use crate::asm::x86_64::*; use crate::asm::*; use crate::cruby::*; use std::slice; /// Trait for casting to [usize] that allows you to say `.as_usize()`. /// Implementation conditional on the the cast preserving the numeric value on /// all inputs and being inexpensive. /// /// [usize] is only guaranteed to be more than 16-bit wide, so we can't use /// `.into()` to cast an `u32` or an `u64` to a `usize` even though in all /// the platforms YJIT supports these two casts are pretty much no-ops. /// We could say `as usize` or `.try_convert().unwrap()` everywhere /// for those casts but they both have undesirable consequences if and when /// we decide to support 32-bit platforms. Unfortunately we can't implement /// [::core::convert::From] for [usize] since both the trait and the type are /// external. Naming the method `into()` also runs into naming conflicts. pub(crate) trait IntoUsize { /// Convert to usize. Implementation conditional on width of [usize]. fn as_usize(self) -> usize; } #[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")] impl IntoUsize for u64 { fn as_usize(self) -> usize { self as usize } } #[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")] impl IntoUsize for u32 { fn as_usize(self) -> usize { self as usize } } impl IntoUsize for u16 { /// Alias for `.into()`. For convenience so you could use the trait for /// all unsgined types. fn as_usize(self) -> usize { self.into() } } impl IntoUsize for u8 { /// Alias for `.into()`. For convenience so you could use the trait for /// all unsgined types. fn as_usize(self) -> usize { self.into() } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { #[test] fn min_max_preserved_after_cast_to_usize() { use crate::utils::IntoUsize; let min: usize = u64::MIN.as_usize(); assert_eq!(min, u64::MIN.try_into().unwrap()); let max: usize = u64::MAX.as_usize(); assert_eq!(max, u64::MAX.try_into().unwrap()); let min: usize = u32::MIN.as_usize(); assert_eq!(min, u32::MIN.try_into().unwrap()); let max: usize = u32::MAX.as_usize(); assert_eq!(max, u32::MAX.try_into().unwrap()); } } // TODO: we may want to move this function into yjit.c, maybe add a convenient Rust-side wrapper /* // For debugging. Print the bytecode for an iseq. RBIMPL_ATTR_MAYBE_UNUSED() static void yjit_print_iseq(const rb_iseq_t *iseq) { char *ptr; long len; VALUE disassembly = rb_iseq_disasm(iseq); RSTRING_GETMEM(disassembly, ptr, len); fprintf(stderr, "%.*s\n", (int)len, ptr); } */ // Save caller-save registers on the stack before a C call fn push_regs(cb: &mut CodeBlock) { push(cb, RAX); push(cb, RCX); push(cb, RDX); push(cb, RSI); push(cb, RDI); push(cb, R8); push(cb, R9); push(cb, R10); push(cb, R11); pushfq(cb); } // Restore caller-save registers from the after a C call fn pop_regs(cb: &mut CodeBlock) { popfq(cb); pop(cb, R11); pop(cb, R10); pop(cb, R9); pop(cb, R8); pop(cb, RDI); pop(cb, RSI); pop(cb, RDX); pop(cb, RCX); pop(cb, RAX); } pub fn print_int(cb: &mut CodeBlock, opnd: X86Opnd) { extern "sysv64" fn print_int_fn(val: i64) { println!("{}", val); } push_regs(cb); match opnd { X86Opnd::Mem(_) | X86Opnd::Reg(_) => { // Sign-extend the value if necessary if opnd.num_bits() < 64 { movsx(cb, C_ARG_REGS[0], opnd); } else { mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[0], opnd); } } X86Opnd::Imm(_) | X86Opnd::UImm(_) => { mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[0], opnd); } _ => unreachable!(), } mov(cb, RAX, const_ptr_opnd(print_int_fn as *const u8)); call(cb, RAX); pop_regs(cb); } /// Generate code to print a pointer pub fn print_ptr(cb: &mut CodeBlock, opnd: X86Opnd) { extern "sysv64" fn print_ptr_fn(ptr: *const u8) { println!("{:p}", ptr); } assert!(opnd.num_bits() == 64); push_regs(cb); mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[0], opnd); mov(cb, RAX, const_ptr_opnd(print_ptr_fn as *const u8)); call(cb, RAX); pop_regs(cb); } /// Generate code to print a value pub fn print_value(cb: &mut CodeBlock, opnd: X86Opnd) { extern "sysv64" fn print_value_fn(val: VALUE) { unsafe { rb_obj_info_dump(val) } } assert!(opnd.num_bits() == 64); push_regs(cb); mov(cb, RDI, opnd); mov(cb, RAX, const_ptr_opnd(print_value_fn as *const u8)); call(cb, RAX); pop_regs(cb); } // Generate code to print constant string to stdout pub fn print_str(cb: &mut CodeBlock, str: &str) { extern "sysv64" fn print_str_cfun(ptr: *const u8, num_bytes: usize) { unsafe { let slice = slice::from_raw_parts(ptr, num_bytes); let str = std::str::from_utf8(slice).unwrap(); println!("{}", str); } } let bytes = str.as_ptr(); let num_bytes = str.len(); push_regs(cb); // Load the string address and jump over the string data lea(cb, C_ARG_REGS[0], mem_opnd(8, RIP, 5)); jmp32(cb, num_bytes as i32); // Write the string chars and a null terminator for i in 0..num_bytes { cb.write_byte(unsafe { *bytes.add(i) }); } // Pass the string length as an argument mov(cb, C_ARG_REGS[1], uimm_opnd(num_bytes as u64)); // Call the print function mov(cb, RAX, const_ptr_opnd(print_str_cfun as *const u8)); call(cb, RAX); pop_regs(cb); }