path: root/lib
diff options
author(no author) <(no author)@b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e>2004-12-20 14:41:10 +0000
committer(no author) <(no author)@b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e>2004-12-20 14:41:10 +0000
commit330a8e51c56f5386753f55ba8e656a62471a36ba (patch)
tree9baa48b1a2dfad4b0d1d9580248177be8c0e9802 /lib
parent50651e957a10a0cbc782841116ae576018a72160 (diff)
This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create branch 'ruby_1_8'.
git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
5 files changed, 724 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/net/https.rb b/lib/net/https.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fb329df43d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/net/https.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+= $RCSfile$ -- SSL/TLS enhancement for Net::HTTP.
+== Info
+ 'OpenSSL for Ruby 2' project
+ Copyright (C) 2001 GOTOU Yuuzou <>
+ All rights reserved.
+== Licence
+ This program is licenced under the same licence as Ruby.
+ (See the file 'LICENCE'.)
+== Requirements
+ This program requires Net 1.2.0 or higher version.
+ You can get it from RAA or Ruby's CVS repository.
+== Version
+ $Id$
+ 2001-11-06: Contiributed to Ruby/OpenSSL project.
+ 2004-03-06: Some code is merged in to net/http.
+== Example
+Here is a simple HTTP client:
+ require 'net/http'
+ require 'uri'
+ uri = URI.parse(ARGV[0] || 'http://localhost/')
+ http =, uri.port)
+ http.start {
+ http.request_get(uri.path) {|res|
+ print res.body
+ }
+ }
+It can be replaced by the following code:
+ require 'net/https'
+ require 'uri'
+ uri = URI.parse(ARGV[0] || 'https://localhost/')
+ http =, uri.port)
+ http.use_ssl = true if uri.scheme == "https" # enable SSL/TLS
+ http.start {
+ http.request_get(uri.path) {|res|
+ print res.body
+ }
+ }
+== class Net::HTTP
+=== Instance Methods
+: use_ssl?
+ returns true if use SSL/TLS with HTTP.
+: use_ssl=((|true_or_false|))
+ sets use_ssl.
+: peer_cert
+ return the X.509 certificates the server presented.
+: key, key=((|key|))
+ Sets an OpenSSL::PKey::RSA or OpenSSL::PKey::DSA object.
+ (This method is appeared in Michal Rokos's OpenSSL extention.)
+: cert, cert=((|cert|))
+ Sets an OpenSSL::X509::Certificate object as client certificate
+ (This method is appeared in Michal Rokos's OpenSSL extention).
+: ca_file, ca_file=((|path|))
+ Sets path of a CA certification file in PEM format.
+ The file can contrain several CA certificats.
+: ca_path, ca_path=((|path|))
+ Sets path of a CA certification directory containing certifications
+ in PEM format.
+: verify_mode, verify_mode=((|mode|))
+ Sets the flags for server the certification verification at
+ begining of SSL/TLS session.
+ OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE or OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER is acceptable.
+: verify_callback, verify_callback=((|proc|))
+ Sets the verify callback for the server certification verification.
+: verify_depth, verify_depth=((|num|))
+ Sets the maximum depth for the certificate chain verification.
+: cert_store, cert_store=((|store|))
+ Sets the X509::Store to verify peer certificate.
+: ssl_timeout, ssl_timeout=((|sec|))
+ Sets the SSL timeout seconds.
+require 'net/http'
+require 'openssl'
+module Net
+ class HTTP
+ remove_method :use_ssl?
+ def use_ssl?
+ @use_ssl
+ end
+ alias use_ssl use_ssl? # for backward compatibility
+ # Turn on/off SSL.
+ # This flag must be set before starting session.
+ # If you change use_ssl value after session started,
+ # a Net::HTTP object raises IOError.
+ def use_ssl=(flag)
+ flag = (flag ? true : false)
+ raise IOError, "use_ssl value changed, but session already started" \
+ if started? and @use_ssl != flag
+ if flag and not @ssl_context
+ @ssl_context =
+ end
+ @use_ssl = flag
+ end
+ def self.ssl_context_accessor(name)
+ module_eval(<<-End, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1)
+ def #{name}
+ return nil unless @ssl_context
+ @ssl_context.#{name}
+ end
+ def #{name}=(val)
+ @ssl_context ||=
+ @ssl_context.#{name} = val
+ end
+ End
+ end
+ ssl_context_accessor :key
+ ssl_context_accessor :cert
+ ssl_context_accessor :ca_file
+ ssl_context_accessor :ca_path
+ ssl_context_accessor :verify_mode
+ ssl_context_accessor :verify_callback
+ ssl_context_accessor :verify_depth
+ ssl_context_accessor :cert_store
+ def ssl_timeout
+ return nil unless @ssl_context
+ @ssl_context.timeout
+ end
+ def ssl_timeout=(sec)
+ raise ArgumentError, 'Net::HTTP#ssl_timeout= called but use_ssl=false' \
+ unless use_ssl?
+ @ssl_context ||=
+ @ssl_context.timeout = sec
+ end
+ alias timeout= ssl_timeout= # for backward compatibility
+ def peer_cert
+ return nil if not use_ssl? or not @socket
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/soap/mapping/wsdlencodedregistry.rb b/lib/soap/mapping/wsdlencodedregistry.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4433c73cf0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/soap/mapping/wsdlencodedregistry.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+# SOAP4R - WSDL encoded mapping registry.
+# Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>.
+# This program is copyrighted free software by NAKAMURA, Hiroshi. You can
+# redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms of Ruby's license;
+# either the dual license version in 2003, or any later version.
+require 'soap/baseData'
+require 'soap/mapping/mapping'
+require 'soap/mapping/typeMap'
+module SOAP
+module Mapping
+class WSDLEncodedRegistry
+ include TraverseSupport
+ attr_reader :definedtypes
+ attr_accessor :excn_handler_obj2soap
+ def initialize(definedtypes, config = {})
+ @definedtypes = definedtypes
+ @config = config
+ @excn_handler_obj2soap = nil
+ # For mapping AnyType element.
+ @rubytype_factory =
+ :allow_untyped_struct => true,
+ :allow_original_mapping => true
+ )
+ end
+ def obj2soap(obj, type_qname = nil)
+ soap_obj = nil
+ if obj.nil?
+ soap_obj =
+ elsif type_qname.nil? or type_qname == XSD::AnyTypeName
+ soap_obj = @rubytype_factory.obj2soap(nil, obj, nil, self)
+ elsif obj.is_a?(XSD::NSDBase)
+ soap_obj = soap2soap(obj, type_qname)
+ elsif type = @definedtypes[type_qname]
+ soap_obj = obj2type(obj, type)
+ elsif (type = TypeMap[type_qname])
+ soap_obj = base2soap(obj, type)
+ end
+ return soap_obj if soap_obj
+ if @excn_handler_obj2soap
+ soap_obj = { |yield_obj|
+ Mapping._obj2soap(yield_obj, self)
+ }
+ return soap_obj if soap_obj
+ end
+ raise"Cannot map #{ } to SOAP/OM.")
+ end
+ def soap2obj(node)
+ raise"#{ self } is for obj2soap only.")
+ end
+ def soap2soap(obj, type_qname)
+ if obj.is_a?(SOAPBasetype)
+ obj
+ elsif obj.is_a?(SOAPStruct) && (type = @definedtypes[type_qname])
+ soap_obj = obj
+ mark_marshalled_obj(obj, soap_obj)
+ elements2soap(obj, soap_obj, type.content.elements)
+ soap_obj
+ elsif obj.is_a?(SOAPArray) && (type = @definedtypes[type_qname])
+ soap_obj = obj
+ contenttype = type.child_type
+ mark_marshalled_obj(obj, soap_obj)
+ obj.replace do |ele|
+ Mapping._obj2soap(ele, self, contenttype)
+ end
+ soap_obj
+ else
+ nil
+ end
+ end
+ def obj2type(obj, type)
+ if type.is_a?(::WSDL::XMLSchema::SimpleType)
+ simple2soap(obj, type)
+ else
+ complex2soap(obj, type)
+ end
+ end
+ def simple2soap(obj, type)
+ o = base2soap(obj, TypeMap[type.base])
+ if type.restriction.enumeration.empty?
+ STDERR.puts("#{}: simpleType which is not enum type not supported.")
+ return o
+ end
+ type.check_lexical_format(obj)
+ o
+ end
+ def complex2soap(obj, type)
+ case type.compoundtype
+ struct2soap(obj,, type)
+ when :TYPE_ARRAY
+ array2soap(obj,, type)
+ when :TYPE_MAP
+ map2soap(obj,, type)
+ else
+ raise"Unknown compound type: #{ type.compoundtype }")
+ end
+ end
+ def base2soap(obj, type)
+ soap_obj = nil
+ if type <= XSD::XSDString
+ soap_obj =, $KCODE) ?
+ XSD::Charset.encoding_conv(obj, $KCODE, XSD::Charset.encoding) : obj)
+ mark_marshalled_obj(obj, soap_obj)
+ else
+ soap_obj =
+ end
+ soap_obj
+ end
+ def struct2soap(obj, type_qname, type)
+ soap_obj =
+ mark_marshalled_obj(obj, soap_obj)
+ elements2soap(obj, soap_obj, type.content.elements)
+ soap_obj
+ end
+ def array2soap(obj, type_qname, type)
+ arytype = type.child_type
+ soap_obj =, 1, arytype)
+ mark_marshalled_obj(obj, soap_obj)
+ obj.each do |item|
+ soap_obj.add(Mapping._obj2soap(item, self, arytype))
+ end
+ soap_obj
+ end
+ MapKeyName =, "key")
+ MapValueName =, "value")
+ def map2soap(obj, type_qname, type)
+ keytype = type.child_type(MapKeyName) || XSD::AnyTypeName
+ valuetype = type.child_type(MapValueName) || XSD::AnyTypeName
+ soap_obj =
+ mark_marshalled_obj(obj, soap_obj)
+ obj.each do |key, value|
+ elem =
+ elem.add("key", Mapping._obj2soap(key, self, keytype))
+ elem.add("value", Mapping._obj2soap(value, self, valuetype))
+ # ApacheAxis allows only 'item' here.
+ soap_obj.add("item", elem)
+ end
+ soap_obj
+ end
+ def elements2soap(obj, soap_obj, elements)
+ elements.each do |element|
+ name =
+ child_obj = obj.instance_eval("@#{ name }")
+ soap_obj.add(name, Mapping._obj2soap(child_obj, self, element.type))
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/soap/mapping/wsdlliteralregistry.rb b/lib/soap/mapping/wsdlliteralregistry.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c190c9d904
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/soap/mapping/wsdlliteralregistry.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+# SOAP4R - WSDL literal mapping registry.
+# Copyright (C) 2004 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>.
+# This program is copyrighted free software by NAKAMURA, Hiroshi. You can
+# redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms of Ruby's license;
+# either the dual license version in 2003, or any later version.
+require 'soap/baseData'
+require 'soap/mapping/mapping'
+require 'soap/mapping/typeMap'
+require 'xsd/codegen/gensupport'
+module SOAP
+module Mapping
+class WSDLLiteralRegistry
+ attr_reader :definedelements
+ attr_reader :definedtypes
+ attr_accessor :excn_handler_obj2soap
+ attr_accessor :excn_handler_soap2obj
+ def initialize(definedelements = nil, definedtypes = nil)
+ @definedelements = definedelements
+ @definedtypes = definedtypes
+ @rubytype_factory = => false)
+ @schema_element_cache = {}
+ end
+ def obj2soap(obj, qname)
+ ret = nil
+ if !@definedelements.nil? && ele = @definedelements[qname]
+ ret = _obj2soap(obj, ele)
+ elsif !@definedtypes.nil? && type = @definedtypes[qname]
+ ret = obj2type(obj, type)
+ else
+ ret = unknownobj2soap(obj, qname)
+ end
+ return ret if ret
+ if @excn_handler_obj2soap
+ ret = { |yield_obj|
+ Mapping._obj2soap(yield_obj, self)
+ }
+ return ret if ret
+ end
+ raise"Cannot map #{ } to SOAP/OM.")
+ end
+ # node should be a SOAPElement
+ def soap2obj(node)
+ begin
+ return soapele2obj(node)
+ rescue MappingError
+ end
+ if @excn_handler_soap2obj
+ begin
+ return { |yield_node|
+ Mapping._soap2obj(yield_node, self)
+ }
+ rescue Exception
+ end
+ end
+ raise"Cannot map #{ } to Ruby object.")
+ end
+ def _obj2soap(obj, ele)
+ o = nil
+ if ele.type
+ if type = @definedtypes[ele.type]
+ o = obj2type(obj, type)
+ elsif type = TypeMap[ele.type]
+ o = base2soap(obj, type)
+ else
+ raise"Cannot find type #{ele.type}.")
+ end
+ o.elename =
+ elsif ele.local_complextype
+ o =
+ ele.local_complextype.each_element do |child_ele|
+ o.add(_obj2soap(Mapping.find_attribute(obj,,
+ child_ele))
+ end
+ else
+ raise'Illegal schema?')
+ end
+ o
+ end
+ def obj2type(obj, type)
+ if type.is_a?(::WSDL::XMLSchema::SimpleType)
+ simple2soap(obj, type)
+ else
+ complex2soap(obj, type)
+ end
+ end
+ def simple2soap(obj, type)
+ o = base2soap(obj, TypeMap[type.base])
+ if type.restriction.enumeration.empty?
+ STDERR.puts(
+ "#{}: simpleType which is not enum type not supported.")
+ return o
+ end
+ type.check_lexical_format(obj)
+ o
+ end
+ def complex2soap(obj, type)
+ o =
+ type.each_element do |child_ele|
+ o.add(_obj2soap(Mapping.find_attribute(obj,,
+ child_ele))
+ end
+ o
+ end
+ def unknownobj2soap(obj, name)
+ if obj.class.class_variables.include?('@@schema_element')
+ ele =
+ add_elements2soap(obj, ele)
+ add_attributes2soap(obj, ele)
+ ele
+ elsif obj.is_a?(Hash)
+ ele = SOAPElement.from_obj(obj)
+ ele.elename = name
+ ele
+ else # expected to be a basetype or an anyType.
+ o = Mapping.obj2soap(obj)
+ o.elename = name
+ o
+ end
+ end
+ def add_elements2soap(obj, ele)
+ elements, as_array = schema_element_definition(obj.class)
+ elements.each do |elename, type|
+ child = Mapping.find_attribute(obj, elename)
+ name =, elename)
+ if as_array.include?(type)
+ child.each do |item|
+ ele.add(obj2soap(item, name))
+ end
+ else
+ ele.add(obj2soap(child, name))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def add_attributes2soap(obj, ele)
+ attributes = schema_attribute_definition(obj.class)
+ attributes.each do |attrname, param|
+ attr = Mapping.find_attribute(obj, 'attr_' + attrname)
+ ele.extraattr[attrname] = attr
+ end
+ end
+ def base2soap(obj, type)
+ soap_obj = nil
+ if type <= ::XSD::XSDString
+ soap_obj =, $KCODE) ?
+ ::XSD::Charset.encoding_conv(obj, $KCODE, ::XSD::Charset.encoding) :
+ obj)
+ else
+ soap_obj =
+ end
+ soap_obj
+ end
+ def anytype2obj(node)
+ if node.is_a?(::SOAP::SOAPBasetype)
+ return
+ end
+ klass = ::SOAP::Mapping::Object
+ obj =
+ node.each do |name, value|
+ obj.__soap_set_property(name, Mapping.soap2obj(value))
+ end
+ obj
+ end
+ def soapele2obj(node, obj_class = nil)
+ unless obj_class
+ typestr = ::XSD::CodeGen::GenSupport.safeconstname(
+ obj_class = Mapping.class_from_name(typestr)
+ end
+ if obj_class and obj_class.class_variables.include?('@@schema_element')
+ soapele2definedobj(node, obj_class)
+ elsif node.is_a?(SOAPElement)
+ node.to_obj
+ else
+ result, obj = @rubytype_factory.soap2obj(nil, node, nil, self)
+ obj
+ end
+ end
+ def soapele2definedobj(node, obj_class)
+ obj = Mapping.create_empty_object(obj_class)
+ add_elements2obj(node, obj)
+ add_attributes2obj(node, obj)
+ obj
+ end
+ def add_elements2obj(node, obj)
+ elements, as_array = schema_element_definition(obj.class)
+ vars = {}
+ node.each do |name, value|
+ if class_name = elements[name]
+ if klass = Mapping.class_from_name(class_name)
+ if klass.ancestors.include?(::SOAP::SOAPBasetype)
+ if value.respond_to?(:data)
+ child =
+ else
+ child =
+ end
+ else
+ child = soapele2obj(value, klass)
+ end
+ else
+ raise"Unknown class: #{class_name}")
+ end
+ else # untyped element is treated as anyType.
+ child = anytype2obj(value)
+ end
+ if as_array.include?(class_name)
+ (vars[name] ||= []) << child
+ else
+ vars[name] = child
+ end
+ end
+ Mapping.set_instance_vars(obj, vars)
+ end
+ def add_attributes2obj(node, obj)
+ Mapping.set_instance_vars(obj, {'__soap_attribute' => {}})
+ vars = {}
+ attributes = schema_attribute_definition(obj.class)
+ attributes.each do |attrname, class_name|
+ attr = node.extraattr[, attrname)]
+ next if attr.nil? or attr.empty?
+ klass = Mapping.class_from_name(class_name)
+ if klass.ancestors.include?(::SOAP::SOAPBasetype)
+ child =
+ else
+ child = attr
+ end
+ vars['attr_' + attrname] = child
+ end
+ Mapping.set_instance_vars(obj, vars)
+ end
+ # it caches @@schema_element. this means that @@schema_element must not be
+ # changed while a lifetime of a WSDLLiteralRegistry.
+ def schema_element_definition(klass)
+ if @schema_element_cache.key?(klass)
+ return @schema_element_cache[klass]
+ end
+ elements = {}
+ as_array = []
+ klass.class_eval('@@schema_element').each do |name, class_name|
+ if /\[\]$/ =~ class_name
+ class_name = class_name.sub(/\[\]$/, '')
+ as_array << class_name
+ end
+ elements[name] = class_name
+ end
+ @schema_element_cache[klass] = [elements, as_array]
+ return @schema_element_cache[klass]
+ end
+ def schema_attribute_definition(klass)
+ attributes = klass.class_eval('@@schema_attribute')
+ end
diff --git a/lib/wsdl/soap/element.rb b/lib/wsdl/soap/element.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c39a00d25a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/wsdl/soap/element.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# WSDL4R - XMLSchema element definition for WSDL.
+# Copyright (C) 2004 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>.
+# This program is copyrighted free software by NAKAMURA, Hiroshi. You can
+# redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms of Ruby's license;
+# either the dual license version in 2003, or any later version.
+require 'wsdl/xmlSchema/element'
+module WSDL
+module XMLSchema
+class Element < Info
+ def map_as_array?
+ maxoccurs != '1'
+ end
+ def attributes
+ @local_complextype.attributes
+ end
+ def each_element
+ @local_complextype.each_element do |element|
+ yield(element)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/wsdl/xmlSchema/simpleContent.rb b/lib/wsdl/xmlSchema/simpleContent.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0d83678a01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/wsdl/xmlSchema/simpleContent.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# WSDL4R - XMLSchema simpleContent definition for WSDL.
+# Copyright (C) 2004 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>.
+# This program is copyrighted free software by NAKAMURA, Hiroshi. You can
+# redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms of Ruby's license;
+# either the dual license version in 2003, or any later version.
+require 'wsdl/info'
+require 'xsd/namedelements'
+module WSDL
+module XMLSchema
+class SimpleContent < Info
+ attr_accessor :base
+ attr_reader :derivetype
+ attr_reader :content
+ attr_reader :attributes
+ def initialize
+ super
+ @base = nil
+ @derivetype = nil
+ @content = nil
+ @attributes =
+ end
+ def targetnamespace
+ parent.targetnamespace
+ end
+ def parse_element(element)
+ case element
+ when RestrictionName, ExtensionName
+ @derivetype =
+ self
+ when AttributeName
+ if @derivetype.nil?
+ raise"base attr not found.")
+ end
+ o =
+ @attributes << o
+ o
+ end
+ end
+ def parse_attr(attr, value)
+ if @derivetype.nil?
+ return nil
+ end
+ case attr
+ when BaseAttrName
+ @base = value
+ else
+ nil
+ end
+ end