path: root/lib/shell.rb
diff options
authormatz <matz@b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e>1998-05-25 09:42:47 +0000
committermatz <matz@b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e>1998-05-25 09:42:47 +0000
commit8b1e7e34403977058d412931e31577df719fd2e4 (patch)
tree7743656749f91b601f3d025ea357e8a8043424d8 /lib/shell.rb
parent45c61f40b23b14e97428206e1b813eb813526e6f (diff)
*** empty log message ***
git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/shell.rb')
1 files changed, 666 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/shell.rb b/lib/shell.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a0ade9ab46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/shell.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,666 @@
+# shell.rb -
+# $Release Version: 0.1 $
+# $Revision: 1.1 $
+# $Date: 1998/03/29 17:10:09 $
+# by Keiju ISHITSUKA(Nippon Rational Inc.)
+# --
+require "e2mmap"
+require "ftools"
+class Shell
+ @RCS_ID='-$Id: shell.rb,v 1.1 1998/03/29 17:10:09 keiju Exp $-'
+ module Error
+ extend Exception2MessageMapper
+ def_exception :DirStackEmpty, "Directory stack empty."
+ def_exception :CanNotDefine, "Can't define method(%s, %s)."
+ def_exception :CanNotMethodApply, "This method(%s) can't apply this type(%s)."
+ def_exception :CommandNotFound, "Command not found(%s)."
+ end
+ include Error
+ class << Shell
+ attr :cascade, TRUE
+ attr :debug, TRUE
+ attr :verbose, TRUE
+ alias cascade? cascade
+ alias debug? debug
+ alias verbose? verbose
+ end
+ def
+ sh = new
+ path
+ sh
+ end
+ def Shell.default_system_path
+ if @default_system_path
+ @default_system_path
+ else
+ ENV["PATH"].split(":")
+ end
+ end
+ def Shell.default_system_path=(path)
+ @default_system_path = path
+ end
+ def Shell.default_record_separator
+ if @default_record_separator
+ @default_record_separator
+ else
+ $/
+ end
+ end
+ def Shell.default_record_separator=(rs)
+ @default_record_separator = rs
+ end
+ @cascade = TRUE
+ @debug = FALSE
+ @verbose = TRUE
+ def initialize
+ @cwd = Dir.pwd
+ @dir_stack = []
+ @umask = nil
+ @system_commands = {}
+ @system_path = Shell.default_system_path
+ @record_separator = Shell.default_record_separator
+ @verbose = Shell.verbose
+ end
+ attr :system_path
+ def system_path=(path)
+ @system_path = path
+ @system_commands = {}
+ end
+ def rehash
+ @system_commands = {}
+ end
+ attr :record_separator, TRUE
+ attr :umask, TRUE
+ attr :verbose, TRUE
+ alias verbose? verbose
+ def expand_path(path)
+ if /^\// =~ path
+ File.expand_path(path)
+ else
+ File.expand_path(File.join(@cwd, path))
+ end
+ end
+ def effect_umask
+ if @umask
+ Thread.critical = TRUE
+ save = File.umask
+ begin
+ yield
+ ensure
+ File.umask save
+ Thread.critical = FALSE
+ end
+ else
+ yield
+ end
+ end
+ # Dir関連メソッド
+ def [](pattern)
+ Thread.critical=TRUE
+ back = Dir.pwd
+ begin
+ Dir.chdir @cwd
+ Dir[pattern]
+ ensure
+ Dir.chdir back
+ Thread.critical = FALSE
+ end
+ end
+ alias glob []
+ def chdir(path = nil)
+ path = "~" unless path
+ @cwd = expand_path(path)
+ @system_commands.clear
+ end
+ alias cd chdir
+ def pushdir(path = nil)
+ if iterator?
+ pushdir(path)
+ begin
+ yield
+ ensure
+ popdir
+ end
+ elsif path
+ @dir_stack.push @cwd
+ @cwd = expand_path(path)
+ else
+ if pop = @dir_stack.pop
+ @dir_stack.push @cwd
+ chdir pop
+ else
+ DirStackEmpty
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ alias pushd pushdir
+ def popdir
+ if pop = @dir_stack.pop
+ @cwd = pop
+ else
+ DirStackEmpty
+ end
+ end
+ alias popd popdir
+ attr :cwd
+ alias dir cwd
+ alias getwd cwd
+ alias pwd cwd
+ def foreach(path = nil, *rs)
+ path = "." unless path
+ path = expand_path(path)
+ if
+ Dir.foreach(path){|fn| yield fn}
+ else
+ IO.foreach(path, *rs){|l| yield l}
+ end
+ end
+ def mkdir(path)
+ Dir.mkdir(expand_path(path))
+ end
+ #
+ # modeはpathがファイルの時だけ有効
+ #
+ def open(path, mode)
+ path = expand_path(path)
+ if
+ else
+ effect_umask do
+, mode)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+# public :open
+ def rmdir(path)
+ Dir.rmdir(expand_path(path))
+ end
+ def unlink(path)
+ path = expand_path(path)
+ if
+ Dir.unlink(path)
+ else
+ IO.unlink(path)
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # コマンド拡張
+ # command_specs = [[command_name, [arguments,...]]]
+ # FILENAME* -> expand_path(filename*)
+ # \*FILENAME* -> filename*.collect{|fn| expand_path(fn)}.join(", ")
+ #
+ def Shell.def_commands(delegation_class, command_specs)
+ for meth, args in command_specs
+ arg_str = args.collect{|arg| arg.downcase}.join(", ")
+ call_arg_str = args.collect{
+ |arg|
+ case arg
+ when /^(FILENAME.*)$/
+ format("expand_path(%s)", $1.downcase)
+ when /^(\*FILENAME.*)$/
+ # \*FILENAME* -> filenames.collect{|fn| expand_path(fn)}.join(", ")
+ $1.downcase + '.collect{|fn| expand_path(fn)}'
+ else
+ arg
+ end
+ }.join(", ")
+ d = %Q[
+ def #{meth}(#{arg_str})
+ #{delegation_class}.#{meth}(#{call_arg_str})
+ end
+ ]
+ if debug?
+ print d
+ elsif verbose?
+ print "Define #{meth}(#{arg_str})\n"
+ end
+ eval d
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # File関連メソッド
+ # open/foreach/unlinkは別定義
+ #
+ normal_delegation_file_methods = [
+ ["atime", ["FILENAME"]],
+ ["basename", ["fn", "*opts"]],
+ ["chmod", ["mode", "*FILENAMES"]],
+ ["chown", ["owner", "group", "FILENAME"]],
+ ["ctime", ["group", "*FILENAMES"]],
+ ["delete", ["*FILENAMES"]],
+ ["dirname", ["FILENAME"]],
+ ["ftype", ["FILENAME"]],
+ ["join", ["*items"]],
+ ["link", ["FILENAME_O", "FILENAME_N"]],
+ ["lstat", ["FILENAME"]],
+ ["mtime", ["FILENAME"]],
+ ["readlink", ["FILENAME"]],
+ ["rename", ["FILENAME_FROM", "FILENAME_TO"]],
+ ["size", ["FILENAME"]],
+ ["split", ["pathname"]],
+ ["stat", ["FILENAME"]],
+ ["symlink", ["FILENAME_O", "FILENAME_N"]],
+ ["truncate", ["FILENAME", "length"]],
+ ["utime", ["atime", "mtime", "*FILENAMES"]]]
+ def_commands(File,
+ normal_delegation_file_methods)
+ alias rm delete
+ # FileTest関連メソッド
+ def_commands(FileTest,
+ FileTest.singleton_methods.collect{|m| [m, ["FILENAME"]]})
+ # ftools関連メソッド
+ normal_delegation_ftools_methods = [
+ ["syscopy", ["FILENAME_FROM", "FILENAME_TO"]],
+ ["copy", ["FILENAME_FROM", "FILENAME_TO"]],
+ ["move", ["FILENAME_FROM", "FILENAME_TO"]],
+ ["compare", ["FILENAME_FROM", "FILENAME_TO"]],
+ ["safe_unlink", ["*FILENAMES"]],
+ ["makedirs", ["*FILENAMES"]],
+# ["chmod", ["mode", "*FILENAMES"]],
+ ["install", ["FILENAME_FROM", "FILENAME_TO", "mode"]],
+ ]
+ def_commands(File,
+ normal_delegation_ftools_methods)
+ alias cmp compare
+ alias mv move
+ alias cp copy
+ alias rm_f safe_unlink
+ alias mkpath makedirs
+ # testコマンド
+ alias top_level_test test
+ def test(command, file1, file2 = nil)
+ if file2
+ top_level_test command, expand_path(file1), expand_path(file2)
+ else
+ top_level_test command, expand_path(file1)
+ end
+ end
+ # shell拡張
+ def echo(*strings)
+, *strings)
+ end
+ def cat(*filenames)
+, *filenames)
+ end
+ def tee(file)
+, file)
+ end
+# def sort(*filenames)
+#, *filenames)
+# end
+ def system(command, *opts)
+, find_system_command(command), *opts)
+ end
+ #
+ # コマンドを検索する. もし存在しなけば例外を返す.
+ #
+ def find_system_command(command)
+ return command if /^\// =~ command
+ case path = @system_commands[command]
+ when String
+ if sh.exists?(path)
+ return path
+ else
+ CommandNotFound, command
+ end
+ when FALSE
+ CommandNotFound, command
+ end
+ for p in @system_path
+ path = join(p, command)
+ if FileTest.exists?(path)
+ @system_commands[command] = path
+ return path
+ end
+ end
+ @system_commands[command] = FALSE
+ CommandNotFound, command
+ end
+ #
+ # コマンドを特異メソッドとして定義する.
+ # 定義できない時は例外が発生する.
+ #
+ def def_system_command(command, path = command)
+ d = "
+ def self.#{command}(*opts)
+, find_system_command('#{path}'), *opts)
+ end
+ "
+ begin
+ eval d
+ rescue
+ print "Can't define self.#{command} path: #{path}\n" if debug? or verbose?
+ CanNotDefine, comamnd, path
+ end
+ if debug?
+ print d
+ elsif verbose?
+ print "Define self.#{command} path: #{path}\n"
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # コマンドをShellのメソッドとして定義する.
+ # 定義できない時は例外が発生する.
+ #
+ def Shell.def_system_command(command, path = command)
+ d = "
+ def #{command}(*opts)
+, '#{path}', *opts)
+ end
+ "
+ begin
+ eval d
+ rescue
+ print "Can't define #{command} path: #{path}\n" if debug? or verbose?
+ CanNotDefine, comamnd, path
+ end
+ if debug?
+ print d
+ elsif verbose?
+ print "Define #{command} path: #{path}\n"
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # default_path上にのるコマンドを定義する. すでに同名のメソッドが存在
+ # する時は, 定義を行なわない.
+ # デフォルトでは, 全てのメソッドには接頭子"sys_"をつける.
+ # メソッド名として許されないキャラクタ(英数時以外とメソッド名の
+ # 先頭が数値になる場合)は, 強制的に``_''に変換する.
+ # 定義エラーは無視する.
+ #
+ def Shell.install_system_command(pre = "sys_")
+ defined_meth = {}
+ for m in Shell.methods
+ defined_meth[m] = TRUE
+ end
+ sh =
+ for path in Shell.default_path
+ next unless path
+ path
+ sh.foreach do
+ |cn|
+ if !defined_meth[pre + cn] && sh.file?(cn) && sh.executable?(cn)
+ command = (pre + cn).gsub(/\W/, "_").sub(/^([0-9])/, '_\1')
+ begin
+ def_system_command(command, sh.expand_path(cn))
+ rescue
+ printf("Warning: Can't define %s path: %s\n",
+ comamnd,
+ cn) unless debug? or verbose?
+ end
+ defined_meth[command] = command
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # Filterクラス
+ # 必要なメソッド:
+ # each()
+ class Filter
+ include Enumerable
+ include Error
+ def initialize(sh)
+ @shell = sh
+ end
+ def input=(filter)
+ @input = filter
+ end
+ def each(rs = nil)
+ rs = @shell.record_separator unless rs
+ if @input
+ @input.each(rs){|l| yield l}
+ end
+ end
+ def < (src)
+ case src
+ when String
+ cat =, src)
+ cat | self
+ when IO
+ @input = src
+ self
+ else
+ CanNotMethodApply, "<", to.type
+ end
+ end
+ def > (to)
+ case to
+ when String
+ dst =, "w")
+ begin
+ each(){|l| dst << l}
+ ensure
+ dst.close
+ end
+ when IO
+ each(){|l| to << l}
+ else
+ CanNotMethodApply, ">", to.type
+ end
+ self
+ end
+ def >> (to)
+ case to
+ when String
+ dst =, "a")
+ begin
+ each(){|l| dst << l}
+ ensure
+ dst.close
+ end
+ when IO
+ each(){|l| to << l}
+ else
+ CanNotMethodApply, ">>", to.type
+ end
+ self
+ end
+ def | (filter)
+ filter.input = self
+ filter
+ end
+ def method_missing(method, *args)
+ if Shell.cascade? and @shell.respond_to?(method)
+ self | @shell.send(method, *args)
+ else
+ super
+ end
+ end
+ def to_a
+ ary = []
+ each(){|l| ary.push l}
+ ary
+ end
+ def to_s
+ str = ""
+ each(){|l| str.concat l}
+ str
+ end
+ end
+ class Echo < Filter
+ def initialize(sh, *strings)
+ super sh
+ @strings = strings
+ end
+ def each(rs = nil)
+ rs = @shell.record_separator unless rs
+ for str in @strings
+ yield str + rs
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ class Cat < Filter
+ def initialize(sh, *filenames)
+ super sh
+ @cat_files = filenames
+ end
+ def each(rs = nil)
+ if @cat_files.empty?
+ super
+ else
+ for src in @cat_files
+ @shell.foreach(src, rs){|l| yield l}
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+# class Sort < Cat
+# def initialize(sh, *filenames)
+# super
+# end
+# def each(rs = nil)
+# ary = []
+# super{|l| ary.push l}
+# for l in ary.sort!
+# yield l
+# end
+# end
+# end
+ class Tee < Filter
+ def initialize(sh, filename)
+ super sh
+ @to_filename = filename
+ end
+ def each(rs = nil)
+ to =, "w")
+ begin
+ super{|l| to << l; yield l}
+ ensure
+ to.close
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ class System < Filter
+ def initialize(sh, command, *opts)
+ require "socket"
+ super(sh)
+# @sock_me, @sock_peer = Socket.pair(Socket::AF_UNIX, Socket::SOCK_STREAM, 0)
+ @pipe_me_in, @pipe_peer_out = pipe
+ @pipe_peer_in, @pipe_me_out = pipe
+ begin
+ pid = fork {
+# @sock_me.close
+ @pipe_me_in.close
+ @pipe_me_out.close
+# STDIN.reopen(@sock_peer)
+# STDOUT.reopen(@sock_peer)
+ STDIN.reopen(@pipe_peer_in)
+ STDOUT.reopen(@pipe_peer_out)
+ fork {
+ exec(command + " " + opts.join(" "))
+ }
+ exit
+ }
+# print pid; $stdout.flush
+ ensure
+# sock_peer.close
+ @pipe_peer_in.close
+ @pipe_peer_out.close
+ begin
+ Process.waitpid(pid, nil)
+ rescue Errno::ECHILD
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def each(rs = nil)
+ rs = @shell.record_separator unless rs
+ begin
+ th_o = Thread.start{
+ super{|l| @pipe_me_out.print l}
+# @sock_me.shutdown(0)
+ @pipe_me_out.close
+ }
+ begin
+ @pipe_me_in.each(rs) do
+ |l|
+# print l
+ yield l
+ end
+ ensure
+ th_o.exit
+ end
+ ensure
+# @sock_peer.close unless @sock_peer.closed?
+# @sock_me.close
+ @pipe_me_in.close
+ end
+ end
+ end