash_kv(font))
- else
- keys = {}
- if font.kind_of? Array
- actual_core(array2tk_list(font)).each{|key,val| keys[key] = val}
- elsif font.kind_of? TkFont
- actual_core(font.latin_font).each{|key,val| keys[key] = val}
- else
- actual_core(font).each{|key,val| keys[key] = val}
- end
- tk_call('font', 'create', @latinfont, *hash_kv(keys))
- end
- end
- end
- def create_kanjifont_tk80(font)
- @kanjifont = ""
- return
- end
- @kanjifont = @id + 'k'
- if font.kind_of? Hash
- if font['charset']
- tk_call('font', 'create', @kanjifont, *hash_kv(font))
- else
- tk_call('font', 'create', @kanjifont,
- '-charset', 'jisx0208.1983', *hash_kv(font))
- end
- elsif font.kind_of? Array
- tk_call('font', 'create', @kanjifont, '-copy', array2tk_list(font))
- tk_call('font', 'configure', @kanjifont, '-charset', 'jisx0208.1983')
- elsif font.kind_of? TkFont
- tk_call('font', 'create', @kanjifont, '-copy', font.kanji_font)
- else
- tk_call('font', 'create', @kanjifont, '-copy', font,
- '-charset', 'jisx0208.1983')
- end
- end
- def create_kanjifont_tk81(font)
- @kanjifont = @id + 'k'
- if font.kind_of? Hash
- tk_call('font', 'create', @kanjifont, *hash_kv(font))
- else
- keys = {}
- if font.kind_of? Array
- actual_core(array2tk_list(font)).each{|key,val| keys[key] = val}
- elsif font.kind_of? TkFont
- actual_core(font.kanji_font).each{|key,val| keys[key] = val}
- else
- actual_core(font).each{|key,val| keys[key] = val}
- end
- tk_call('font', 'create', @kanjifont, *hash_kv(keys))
- end
- keys = {}
- actual_core(@kanjifont).each{|key,val| keys[key] = val}
- begin
- tk_call('font', 'configure', @compoundfont, *hash_kv(keys))
- rescue
- end
- end
- def create_compoundfont_tk80(keys)
- @compoundfont = @id + 'c'
- @fontslot = {'font'=>@compoundfont}
- tk_call('font', 'create', @compoundfont,
- '-compound', "#{@latinfont} #{@kanjifont}", *hash_kv(keys))
- else
- tk_call('font', 'create', @compoundfont)
- latinkeys = {}
- begin
- actual_core(@latinfont).each{|key,val| latinkeys[key] = val}
- rescue
- latinkeys {}
- end
- if latinkeys != {}
- tk_call('font', 'configure', @compoundfont, *hash_kv(latinkeys))
- end
- @fontslot = {'font'=>@compoundfont}
- tk_call('font', 'configure', @compoundfont, *hash_kv(keys))
- end
- end
- def create_compoundfont_tk81(keys)
- @compoundfont = @id + 'c'
- tk_call('font', 'create', @compoundfont)
- latinkeys = {}
- begin
- actual_core(@latinfont).each{|key,val| latinkeys[key] = val}
- rescue
- latinkeys {}
- end
- if latinkeys != {}
- tk_call('font', 'configure', @compoundfont, *hash_kv(latinkeys))
- end
- kanjikeys = {}
- begin
- actual_core(@kanjifont).each{|key,val| kanjikeys[key] = val}
- rescue
- kanjikeys {}
- end
- if kanjikeys != {}
- tk_call('font', 'configure', @compoundfont, *hash_kv(kanjikeys))
- end
- @fontslot = {'font'=>@compoundfont}
- tk_call('font', 'configure', @compoundfont, *hash_kv(keys))
- end
- def actual_core_tk4x(font, window=nil, option=nil)
- # dummy
- if option
- ""
- else
- Array([ ['family',[]], ['size',[]], ['weight',[]], ['slant',[]],
- ['underline',[]], ['overstrike',[]], ['charset',[]],
- ['pointadjust',[]] ])
- end
- end
- def actual_core_tk8x(font, window=nil, option=nil)
- if option == 'compound'
- ""
- elsif option
- if window
- tk_call('font', 'actual', font, "-#{option}")
- else
- tk_call('font', 'actual', font, "-displayof", window, "-#{option}")
- end
- else
- l = tk_split_list(if window
- tk_call('font', 'actual', font, "-displayof", window)
- else
- tk_call('font', 'actual', font)
- end)
- r = []
- while key=l.shift
- if key == '-compound'
- l.shift
- else
- r.push [key[1..-1], l.shift]
- end
- end
- r
- end
- end
- def configure_core_tk4x(font, slot, value=None)
- ""
- end
- def configinfo_core_tk4x(font, option=nil)
- # dummy
- if option
- ""
- else
- Array([ ['family',[]], ['size',[]], ['weight',[]], ['slant',[]],
- ['underline',[]], ['overstrike',[]], ['charset',[]],
- ['pointadjust',[]] ])
- end
- end
- def configure_core_tk8x(font, slot, value=None)
- if slot.kind_of? Hash
- tk_call 'font', 'configure', font, *hash_kv(slot)
- else
- tk_call 'font', 'configure', font, "-#{slot}", value
- end
- end
- def configinfo_core_tk8x(font, option=nil)
- if option == 'compound'
- ""
- elsif option
- tk_call('font', 'configure', font, "-#{option}")
- else
- l = tk_split_list(tk_call('font', 'configure', font))
- r = []
- while key=l.shift
- if key == '-compound'
- l.shift
- else
- r.push [key[1..-1], l.shift]
- end
- end
- r
- end
- end
- def delete_core_tk4x
- Tk_FontNameTBL[@id] = nil
- Tk_FontUseTBL.delete_if{|key,value| value == self}
- end
- def delete_core_tk8x
- begin
- tk_call('font', 'delete', @latinfont)
- rescue
- end
- begin
- tk_call('font', 'delete', @kanjifont)
- rescue
- end
- begin
- tk_call('font', 'delete', @compoundfont)
- rescue
- end
- Tk_FontNameTBL[@id] = nil
- Tk_FontUseTBL.delete_if{|key,value| value == self}
- end
- def latin_replace_core_tk4x(ltn)
- create_latinfont_tk4x(ltn)
- @compoundfont[0] = [@latinfont] if JAPANIZED_TK
- @fontslot['font'] = @latinfont
- Tk_FontUseTBL.dup.each{|w, fobj|
- if self == fobj
- begin
- if w.include?(';')
- win, tag = w.split(';')
- winobj = tk_tcl2ruby(win)
-# winobj.tagfont_configure(tag, {'font'=>@latinfont})
- if winobj.kind_of? TkText
- tk_call(win, 'tag', 'configure', tag, '-font', @latinfont)
- elsif winobj.kind_of? TkCanvas
- tk_call(win, 'itemconfigure', tag, '-font', @latinfont)
- elsif winobj.kind_of? TkMenu
- tk_call(win, 'entryconfigure', tag, '-font', @latinfont)
- else
- raise RuntimeError, "unknown widget type"
- end
- else
-# tk_tcl2ruby(w).font_configure('font'=>@latinfont)
- tk_call(w, 'configure', '-font', @latinfont)
- end
- rescue
- Tk_FontUseTBL[w] = nil
- end
- end
- }
- self
- end
- def kanji_replace_core_tk4x(knj)
- return self unless JAPANIZED_TK
- create_kanjifont_tk4x(knj)
- @compoundfont[1] = [@kanjifont]
- @fontslot['kanjifont'] = @kanjifont
- Tk_FontUseTBL.dup.each{|w, fobj|
- if self == fobj
- begin
- if w.include?(';')
- win, tag = w.split(';')
- winobj = tk_tcl2ruby(win)
-# winobj.tagfont_configure(tag, {'kanjifont'=>@kanjifont})
- if winobj.kind_of? TkText
- tk_call(win, 'tag', 'configure', tag, '-kanjifont', @kanjifont)
- elsif winobj.kind_of? TkCanvas
- tk_call(win, 'itemconfigure', tag, '-kanjifont', @kanjifont)
- elsif winobj.kind_of? TkMenu
- tk_call(win, 'entryconfigure', tag, '-kanjifont', @latinfont)
- else
- raise RuntimeError, "unknown widget type"
- end
- else
-# tk_tcl2ruby(w).font_configure('kanjifont'=>@kanjifont)
- tk_call(w, 'configure', '-kanjifont', @kanjifont)
- end
- rescue
- Tk_FontUseTBL[w] = nil
- end
- end
- }
- self
- end
- def latin_replace_core_tk8x(ltn)
- begin
- tk_call('font', 'delete', @latinfont)
- rescue
- end
- create_latinfont(ltn)
- self
- end
- def kanji_replace_core_tk80(knj)
- return self unless JAPANIZED_TK
- begin
- tk_call('font', 'delete', @kanjifont)
- rescue
- end
- create_kanjifont(knj)
- self
- end
- def kanji_replace_core_tk81(knj)
- if font.kind_of? Hash
- tk_call('font', 'configure', @compoundfont, *hash_kv(font))
- else
- keys = {}
- if font.kind_of? Array
- actual_core(array2tk_list(font)).each{|key,val| keys[key] = val}
- elsif font.kind_of? TkFont
- actual_core(font.latin_font).each{|key,val| keys[key] = val}
- else
- actual_core(font).each{|key,val| keys[key] = val}
- end
- tk_call('font', 'configure', @compoundfont, *hash_kv(keys))
- end
- self
- end
- def measure_core_tk4x(window, text)
- 0
- end
- def measure_core_tk8x(window, text)
- if window
- number(tk_call('font', 'measure', @compoundfont,
- '-displayof', window, text))
- else
- number(tk_call('font', 'measure', @compoundfont, text))
- end
- end
- def metrics_core_tk4x(font, window, option=nil)
- # dummy
- if option
- ""
- else
- Array([ ['ascent',[]], ['descent',[]], ['linespace',[]], ['fixed',[]] ])
- end
- end
- def metrics_core_tk8x(font, window, option=nil)
- if option
- if window
- number(tk_call('font', 'metrics', font, "-#{option}"))
- else
- number(tk_call('font', 'metrics', font,
- "-displayof", window, "-#{option}"))
- end
- else
- l = tk_split_list(if window
- tk_call('font','metrics',font,"-displayof",window)
- else
- tk_call('font','metrics',font)
- end)
- r = []
- while key=l.shift
- r.push [key[1..-1], l.shift.to_i]
- end
- r
- end
- end
- ###################################
- # private alias
- ###################################
- case (Tk::TK_VERSION)
- when /^4\.*/
- alias create_latinfont create_latinfont_tk4x
- alias create_kanjifont create_kanjifont_tk4x
- alias create_compoundfont create_compoundfont_tk4x
- alias actual_core actual_core_tk4x
- alias configure_core configure_core_tk4x
- alias configinfo_core configinfo_core_tk4x
- alias delete_core delete_core_tk4x
- alias latin_replace_core latin_replace_core_tk4x
- alias kanji_replace_core kanji_replace_core_tk4x
- alias measure_core measure_core_tk4x
- alias metrics_core metrics_core_tk4x
- when /^8\.0/
- alias create_latinfont create_latinfont_tk8x
- alias create_kanjifont create_kanjifont_tk80
- alias create_compoundfont create_compoundfont_tk80
- alias actual_core actual_core_tk8x
- alias configure_core configure_core_tk8x
- alias configinfo_core configinfo_core_tk8x
- alias delete_core delete_core_tk8x
- alias latin_replace_core latin_replace_core_tk8x
- alias kanji_replace_core kanji_replace_core_tk80
- alias measure_core measure_core_tk8x
- alias metrics_core metrics_core_tk8x
- when /^8\.1/
- alias create_latinfont create_latinfont_tk8x
- alias create_kanjifont create_kanjifont_tk81
- alias create_compoundfont create_compoundfont_tk81
- alias actual_core actual_core_tk8x
- alias configure_core configure_core_tk8x
- alias configinfo_core configinfo_core_tk8x
- alias delete_core delete_core_tk8x
- alias latin_replace_core latin_replace_core_tk8x
- alias kanji_replace_core kanji_replace_core_tk81
- alias measure_core measure_core_tk8x
- alias metrics_core metrics_core_tk8x
- end
- ###################################
- public
- ###################################
- def call_font_configure(path, *args)
- args += hash_kv(args.pop.update(@fontslot))
- tk_call *args
- Tk_FontUseTBL[path] = self
- self
- end
- def used
- ret = []
- Tk_FontUseTBL.each{|key,value|
- if key.include?(';')
- win, tag = key.split(';')
- winobj = tk_tcl2ruby(win)
- if winobj.kind_of? TkText
- ret.push([winobj, winobj.tagid2obj(tag)])
- elsif winobj.kind_of? TkCanvas
- if (tagobj = TkcTag.id2obj(tag)).kind_of? TkcTag
- ret.push([winobj, tagobj])
- elsif (tagobj = TkcItem.id2obj(tag)).kind_of? TkcItem
- ret.push([winobj, tagobj])
- else
- ret.push([winobj, tag])
- end
- elsif winobj.kind_of? TkMenu
- ret.push([winobj, tag])
- else
- ret.push([win, tag])
- end
- else
- ret.push(tk_tcl2ruby(key)) if value == self
- end
- }
- ret
- end
- def id
- @id
- end
- def to_eval
- font
- end
- def font
- @compoundfont
- end
- def latin_font
- @latinfont
- end
- def kanji_font
- @kanjifont
- end
- def actual(option=nil)
- actual_core(@compoundfont, nil, option)
- end
- def actual_displayof(window, option=nil)
- window = '.' unless window
- actual_core(@compoundfont, window, option)
- end
- def latin_actual(option=nil)
- actual_core(@latinfont, nil, option)
- end
- def latin_actual_displayof(window, option=nil)
- window = '.' unless window
- actual_core(@latinfont, window, option)
- end
- def kanji_actual(option=nil)
- if @kanjifont != ""
- actual_core(@kanjifont, nil, option)
- else
- actual_core_tk4x(nil, nil, option)
- end
- end
- def kanji_actual_displayof(window, option=nil)
- if @kanjifont != ""
- window = '.' unless window
- actual_core(@kanjifont, window, option)
- else
- actual_core_tk4x(nil, window, option)
- end
- end
- def [](slot)
- configinfo slot
- end
- def []=(slot, val)
- configure slot, val
- end
- def configure(slot, value=None)
- configure_core(@compoundfont, slot, value)
- end
- def configinfo(slot=nil)
- configinfo_core(@compoundfont, slot)
- end
- def delete
- delete_core
- end
- def latin_configure(slot, value=None)
- configure_core(@latinfont, slot, value)
- else
- configure(slot, value)
- end
- end
- def latin_configinfo(slot=nil)
- configinfo_core(@latinfont, slot)
- else
- configure(slot, value)
- end
- end
- def kanji_configure(slot, value=None)
- if @kanjifont != ""
- configure_core(@kanjifont, slot, value)
- else
- #""
- configure(slot, value)
- end
- end
- def kanji_configinfo(slot=nil)
- if @kanjifont != ""
- configinfo_core(@kanjifont, slot)
- else
- #[]
- configinfo(slot)
- end
- end
- def replace(ltn, knj)
- latin_replace(ltn)
- kanji_replace(knj)
- self
- end
- def latin_replace(ltn)
- latin_replace_core(ltn)
- end
- def kanji_replace(knj)
- kanji_replace_core(knj)
- end
- def measure(text)
- measure_core(nil, text)
- end
- def measure_displayof(window, text)
- window = '.' unless window
- measure_core(window, text)
- end
- def metrics(option=nil)
- metrics_core(@compoundfont, nil, option)
- end
- def metrics_displayof(window, option=nil)
- window = '.' unless window
- metrics_core(@compoundfont, window, option)
- end
- def latin_metrics(option=nil)
- metrics_core(@latinfont, nil, option)
- end
- def latin_metrics_displayof(window, option=nil)
- window = '.' unless window
- metrics_core(@latinfont, window, option)
- end
- def kanji_metrics(option=nil)
- metrics_core(@kanjifont, nil, option)
- else
- metrics_core_tk4x(nil, nil, option)
- end
- end
- def kanji_metrics_displayof(window, option=nil)
- window = '.' unless window
- metrics_core(@kanjifont, window, option)
- else
- metrics_core_tk4x(nil, window, option)
- end
- end
- ###################################
- # public alias
- ###################################
- alias ascii_font latin_font
- alias create_asciifont create_latinfont
- alias ascii_actual latin_actual
- alias ascii_actual_displayof latin_actual_displayof
- alias ascii_configure latin_configure
- alias ascii_configinfo latin_configinfo
- alias ascii_replace latin_replace
- alias ascii_metrics latin_metrics
-module TkTreatTagFont
- def font_configinfo
- @parent.tagfont_configinfo(@id)
- end
- alias font font_configinfo
- def font_configure(slot)
- @parent.tagfont_configure(@id, slot)
- end
- def latinfont_configure(ltn, keys=nil)
- @parent.latintagfont_configure(@id, ltn, keys)
- end
- alias asciifont_configure latinfont_configure
- def kanjifont_configure(knj, keys=nil)
- @parent.kanjitagfont_configure(@id, ltn, keys)
- end
- def font_copy(window, wintag=nil)
- @parent.tagfont_copy(@id, window, wintag)
- end
- def latinfont_copy(window, wintag=nil)
- @parent.latintagfont_copy(@id, window, wintag)
- end
- alias asciifont_copy latinfont_copy
- def kanjifont_copy(window, wintag=nil)
- @parent.kanjitagfont_copy(@id, window, wintag)
- end
diff --git a/lib/tkmenubar.rb b/lib/tkmenubar.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 441f3f5c03..0000000000
--- a/lib/tkmenubar.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-# tkmenubar.rb
-# Copyright (C) 1998 maeda shugo. All rights reserved.
-# This file can be distributed under the terms of the Ruby.
-# Usage:
-# menu_spec = [
-# [['File', 0],
-# ['Open', proc{puts('Open clicked')}, 0],
-# '---',
-# ['Quit', proc{exit}, 0]],
-# [['Edit', 0],
-# ['Cut', proc{puts('Cut clicked')}, 2],
-# ['Copy', proc{puts('Copy clicked')}, 0],
-# ['Paste', proc{puts('Paste clicked')}, 0]]
-# ]
-# menubar =, menu_spec,
-# 'tearoff'=>false,
-# 'foreground'=>'grey40',
-# 'activeforeground'=>'red',
-# 'font'=>'-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-*--12-*-iso8859-1')
-# menubar.pack('side'=>'top', 'fill'=>'x')
-# OR
-# menubar =
-# menubar.add_menu([['File', 0],
-# ['Open', proc{puts('Open clicked')}, 0],
-# '---',
-# ['Quit', proc{exit}, 0]])
-# menubar.add_menu([['Edit', 0],
-# ['Cut', proc{puts('Cut clicked')}, 2],
-# ['Copy', proc{puts('Copy clicked')}, 0],
-# ['Paste', proc{puts('Paste clicked')}, 0]])
-# menubar.configure('tearoff', false)
-# menubar.configure('foreground', 'grey40')
-# menubar.configure('activeforeground', 'red')
-# menubar.configure('font', '-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-*--12-*-iso8859-1')
-# menubar.pack('side'=>'top', 'fill'=>'x')
-# The format of the menu_spec is:
-# [
-# [
-# [button text, underline, accelerator],
-# [menu label, command, underline, accelerator],
-# '---', # separator
-# ...
-# ],
-# ...
-# ]
-# underline and accelerator are optional parameters.
-# Hashes are OK instead of Arrays.
-# To use add_menu, configuration must be done by calling configure after
-# adding all menus by add_menu, not by the constructor arguments.
-require "tk"
-class TkMenubar<TkFrame
- include TkComposite
- def initialize(parent = nil, spec = nil, options = nil)
- super(parent, options)
- @menus = []
- if spec
- for menu_info in spec
- add_menu(menu_info)
- end
- end
- if options
- for key, value in options
- configure(key, value)
- end
- end
- end
- def add_menu(menu_info)
- btn_info = menu_info.shift
- mbtn =
- if btn_info.kind_of?(Hash)
- for key, value in btn_info
- mbtn.configure(key, value)
- end
- elsif btn_info.kind_of?(Array)
- mbtn.configure('text', btn_info[0]) if btn_info[0]
- mbtn.configure('underline', btn_info[1]) if btn_info[1]
- mbtn.configure('accelerator', btn_info[2]) if btn_info[2]
- else
- mbtn.configure('text', btn_info)
- end
- menu =
- for item_info in menu_info
- if item_info.kind_of?(Hash)
- menu.add('command', item_info)
- elsif item_info.kind_of?(Array)
- options = {}
- options['label'] = item_info[0] if item_info[0]
- options['command'] = item_info[1] if item_info[1]
- options['underline'] = item_info[2] if item_info[2]
- options['accelerator'] = item_info[3] if item_info[3]
- menu.add('command', options)
- elsif /^-+$/ =~ item_info
- menu.add('sep')
- else
- menu.add('command', 'label' => item_info)
- end
- end
- @menus.push([mbtn, menu])
- delegate('tearoff', menu)
- delegate('foreground', mbtn, menu)
- delegate('background', mbtn, menu)
- delegate('disabledforeground', mbtn, menu)
- delegate('activeforeground', mbtn, menu)
- delegate('activebackground', mbtn, menu)
- delegate('font', mbtn, menu)
- delegate('kanjifont', mbtn, menu)
- mbtn.pack('side' => 'left')
- end
- def [](index)
- return @menus[index]
- end
diff --git a/lib/tkmngfocus.rb b/lib/tkmngfocus.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 921fb646e7..0000000000
--- a/lib/tkmngfocus.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-# tkmngfocus.rb : methods for Tcl/Tk standard library 'focus.tcl'
-# 1998/07/16 by Hidetoshi Nagai <>
-require 'tk'
-module TkManageFocus
- extend Tk
- def TkManageFocus.followsMouse
- tk_call 'tk_focusFollowsMouse'
- end
- def
- tk_call 'tk_focusNext', window
- end
- def focusNext
- end
- def TkManageFocus.prev(window)
- tk_call 'tk_focusPrev', window
- end
- def focusPrev
- TkManageFocus.prev(self)
- end
diff --git a/lib/tkpalette.rb b/lib/tkpalette.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index a2dc7c87cb..0000000000
--- a/lib/tkpalette.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-# tkpalette.rb : methods for Tcl/Tk standard library 'palette.tcl'
-# 1998/06/21 by Hidetoshi Nagai <>
-require 'tk'
-module TkPalette
- include Tk
- extend Tk
- def TkPalette.set(*args)
- args = args.to_a.flatten if args.kind_of? Hash
- tk_call 'tk_setPalette', *args
- end
- def TkPalette.setPalette(*args)
- TkPalette.set(*args)
- end
- def TkPalette.bisque
- tk_call 'tk_bisque'
- end
- def TkPalette.darken(color, percent)
- tk_call 'tkDarken', color, percent
- end
- def TkPalette.recolorTree(window, colors)
- if not colors.kind_of?(Hash)
- fail "2nd arg need to be Hash"
- end
- colors.each{|key, value|
- begin
- if window.cget(key) == tk_call('set', "tkPalette(#{key})")
- window[key] = colors[key]
- end
- rescue
- # ignore
- end
- }
- TkWinfo.children(window).each{|w| TkPalette.recolorTree(w, colors)}
- end
- def recolorTree(colors)
- TkPalette.recolorTree(self, colors)
- end
diff --git a/lib/tkscrollbox.rb b/lib/tkscrollbox.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d129b2f4b..0000000000
--- a/lib/tkscrollbox.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-# tkscrollbox.rb - Tk Listbox with Scrollbar
-# as an example of Composite Widget
-# $Date$
-# by Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
-require 'tk.rb'
-class TkScrollbox<TkListbox
- include TkComposite
- def initialize_composite
- list =
- scroll =
- @path = list.path
- list.configure 'yscroll', scroll.path+" set"
- list.pack 'side'=>'left','fill'=>'both','expand'=>'yes'
- scroll.configure 'command', list.path+" yview"
- scroll.pack 'side'=>'right','fill'=>'y'
- delegate('DEFAULT', list)
- delegate('foreground', list)
- delegate('background', list, scroll)
- delegate('borderwidth', @frame)
- delegate('relief', @frame)
- end
diff --git a/lib/tktext.rb b/lib/tktext.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 02d5a7f3e0..0000000000
--- a/lib/tktext.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,797 +0,0 @@
-# tktext.rb - Tk text classes
-# $Date$
-# by Yukihiro Matsumoto <>
-require 'tk.rb'
-require 'tkfont'
-module TkTreatTextTagFont
- def tagfont_configinfo(tag)
- if tag.kind_of? TkTextTag
- pathname = self.path + ';' +
- else
- pathname = self.path + ';' + tag
- end
- ret = TkFont.used_on(pathname)
- if ret == nil
- ret = TkFont.init_widget_font(pathname,
- self.path, 'tag', 'configure', tag)
- end
- ret
- end
- alias tagfontobj tagfont_configinfo
- def tagfont_configure(tag, slot)
- if tag.kind_of? TkTextTag
- pathname = self.path + ';' +
- else
- pathname = self.path + ';' + tag
- end
- if (fnt = slot['font'])
- slot['font'] = nil
- if fnt.kind_of? TkFont
- return fnt.call_font_configure(pathname,
- self.path,'tag','configure',tag,slot)
- else
- latintagfont_configure(tag, fnt) if fnt
- end
- end
- if (ltn = slot['latinfont'])
- slot['latinfont'] = nil
- latintagfont_configure(tag, ltn) if ltn
- end
- if (ltn = slot['asciifont'])
- slot['asciifont'] = nil
- latintagfont_configure(tag, ltn) if ltn
- end
- if (knj = slot['kanjifont'])
- slot['kanjifont'] = nil
- kanjitagfont_configure(tag, knj) if knj
- end
- tk_call(self.path, 'tag', 'configure', tag, *hash_kv(slot)) if slot != {}
- self
- end
- def latintagfont_configure(tag, ltn, keys=nil)
- fobj = tagfontobj(tag)
- if ltn.kind_of? TkFont
- conf = {}
- ltn.latin_configinfo.each{|key,val| conf[key] = val if val != []}
- if conf == {}
- fobj.latin_replace(ltn)
- fobj.latin_configure(keys) if keys
- elsif keys
- fobj.latin_configure(conf.update(keys))
- else
- fobj.latin_configure(conf)
- end
- else
- fobj.latin_replace(ltn)
- end
- end
- alias asciitagfont_configure latintagfont_configure
- def kanjitagfont_configure(tag, knj, keys=nil)
- fobj = tagfontobj(tag)
- if knj.kind_of? TkFont
- conf = {}
- knj.kanji_configinfo.each{|key,val| conf[key] = val if val != []}
- if conf == {}
- fobj.kanji_replace(knj)
- fobj.kanji_configure(keys) if keys
- elsif keys
- fobj.kanji_configure(conf.update(keys))
- else
- fobj.kanji_configure(conf)
- end
- else
- fobj.kanji_replace(knj)
- end
- end
- def tagfont_copy(tag, window, wintag=nil)
- if wintag
- window.tagfontobj(wintag).configinfo.each{|key,value|
- tagfontobj(tag).configure(key,value)
- }
- tagfontobj(tag).replace(window.tagfontobj(wintag).latin_font,
- window.tagfontobj(wintag).kanji_font)
- else
- window.tagfont(wintag).configinfo.each{|key,value|
- tagfontobj(tag).configure(key,value)
- }
- tagfontobj(tag).replace(window.fontobj.latin_font,
- window.fontobj.kanji_font)
- end
- end
- def latintagfont_copy(tag, window, wintag=nil)
- if wintag
- tagfontobj(tag).latin_replace(window.tagfontobj(wintag).latin_font)
- else
- tagfontobj(tag).latin_replace(window.fontobj.latin_font)
- end
- end
- alias asciitagfont_copy latintagfont_copy
- def kanjitagfont_copy(tag, window, wintag=nil)
- if wintag
- tagfontobj(tag).kanji_replace(window.tagfontobj(wintag).kanji_font)
- else
- tagfontobj(tag).kanji_replace(window.fontobj.kanji_font)
- end
- end
-class TkText<TkTextWin
- include TkTreatTextTagFont
- WidgetClassName = 'Text'.freeze
- TkClassBind::WidgetClassNameTBL[WidgetClassName] = self
- def self.to_eval
- WidgetClassName
- end
- include Scrollable
- def create_self
- tk_call 'text', @path
- @tags = {}
- end
- def index(index)
- tk_send 'index', index
- end
- def value
- tk_send 'get', "1.0", "end - 1 char"
- end
- def value= (val)
- tk_send 'delete', "1.0", 'end'
- tk_send 'insert', "1.0", val
- end
- def _addcmd(cmd)
- @cmdtbl.push cmd
- end
- def _addtag(name, obj)
- @tags[name] = obj
- end
- def tagid2obj(tagid)
- if not @tags[tagid]
- tagid
- else
- @tags[tagid]
- end
- end
- def tag_names(index=None)
- tk_split_list(tk_send('tag', 'names', index)).collect{|elt|
- tagid2obj(elt)
- }
- end
- def window_names
- tk_send('window', 'names').collect{|elt|
- tagid2obj(elt)
- }
- end
- def image_names
- tk_send('image', 'names').collect{|elt|
- tagid2obj(elt)
- }
- end
- def set_insert(index)
- tk_send 'mark', 'set', 'insert', index
- end
- def set_current(index)
- tk_send 'mark', 'set', 'current', index
- end
- def insert(index, chars, *tags)
- super index, chars, tags.collect{|x|_get_eval_string(x)}.join(' ')
- end
- def destroy
- @tags.each_value do |t|
- t.destroy
- end
- super
- end
- def backspace
- self.delete 'insert'
- end
- def compare(idx1, op, idx2)
- bool(tk_send('compare', idx1, op, idx2))
- end
- def debug
- bool(tk_send('debug'))
- end
- def debug=(boolean)
- tk_send 'debug', boolean
- end
- def bbox(index)
- inf = tk_send('bbox', index)
- (inf == "")? [0,0,0,0]: inf
- end
- def dlineinfo(index)
- inf = tk_send('dlineinfo', index)
- (inf == "")? [0,0,0,0,0]: inf
- end
- def yview(*what)
- tk_send 'yview', *what
- end
- def yview_pickplace(*what)
- tk_send 'yview', '-pickplace', *what
- end
- def xview(*what)
- tk_send 'xview', *what
- end
- def xview_pickplace(*what)
- tk_send 'xview', '-pickplace', *what
- end
- def tag_add(tag,index1,index2=None)
- tk_send 'tag', 'add', tag, index1, index2
- end
- def _tag_bind_core(mode, tag, seq,, args=nil)
- id = install_bind(cmd, args)
- tk_send 'tag', 'bind', tag, "<#{tk_event_sequence(seq)}>", mode + id
- # _addcmd cmd
- end
- private :_tag_bind_core
- def tag_bind(tag, seq,, args=nil)
- _tag_bind_core('', tag, seq,, args=nil)
- end
- def tag_bind_append(tag, seq,, args=nil)
- _tag_bind_core('+', tag, seq,, args=nil)
- end
- def tag_bindinfo(tag, context=nil)
- if context
- (tk_send('tag', 'bind', tag,
- "<#{tk_event_sequence(context)}>")).collect{|cmdline|
- if cmdline =~ /^rb_out (c\d+)\s+(.*)$/
- [Tk_CMDTBL[$1], $2]
- else
- cmdline
- end
- }
- else
- tk_split_list(tk_send('tag', 'bind', tag)).filter{|seq|
- seq[1..-2].gsub(/></,',')
- }
- end
- end
- def tag_cget(tag, key)
- tk_tcl2ruby tk_call @t.path, 'tag', 'cget', tag, "-#{key}"
- end
- def tag_configure(tag, key, val=None)
- if key.kind_of? Hash
- if ( key['font'] || key['kanjifont'] \
- || key['latinfont'] || key['asciifont'] )
- tagfont_configure(tag, key.dup)
- else
- tk_send 'tag', 'configure', tag, *hash_kv(key)
- end
- else
- if ( key == 'font' || key == 'kanjifont' \
- || key == 'latinfont' || key == 'asciifont' )
- tagfont_configure({key=>val})
- else
- tk_call 'tag', 'configure', tag, "-#{key}", val
- end
- end
- end
- def tag_configinfo(tag, key=nil)
- if key
- conf = tk_split_list(tk_send('tag','configure',tag,"-#{key}"))
- conf[0] = conf[0][1..-1]
- conf
- else
- tk_split_list(tk_send('tag', 'configure', tag)).collect{|conf|
- conf[0] = conf[0][1..-1]
- conf
- }
- end
- end
- def tag_raise(tag, above=None)
- tk_send 'tag', 'raise', tag, above
- end
- def tag_lower(tag, below=None)
- tk_send 'tag', 'lower', tag, below
- end
- def tag_remove(tag, *index)
- tk_send 'tag', 'remove', tag, *index
- end
- def tag_ranges(tag)
- l = tk_split_list(tk_send('tag', 'ranges', tag))
- r = []
- while key=l.shift
- r.push [key, l.shift]
- end
- r
- end
- def tag_nextrange(tag, first, last=None)
- tk_split_list(tk_send('tag', 'nextrange', tag, first, last))
- end
- def tag_prevrange(tag, first, last=None)
- tk_split_list(tk_send('tag', 'prevrange', tag, first, last))
- end
- def search_with_length(pat,start,stop=None)
- pat = pat.char if pat.kind_of? Integer
- if stop != None
- return ["", 0] if compare(start,'>=',stop)
- txt = get(start,stop)
- if (pos = txt.index(pat))
- pos = txt[0..(pos-1)].split('').length if pos > 0
- if pat.kind_of? String
- return [index(start + " + #{pos} chars"), pat.split('').length]
- else
- return [index(start + " + #{pos} chars"), $&.split('').length]
- end
- else
- return ["", 0]
- end
- else
- txt = get(start,'end - 1 char')
- if (pos = txt.index(pat))
- pos = txt[0..(pos-1)].split('').length if pos > 0
- if pat.kind_of? String
- return [index(start + " + #{pos} chars"), pat.split('').length]
- else
- return [index(start + " + #{pos} chars"), $&.split('').length]
- end
- else
- txt = get('1.0','end - 1 char')
- if (pos = txt.index(pat))
- pos = txt[0..(pos-1)].split('').length if pos > 0
- if pat.kind_of? String
- return [index("1.0 + #{pos} chars"), pat.split('').length]
- else
- return [index("1.0 + #{pos} chars"), $&.split('').length]
- end
- else
- return ["", 0]
- end
- end
- end
- end
- def search(pat,start,stop=None)
- search_with_length(pat,start,stop)[0]
- end
- def rsearch_with_length(pat,start,stop=None)
- pat = pat.char if pat.kind_of? Integer
- if stop != None
- return ["", 0] if compare(start,'<=',stop)
- txt = get(stop,start)
- if (pos = txt.rindex(pat))
- pos = txt[0..(pos-1)].split('').length if pos > 0
- if pat.kind_of? String
- return [index(stop + " + #{pos} chars"), pat.split('').length]
- else
- return [index(stop + " + #{pos} chars"), $&.split('').length]
- end
- else
- return ["", 0]
- end
- else
- txt = get('1.0',start)
- if (pos = txt.rindex(pat))
- pos = txt[0..(pos-1)].split('').length if pos > 0
- if pat.kind_of? String
- return [index("1.0 + #{pos} chars"), pat.split('').length]
- else
- return [index("1.0 + #{pos} chars"), $&.split('').length]
- end
- else
- txt = get('1.0','end - 1 char')
- if (pos = txt.rindex(pat))
- pos = txt[0..(pos-1)].split('').length if pos > 0
- if pat.kind_of? String
- return [index("1.0 + #{pos} chars"), pat.split('').length]
- else
- return [index("1.0 + #{pos} chars"), $&.split('').length]
- end
- else
- return ["", 0]
- end
- end
- end
- end
- def rsearch(pat,start,stop=None)
- rsearch_with_length(pat,start,stop)[0]
- end
-class TkTextTag<TkObject
- include TkTreatTagFont
- $tk_text_tag = 'tag0000'
- def initialize(parent, keys=nil)
- if not parent.kind_of?(TkText)
- fail format("%s need to be TkText", parent.inspect)
- end
- @parent = @t = parent
- @path = @id = $tk_text_tag
- $tk_text_tag = $tk_text_tag.succ
- #tk_call @t.path, "tag", "configure", @id, *hash_kv(keys)
- configure(keys) if keys
- @t._addtag id, self
- end
- def id
- return @id
- end
- def first
- @id + '.first'
- end
- def last
- @id + '.last'
- end
- def add(*index)
- tk_call @t.path, 'tag', 'add', @id, *index
- end
- def remove(*index)
- tk_call @t.path, 'tag', 'remove', @id, *index
- end
- def ranges
- l = tk_split_list(tk_call(@t.path, 'tag', 'ranges', @id))
- r = []
- while key=l.shift
- r.push [key, l.shift]
- end
- r
- end
- def nextrange(first, last=None)
- tk_split_list(tk_call(@t.path, 'tag', 'nextrange', @id, first, last))
- end
- def prevrange(first, last=None)
- tk_split_list(tk_call(@t.path, 'tag', 'prevrange', @id, first, last))
- end
- def [](key)
- cget key
- end
- def []=(key,val)
- configure key, val
- end
- def cget(key)
- tk_tcl2ruby tk_call @t.path, 'tag', 'cget', @id, "-#{key}"
- end
- def configure(key, val=None)
- @t.tag_configure @id, key, val
- end
-# def configure(key, val=None)
-# if key.kind_of? Hash
-# tk_call @t.path, 'tag', 'configure', @id, *hash_kv(key)
-# else
-# tk_call @t.path, 'tag', 'configure', @id, "-#{key}", val
-# end
-# end
-# def configure(key, value)
-# if value == FALSE
-# value = "0"
-# elsif value.kind_of? Proc
-# value = install_cmd(value)
-# end
-# tk_call @t.path, 'tag', 'configure', @id, "-#{key}", value
-# end
- def configinfo(key=nil)
- @t.tag_configinfo @id, key
- end
-# def configinfo(key=nil)
-# if key
-# conf = tk_split_list(tk_call(@t.path, 'tag','configure',@id,"-#{key}"))
-# conf[0] = conf[0][1..-1]
-# conf
-# else
-# tk_split_list(tk_call(@t.path, 'tag', 'configure', @id)).collect{|conf|
-# conf[0] = conf[0][1..-1]
-# conf
-# }
-# end
-# end
- def bind(seq,, args=nil)
- id = install_bind(cmd, args)
- tk_call @t.path, 'tag', 'bind', @id, "<#{tk_event_sequence(seq)}>", id
- # @t._addcmd cmd
- end
- def bindinfo(context=nil)
- if context
- (tk_call(@t.path, 'tag', 'bind', @id,
- "<#{tk_event_sequence(context)}>")).collect{|cmdline|
- if cmdline =~ /^rb_out (c\d+)\s+(.*)$/
- [Tk_CMDTBL[$1], $2]
- else
- cmdline
- end
- }
- else
- tk_split_list(tk_call(@t.path, 'tag', 'bind', @id)).filter{|seq|
- seq[1..-2].gsub(/></,',')
- }
- end
- end
- def raise(above=None)
- tk_call @t.path, 'tag', 'raise', @id, above
- end
- def lower(below=None)
- tk_call @t.path, 'tag', 'lower', @id, below
- end
- def destroy
- tk_call @t.path, 'tag', 'delete', @id
- end
-class TkTextTagSel<TkTextTag
- def initialize(parent, keys=nil)
- if not parent.kind_of?(TkText)
- fail format("%s need to be TkText", parent.inspect)
- end
- @t = parent
- @path = @id = 'sel'
- #tk_call @t.path, "tag", "configure", @id, *hash_kv(keys)
- configure(keys) if keys
- @t._addtag id, self
- end
-class TkTextMark<TkObject
- $tk_text_mark = 'mark0000'
- def initialize(parent, index)
- if not parent.kind_of?(TkText)
- fail format("%s need to be TkText", parent.inspect)
- end
- @t = parent
- @path = @id = $tk_text_mark
- $tk_text_mark = $tk_text_mark.succ
- tk_call @t.path, 'mark', 'set', @id, index
- @t._addtag id, self
- end
- def id
- return @id
- end
- def set(where)
- tk_call @t.path, 'mark', 'set', @id, where
- end
- def unset
- tk_call @t.path, 'mark', 'unset', @id
- end
- alias destroy unset
- def gravity
- tk_call @t.path, 'mark', 'gravity', @id
- end
- def gravity=(direction)
- tk_call @t.path, 'mark', 'gravity', @id, direction
- end
-class TkTextMarkInsert<TkTextMark
- def initialize(parent, index=nil)
- if not parent.kind_of?(TkText)
- fail format("%s need to be TkText", parent.inspect)
- end
- @t = parent
- @path = @id = 'insert'
- tk_call @t.path, 'mark', 'set', @id, index if index
- @t._addtag id, self
- end
-class TkTextMarkCurrent<TkTextMark
- def initialize(parent,index=nil)
- if not parent.kind_of?(TkText)
- fail format("%s need to be TkText", parent.inspect)
- end
- @t = parent
- @path = @id = 'current'
- tk_call @t.path, 'mark', 'set', @id, index if index
- @t._addtag id, self
- end
-class TkTextWindow<TkObject
- def initialize(parent, index, keys)
- if not parent.kind_of?(TkText)
- fail format("%s need to be TkText", parent.inspect)
- end
- @t = parent
- if index == 'end'
- @path =, tk_call(@t.path, 'index', 'end - 1 chars'))
- elsif index.kind_of? TkTextMark
- if tk_call(@t.path,'index',index.path) == tk_call(@t.path,'index','end')
- @path =, tk_call(@t.path, 'index', 'end - 1 chars'))
- else
- @path =, tk_call(@t.path, 'index', index.path))
- end
- else
- @path =, tk_call(@t.path, 'index', index))
- end
- @path.gravity = 'left'
- @index = @path.path
- @id = keys['window']
- if keys['create']
- @p_create = keys['create']
- if @p_create.kind_of? Proc
- keys['create'] = install_cmd(proc{@id =; @id.path})
- end
- end
- tk_call @t.path, 'window', 'create', @index, *hash_kv(keys)
- end
- def [](slot)
- cget(slot)
- end
- def []=(slot, value)
- configure(slot, value)
- end
- def cget(slot)
- tk_tcl2ruby tk_call @t.path, 'window', 'cget', @index, "-#{slot}"
- end
- def configure(slot, value=None)
- if slot.kind_of? Hash
- @id = slot['window'] if slot['window']
- if slot['create']
- self.create=value
- slot['create']=nil
- end
- if slot.size > 0
- tk_call @t.path, 'window', 'configure', @index, *hash_kv(slot)
- end
- else
- @id = value if slot == 'window'
- if slot == 'create'
- self.create=value
- else
- tk_call @t.path, 'window', 'configure', @index, "-#{slot}", value
- end
- end
- end
- def window
- @id
- end
- def window=(value)
- tk_call @t.path, 'window', 'configure', @index, '-window', value
- @id = value
- end
- def create
- @p_create
- end
- def create=(value)
- @p_create = value
- if @p_create.kind_of? Proc
- value = install_cmd(proc{@id =})
- end
- tk_call @t.path, 'window', 'configure', @index, '-create', value
- end
- def configinfo(slot = nil)
- if slot
- conf = tk_split_list(tk_call @t.path, 'window', 'configure',
- @index, "-#{slot}")
- conf[0] = conf[0][1..-1]
- conf
- else
- tk_split_list(tk_call @t.path, 'window', 'configure',
- @index).collect{|conf|
- conf[0] = conf[0][1..-1]
- conf
- }
- end
- end
-class TkTextImage<TkObject
- def initialize(parent, index, keys)
- if not parent.kind_of?(TkText)
- fail format("%s need to be TkText", parent.inspect)
- end
- @t = parent
- if index == 'end'
- @path =, tk_call(@t.path, 'index', 'end - 1 chars'))
- elsif index.kind_of? TkTextMark
- if tk_call(@t.path,'index',index.path) == tk_call(@t.path,'index','end')
- @path =, tk_call(@t.path, 'index', 'end - 1 chars'))
- else
- @path =, tk_call(@t.path, 'index', index.path))
- end
- else
- @path =, tk_call(@t.path, 'index', index))
- end
- @path.gravity = 'left'
- @index = @path.path
- @id = tk_call(@t.path, 'image', 'create', @index, *hash_kv(keys))
- end
- def [](slot)
- cget(slot)
- end
- def []=(slot, value)
- configure(slot, value)
- end
- def cget(slot)
- tk_tcl2ruby tk_call @t.path, 'image', 'cget', @index, "-#{slot}"
- end
- def configure(slot, value=None)
- if slot.kind_of? Hash
- tk_call @t.path, 'image', 'configure', @index, *hash_kv(slot)
- else
- tk_call @t.path, 'image', 'configure', @index, "-#{slot}", value
- end
- end
-# def configure(slot, value)
-# tk_call @t.path, 'image', 'configure', @index, "-#{slot}", value
-# end
- def image
- tk_call @t.path, 'image', 'configure', @index, '-image'
- end
- def image=(value)
- tk_call @t.path, 'image', 'configure', @index, '-image', value
- end
- def configinfo(slot = nil)
- if slot
- conf = tk_split_list(tk_call @t.path, 'image', 'configure',
- @index, "-#{slot}")
- conf[0] = conf[0][1..-1]
- conf
- else
- tk_split_list(tk_call @t.path, 'image', 'configure',
- @index).collect{|conf|
- conf[0] = conf[0][1..-1]
- conf
- }
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/tkvirtevent.rb b/lib/tkvirtevent.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d100c2186..0000000000
--- a/lib/tkvirtevent.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-# tkvirtevent.rb : treats virtual events
-# 1998/07/16 by Hidetoshi Nagai <>
-require 'tk'
-class TkVirtualEvent<TkObject
- extend Tk
- TkVirturlEventID = [0]
- TkVirturlEventTBL = {}
- def TkVirtualEvent.getobj(event)
- obj = TkVirturlEventTBL[event]
- obj ? obj : event
- end
- def
- tk_call('event', 'info').split(/\s+/).filter{|seq|
- TkVirtualEvent.getobj(seq[1..-2])
- }
- end
- def initialize(*sequences)
- @path = @id = format("<VirtEvent%.4d>", TkVirturlEventID[0])
- TkVirturlEventID[0] += 1
- add(*sequences)
- end
- def add(*sequences)
- if sequences != []
- tk_call('event', 'add', "<#{@id}>",
- *(sequences.collect{|seq| "<#{tk_event_sequence(seq)}>"}) )
- TkVirturlEventTBL[@id] = self
- end
- self
- end
- def delete(*sequences)
- if sequences == []
- tk_call('event', 'delete', "<#{@id}>")
- TkVirturlEventTBL[@id] = nil
- else
- tk_call('event', 'delete', "<#{@id}>",
- *(sequences.collect{|seq| "<#{tk_event_sequence(seq)}>"}) )
- TkVirturlEventTBL[@id] = nil if info == []
- end
- self
- end
- def info
- tk_call('event', 'info', "<#{@id}>").split(/\s+/).filter{|seq|
- l = seq.scan(/<*[^<>]+>*/).filter{|subseq|
- case (subseq)
- when /^<<[^<>]+>>$/
- TkVirtualEvent.getobj(subseq[1..-2])
- when /^<[^<>]+>$/
- subseq[1..-2]
- else
- subseq.split('')
- end
- }.flatten
- (l.size == 1) ? l[0] : l
- }
- end