path: root/doc
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authorhsbt <hsbt@b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e>2015-03-24 13:23:38 +0000
committerhsbt <hsbt@b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e>2015-03-24 13:23:38 +0000
commit6d86d0773cba83adc7e186967fece96ece4ed8ca (patch)
tree640e9e775617bda94d51bffcd503e689a2187243 /doc
parentcd101b50eac09681c175955f0b221cfb4d48e9a4 (diff)
* doc/extention.rdoc: move from toplevel document and added extname.
* doc/extention.ja.rdoc: ditto. git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
Diffstat (limited to 'doc')
2 files changed, 3449 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/extention.ja.rdoc b/doc/extention.ja.rdoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f4255ebb69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/extention.ja.rdoc
@@ -0,0 +1,1719 @@
+# README.EXT.ja - -*- RDoc -*- created at: Mon Aug 7 16:45:54 JST 1995
+= 基礎知識
+1. VALUEのデータタイプを知る
+2. VALUEをCのデータに変換する
+て,最悪プログラムがcore dumpします.
+== データタイプ
+T_NIL :: nil
+T_OBJECT :: 通常のオブジェクト
+T_CLASS :: クラス
+T_MODULE :: モジュール
+T_FLOAT :: 浮動小数点数
+T_STRING :: 文字列
+T_REGEXP :: 正規表現
+T_ARRAY :: 配列
+T_HASH :: 連想配列
+T_STRUCT :: (Rubyの)構造体
+T_BIGNUM :: 多倍長整数
+T_FIXNUM :: Fixnum(31bitまたは63bit長整数)
+T_COMPLEX :: 複素数
+T_RATIONAL :: 有理数
+T_FILE :: 入出力
+T_TRUE :: 真
+T_FALSE :: 偽
+T_DATA :: データ
+T_SYMBOL :: シンボル
+== VALUEのデータタイプをチェックする
+ switch (TYPE(obj)) {
+ case T_FIXNUM:
+ /* FIXNUMの処理 */
+ break;
+ case T_STRING:
+ /* 文字列の処理 */
+ break;
+ case T_ARRAY:
+ /* 配列の処理 */
+ break;
+ default:
+ /* 例外を発生させる */
+ rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "not valid value");
+ break;
+ }
+ void Check_Type(VALUE value, int type)
+ FIXNUM_P(obj)
+ NIL_P(obj)
+== VALUEをCのデータに変換する
+になります. FIXNUM を C の整数に変換するためにはマクロ
+char* を取り出す場合, StringValue() と StringValuePtr()
+StringValue(var) は var が String
+であれば何もせず,そうでなければ var を var.to_str() の結果
+に置き換えるマクロ,StringValuePtr(var) は同様に var を
+String に置き換えてから var のバイト列表現に対する char* を
+返すマクロです.var の内容を直接置き換える処理が入るので,
+var は lvalue である必要があります.
+また,StringValuePtr() に類似した StringValueCStr() というマ
+クロもあります.StringValueCStr(var) は var を String に置き
+換えてから var の文字列表現に対する char* を返します.返され
+る文字列の末尾には nul 文字が付加されます.なお,途中に nul
+文字が含まれる場合は ArgumentError が発生します.
+一方,StringValuePtr() では,末尾に nul 文字がある保証はなく,
+途中に nul 文字が含まれている可能性もあります.
+構造体は「struct RXxxxx」という名前でruby.hで定義されていま
+す.例えば文字列は「struct RString」です.実際に使う可能性が
+字にしたもの)という名前で提供されています(例: RSTRING()).た
+rb_xxxx() といった関数を使うようにして下さい.例えば,配列の
+要素へアクセスする場合は,rb_ary_entry(ary, offset),
+rb_ary_store(ary, offset, obj) を利用するようにして下さい.
+== CのデータをVALUEに変換する
+FIXNUMの場合 ::
+ 1bit左シフトして,LSBを立てる.
+その他のポインタの場合 ::
+ そのままVALUEにキャストする.
+はRubyの知っている構造体(ruby.hで定義されているstruct RXxxx
+INT2FIX() :: もとの整数が31bitまたは63bit以内に収まる自信
+ がある時
+INT2NUM() :: 任意の整数からVALUEへ
+== Rubyのデータを操作する
+=== 文字列に対する関数
+rb_str_new(const char *ptr, long len) ::
+ 新しいRubyの文字列を生成する.
+rb_str_new2(const char *ptr)
+rb_str_new_cstr(const char *ptr)
+ Cの文字列からRubyの文字列を生成する.この関数の機能は
+ rb_str_new(ptr, strlen(ptr))と同等である.
+rb_str_new_literal(const char *ptr)
+ Cのリテラル文字列からRubyの文字列を生成する.
+rb_tainted_str_new(const char *ptr, long len)
+ 汚染マークが付加された新しいRubyの文字列を生成する.外部
+ からのデータに基づく文字列には汚染マークが付加されるべき
+ である.
+rb_tainted_str_new2(const char *ptr)
+rb_tainted_str_new_cstr(const char *ptr)
+ Cの文字列から汚染マークが付加されたRubyの文字列を生成する.
+rb_sprintf(const char *format, ...)
+rb_vsprintf(const char *format, va_list ap)
+ Cの文字列formatと続く引数をprintf(3)のフォーマットにしたがって
+ 整形し,Rubyの文字列を生成する.
+ 注意: "%"PRIsVALUEがObject#to_s('+'フラグが指定されている
+ ときはObject#inspect)を使ったVALUEの出力に利用できる.これ
+ は"%i"と衝突するため,整数には"%d"を使用すること.
+rb_str_cat(VALUE str, const char *ptr, long len)
+ Rubyの文字列strにlenバイトの文字列ptrを追加する.
+rb_str_cat2(VALUE str, const char* ptr)
+rb_str_cat_cstr(VALUE str, const char* ptr)
+ Rubyの文字列strにCの文字列ptrを追加する.この関数の機能は
+ rb_str_cat(str, ptr, strlen(ptr))と同等である.
+rb_str_catf(VALUE str, const char* format, ...)
+rb_str_vcatf(VALUE str, const char* format, va_list ap)
+ Cの文字列formatと続く引数をprintf(3)のフォーマットにしたがって
+ 整形し,Rubyの文字列strに追加する.この関数の機能は,それぞれ
+ rb_str_cat2(str, rb_sprintf(format, ...)) や
+ rb_str_cat2(str, rb_vsprintf(format, ap)) と同等である.
+rb_enc_str_new(const char *ptr, long len, rb_encoding *enc)
+rb_enc_str_new_cstr(const char *ptr, rb_encoding *enc)
+ 指定されたエンコーディングでRubyの文字列を生成する.
+rb_enc_str_new_literal(const char *ptr)
+ Cのリテラル文字列から指定されたエンコーディングでRubyの文字列を生成する.
+rb_usascii_str_new(const char *ptr, long len)
+rb_usascii_str_new_cstr(const char *ptr)
+ エンコーディングがUS-ASCIIのRubyの文字列を生成する.
+rb_usascii_str_new_literal(const char *ptr)
+ Cのリテラル文字列からエンコーディングがUS-ASCIIのRubyの文字列を生成する.
+rb_utf8_str_new(const char *ptr, long len)
+rb_utf8_str_new_cstr(const char *ptr)
+ エンコーディングがUTF-8のRubyの文字列を生成する.
+rb_usascii_str_new_literal(const char *ptr)
+ Cのリテラル文字列からエンコーディングがUTF-8のRubyの文字列を生成する.
+rb_str_resize(VALUE str, long len)
+ Rubyの文字列のサイズをlenバイトに変更する.strの長さは前
+ 以てセットされていなければならない.lenが元の長さよりも短
+ い時は,lenバイトを越えた部分の内容は捨てられる.lenが元
+ の長さよりも長い時は,元の長さを越えた部分の内容は保存さ
+ れないでゴミになるだろう.この関数の呼び出しによって
+ RSTRING_PTR(str)が変更されるかもしれないことに注意.
+rb_str_set_len(VALUE str, long len)
+ Rubyの文字列のサイズをlenバイトにセットする.strが変更可
+ 能でなければ例外が発生する.RSTRING_LEN(str)とは無関係に,
+ lenバイトまでの内容は保存される.lenはstrの容量を越えてい
+ てはならない.
+== 配列に対する関数
+ 要素が0の配列を生成する.
+rb_ary_new2(long len)
+rb_ary_new_capa(long len)
+ 要素が0の配列を生成する.len要素分の領域をあらかじめ割り
+ 当てておく.
+rb_ary_new3(long n, ...)
+rb_ary_new_from_args(long n, ...)
+ 引数で指定したn要素を含む配列を生成する.
+rb_ary_new4(long n, VALUE *elts)
+rb_ary_new_from_values(long n, VALUE *elts)
+ 配列で与えたn要素の配列を生成する.
+rb_ary_to_ary(VALUE obj)
+ オブジェクトを配列に変換する.
+ Object#to_aryと同等である.
+他にも配列を操作する関数が多数ある. これらは
+引数aryに配列を渡さなければならない. さもないと
+rb_ary_aref(argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE ary)
+ Array#[]と同等.
+rb_ary_entry(VALUE ary, long offset)
+ ary[offset]
+rb_ary_store(VALUE ary, long offset, VALUE obj) ::
+ ary[offset] = obj
+rb_ary_subseq(VALUE ary, long beg, long len)
+ ary[beg, len]
+rb_ary_push(VALUE ary, VALUE val)
+rb_ary_pop(VALUE ary)
+rb_ary_shift(VALUE ary)
+rb_ary_unshift(VALUE ary, VALUE val)
+rb_ary_cat(VALUE ary, const VALUE *ptr, long len)
+ 配列aryにptrからlen個のオブジェクトを追加する.
+= Rubyの機能を使う
+== Rubyに機能を追加する
+* クラス,モジュール
+* メソッド,特異メソッドなど
+* 定数
+=== クラス/モジュール定義
+ VALUE rb_define_class(const char *name, VALUE super)
+ VALUE rb_define_module(const char *name)
+ VALUE rb_define_class_under(VALUE outer, const char *name, VALUE super)
+ VALUE rb_define_module_under(VALUE outer, const char *name)
+=== メソッド/特異メソッド定義
+ void rb_define_method(VALUE klass, const char *name,
+ VALUE (*func)(), int argc)
+ void rb_define_singleton_method(VALUE object, const char *name,
+ VALUE (*func)(), int argc)
+これらの関数の argcという引数はCの関数へ渡される引数の数(と
+メソッドを定義する関数はまだいくつかあります. ひとつはメソッド
+名としてIDを取ります. IDについては2.2.2を参照.
+ void rb_define_method_id(VALUE klass, ID name,
+ VALUE (*func)(ANYARGS), int argc)
+ void rb_define_private_method(VALUE klass, const char *name,
+ VALUE (*func)(), int argc)
+ void rb_define_protected_method(VALUE klass, const char *name,
+ VALUE (*func)(), int argc)
+最後に, rb_define_module関数はモジュール関数を定義します.
+ Math.sqrt(4)
+ include Math
+ sqrt(4)
+ void rb_define_module_function(VALUE module, const char *name,
+ VALUE (*func)(), int argc)
+関数的メソッド(Kernelモジュールのprivate method)を定義するた
+ void rb_define_global_function(const char *name, VALUE (*func)(), int argc)
+ void rb_define_alias(VALUE module, const char* new, const char* old);
+ void rb_define_attr(VALUE klass, const char *name, int read, int write)
+ void rb_define_alloc_func(VALUE klass, VALUE (*func)(VALUE klass));
+ void rb_undef_alloc_func(VALUE klass);
+ VALUE rb_call_super(int argc, const VALUE *argv)
+ VALUE rb_current_receiver(void)
+=== 定数定義
+ void rb_define_const(VALUE klass, const char *name, VALUE val)
+ void rb_define_global_const(const char *name, VALUE val)
+== Rubyの機能をCから呼び出す
+既に『1.5 Rubyのデータを操作する』で一部紹介したような関数を
+# このような関数の一覧表はいまのところありません.ソースを見
+# るしかないですね.
+=== Rubyのプログラムをevalする
+ VALUE rb_eval_string(const char *str)
+評価は例外を発生するかもしれないことに注意しましょう. より安全
+ VALUE rb_eval_string_protect(const char *str, int *state)
+=== IDまたはシンボル
+ :識別子
+ :"任意の文字列"
+ rb_intern(const char *name)
+ rb_intern_str(VALUE name)
+ rb_to_id(VALUE symbol)
+ rb_check_id(volatile VALUE *name)
+ rb_check_id_cstr(const char *name, long len, rb_encoding *enc)
+ rb_to_symbol(VALUE name)
+ rb_check_symbol(volatile VALUE *namep)
+ rb_check_symbol_cstr(const char *ptr, long len, rb_encoding *enc)
+=== CからRubyのメソッドを呼び出す
+ VALUE rb_funcall(VALUE recv, ID mid, int argc, ...)
+ VALUE rb_funcall2(VALUE recv, ID mid, int argc, VALUE *argv)
+ VALUE rb_funcallv(VALUE recv, ID mid, int argc, VALUE *argv)
+ VALUE rb_apply(VALUE recv, ID mid, VALUE args)
+=== 変数/定数を参照/更新する
+ VALUE rb_ivar_get(VALUE obj, ID id)
+ VALUE rb_ivar_set(VALUE obj, ID id, VALUE val)
+ VALUE rb_const_get(VALUE obj, ID id)
+定数を新しく定義するためには『2.1.3 定数定義』で紹介さ
+= RubyとCとの情報共有
+== Cから参照できるRubyの定数
+ Qtrue
+ Qfalse
+ Qnil
+== CとRubyで共有される大域変数
+ void rb_define_variable(const char *name, VALUE *var)
+またRuby側からは更新できない変数もあります.このread onlyの
+ void rb_define_readonly_variable(const char *name, VALUE *var)
+ void rb_define_hooked_variable(const char *name, VALUE *var,
+ VALUE (*getter)(), void (*setter)())
+# getterもsetterも0ならばrb_define_variable()と同じになる.
+ VALUE (*getter)(ID id, VALUE *var);
+ void (*setter)(VALUE val, ID id, VALUE *var);
+こともできます. その変数の値はフック関数のみによって取得・設定
+ void rb_define_virtual_variable(const char *name,
+ VALUE (*getter)(), void (*setter)())
+ (*getter)(ID id);
+ (*setter)(VALUE val, ID id);
+== CのデータをRubyオブジェクトにする
+ Data_Wrap_Struct(klass, mark, free, sval)
+# そのような参照は勧められません.
+なお, GC実行中はRubyオブジェクトのアロケーションは禁止されま
+す. よって, markおよびfree関数でRubyオブジェクトのアロケーシ
+ Data_Make_Struct(klass, type, mark, free, sval)
+ (sval = ALLOC(type), Data_Wrap_Struct(klass, mark, free, sval))
+klass, mark, freeはData_Wrap_Structと同じ働きをします.type
+に代入されます.この変数の型は (type*) である必要があります.
+ Data_Get_Struct(obj, type, sval)
+= 例題 - dbmパッケージを作る
+== ディレクトリを作る
+ % mkdir ext/dbm
+Ruby 1.1からは任意のディレクトリでダイナミックライブラリを作
+== 設計する
+== Cコードを書く
+とが衝突するからです.また,後述する mkmf ライブラリのいくつ
+ void
+ Init_dbm(void)
+ {
+ /* DBMクラスを定義する */
+ VALUE cDBM = rb_define_class("DBM", rb_cObject);
+ /* DBMはEnumerableモジュールをインクルードする */
+ rb_include_module(cDBM, rb_mEnumerable);
+ /* DBMクラスのクラスメソッドopen(): 引数はCの配列で受ける */
+ rb_define_singleton_method(cDBM, "open", fdbm_s_open, -1);
+ /* DBMクラスのメソッドclose(): 引数はなし */
+ rb_define_method(cDBM, "close", fdbm_close, 0);
+ /* DBMクラスのメソッド[]: 引数は1個 */
+ rb_define_method(cDBM, "[]", fdbm_fetch, 1);
+ /* ... */
+ /* DBMデータを格納するインスタンス変数名のためのID */
+ id_dbm = rb_intern("dbm");
+ }
+ struct dbmdata {
+ int di_size;
+ DBM *di_dbm;
+ };
+ obj = Data_Make_Struct(klass, struct dbmdata, 0, free_dbm, dbmp);
+ #define GetDBM(obj, dbmp) do {\
+ Data_Get_Struct(obj, struct dbmdata, dbmp);\
+ if (dbmp->di_dbm == 0) closed_dbm();\
+ } while (0)
+ static VALUE
+ fdbm_delete(VALUE obj, VALUE keystr)
+ {
+ /* ... */
+ }
+ static VALUE
+ fdbm_s_open(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass)
+ {
+ /* ... */
+ if (rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &file, &vmode) == 1) {
+ mode = 0666; /* default value */
+ }
+ /* ... */
+ }
+ static VALUE
+ thread_initialize(VALUE thread, VALUE args)
+ {
+ /* ... */
+ }
+ void rb_global_variable(VALUE *var)
+== extconf.rbを用意する
+ require 'mkmf'
+ have_library(lib, func): ライブラリの存在チェック
+ have_func(func, header): 関数の存在チェック
+ have_header(header): ヘッダファイルの存在チェック
+ create_makefile(target[, target_prefix]): Makefileの生成
+ $CFLAGS: コンパイル時に追加的に指定するフラグ(-Oなど)
+ $CPPFLAGS: プリプロセッサに追加的に指定するフラグ(-Iや-Dなど)
+ $LDFLAGS: リンク時に追加的に指定するフラグ(-Lなど)
+ $objs: リンクされるオブジェクトファイル名のリスト
+== dependを用意する
+ % gcc -MM *.c > depend
+== Makefileを生成する
+ ruby extconf.rb
+とします.extconf.rbに require 'mkmf' の行がない場合にはエラー
+ ruby -r mkmf extconf.rb
+site_ruby ディレクトリでなく,
+vendor_ruby ディレクトリにインストールする場合には
+以下のように --vendor オプションを加えてください.
+ ruby extconf.rb --vendor
+== makeする
+い.必要であれば make install でインストールされます.
+拡張ライブラリはmake installでRubyライブラリのディレクトリの
+拡張ライブラリ用のディレクトリの下に lib というディレクトリ
+を作り,そこに 拡張子 .rb のファイルを置いておけば同時にイン
+== デバッグ
+== できあがり
+= Appendix A. Rubyのソースコードの分類
+== Ruby言語のコア
+class.c :: クラスとモジュール
+error.c :: 例外クラスと例外機構
+gc.c :: 記憶領域管理
+load.c :: ライブラリのロード
+object.c :: オブジェクト
+variable.c :: 変数と定数
+== Rubyの構文解析器
+ parse.y : 字句解析器と構文定義
+ -> parse.c : 自動生成
+ keywords : 予約語
+ -> lex.c : 自動生成
+== Rubyの評価器 (通称YARV)
+ compile.c
+ eval.c
+ eval_error.c
+ eval_jump.c
+ eval_safe.c
+ insns.def : 仮想機械語の定義
+ iseq.c : VM::ISeqの実装
+ thread.c : スレッド管理とコンテキスト切り替え
+ thread_win32.c : スレッド実装
+ thread_pthread.c : 同上
+ vm.c
+ vm_dump.c
+ vm_eval.c
+ vm_exec.c
+ vm_insnhelper.c
+ vm_method.c
+ opt_insns_unif.def : 命令融合
+ opt_operand.def : 最適化のための定義
+ -> insn*.inc : 自動生成
+ -> opt*.inc : 自動生成
+ -> : 自動生成
+== 正規表現エンジン (鬼車)
+ regex.c
+ regcomp.c
+ regenc.c
+ regerror.c
+ regexec.c
+ regparse.c
+ regsyntax.c
+== ユーティリティ関数
+debug.c :: Cデバッガ用のデバッグシンボル
+dln.c :: 動的ローディング
+st.c :: 汎用ハッシュ表
+strftime.c :: 時刻整形
+util.c :: その他のユーティリティ
+== Rubyコマンドの実装
+ dmyext.c
+ dmydln.c
+ dmyencoding.c
+ id.c
+ inits.c
+ main.c
+ ruby.c
+ version.c
+ gem_prelude.rb
+ prelude.rb
+== クラスライブラリ
+array.c :: Array
+bignum.c :: Bignum
+compar.c :: Comparable
+complex.c :: Complex
+cont.c :: Fiber, Continuation
+dir.c :: Dir
+enum.c :: Enumerable
+enumerator.c :: Enumerator
+file.c :: File
+hash.c :: Hash
+io.c :: IO
+marshal.c :: Marshal
+math.c :: Math
+numeric.c :: Numeric, Integer, Fixnum, Float
+pack.c :: Array#pack, String#unpack
+proc.c :: Binding, Proc
+process.c :: Process
+random.c :: 乱数
+range.c :: Range
+rational.c :: Rational
+re.c :: Regexp, MatchData
+signal.c :: Signal
+sprintf.c :: String#sprintf
+string.c :: String
+struct.c :: Struct
+time.c :: Time
+defs/known_errors.def :: 例外クラス Errno::*
+-> :: 自動生成
+== 多言語化
+encoding.c :: Encoding
+transcode.c :: Encoding::Converter
+enc/*.c :: エンコーディングクラス群
+enc/trans/* :: コードポイント対応表
+== gorubyコマンドの実装
+ goruby.c
+ golf_prelude.rb : goruby固有のライブラリ
+ -> golf_prelude.c : 自動生成
+= Appendix B. 拡張用関数リファレンス
+== 型
+ Rubyオブジェクトを表現する型.必要に応じてキャストして用いる.
+ 組み込み型を表現するCの型はruby.hに記述してあるRで始まる構造
+ 体である.VALUE型をこれらにキャストするためにRで始まる構造体
+ 名を全て大文字にした名前のマクロが用意されている.
+== 変数・定数
+Qnil ::
+ 定数: nilオブジェクト
+Qtrue ::
+ 定数: trueオブジェクト(真のデフォルト値)
+Qfalse ::
+ 定数: falseオブジェクト
+== Cデータのカプセル化
+Data_Wrap_Struct(VALUE klass, void (*mark)(), void (*free)(), void *sval) ::
+ Cの任意のポインタをカプセル化したRubyオブジェクトを返す.こ
+ のポインタがRubyからアクセスされなくなった時,freeで指定した
+ 関数が呼ばれる.また,このポインタの指すデータが他のRubyオブ
+ ジェクトを指している場合,markに指定する関数でマークする必要
+ がある.
+Data_Make_Struct(klass, type, mark, free, sval) ::
+ type型のメモリをmallocし,変数svalに代入した後,それをカプセ
+ ル化したデータを返すマクロ.
+Data_Get_Struct(data, type, sval) ::
+ dataからtype型のポインタを取り出し変数svalに代入するマクロ.
+== 型チェック
+ TYPE(value)
+ FIXNUM_P(value)
+ NIL_P(value)
+ void Check_Type(VALUE value, int type)
+ SafeStringValue(value)
+== 型変換
+ FIX2INT(value), INT2FIX(i)
+ FIX2LONG(value), LONG2FIX(l)
+ NUM2INT(value), INT2NUM(i)
+ NUM2UINT(value), UINT2NUM(ui)
+ NUM2LONG(value), LONG2NUM(l)
+ NUM2ULONG(value), ULONG2NUM(ul)
+ NUM2LL(value), LL2NUM(ll)
+ NUM2ULL(value), ULL2NUM(ull)
+ NUM2OFFT(value), OFFT2NUM(off)
+ NUM2SIZET(value), SIZET2NUM(size)
+ NUM2SSIZET(value), SSIZET2NUM(ssize)
+ rb_integer_pack(value, words, numwords, wordsize, nails, flags), rb_integer_unpack(words, numwords, wordsize, nails, flags)
+ NUM2DBL(value)
+ rb_float_new(f)
+ StringValue(value)
+ StringValuePtr(value)
+ StringValueCStr(value)
+ rb_str_new2(s)
+== クラス/モジュール定義
+VALUE rb_define_class(const char *name, VALUE super) ::
+ superのサブクラスとして新しいRubyクラスを定義する.
+VALUE rb_define_class_under(VALUE module, const char *name, VALUE super) ::
+ superのサブクラスとして新しいRubyクラスを定義し,moduleの
+ 定数として定義する.
+VALUE rb_define_module(const char *name) ::
+ 新しいRubyモジュールを定義する.
+VALUE rb_define_module_under(VALUE module, const char *name) ::
+ 新しいRubyモジュールを定義し,moduleの定数として定義する.
+void rb_include_module(VALUE klass, VALUE module) ::
+ モジュールをインクルードする.classがすでにmoduleをインク
+ ルードしている時には何もしない(多重インクルードの禁止).
+void rb_extend_object(VALUE object, VALUE module) ::
+ オブジェクトをモジュール(で定義されているメソッド)で拡張する.
+== 大域変数定義
+void rb_define_variable(const char *name, VALUE *var) ::
+ RubyとCとで共有するグローバル変数を定義する.変数名が`$'で
+ 始まらない時には自動的に追加される.nameとしてRubyの識別子
+ として許されない文字(例えば` ')を含む場合にはRubyプログラ
+ ムからは見えなくなる.
+void rb_define_readonly_variable(const char *name, VALUE *var) ::
+ RubyとCとで共有するread onlyのグローバル変数を定義する.
+ read onlyであること以外はrb_define_variable()と同じ.
+void rb_define_virtual_variable(const char *name, VALUE (*getter)(), void (*setter)()) ::
+ 関数によって実現されるRuby変数を定義する.変数が参照された
+ 時にはgetterが,変数に値がセットされた時にはsetterが呼ばれ
+ る.
+void rb_define_hooked_variable(const char *name, VALUE *var, VALUE (*getter)(), void (*setter)()) ::
+ 関数によってhookのつけられたグローバル変数を定義する.変数
+ が参照された時にはgetterが,関数に値がセットされた時には
+ setterが呼ばれる.getterやsetterに0を指定した時にはhookを
+ 指定しないのと同じ事になる.
+void rb_global_variable(VALUE *var)
+ GCのため,Rubyプログラムからはアクセスされないが, Rubyオブ
+ ジェクトを含む大域変数をマークする.
+== 定数
+void rb_define_const(VALUE klass, const char *name, VALUE val) ::
+ 定数を定義する.
+void rb_define_global_const(const char *name, VALUE val) ::
+ 大域定数を定義する.
+ rb_define_const(rb_cObject, name, val)
+ と同じ意味.
+== メソッド定義
+rb_define_method(VALUE klass, const char *name, VALUE (*func)(), int argc) ::
+ メソッドを定義する.argcはselfを除く引数の数.argcが-1の時,
+ 関数には引数の数(selfを含まない)を第1引数, 引数の配列を第2
+ 引数とする形式で与えられる(第3引数はself).argcが-2の時,
+ 第1引数がself, 第2引数がargs(argsは引数を含むRubyの配列)と
+ いう形式で与えられる.
+rb_define_private_method(VALUE klass, const char *name, VALUE (*func)(), int argc) ::
+ privateメソッドを定義する.引数はrb_define_method()と同じ.
+rb_define_singleton_method(VALUE klass, const char *name, VALUE (*func)(), int argc) ::
+ 特異メソッドを定義する.引数はrb_define_method()と同じ.
+rb_scan_args(int argc, VALUE *argv, const char *fmt, ...) ::
+ argc, argv形式で与えられた指定されたフォーマットに従って引
+ 数を分解し,続くVALUEへの参照にセットします.このフォーマッ
+ トは,ABNFで記述すると以下の通りです.
+ scan-arg-spec := param-arg-spec [option-hash-arg-spec] [block-arg-spec]
+ param-arg-spec := pre-arg-spec [post-arg-spec] / post-arg-spec /
+ pre-opt-post-arg-spec
+ pre-arg-spec := num-of-leading-mandatory-args [num-of-optional-args]
+ post-arg-spec := sym-for-variable-length-args
+ [num-of-trailing-mandatory-args]
+ pre-opt-post-arg-spec := num-of-leading-mandatory-args num-of-optional-args
+ num-of-trailing-mandatory-args
+ option-hash-arg-spec := sym-for-option-hash-arg
+ block-arg-spec := sym-for-block-arg
+ num-of-leading-mandatory-args := DIGIT ; 先頭に置かれる省略不能な引数の数
+ num-of-optional-args := DIGIT ; 続いて置かれる省略可能な引数の数
+ sym-for-variable-length-args := "*" ; 続いて置かれる可変長引数を
+ ; Rubyの配列で取得するための指定
+ num-of-trailing-mandatory-args := DIGIT ; 終端に置かれる省略不能な引数の数
+ sym-for-option-hash-arg := ":" ; オプションハッシュを取得する
+ ; ための指定; 省略不能な引数の
+ ; 数よりも多くの引数が指定され,
+ ; 最後の引数がハッシュ(または
+ ; #to_hashで変換可能)の場合に
+ ; 取得される.最後の引数がnilの
+ ; 場合,可変長引数指定がなく,
+ ; 省略不能引数の数よりも多くの
+ ; 引数が指定された場合に取得される
+ sym-for-block-arg := "&" ; イテレータブロックを取得するための
+ ; 指定
+ フォーマットが"12"の場合,引数は最低1つで,3つ(1+2)まで許さ
+ れるという意味になります.従って,フォーマット文字列に続い
+ て3つのVALUEへの参照を置く必要があります.それらには取得した
+ 変数がセットされます.変数への参照の代わりにNULLを指定する
+ こともでき,その場合は取得した引数の値は捨てられます.なお,
+ 省略可能引数が省略された時の変数の値はnil(C言語のレベルでは
+ Qnil)になります.
+ 返り値は与えられた引数の数です.オプションハッシュおよびイ
+ テレータブロックは数えません.
+int rb_get_kwargs(VALUE keyword_hash, const ID *table, int required, int optional, VALUE *values)
+ キーワードで指定された値をtableにしたがって取り出します.
+ tableの最初のrequired個のIDは必須キーワードを表し,続く
+ optional (optionalが負の場合は-optional-1) 個のIDは省略可能
+ キーワードです.必須キーワードがkeyword_hash中にない場合,
+ "missing keyword"ArgumentErrorが発生します.省略可能キーワー
+ ドがない場合は,values中の対応する要素は変更されません.
+ keyword_hashに使用されない要素がある場合は,optionalが負なら
+ 新しいHashとして省略可能引数の次に保存されますが,そうでなけ
+ れば"unknown keyword"ArgumentErrorが発生します.
+VALUE rb_extract_keywords(VALUE *original_hash)
+ original_hashで参照されるHashオブジェクトから,Symbolである
+ キーとその値を新しいHashに取り出します.original_hashの指す
+ 先には,元のHashがSymbol以外のキーを含んでいた場合はそれらが
+ コピーされた別の新しいHash,そうでなければ0が保存されます.
+== Rubyメソッド呼び出し
+VALUE rb_funcall(VALUE recv, ID mid, int narg, ...) ::
+ メソッド呼び出し.文字列からmidを得るためにはrb_intern()を
+ 使う.
+ private/protectedなメソッドでも呼び出せる.
+VALUE rb_funcall2(VALUE recv, ID mid, int argc, VALUE *argv) ::
+VALUE rb_funcallv(VALUE recv, ID mid, int argc, VALUE *argv) ::
+ メソッド呼び出し.引数をargc, argv形式で渡す.
+ private/protectedなメソッドでも呼び出せる.
+VALUE rb_funcallv_public(VALUE recv, ID mid, int argc, VALUE *argv) ::
+ メソッド呼び出し.
+ publicなメソッドしか呼べない.
+VALUE rb_eval_string(const char *str)
+ 文字列をRubyスクリプトとしてコンパイル・実行する.
+ID rb_intern(const char *name) ::
+ 文字列に対応するIDを返す.
+char *rb_id2name(ID id) ::
+ IDに対応する文字列を返す(デバッグ用).
+char *rb_class2name(VALUE klass) ::
+ クラスの名前を返す(デバッグ用).クラスが名前を持たない時に
+ は, 祖先を遡って名前を持つクラスの名前を返す.
+int rb_respond_to(VALUE obj, ID id) ::
+ objがidで示されるメソッドを持つかどうかを返す.
+== インスタンス変数
+VALUE rb_iv_get(VALUE obj, const char *name) ::
+ objのインスタンス変数の値を得る.`@'で始まらないインスタン
+ ス変数は Rubyプログラムからアクセスできない「隠れた」イン
+ スタンス変数になる.定数は大文字の名前を持つクラス(または
+ モジュール)のインスタンス変数として実装されている.
+VALUE rb_iv_set(VALUE obj, const char *name, VALUE val) ::
+ objのインスタンス変数をvalにセットする.
+== 制御構造
+VALUE rb_block_call(VALUE obj, ID mid, int argc, VALUE * argv, VALUE (*func) (ANYARGS), VALUE data2) ::
+ funcをブロックとして設定し,objをレシーバ,argcとargvを引数
+ としてmidメソッドを呼び出す.funcは第一引数にyieldされた値,
+ 第二引数にdata2を受け取る.複数の値がyieldされた場合(Cでは
+ rb_yield_values()とrb_yield_values2(), rb_yield_splat()),
+ data2はArrayとしてパックされている.第三, 第四引数のargcと
+ argvによってyieldされた値を取り出すことができる.
+[OBSOLETE] VALUE rb_iterate(VALUE (*func1)(), VALUE arg1, VALUE (*func2)(), VALUE arg2) ::
+ func2をブロックとして設定し, func1をイテレータとして呼ぶ.
+ func1には arg1が引数として渡され, func2には第1引数にイテレー
+ タから与えられた値, 第2引数にarg2が渡される.
+ 1.9でrb_iterateを使う場合は, func1の中でRubyレベルのメソッド
+ を呼び出さなければならない.
+ 1.9でobsoleteとなった. 代わりにrb_block_callが用意された.
+VALUE rb_yield(VALUE val) ::
+ valを値としてイテレータブロックを呼び出す.
+VALUE rb_rescue(VALUE (*func1)(), VALUE arg1, VALUE (*func2)(), VALUE arg2) ::
+ 関数func1をarg1を引数に呼び出す.func1の実行中に例外が発生
+ した時には func2をarg2を引数として呼ぶ.戻り値は例外が発生
+ しなかった時はfunc1の戻り値, 例外が発生した時にはfunc2の戻
+ り値である.
+VALUE rb_ensure(VALUE (*func1)(), VALUE arg1, VALUE (*func2)(), VALUE arg2) ::
+ 関数func1をarg1を引数として実行し, 実行終了後(たとえ例外が
+ 発生しても) func2をarg2を引数として実行する.戻り値はfunc1
+ の戻り値である(例外が発生した時は戻らない).
+VALUE rb_protect(VALUE (*func) (VALUE), VALUE arg, int *state) ::
+ 関数funcをargを引数として実行し, 例外が発生しなければその戻
+ り値を返す.例外が発生した場合は, *stateに非0をセットして
+ Qnilを返す.
+ rb_jump_tag()を呼ばずに捕捉した例外を無視する場合には,
+ rb_set_errinfo(Qnil)でエラー情報をクリアしなければならない.
+void rb_jump_tag(int state) ::
+ rb_protect()やrb_eval_string_protect()で捕捉された例外を再
+ 送する.stateはそれらの関数から返された値でなければならない.
+ この関数は直接の呼び出し元に戻らない.
+void rb_iter_break() ::
+ 現在の最も内側のブロックを終了する.この関数は直接の呼び出
+ し元に戻らない.
+void rb_iter_break_value(VALUE value) ::
+ 現在の最も内側のブロックをvalueで終了する.ブロックは引数で
+ 与えられたvalueを返す.この関数は直接の呼び出し元に戻らない.
+== 例外・エラー
+void rb_warning(const char *fmt, ...) ::
+ rb_verbose時に標準エラー出力に警告情報を表示する.引数は
+ printf()と同じ.
+void rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, const char *fmt, ...) ::
+ RuntimeError例外を発生させる.引数はprintf()と同じ.
+void rb_raise(VALUE exception, const char *fmt, ...) ::
+ exceptionで指定した例外を発生させる.fmt以下の引数は
+ printf()と同じ.
+void rb_fatal(const char *fmt, ...) ::
+ 致命的例外を発生させる.通常の例外処理は行なわれず, インター
+ プリタが終了する(ただしensureで指定されたコードは終了前に
+ 実行される).
+void rb_bug(const char *fmt, ...) ::
+ インタープリタなどプログラムのバグでしか発生するはずのない
+ 状況の時呼ぶ.インタープリタはコアダンプし直ちに終了する.
+ 例外処理は一切行なわれない.
+注意: "%"PRIsVALUEがObject#to_s('+'フラグが指定されていると
+== Rubyの初期化・実行
+void ruby_init() ::
+ Rubyインタプリタの初期化を行なう.
+void *ruby_options(int argc, char **argv) ::
+ Rubyインタプリタのコマンドライン引数の処理を行ない,
+ Rubyのソースコードをコンパイルする.
+ コンパイルされたソースへのポインタ,もしくは特殊値を返す.
+int ruby_run_node(void *n) ::
+ コンパイルされたコードを実行する.
+ 実行に成功した場合はEXIT_SUCCESSを,エラーが起こったときはそれ以外を返す.
+void ruby_script(char *name) ::
+ Rubyのスクリプト名($0)を設定する.
+== インタプリタのイベントのフック
+ void rb_add_event_hook(rb_event_hook_func_t func, rb_event_flag_t events,
+ VALUE data)
+ typedef void (*rb_event_hook_func_t)(rb_event_t event, VALUE data,
+ VALUE self, ID id, VALUE klass)
+rb_add_event_hook() の第3引数 data は,フック関数の第2引数と
+ int rb_remove_event_hook(rb_event_hook_func_t func)
+== 互換性のためのマクロ
+ NORETURN マクロが関数型マクロとして定義されていることを意味する.
+ rb_define_alloc_func() 関数が提供されていること,つまり
+ allocation framework が使われることを意味する.
+ have_func("rb_define_alloc_func", "ruby.h")
+ の結果と同じ.
+ StringオブジェクトからRegexpオブジェクトを作る
+ rb_reg_new_str() 関数が提供されていることを意味する.
+ have_func("rb_reg_new_str", "ruby.h").
+ の結果と同じ.
+ rb_io_t 型が提供されていることを意味する.
+ メソッド名を返すメソッド,Module#methods, #singleton_methods
+ などがSymbolを返すことを意味する.
+ ruby.h で定義されている.対応するヘッダが提供されていること
+ を意味する.たとえば,HAVE_RUBY_ST_H が定義されている場合は
+ 単なる st.h ではなく ruby/st.h を使用する.
+ rb_add_event_hook() がフック関数に渡す data を第3引数として
+ 受け取ることを意味する.
+= Appendix C. extconf.rbで使える関数たち
+have_macro(macro, headers) ::
+ ヘッダファイルheaderをインクルードしてマクロmacroが定義さ
+ れているかどうかチェックする.マクロが定義されている時true
+ を返す.
+have_library(lib, func) ::
+ 関数funcを定義しているライブラリlibの存在をチェックする.
+ チェックに成功すると,-llibを$libsに追加し,trueを返す.
+find_library(lib, func, path...) ::
+ 関数funcを定義しているライブラリlibの存在を -Lpath を追加
+ しながらチェックする.チェックに成功すると,-llibを$libsに
+ 追加し,trueを返す.
+have_func(func, header) ::
+ ヘッダファイルheaderをインクルードして関数funcの存在をチェ
+ ックする.funcが標準ではリンクされないライブラリ内のもので
+ ある時には先にhave_libraryでそのライブラリをチェックしてお
+ く事.チェックに成功すると,プリプロセッサマクロ
+ `HAVE_{FUNC}` を定義し,trueを返す.
+have_var(var, header) ::
+ ヘッダファイルheaderをインクルードして変数varの存在をチェッ
+ クする.varが標準ではリンクされないライブラリ内のものであ
+ る時には先にhave_libraryでそのライブラリをチェックしておく
+ 事.チェックに成功すると,プリプロセッサマクロ
+ `HAVE_{VAR}` を定義し,trueを返す.
+have_header(header) ::
+ ヘッダファイルの存在をチェックする.チェックに成功すると,
+ プリプロセッサマクロ `HAVE_{HEADER_H}` を定義し,trueを返す.
+ (スラッシュやドットはアンダースコアに置換される)
+find_header(header, path...) ::
+ ヘッダファイルheaderの存在を -Ipath を追加しながらチェック
+ する.チェックに成功すると,プリプロセッサマクロ
+ `HAVE_{HEADER_H}` を定義し,trueを返す.
+ (スラッシュやドットはアンダースコアに置換される)
+have_struct_member(type, member[, header[, opt]]) ::
+ ヘッダファイルheaderをインクルードして型typeが定義され,
+ なおかつメンバmemberが存在するかをチェックする.チェックに
+ 成功すると,プリプロセッサマクロ `HAVE_{TYPE}_{MEMBER}` を
+ 定義し,trueを返す.
+have_type(type, header, opt) ::
+ ヘッダファイルheaderをインクルードして型typeが存在するかを
+ チェックする.チェックに成功すると,プリプロセッサマクロ
+ `HAVE_TYPE_{TYPE}` を定義し,trueを返す.
+check_sizeof(type, header) ::
+ ヘッダファイルheaderをインクルードして型typeのchar単位サイ
+ ズを調べる.チェックに成功すると,プリプロセッサマクロ
+ `SIZEOF_{TYPE}` を定義し,そのサイズを返す.定義されていな
+ いときはnilを返す.
+create_makefile(target[, target_prefix]) ::
+ 拡張ライブラリ用のMakefileを生成する.この関数を呼ばなけれ
+ ばそのライブラリはコンパイルされない.targetはモジュール名
+ を表す.
+find_executable(command, path) ::
+ コマンドcommandをFile::PATH_SEPARATORで区切られたパス名の
+ リストpathから探す.pathがnilまたは省略された場合は,環境
+ 変数PATHの値を使用する.実行可能なコマンドが見つかった場合
+ はパスを含むファイル名,見つからなかった場合はnilを返す.
+with_config(withval[, default=nil]) ::
+ コマンドライン上の--with-<withval>で指定されたオプション値
+ を得る.
+enable_config(config, *defaults) ::
+disable_config(config, *defaults) ::
+ コマンドライン上の--enable-<config>または
+ --disable-<config>で指定された真偽値を得る.
+ --enable-<config>が指定されていた場合はtrue,
+ --disable-<config>が指定されていた場合はfalseを返す.
+ どちらも指定されていない場合は,ブロックつきで呼び出されて
+ いる場合は*defaultsをyieldした結果,ブロックなしなら
+ *defaultsを返す.
+dir_config(target[, default_dir]) ::
+dir_config(target[, default_include, default_lib]) ::
+ コマンドライン上の--with-<target>-dir, --with-<target>-include,
+ --with-<target>-libのいずれかで指定されるディレクトリを
+ $CFLAGS や $LDFLAGS に追加する.--with-<target>-dir=/pathは
+ --with-<target>-include=/path/include --with-<target>-lib=/path/lib
+ と等価である.追加された include ディレクトリと lib ディレ
+ クトリの配列を返す. ([include_dir, lib_dir])
+pkg_config(pkg, option=nil) ::
+ pkg-configコマンドからパッケージpkgの情報を [cflags, ldflags, libs]
+ の配列として得る.$CFLAGS, $LDFLAGS, $libs にはそれぞれの値が
+ 追加される.
+ pkg-configの実際のコマンドは,以下の順で試される.
+ 1. コマンドラインで--with-{pkg}-config={command}オプションが
+ 指定された場合: {command} {option}
+ 2. {pkg}-config {option}
+ 3. pkg-config {option} {pkg}
+ optionが指定された場合は,上記の配列の代わりにそのオプションを
+ 指定して得られた出力をstripしたものを返す.
+= Appendix D. 世代別GC
+Ruby 2.1から世代別GCに対応しました.我々はこれをRGenGCと呼んでいます.
+rb_ary_store() などの,適切な API 関数を利用するようにして下さい.
+そのほか,対応についての詳細は README.EXT の「Appendix D. Generational
+ * Local variables:
+ * fill-column: 60
+ * end:
+ */
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new file mode 100644
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+# README.EXT - -*- RDoc -*- created at: Mon Aug 7 16:45:54 JST 1995
+This document explains how to make extension libraries for Ruby.
+= Basic Knowledge
+In C, variables have types and data do not have types. In contrast,
+Ruby variables do not have a static type, and data themselves have
+types, so data will need to be converted between the languages.
+Data in Ruby are represented by the C type `VALUE'. Each VALUE data
+has its data-type.
+To retrieve C data from a VALUE, you need to:
+1. Identify the VALUE's data type
+2. Convert the VALUE into C data
+Converting to the wrong data type may cause serious problems.
+== Data-Types
+The Ruby interpreter has the following data types:
+T_NIL :: nil
+T_OBJECT :: ordinary object
+T_CLASS :: class
+T_MODULE :: module
+T_FLOAT :: floating point number
+T_STRING :: string
+T_REGEXP :: regular expression
+T_ARRAY :: array
+T_HASH :: associative array
+T_STRUCT :: (Ruby) structure
+T_BIGNUM :: multi precision integer
+T_FIXNUM :: Fixnum(31bit or 63bit integer)
+T_COMPLEX :: complex number
+T_RATIONAL :: rational number
+T_TRUE :: true
+T_FALSE :: false
+T_DATA :: data
+T_SYMBOL :: symbol
+In addition, there are several other types used internally:
+T_ICLASS :: included module
+T_MATCH :: MatchData object
+T_UNDEF :: undefined
+T_NODE :: syntax tree node
+T_ZOMBIE :: object awaiting finalization
+Most of the types are represented by C structures.
+== Check Data Type of the VALUE
+The macro TYPE() defined in ruby.h shows the data type of the VALUE.
+TYPE() returns the constant number T_XXXX described above. To handle
+data types, your code will look something like this:
+ switch (TYPE(obj)) {
+ case T_FIXNUM:
+ /* process Fixnum */
+ break;
+ case T_STRING:
+ /* process String */
+ break;
+ case T_ARRAY:
+ /* process Array */
+ break;
+ default:
+ /* raise exception */
+ rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "not valid value");
+ break;
+ }
+There is the data-type check function
+ void Check_Type(VALUE value, int type)
+which raises an exception if the VALUE does not have the type
+There are also faster check macros for fixnums and nil.
+ FIXNUM_P(obj)
+ NIL_P(obj)
+== Convert VALUE into C Data
+The data for type T_NIL, T_FALSE, T_TRUE are nil, false, true
+respectively. They are singletons for the data type.
+The equivalent C constants are: Qnil, Qfalse, Qtrue.
+Note that Qfalse is false in C also (i.e. 0), but not Qnil.
+The T_FIXNUM data is a 31bit or 63bit length fixed integer.
+This size is depend on the size of long: if long is 32bit then
+T_FIXNUM is 31bit, if long is 64bit then T_FIXNUM is 63bit.
+T_FIXNUM can be converted to a C integer by using the
+FIX2INT() macro or FIX2LONG(). Though you have to check that the
+data is really FIXNUM before using them, they are faster. FIX2LONG()
+never raises exceptions, but FIX2INT() raises RangeError if the
+result is bigger or smaller than the size of int.
+There are also NUM2INT() and NUM2LONG() which converts any Ruby
+numbers into C integers. These macros includes a type check,
+so an exception will be raised if the conversion failed. NUM2DBL()
+can be used to retrieve the double float value in the same way.
+You can use the macros
+StringValue() and StringValuePtr() to get a char* from a VALUE.
+StringValue(var) replaces var's value with the result of "var.to_str()".
+StringValuePtr(var) does same replacement and returns char*
+representation of var. These macros will skip the replacement if var
+is a String. Notice that the macros take only the lvalue as their
+argument, to change the value of var in place.
+You can also use the macro named StringValueCStr(). This is just
+like StringValuePtr(), but always add nul character at the end of
+the result. If the result contains nul character, this macro causes
+the ArgumentError exception.
+StringValuePtr() doesn't guarantee the existence of a nul at the end
+of the result, and the result may contain nul.
+Other data types have corresponding C structures, e.g. struct RArray
+for T_ARRAY etc. The VALUE of the type which has the corresponding
+structure can be cast to retrieve the pointer to the struct. The
+casting macro will be of the form RXXXX for each data type; for
+instance, RARRAY(obj). See "ruby.h". However, we do not recommend
+to access RXXXX data directly because these data structure is complex.
+Use corresponding rb_xxx() functions to access internal struct.
+For example, to access an entry of array, use rb_ary_entry(ary, offset)
+and rb_ary_store(ary, offset, obj).
+There are some accessing macros for structure members, for example
+`RSTRING_LEN(str)' to get the size of the Ruby String object. The
+allocated region can be accessed by `RSTRING_PTR(str)'.
+Notice: Do not change the value of the structure directly, unless you
+are responsible for the result. This ends up being the cause of
+interesting bugs.
+== Convert C Data into VALUE
+To convert C data to Ruby values:
+ left shift 1 bit, and turn on LSB.
+Other pointer values::
+ cast to VALUE.
+You can determine whether a VALUE is pointer or not by checking its LSB.
+Notice Ruby does not allow arbitrary pointer values to be a VALUE. They
+should be pointers to the structures which Ruby knows about. The known
+structures are defined in <ruby.h>.
+To convert C numbers to Ruby values, use these macros.
+INT2FIX() :: for integers within 31bits.
+INT2NUM() :: for arbitrary sized integer.
+INT2NUM() converts an integer into a Bignum if it is out of the FIXNUM
+range, but is a bit slower.
+== Manipulating Ruby Data
+As I already mentioned, it is not recommended to modify an object's
+internal structure. To manipulate objects, use the functions supplied
+by the Ruby interpreter. Some (not all) of the useful functions are
+listed below:
+=== String Functions
+rb_str_new(const char *ptr, long len) ::
+ Creates a new Ruby string.
+rb_str_new2(const char *ptr) ::
+rb_str_new_cstr(const char *ptr) ::
+ Creates a new Ruby string from a C string. This is equivalent to
+ rb_str_new(ptr, strlen(ptr)).
+rb_str_new_literal(const char *ptr) ::
+ Creates a new Ruby string from a C string literal.
+rb_tainted_str_new(const char *ptr, long len) ::
+ Creates a new tainted Ruby string. Strings from external data
+ sources should be tainted.
+rb_tainted_str_new2(const char *ptr) ::
+rb_tainted_str_new_cstr(const char *ptr) ::
+ Creates a new tainted Ruby string from a C string.
+rb_sprintf(const char *format, ...) ::
+rb_vsprintf(const char *format, va_list ap) ::
+ Creates a new Ruby string with printf(3) format.
+ Note: In the format string, "%"PRIsVALUE can be used for Object#to_s
+ (or Object#inspect if '+' flag is set) output (and related argument
+ must be a VALUE). Since it conflicts with "%i", for integers in
+ format strings, use "%d".
+rb_str_cat(VALUE str, const char *ptr, long len) ::
+ Appends len bytes of data from ptr to the Ruby string.
+rb_str_cat2(VALUE str, const char* ptr) ::
+rb_str_cat_cstr(VALUE str, const char* ptr) ::
+ Appends C string ptr to Ruby string str. This function is
+ equivalent to rb_str_cat(str, ptr, strlen(ptr)).
+rb_str_catf(VALUE str, const char* format, ...) ::
+rb_str_vcatf(VALUE str, const char* format, va_list ap) ::
+ Appends C string format and successive arguments to Ruby string
+ str according to a printf-like format. These functions are
+ equivalent to rb_str_cat2(str, rb_sprintf(format, ...)) and
+ rb_str_cat2(str, rb_vsprintf(format, ap)), respectively.
+rb_enc_str_new(const char *ptr, long len, rb_encoding *enc) ::
+rb_enc_str_new_cstr(const char *ptr, rb_encoding *enc) ::
+ Creates a new Ruby string with the specified encoding.
+rb_enc_str_new_literal(const char *ptr) ::
+ Creates a new Ruby string from a C string literal with the specified
+ encoding.
+rb_usascii_str_new(const char *ptr, long len) ::
+rb_usascii_str_new_cstr(const char *ptr) ::
+ Creates a new Ruby string with encoding US-ASCII.
+rb_usascii_str_new_literal(const char *ptr) ::
+ Creates a new Ruby string from a C string literal with encoding
+rb_utf8_str_new(const char *ptr, long len) ::
+rb_utf8_str_new_cstr(const char *ptr) ::
+ Creates a new Ruby string with encoding UTF-8.
+rb_utf8_str_new_literal(const char *ptr) ::
+ Creates a new Ruby string from a C string literal with encoding
+ UTF-8.
+rb_str_resize(VALUE str, long len) ::
+ Resizes Ruby string to len bytes. If str is not modifiable, this
+ function raises an exception. The length of str must be set in
+ advance. If len is less than the old length the content beyond
+ len bytes is discarded, else if len is greater than the old length
+ the content beyond the old length bytes will not be preserved but
+ will be garbage. Note that RSTRING_PTR(str) may change by calling
+ this function.
+rb_str_set_len(VALUE str, long len) ::
+ Sets the length of Ruby string. If str is not modifiable, this
+ function raises an exception. This function preserves the content
+ upto len bytes, regardless RSTRING_LEN(str). len must not exceed
+ the capacity of str.
+=== Array Functions
+rb_ary_new() ::
+ Creates an array with no elements.
+rb_ary_new2(long len) ::
+rb_ary_new_capa(long len) ::
+ Creates an array with no elements, allocating internal buffer
+ for len elements.
+rb_ary_new3(long n, ...) ::
+rb_ary_new_from_args(long n, ...) ::
+ Creates an n-element array from the arguments.
+rb_ary_new4(long n, VALUE *elts) ::
+rb_ary_new_from_values(long n, VALUE *elts) ::
+ Creates an n-element array from a C array.
+rb_ary_to_ary(VALUE obj) ::
+ Converts the object into an array.
+ Equivalent to Object#to_ary.
+There are many functions to operate an array. They may dump core if other
+types are given.
+rb_ary_aref(argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE ary) ::
+ Equivalent to Array#[].
+rb_ary_entry(VALUE ary, long offset) ::
+ ary[offset]
+rb_ary_store(VALUE ary, long offset, VALUE obj) ::
+ ary[offset] = obj
+rb_ary_subseq(VALUE ary, long beg, long len) ::
+ ary[beg, len]
+rb_ary_push(VALUE ary, VALUE val) ::
+rb_ary_pop(VALUE ary) ::
+rb_ary_shift(VALUE ary) ::
+rb_ary_unshift(VALUE ary, VALUE val) ::
+rb_ary_cat(VALUE ary, const VALUE *ptr, long len) ::
+ Appends len elements of objects from ptr to the array.
+= Extending Ruby with C
+== Adding New Features to Ruby
+You can add new features (classes, methods, etc.) to the Ruby
+interpreter. Ruby provides APIs for defining the following things:
+* Classes, Modules
+* Methods, Singleton Methods
+* Constants
+=== Class and Module Definition
+To define a class or module, use the functions below:
+ VALUE rb_define_class(const char *name, VALUE super)
+ VALUE rb_define_module(const char *name)
+These functions return the newly created class or module. You may
+want to save this reference into a variable to use later.
+To define nested classes or modules, use the functions below:
+ VALUE rb_define_class_under(VALUE outer, const char *name, VALUE super)
+ VALUE rb_define_module_under(VALUE outer, const char *name)
+=== Method and Singleton Method Definition
+To define methods or singleton methods, use these functions:
+ void rb_define_method(VALUE klass, const char *name,
+ VALUE (*func)(), int argc)
+ void rb_define_singleton_method(VALUE object, const char *name,
+ VALUE (*func)(), int argc)
+The `argc' represents the number of the arguments to the C function,
+which must be less than 17. But I doubt you'll need that many.
+If `argc' is negative, it specifies the calling sequence, not number of
+the arguments.
+If argc is -1, the function will be called as:
+ VALUE func(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE obj)
+where argc is the actual number of arguments, argv is the C array of
+the arguments, and obj is the receiver.
+If argc is -2, the arguments are passed in a Ruby array. The function
+will be called like:
+ VALUE func(VALUE obj, VALUE args)
+where obj is the receiver, and args is the Ruby array containing
+actual arguments.
+There are some more functions to define methods. One takes an ID
+as the name of method to be defined. See also ID or Symbol below.
+ void rb_define_method_id(VALUE klass, ID name,
+ VALUE (*func)(ANYARGS), int argc)
+There are two functions to define private/protected methods:
+ void rb_define_private_method(VALUE klass, const char *name,
+ VALUE (*func)(), int argc)
+ void rb_define_protected_method(VALUE klass, const char *name,
+ VALUE (*func)(), int argc)
+At last, rb_define_module_function defines a module functions,
+which are private AND singleton methods of the module.
+For example, sqrt is the module function defined in Math module.
+It can be called in the following way:
+ Math.sqrt(4)
+ include Math
+ sqrt(4)
+To define module functions, use:
+ void rb_define_module_function(VALUE module, const char *name,
+ VALUE (*func)(), int argc)
+In addition, function-like methods, which are private methods defined
+in the Kernel module, can be defined using:
+ void rb_define_global_function(const char *name, VALUE (*func)(), int argc)
+To define an alias for the method,
+ void rb_define_alias(VALUE module, const char* new, const char* old);
+To define a reader/writer for an attribute,
+ void rb_define_attr(VALUE klass, const char *name, int read, int write)
+To define and undefine the `allocate' class method,
+ void rb_define_alloc_func(VALUE klass, VALUE (*func)(VALUE klass));
+ void rb_undef_alloc_func(VALUE klass);
+func has to take the klass as the argument and return a newly
+allocated instance. This instance should be as empty as possible,
+without any expensive (including external) resources.
+If you are overriding an existing method of any ancestor of your class,
+you may rely on:
+ VALUE rb_call_super(int argc, const VALUE *argv)
+To achieve the receiver of the current scope (if no other way is
+available), you can use:
+ VALUE rb_current_receiver(void)
+=== Constant Definition
+We have 2 functions to define constants:
+ void rb_define_const(VALUE klass, const char *name, VALUE val)
+ void rb_define_global_const(const char *name, VALUE val)
+The former is to define a constant under specified class/module. The
+latter is to define a global constant.
+== Use Ruby Features from C
+There are several ways to invoke Ruby's features from C code.
+=== Evaluate Ruby Programs in a String
+The easiest way to use Ruby's functionality from a C program is to
+evaluate the string as Ruby program. This function will do the job:
+ VALUE rb_eval_string(const char *str)
+Evaluation is done under the current context, thus current local variables
+of the innermost method (which is defined by Ruby) can be accessed.
+Note that the evaluation can raise an exception. There is a safer
+ VALUE rb_eval_string_protect(const char *str, int *state)
+It returns nil when an error occur. Moreover, *state is zero if str was
+successfully evaluated, or nonzero otherwise.
+=== ID or Symbol
+You can invoke methods directly, without parsing the string. First I
+need to explain about ID. ID is the integer number to represent
+Ruby's identifiers such as variable names. The Ruby data type
+corresponding to ID is Symbol. It can be accessed from Ruby in the
+ :Identifier
+ :"any kind of string"
+You can get the ID value from a string within C code by using
+ rb_intern(const char *name)
+ rb_intern_str(VALUE name)
+You can retrieve ID from Ruby object (Symbol or String) given as an
+argument by using
+ rb_to_id(VALUE symbol)
+ rb_check_id(volatile VALUE *name)
+ rb_check_id_cstr(const char *name, long len, rb_encoding *enc)
+These functions try to convert the argument to a String if it was not
+a Symbol nor a String. The second function stores the converted
+result into *name, and returns 0 if the string is not a known symbol.
+After this function returned a non-zero value, *name is always a
+Symbol or a String, otherwise it is a String if the result is 0.
+The third function takes NUL-terminated C string, not Ruby VALUE.
+You can retrieve Symbol from Ruby object (Symbol or String) given as
+an argument by using
+ rb_to_symbol(VALUE name)
+ rb_check_symbol(volatile VALUE *namep)
+ rb_check_symbol_cstr(const char *ptr, long len, rb_encoding *enc)
+These functions are similar to above functions except that these
+return a Symbol instead of an ID.
+You can convert C ID to Ruby Symbol by using
+and to convert Ruby Symbol object to ID, use
+ ID SYM2ID(VALUE symbol)
+=== Invoke Ruby Method from C
+To invoke methods directly, you can use the function below
+ VALUE rb_funcall(VALUE recv, ID mid, int argc, ...)
+This function invokes a method on the recv, with the method name
+specified by the symbol mid.
+=== Accessing the Variables and Constants
+You can access class variables and instance variables using access
+functions. Also, global variables can be shared between both
+environments. There's no way to access Ruby's local variables.
+The functions to access/modify instance variables are below:
+ VALUE rb_ivar_get(VALUE obj, ID id)
+ VALUE rb_ivar_set(VALUE obj, ID id, VALUE val)
+id must be the symbol, which can be retrieved by rb_intern().
+To access the constants of the class/module:
+ VALUE rb_const_get(VALUE obj, ID id)
+See also Constant Definition above.
+= Information Sharing Between Ruby and C
+=== Ruby Constants That C Can Be Accessed From C
+As stated in section 1.3,
+the following Ruby constants can be referred from C.
+ Qtrue
+ Qfalse
+Boolean values. Qfalse is false in C also (i.e. 0).
+ Qnil
+Ruby nil in C scope.
+== Global Variables Shared Between C and Ruby
+Information can be shared between the two environments using shared global
+variables. To define them, you can use functions listed below:
+ void rb_define_variable(const char *name, VALUE *var)
+This function defines the variable which is shared by both environments.
+The value of the global variable pointed to by `var' can be accessed
+through Ruby's global variable named `name'.
+You can define read-only (from Ruby, of course) variables using the
+function below.
+ void rb_define_readonly_variable(const char *name, VALUE *var)
+You can defined hooked variables. The accessor functions (getter and
+setter) are called on access to the hooked variables.
+ void rb_define_hooked_variable(const char *name, VALUE *var,
+ VALUE (*getter)(), void (*setter)())
+If you need to supply either setter or getter, just supply 0 for the
+hook you don't need. If both hooks are 0, rb_define_hooked_variable()
+works just like rb_define_variable().
+The prototypes of the getter and setter functions are as follows:
+ VALUE (*getter)(ID id, VALUE *var);
+ void (*setter)(VALUE val, ID id, VALUE *var);
+Also you can define a Ruby global variable without a corresponding C
+variable. The value of the variable will be set/get only by hooks.
+ void rb_define_virtual_variable(const char *name,
+ VALUE (*getter)(), void (*setter)())
+The prototypes of the getter and setter functions are as follows:
+ VALUE (*getter)(ID id);
+ void (*setter)(VALUE val, ID id);
+== Encapsulate C Data into a Ruby Object
+To wrap and objectify a C pointer as a Ruby object (so called
+DATA), use Data_Wrap_Struct().
+ Data_Wrap_Struct(klass, mark, free, sval)
+Data_Wrap_Struct() returns a created DATA object. The klass argument
+is the class for the DATA object. The mark argument is the function
+to mark Ruby objects pointed by this data. The free argument is the
+function to free the pointer allocation. If this is -1, the pointer
+will be just freed. The functions mark and free will be called from
+garbage collector.
+These mark / free functions are invoked during GC execution. No
+object allocations are allowed during it, so do not allocate ruby
+objects inside them.
+You can allocate and wrap the structure in one step.
+ Data_Make_Struct(klass, type, mark, free, sval)
+This macro returns an allocated Data object, wrapping the pointer to
+the structure, which is also allocated. This macro works like:
+ (sval = ALLOC(type), Data_Wrap_Struct(klass, mark, free, sval))
+Arguments klass, mark, and free work like their counterparts in
+Data_Wrap_Struct(). A pointer to the allocated structure will be
+assigned to sval, which should be a pointer of the type specified.
+To retrieve the C pointer from the Data object, use the macro
+ Data_Get_Struct(obj, type, sval)
+A pointer to the structure will be assigned to the variable sval.
+See the example below for details.
+= Example - Creating dbm Extension
+OK, here's the example of making an extension library. This is the
+extension to access DBMs. The full source is included in the ext/
+directory in the Ruby's source tree.
+== Make the Directory
+ % mkdir ext/dbm
+Make a directory for the extension library under ext directory.
+== Design the Library
+You need to design the library features, before making it.
+== Write the C Code
+You need to write C code for your extension library. If your library
+has only one source file, choosing ``LIBRARY.c'' as a file name is
+preferred. On the other hand, in case your library has multiple source
+files, avoid choosing ``LIBRARY.c'' for a file name. It may conflict
+with an intermediate file ``LIBRARY.o'' on some platforms.
+Note that some functions in mkmf library described below generate
+a file ``conftest.c'' for checking with compilation. You shouldn't
+choose ``conftest.c'' as a name of a source file.
+Ruby will execute the initializing function named ``Init_LIBRARY'' in
+the library. For example, ``Init_dbm()'' will be executed when loading
+the library.
+Here's the example of an initializing function.
+ void
+ Init_dbm(void)
+ {
+ /* define DBM class */
+ VALUE cDBM = rb_define_class("DBM", rb_cObject);
+ /* DBM includes Enumerable module */
+ rb_include_module(cDBM, rb_mEnumerable);
+ /* DBM has class method open(): arguments are received as C array */
+ rb_define_singleton_method(cDBM, "open", fdbm_s_open, -1);
+ /* DBM instance method close(): no args */
+ rb_define_method(cDBM, "close", fdbm_close, 0);
+ /* DBM instance method []: 1 argument */
+ rb_define_method(cDBM, "[]", fdbm_fetch, 1);
+ /* ... */
+ /* ID for a instance variable to store DBM data */
+ id_dbm = rb_intern("dbm");
+ }
+The dbm extension wraps the dbm struct in the C environment using
+ struct dbmdata {
+ int di_size;
+ DBM *di_dbm;
+ };
+ obj = Data_Make_Struct(klass, struct dbmdata, 0, free_dbm, dbmp);
+This code wraps the dbmdata structure into a Ruby object. We avoid
+wrapping DBM* directly, because we want to cache size information.
+To retrieve the dbmdata structure from a Ruby object, we define the
+following macro:
+ #define GetDBM(obj, dbmp) do {\
+ Data_Get_Struct(obj, struct dbmdata, dbmp);\
+ if (dbmp->di_dbm == 0) closed_dbm();\
+ } while (0)
+This sort of complicated macro does the retrieving and close checking for
+the DBM.
+There are three kinds of way to receive method arguments. First,
+methods with a fixed number of arguments receive arguments like this:
+ static VALUE
+ fdbm_delete(VALUE obj, VALUE keystr)
+ {
+ /* ... */
+ }
+The first argument of the C function is the self, the rest are the
+arguments to the method.
+Second, methods with an arbitrary number of arguments receive
+arguments like this:
+ static VALUE
+ fdbm_s_open(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass)
+ {
+ /* ... */
+ if (rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &file, &vmode) == 1) {
+ mode = 0666; /* default value */
+ }
+ /* ... */
+ }
+The first argument is the number of method arguments, the second
+argument is the C array of the method arguments, and the third
+argument is the receiver of the method.
+You can use the function rb_scan_args() to check and retrieve the
+arguments. The third argument is a string that specifies how to
+capture method arguments and assign them to the following VALUE
+The following is an example of a method that takes arguments by Ruby's
+ static VALUE
+ thread_initialize(VALUE thread, VALUE args)
+ {
+ /* ... */
+ }
+The first argument is the receiver, the second one is the Ruby array
+which contains the arguments to the method.
+*Notice*: GC should know about global variables which refer to Ruby's objects,
+but are not exported to the Ruby world. You need to protect them by
+ void rb_global_variable(VALUE *var)
+== Prepare extconf.rb
+If the file named extconf.rb exists, it will be executed to generate
+extconf.rb is the file for checking compilation conditions etc. You
+need to put
+ require 'mkmf'
+at the top of the file. You can use the functions below to check
+various conditions.
+ have_macro(macro[, headers[, opt]]): check whether macro is defined
+ have_library(lib[, func[, headers[, opt]]]): check whether library containing function exists
+ find_library(lib[, func, *paths]): find library from paths
+ have_func(func[, headers[, opt]): check whether function exists
+ have_var(var[, headers[, opt]]): check whether variable exists
+ have_header(header[, preheaders[, opt]]): check whether header file exists
+ find_header(header, *paths): find header from paths
+ have_framework(fw): check whether framework exists (for MacOS X)
+ have_struct_member(type, member[, headers[, opt]]): check whether struct has member
+ have_type(type[, headers[, opt]]): check whether type exists
+ find_type(type, opt, *headers): check whether type exists in headers
+ have_const(const[, headers[, opt]]): check whether constant is defined
+ check_sizeof(type[, headers[, opts]]): check size of type
+ check_signedness(type[, headers[, opts]]): check signedness of type
+ convertible_int(type[, headers[, opts]]): find convertible integer type
+ find_executable(bin[, path]): find executable file path
+ create_header(header): generate configured header
+ create_makefile(target[, target_prefix]): generate Makefile
+See MakeMakefile for full documentation of these functions.
+The value of the variables below will affect the Makefile.
+ $CFLAGS: included in CFLAGS make variable (such as -O)
+ $CPPFLAGS: included in CPPFLAGS make variable (such as -I, -D)
+ $LDFLAGS: included in LDFLAGS make variable (such as -L)
+ $objs: list of object file names
+Normally, the object files list is automatically generated by searching
+source files, but you must define them explicitly if any sources will
+be generated while building.
+If a compilation condition is not fulfilled, you should not call
+``create_makefile''. The Makefile will not be generated, compilation will
+not be done.
+== Prepare Depend (Optional)
+If the file named depend exists, Makefile will include that file to
+check dependencies. You can make this file by invoking
+ % gcc -MM *.c > depend
+It's harmless. Prepare it.
+== Generate Makefile
+Try generating the Makefile by:
+ ruby extconf.rb
+If the library should be installed under vendor_ruby directory
+instead of site_ruby directory, use --vendor option as follows.
+ ruby extconf.rb --vendor
+You don't need this step if you put the extension library under the ext
+directory of the ruby source tree. In that case, compilation of the
+interpreter will do this step for you.
+== Run make
+ make
+to compile your extension. You don't need this step either if you have
+put the extension library under the ext directory of the ruby source tree.
+== Debug
+You may need to rb_debug the extension. Extensions can be linked
+statically by adding the directory name in the ext/Setup file so that
+you can inspect the extension with the debugger.
+== Done! Now You Have the Extension Library
+You can do anything you want with your library. The author of Ruby
+will not claim any restrictions on your code depending on the Ruby API.
+Feel free to use, modify, distribute or sell your program.
+= Appendix A. Ruby Source Files Overview
+== Ruby Language Core
+class.c :: classes and modules
+error.c :: exception classes and exception mechanism
+gc.c :: memory management
+load.c :: library loading
+object.c :: objects
+variable.c :: variables and constants
+== Ruby Syntax Parser
+parse.y :: grammar definition
+parse.c :: automatically generated from parse.y
+keywords :: reserved keywords
+lex.c :: automatically generated from keywords
+== Ruby Evaluator (a.k.a. YARV)
+ compile.c
+ eval.c
+ eval_error.c
+ eval_jump.c
+ eval_safe.c
+ insns.def : definition of VM instructions
+ iseq.c : implementation of VM::ISeq
+ thread.c : thread management and context switching
+ thread_win32.c : thread implementation
+ thread_pthread.c : ditto
+ vm.c
+ vm_dump.c
+ vm_eval.c
+ vm_exec.c
+ vm_insnhelper.c
+ vm_method.c
+ opt_insns_unif.def : instruction unification
+ opt_operand.def : definitions for optimization
+ -> insn*.inc : automatically generated
+ -> opt*.inc : automatically generated
+ -> : automatically generated
+== Regular Expression Engine (Oniguruma)
+ regex.c
+ regcomp.c
+ regenc.c
+ regerror.c
+ regexec.c
+ regparse.c
+ regsyntax.c
+== Utility Functions
+debug.c :: debug symbols for C debugger
+dln.c :: dynamic loading
+st.c :: general purpose hash table
+strftime.c :: formatting times
+util.c :: misc utilities
+== Ruby Interpreter Implementation
+ dmyext.c
+ dmydln.c
+ dmyencoding.c
+ id.c
+ inits.c
+ main.c
+ ruby.c
+ version.c
+ gem_prelude.rb
+ prelude.rb
+== Class Library
+array.c :: Array
+bignum.c :: Bignum
+compar.c :: Comparable
+complex.c :: Complex
+cont.c :: Fiber, Continuation
+dir.c :: Dir
+enum.c :: Enumerable
+enumerator.c :: Enumerator
+file.c :: File
+hash.c :: Hash
+io.c :: IO
+marshal.c :: Marshal
+math.c :: Math
+numeric.c :: Numeric, Integer, Fixnum, Float
+pack.c :: Array#pack, String#unpack
+proc.c :: Binding, Proc
+process.c :: Process
+random.c :: random number
+range.c :: Range
+rational.c :: Rational
+re.c :: Regexp, MatchData
+signal.c :: Signal
+sprintf.c :: String#sprintf
+string.c :: String
+struct.c :: Struct
+time.c :: Time
+defs/known_errors.def :: Errno::* exception classes
+-> :: automatically generated
+== Multilingualization
+encoding.c :: Encoding
+transcode.c :: Encoding::Converter
+enc/*.c :: encoding classes
+enc/trans/* :: codepoint mapping tables
+== goruby Interpreter Implementation
+ goruby.c
+ golf_prelude.rb : goruby specific libraries.
+ -> golf_prelude.c : automatically generated
+= Appendix B. Ruby Extension API Reference
+== Types
+ The type for the Ruby object. Actual structures are defined in ruby.h,
+ such as struct RString, etc. To refer the values in structures, use
+ casting macros like RSTRING(obj).
+== Variables and Constants
+ nil object
+ true object (default true value)
+ false object
+== C Pointer Wrapping
+Data_Wrap_Struct(VALUE klass, void (*mark)(), void (*free)(), void *sval) ::
+ Wrap a C pointer into a Ruby object. If object has references to other
+ Ruby objects, they should be marked by using the mark function during
+ the GC process. Otherwise, mark should be 0. When this object is no
+ longer referred by anywhere, the pointer will be discarded by free
+ function.
+Data_Make_Struct(klass, type, mark, free, sval) ::
+ This macro allocates memory using malloc(), assigns it to the variable
+ sval, and returns the DATA encapsulating the pointer to memory region.
+Data_Get_Struct(data, type, sval) ::
+ This macro retrieves the pointer value from DATA, and assigns it to
+ the variable sval.
+== Checking Data Types
+TYPE(value) ::
+ Internal type (T_NIL, T_FIXNUM, etc.)
+FIXNUM_P(value) ::
+ Is +value+ a Fixnum?
+NIL_P(value) ::
+ Is +value+ nil?
+void Check_Type(VALUE value, int type) ::
+ Ensures +value+ is of the given internal +type+ or raises a TypeError
+SaveStringValue(value) ::
+ Checks that +value+ is a String and is not tainted
+== Data Type Conversion
+FIX2INT(value), INT2FIX(i) ::
+ Fixnum <-> integer
+FIX2LONG(value), LONG2FIX(l) ::
+ Fixnum <-> long
+NUM2INT(value), INT2NUM(i) ::
+ Numeric <-> integer
+NUM2UINT(value), UINT2NUM(ui) ::
+ Numeric <-> unsigned integer
+NUM2LONG(value), LONG2NUM(l) ::
+ Numeric <-> long
+NUM2ULONG(value), ULONG2NUM(ul) ::
+ Numeric <-> unsigned long
+NUM2LL(value), LL2NUM(ll) ::
+ Numeric <-> long long
+NUM2ULL(value), ULL2NUM(ull) ::
+ Numeric <-> unsigned long long
+NUM2OFFT(value), OFFT2NUM(off) ::
+ Numeric <-> off_t
+NUM2SIZET(value), SIZET2NUM(size) ::
+ Numeric <-> size_t
+NUM2SSIZET(value), SSIZET2NUM(ssize) ::
+ Numeric <-> ssize_t
+rb_integer_pack(value, words, numwords, wordsize, nails, flags), rb_integer_unpack(words, numwords, wordsize, nails, flags) ::
+ Numeric <-> Arbitrary size integer buffer
+NUM2DBL(value) ::
+ Numeric -> double
+rb_float_new(f) ::
+ double -> Float
+RSTRING_LEN(str) ::
+ String -> length of String data in bytes
+RSTRING_PTR(str) ::
+ String -> pointer to String data
+ Note that the result pointer may not be NUL-terminated
+StringValue(value) ::
+ Object with #to_str -> String
+StringValuePtr(value) ::
+ Object with #to_str -> pointer to String data
+StringValueCStr(value) ::
+ Object with #to_str -> pointer to String data without NUL bytes
+ It is guaranteed that the result data is NUL-terminated
+rb_str_new2(s) ::
+ char * -> String
+== Defining Class and Module
+VALUE rb_define_class(const char *name, VALUE super) ::
+ Defines a new Ruby class as a subclass of super.
+VALUE rb_define_class_under(VALUE module, const char *name, VALUE super) ::
+ Creates a new Ruby class as a subclass of super, under the module's
+ namespace.
+VALUE rb_define_module(const char *name) ::
+ Defines a new Ruby module.
+VALUE rb_define_module_under(VALUE module, const char *name) ::
+ Defines a new Ruby module under the module's namespace.
+void rb_include_module(VALUE klass, VALUE module) ::
+ Includes module into class. If class already includes it, just ignored.
+void rb_extend_object(VALUE object, VALUE module) ::
+ Extend the object with the module's attributes.
+== Defining Global Variables
+void rb_define_variable(const char *name, VALUE *var) ::
+ Defines a global variable which is shared between C and Ruby. If name
+ contains a character which is not allowed to be part of the symbol,
+ it can't be seen from Ruby programs.
+void rb_define_readonly_variable(const char *name, VALUE *var) ::
+ Defines a read-only global variable. Works just like
+ rb_define_variable(), except the defined variable is read-only.
+void rb_define_virtual_variable(const char *name, VALUE (*getter)(), VALUE (*setter)()) ::
+ Defines a virtual variable, whose behavior is defined by a pair of C
+ functions. The getter function is called when the variable is
+ referenced. The setter function is called when the variable is set to a
+ value. The prototype for getter/setter functions are:
+ VALUE getter(ID id)
+ void setter(VALUE val, ID id)
+ The getter function must return the value for the access.
+void rb_define_hooked_variable(const char *name, VALUE *var, VALUE (*getter)(), VALUE (*setter)()) ::
+ Defines hooked variable. It's a virtual variable with a C variable.
+ The getter is called as
+ VALUE getter(ID id, VALUE *var)
+ returning a new value. The setter is called as
+ void setter(VALUE val, ID id, VALUE *var)
+ GC requires C global variables which hold Ruby values to be marked.
+void rb_global_variable(VALUE *var)
+ Tells GC to protect these variables.
+== Constant Definition
+void rb_define_const(VALUE klass, const char *name, VALUE val) ::
+ Defines a new constant under the class/module.
+void rb_define_global_const(const char *name, VALUE val) ::
+ Defines a global constant. This is just the same as
+ rb_define_const(cKernal, name, val)
+== Method Definition
+rb_define_method(VALUE klass, const char *name, VALUE (*func)(), int argc) ::
+ Defines a method for the class. func is the function pointer. argc
+ is the number of arguments. if argc is -1, the function will receive
+ 3 arguments: argc, argv, and self. if argc is -2, the function will
+ receive 2 arguments, self and args, where args is a Ruby array of
+ the method arguments.
+rb_define_private_method(VALUE klass, const char *name, VALUE (*func)(), int argc) ::
+ Defines a private method for the class. Arguments are same as
+ rb_define_method().
+rb_define_singleton_method(VALUE klass, const char *name, VALUE (*func)(), int argc) ::
+ Defines a singleton method. Arguments are same as rb_define_method().
+rb_scan_args(int argc, VALUE *argv, const char *fmt, ...) ::
+ Retrieve argument from argc and argv to given VALUE references
+ according to the format string. The format can be described in ABNF
+ as follows:
+ scan-arg-spec := param-arg-spec [option-hash-arg-spec] [block-arg-spec]
+ param-arg-spec := pre-arg-spec [post-arg-spec] / post-arg-spec /
+ pre-opt-post-arg-spec
+ pre-arg-spec := num-of-leading-mandatory-args [num-of-optional-args]
+ post-arg-spec := sym-for-variable-length-args
+ [num-of-trailing-mandatory-args]
+ pre-opt-post-arg-spec := num-of-leading-mandatory-args num-of-optional-args
+ num-of-trailing-mandatory-args
+ option-hash-arg-spec := sym-for-option-hash-arg
+ block-arg-spec := sym-for-block-arg
+ num-of-leading-mandatory-args := DIGIT ; The number of leading
+ ; mandatory arguments
+ num-of-optional-args := DIGIT ; The number of optional
+ ; arguments
+ sym-for-variable-length-args := "*" ; Indicates that variable
+ ; length arguments are
+ ; captured as a ruby array
+ num-of-trailing-mandatory-args := DIGIT ; The number of trailing
+ ; mandatory arguments
+ sym-for-option-hash-arg := ":" ; Indicates that an option
+ ; hash is captured if the last
+ ; argument is a hash or can be
+ ; converted to a hash with
+ ; #to_hash. When the last
+ ; argument is nil, it is
+ ; captured if it is not
+ ; ambiguous to take it as
+ ; empty option hash; i.e. '*'
+ ; is not specified and
+ ; arguments are given more
+ ; than sufficient.
+ sym-for-block-arg := "&" ; Indicates that an iterator
+ ; block should be captured if
+ ; given
+ For example, "12" means that the method requires at least one
+ argument, and at most receives three (1+2) arguments. So, the format
+ string must be followed by three variable references, which are to be
+ assigned to captured arguments. For omitted arguments, variables are
+ set to Qnil. NULL can be put in place of a variable reference, which
+ means the corresponding captured argument(s) should be just dropped.
+ The number of given arguments, excluding an option hash or iterator
+ block, is returned.
+int rb_get_kwargs(VALUE keyword_hash, const ID *table, int required, int optional, VALUE *values)
+ Retrieves argument VALUEs bound to keywords, which directed by +table+
+ into +values+. First +required+ number of IDs referred by +table+ are
+ mandatory, and succeeding +optional+ (- +optional+ - 1 if
+ +optional+ is negative) number of IDs are optional. If a
+ mandatory key is not contained in +keyword_hash+, raises "missing
+ keyword" +ArgumentError+. If an optional key is not present in
+ +keyword_hash+, the corresponding element in +values+ is not changed.
+ If +optional+ is negative, rest of +keyword_hash+ are stored in the
+ next to optional +values+ as a new Hash, otherwise raises "unknown
+ keyword" +ArgumentError+.
+VALUE rb_extract_keywords(VALUE *original_hash)
+ Extracts pairs whose key is a symbol into a new hash from a hash
+ object referred by +original_hash+. If the original hash contains
+ non-symbol keys, then they are copied to another hash and the new hash
+ is stored through +original_hash+, else 0 is stored.
+== Invoking Ruby method
+VALUE rb_funcall(VALUE recv, ID mid, int narg, ...) ::
+ Invokes a method. To retrieve mid from a method name, use rb_intern().
+ Able to call even private/protected methods.
+VALUE rb_funcall2(VALUE recv, ID mid, int argc, VALUE *argv) ::
+VALUE rb_funcallv(VALUE recv, ID mid, int argc, VALUE *argv) ::
+ Invokes a method, passing arguments as an array of values.
+ Able to call even private/protected methods.
+VALUE rb_funcallv_public(VALUE recv, ID mid, int argc, VALUE *argv) ::
+ Invokes a method, passing arguments as an array of values.
+ Able to call only public methods.
+VALUE rb_eval_string(const char *str) ::
+ Compiles and executes the string as a Ruby program.
+ID rb_intern(const char *name) ::
+ Returns ID corresponding to the name.
+char *rb_id2name(ID id) ::
+ Returns the name corresponding ID.
+char *rb_class2name(VALUE klass) ::
+ Returns the name of the class.
+int rb_respond_to(VALUE object, ID id) ::
+ Returns true if the object responds to the message specified by id.
+== Instance Variables
+VALUE rb_iv_get(VALUE obj, const char *name) ::
+ Retrieve the value of the instance variable. If the name is not
+ prefixed by `@', that variable shall be inaccessible from Ruby.
+VALUE rb_iv_set(VALUE obj, const char *name, VALUE val) ::
+ Sets the value of the instance variable.
+== Control Structure
+VALUE rb_block_call(VALUE recv, ID mid, int argc, VALUE * argv, VALUE (*func) (ANYARGS), VALUE data2) ::
+ Calls a method on the recv, with the method name specified by the
+ symbol mid, with argc arguments in argv, supplying func as the
+ block. When func is called as the block, it will receive the value
+ from yield as the first argument, and data2 as the second argument.
+ When yielded with multiple values (in C, rb_yield_values(),
+ rb_yield_values2() and rb_yield_splat()), data2 is packed as an Array,
+ whereas yielded values can be gotten via argc/argv of the third/fourth
+ arguments.
+[OBSOLETE] VALUE rb_iterate(VALUE (*func1)(), void *arg1, VALUE (*func2)(), void *arg2) ::
+ Calls the function func1, supplying func2 as the block. func1 will be
+ called with the argument arg1. func2 receives the value from yield as
+ the first argument, arg2 as the second argument.
+ When rb_iterate is used in 1.9, func1 has to call some Ruby-level method.
+ This function is obsolete since 1.9; use rb_block_call instead.
+VALUE rb_yield(VALUE val) ::
+ Evaluates the block with value val.
+VALUE rb_rescue(VALUE (*func1)(), VALUE arg1, VALUE (*func2)(), VALUE arg2) ::
+ Calls the function func1, with arg1 as the argument. If an exception
+ occurs during func1, it calls func2 with arg2 as the argument. The
+ return value of rb_rescue() is the return value from func1 if no
+ exception occurs, from func2 otherwise.
+VALUE rb_ensure(VALUE (*func1)(), VALUE arg1, VALUE (*func2)(), VALUE arg2) ::
+ Calls the function func1 with arg1 as the argument, then calls func2
+ with arg2 if execution terminated. The return value from
+ rb_ensure() is that of func1 when no exception occurred.
+VALUE rb_protect(VALUE (*func) (VALUE), VALUE arg, int *state) ::
+ Calls the function func with arg as the argument. If no exception
+ occurred during func, it returns the result of func and *state is zero.
+ Otherwise, it returns Qnil and sets *state to nonzero. If state is
+ NULL, it is not set in both cases.
+ You have to clear the error info with rb_set_errinfo(Qnil) when
+ ignoring the caught exception.
+void rb_jump_tag(int state) ::
+ Continues the exception caught by rb_protect() and rb_eval_string_protect().
+ state must be the returned value from those functions. This function
+ never return to the caller.
+void rb_iter_break() ::
+ Exits from the current innermost block. This function never return to
+ the caller.
+void rb_iter_break_value(VALUE value) ::
+ Exits from the current innermost block with the value. The block will
+ return the given argument value. This function never return to the
+ caller.
+== Exceptions and Errors
+void rb_warn(const char *fmt, ...) ::
+ Prints a warning message according to a printf-like format.
+void rb_warning(const char *fmt, ...) ::
+ Prints a warning message according to a printf-like format, if
+ $VERBOSE is true.
+void rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, const char *fmt, ...) ::
+ Raises RuntimeError. The fmt is a format string just like printf().
+void rb_raise(VALUE exception, const char *fmt, ...) ::
+ Raises a class exception. The fmt is a format string just like printf().
+void rb_fatal(const char *fmt, ...) ::
+ Raises a fatal error, terminates the interpreter. No exception handling
+ will be done for fatal errors, but ensure blocks will be executed.
+void rb_bug(const char *fmt, ...) ::
+ Terminates the interpreter immediately. This function should be
+ called under the situation caused by the bug in the interpreter. No
+ exception handling nor ensure execution will be done.
+Note: In the format string, "%"PRIsVALUE can be used for Object#to_s
+(or Object#inspect if '+' flag is set) output (and related argument
+must be a VALUE). Since it conflicts with "%i", for integers in
+format strings, use "%d".
+== Initialize and Start the Interpreter
+The embedding API functions are below (not needed for extension libraries):
+void ruby_init() ::
+ Initializes the interpreter.
+void *ruby_options(int argc, char **argv) ::
+ Process command line arguments for the interpreter.
+ And compiles the Ruby source to execute.
+ It returns an opaque pointer to the compiled source
+ or an internal special value.
+int ruby_run_node(void *n) ::
+ Runs the given compiled source and exits this process.
+ It returns EXIT_SUCCESS if successfully runs the source.
+ Otherwise, it returns other value.
+void ruby_script(char *name) ::
+ Specifies the name of the script ($0).
+== Hooks for the Interpreter Events
+ void rb_add_event_hook(rb_event_hook_func_t func, rb_event_flag_t events,
+ VALUE data)
+Adds a hook function for the specified interpreter events.
+events should be OR'ed value of:
+The definition of rb_event_hook_func_t is below:
+ typedef void (*rb_event_hook_func_t)(rb_event_t event, VALUE data,
+ VALUE self, ID id, VALUE klass)
+The third argument `data' to rb_add_event_hook() is passed to the hook
+function as the second argument, which was the pointer to the current
+ int rb_remove_event_hook(rb_event_hook_func_t func)
+Removes the specified hook function.
+== Macros for Compatibility
+Some macros to check API compatibilities are available by default.
+ Means that NORETURN macro is functional style instead of prefix.
+ Means that function rb_define_alloc_func() is provided, that means the
+ allocation framework is used. This is same as the result of
+ have_func("rb_define_alloc_func", "ruby.h").
+ Means that function rb_reg_new_str() is provided, that creates Regexp
+ object from String object. This is same as the result of
+ have_func("rb_reg_new_str", "ruby.h").
+ Means that type rb_io_t is provided.
+ Means that Symbols will be returned as method names, e.g.,
+ Module#methods, #singleton_methods and so on.
+ Defined in ruby.h and means corresponding header is available. For
+ instance, when HAVE_RUBY_ST_H is defined you should use ruby/st.h not
+ mere st.h.
+ Means that rb_add_event_hook() takes the third argument `data', to be
+ passed to the given event hook function.
+= Appendix C. Functions available for use in extconf.rb
+See documentation for {mkmf}[rdoc-ref:MakeMakefile].
+= Appendix D. Generational GC
+Ruby 2.1 introduced a generational garbage collector (called RGenGC).
+RGenGC (mostly) keeps compatibility.
+Generally, the use of the technique called write barriers is required in
+extension libraries for generational GC
+RGenGC works fine without write barriers in extension libraries.
+If your library adheres to the following tips, performance can
+be further improved. Especially, the "Don't touch pointers directly" section is
+== Incompatibility
+You can't write RBASIC(obj)->klass field directly because it is const
+value now.
+Basically you should not write this field because MRI expects it to be
+an immutable field, but if you want to do it in your extension you can
+use the following functions:
+VALUE rb_obj_hide(VALUE obj) ::
+ Clear RBasic::klass field. The object will be an internal object.
+ ObjectSpace::each_object can't find this object.
+VALUE rb_obj_reveal(VALUE obj, VALUE klass) ::
+ Reset RBasic::klass to be klass.
+ We expect the `klass' is hidden class by rb_obj_hide().
+== Write barriers
+RGenGC doesn't require write barriers to support generational GC.
+However, caring about write barrier can improve the performance of
+RGenGC. Please check the following tips.
+=== Don't touch pointers directly
+In MRI (include/ruby/ruby.h), some macros to acquire pointers to the
+internal data structures are supported such as RARRAY_PTR(),
+RSTRUCT_PTR() and so on.
+DO NOT USE THESE MACROS and instead use the corresponding C-APIs such as
+rb_ary_aref(), rb_ary_store() and so on.
+=== Consider whether to insert write barriers
+You don't need to care about write barriers if you only use built-in
+If you support T_DATA objects, you may consider using write barriers.
+Inserting write barriers into T_DATA objects only works with the
+following type objects: (a) long-lived objects, (b) when a huge number
+of objects are generated and (c) container-type objects that have
+references to other objects. If your extension provides such a type of
+T_DATA objects, consider inserting write barriers.
+(a): short-lived objects don't become old generation objects.
+(b): only a few oldgen objects don't have performance impact.
+(c): only a few references don't have performance impact.
+Inserting write barriers is a very difficult hack, it is easy to
+introduce critical bugs. And inserting write barriers has several areas
+of overhead. Basically we don't recommend you insert write barriers.
+Please carefully consider the risks.
+=== Combine with built-in types
+Please consider utilizing built-in types. Most built-in types support
+write barrier, so you can use them to avoid manually inserting write
+For example, if your T_DATA has references to other objects, then you
+can move these references to Array. A T_DATA object only has a reference
+to an array object. Or you can also use a Struct object to gather a
+T_DATA object (without any references) and an that Array contains
+With use of such techniques, you don't need to insert write barriers
+=== Insert write barriers
+[AGAIN] Inserting write barriers is a very difficult hack, and it is
+easy to introduce critical bugs. And inserting write barriers has
+several areas of overhead. Basically we don't recommend you insert write
+barriers. Please carefully consider the risks.
+Before inserting write barriers, you need to know about RGenGC algorithm
+(gc.c will help you). Macros and functions to insert write barriers are
+available in in include/ruby/ruby.h. An example is available in iseq.c.
+For a complete guide for RGenGC and write barriers, please refer to
+= Appendix E. RB_GC_GUARD to protect from premature GC
+C Ruby currently uses conservative garbage collection, thus VALUE
+variables must remain visible on the stack or registers to ensure any
+associated data remains usable. Optimizing C compilers are not designed
+with conservative garbage collection in mind, so they may optimize away
+the original VALUE even if the code depends on data associated with that
+The following example illustrates the use of RB_GC_GUARD to ensure
+the contents of sptr remain valid while the second invocation of
+rb_str_new_cstr is running.
+ VALUE s, w;
+ const char *sptr;
+ s = rb_str_new_cstr("hello world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!");
+ sptr = RSTRING_PTR(s);
+ w = rb_str_new_cstr(sptr + 6); /* Possible GC invocation */
+ RB_GC_GUARD(s); /* ensure s (and thus sptr) do not get GC-ed */
+In the above example, RB_GC_GUARD must be placed _after_ the last use of
+sptr. Placing RB_GC_GUARD before dereferencing sptr would be of no use.
+RB_GC_GUARD is only effective on the VALUE data type, not converted C
+data types.
+RB_GC_GUARD would not be necessary at all in the above example if
+non-inlined function calls are made on the `s' VALUE after sptr is
+dereferenced. Thus, in the above example, calling any un-inlined
+function on `s' such as:
+ rb_str_modify(s);
+Will ensure `s' stays on the stack or register to prevent a
+GC invocation from prematurely freeing it.
+Using the RB_GC_GUARD macro is preferable to using the "volatile"
+keyword in C. RB_GC_GUARD has the following advantages:
+1) the intent of the macro use is clear
+2) RB_GC_GUARD only affects its call site, "volatile" generates some
+ extra code every time the variable is used, hurting optimization.
+3) "volatile" implementations may be buggy/inconsistent in some
+ compilers and architectures. RB_GC_GUARD is customizable for broken
+ systems/compilers without those without negatively affecting other
+ systems.
+ * Local variables:
+ * fill-column: 70
+ * end:
+ */