/*************************************************************** wince.c author : uema2 date : Nov 30, 2002 You can freely use, copy, modify, and redistribute the whole contents. ***************************************************************/ #include #include #include "wince.h" /* global for GetCommandLineA */ char *_commandLine; /* make up Win32API except wce_* functions. */ DWORD GetModuleFileNameA( HMODULE hModule, LPSTR lpFileName, DWORD size ) { LPWSTR lpFileNameW; LPSTR mb; size_t len; lpFileNameW = (LPWSTR)malloc( size*sizeof(wchar_t) ); GetModuleFileNameW( hModule, lpFileNameW, size ); mb = wce_wctomb(lpFileNameW); len = min(strlen(mb),size); strncpy(lpFileName, mb, len); lpFileName[len-1] = '\0'; free(mb); free(lpFileNameW); return 0; } #if _WIN32_WCE < 300 FARPROC GetProcAddressA(HMODULE hModule, LPCSTR lpProcName) { FARPROC p; LPWSTR lpwProcName; lpwProcName = wce_mbtowc( lpProcName ); p = GetProcAddressW( hModule, lpwProcName ); free( lpwProcName ); return p; } #endif char * GetCommandLineA(void) { return _commandLine; } /* this is not Win32API. GetCommandLineA helper. */ void wce_SetCommandLine(LPCWSTR wcmd) { char* acmd; acmd = wce_wctomb( wcmd ); _commandLine = (char*)malloc( strlen(acmd)+5 ); sprintf( _commandLine, "ruby %s", acmd ); free(acmd); } /* this is not Win32API. GetCommandLineA helper. */ void wce_FreeCommandLine(void) { free(_commandLine); _commandLine = NULL; } /* I have no idea how to replace this. */ BOOL GetProcessTimes(HANDLE hprocess, LPFILETIME lpCreationTime, LPFILETIME lpExitTime, LPFILETIME lpKernelTime, LPFILETIME lpUserTime) { return 0; } /* -------------- file attributes functions. ------------------- */ DWORD GetFileAttributesA(LPCSTR lpFileName) { LPWSTR lpwFileName; DWORD dw; lpwFileName = wce_mbtowc(lpFileName); dw = GetFileAttributesW(lpwFileName); free(lpwFileName); return dw; } BOOL SetFileAttributesA( LPCSTR lpFileName, DWORD attributes) { LPWSTR lpwFileName; BOOL b; lpwFileName = wce_mbtowc(lpFileName); b = SetFileAttributesW(lpwFileName, attributes); free(lpwFileName); return b; } /* --------------- move and remove functions. ------------------- */ BOOL MoveFileA(LPCSTR fn1, LPCSTR fn2) { LPWSTR wfn1, wfn2; BOOL b; wfn1 = wce_mbtowc(fn1); wfn2 = wce_mbtowc(fn2); b = MoveFileW(wfn1, wfn2); free(wfn1); free(wfn2); return 0; } BOOL MoveFileEx(LPCSTR oldname, LPCSTR newname, DWORD dwFlags) { LPWSTR woldname, wnewname; BOOL b; woldname = wce_mbtowc(oldname); wnewname = wce_mbtowc(newname); if( (dwFlags&MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING)!=0 ) DeleteFileW( wnewname ); b = MoveFileW( woldname, wnewname ); free(woldname); free(wnewname); return b; } BOOL DeleteFileA(LPCSTR path) { LPWSTR wpath; BOOL b; wpath = wce_mbtowc(path); b = DeleteFileW(wpath); free(wpath); return 0; } /* --------------- EnvironmentVariable functions. ----------------- */ DWORD GetEnvironmentVariable( LPCSTR name, LPSTR value, DWORD size) { /* use registry instead of "environment valuable". */ HKEY hk; LONG lret; LPBYTE lpData; DWORD dwType=REG_SZ, cbData; TCHAR buf[MAX_PATH]={0}; LPWSTR wname; LPSTR avalue; lret = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, _T("Software\\ruby_mswince"), 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hk ); if ( lret != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { strcpy( value, "" ); return 0; } lpData = (LPBYTE)buf; cbData = MAX_PATH*sizeof(*buf); wname = wce_mbtowc( name ); lret = RegQueryValueEx( hk, wname, NULL, &dwType, lpData, &cbData ); RegCloseKey( hk ); if ( lret != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { strcpy( value, "" ); free( wname ); return 0; } avalue = wce_wctomb( (LPCTSTR)lpData ); strcpy( value, avalue ); free( avalue ); free( wname ); return strlen(value); } BOOL SetEnvironmentVariable(LPCSTR name, LPCSTR value) { /* use registry instead of "environment valuable". */ HKEY hk; LONG lret; LPBYTE lpData; DWORD ret, dwType=REG_SZ, cbData; LPWSTR wname, wvalue; lret = RegCreateKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, _T("Software\\ruby_mswince"), 0, _T(""), 0, 0, NULL, &hk, &ret ); if( lret != ERROR_SUCCESS ) return FALSE; wname = wce_mbtowc(name); wvalue = wce_mbtowc(value); lpData = (LPBYTE)wvalue; cbData = (wcslen(wvalue) + 1) * sizeof(*wvalue); lret = RegSetValueEx( hk, wname, 0, dwType, lpData, cbData ); RegCloseKey( hk ); free(wname); free(wvalue); return lret == ERROR_SUCCESS; } LPVOID GetEnvironmentStrings(VOID) { return NULL; } BOOL FreeEnvironmentStrings(LPSTR lpszEnvironmentBlock) { return FALSE; } /* DuplicateHandle, LockFile, etc... */ /* I have no idea... */ BOOL GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent(DWORD dwCtrlEvent, DWORD dwProcessGroupID) { return 0; } BOOL DuplicateHandle( HANDLE source_process, HANDLE source, HANDLE dest_process, HANDLE *dest, DWORD access, BOOL inherit, DWORD options) { return 0; } BOOL LockFile(HANDLE hFile, DWORD dwFileOffsetLow, DWORD dwFileOffsetHigh, DWORD nNumberOfBytesToLockLow, DWORD nNumberOfBytesToLockHigh) { return FALSE; } BOOL LockFileEx(HANDLE hFile, DWORD dwFlags, DWORD dwReserved, DWORD nNumberOfBytesToLockLow, DWORD nNumberOfBytesToLockHigh, LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped) { return FALSE; } BOOL UnlockFile( HFILE hFile, DWORD dwFileOffsetLow, DWORD dwFileOffsetHigh, DWORD nNumberOfBytesToUnlockLow, DWORD nNumberOfBytesToUnlockHigh) { return FALSE; } BOOL UnlockFileEx(HANDLE hFile, DWORD dwReserved, DWORD nNumberOfBytesToUnlockLow, DWORD nNumberOfBytesToUnlockHigh, LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped) { return FALSE; } /* --------------------- etc, etc, etc... ----------------------- */ BOOL GetVersionExA(OSVERSIONINFOA *v) { OSVERSIONINFOW wv; BOOL b; LPSTR mb; b = GetVersionExW(&wv); mb = wce_wctomb(wv.szCSDVersion); strcpy( v->szCSDVersion, mb ); free(mb); return b; } DWORD WaitForMultipleObjectsEx(DWORD count, const HANDLE *handles, BOOL wait_all, DWORD timeout, BOOL alertable) { return WaitForMultipleObjects( count, handles, wait_all, timeout ); } BOOL CreateProcessA(LPCSTR appname, LPCSTR commandline, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES att, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES threadatt, BOOL bOpt, DWORD dwFlag, LPVOID lpEnv, LPSTR dir, LPSTARTUPINFO lpsi, LPPROCESS_INFORMATION lppi) { LPWSTR wappname, wcommandline, wdir; BOOL b; wappname = wce_mbtowc(appname); wcommandline = wce_mbtowc(commandline); wdir = wce_mbtowc(dir); b = CreateProcessW(wappname, wcommandline, att, threadatt, bOpt, dwFlag, lpEnv, wdir, lpsi, lppi); free(wappname); free(wcommandline); free(wdir); return b; } HANDLE CreateEventA(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES *sa, BOOL manual_reset, BOOL initial_state, LPCSTR name) { HANDLE h; LPWSTR wname; wname = wce_mbtowc(name); h = CreateEventW(sa, manual_reset, initial_state, wname); free(wname); return h; } DWORD FormatMessageA(DWORD dwFlags, LPCVOID lpSource, DWORD dwMessageId, DWORD dwLanguageId, LPSTR lpBuffer, DWORD nSize, va_list* args) { DWORD dw; LPWSTR lpWBuffer; lpWBuffer = wce_mbtowc(lpBuffer); dw = FormatMessageW( dwFlags, lpSource, dwMessageId, dwLanguageId, lpWBuffer, nSize, (va_list*)args ); free(lpWBuffer); return dw; } /*---------------- FindFirstFile, FindNextFile ------------------ */ HANDLE FindFirstFileA(LPCSTR path, WIN32_FIND_DATAA *data) { LPWSTR wpath; LPSTR mb; HANDLE h; WIN32_FIND_DATAW wdata; wpath = wce_mbtowc(path); h = FindFirstFileW( wpath, &wdata ); free(wpath); mb = wce_wctomb( wdata.cFileName ); strcpy( data->cFileName, mb ); free(mb); return h; } BOOL FindNextFileA(HANDLE handle, WIN32_FIND_DATAA *data) { BOOL b; WIN32_FIND_DATAW wdata; LPSTR mb1; b = FindNextFileW(handle, &wdata); mb1 = wce_wctomb( wdata.cFileName ); strcpy( data->cFileName, mb1 ); free(mb1); return b; } /* CreateFile doesn't support SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES in WinCE. */ /* it must be NULL. */ HANDLE CreateFileA(LPCSTR filename, DWORD access, DWORD sharing, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa, DWORD creation, DWORD attributes, HANDLE template) { LPWSTR wfilename; HANDLE h; wfilename = wce_mbtowc(filename); h = CreateFileW(wfilename, access, sharing, NULL, creation, 0, NULL); free(wfilename); return 0; } /* ---------------- CharNext, CharPrev. ---------------------*/ LPSTR CharNextA(LPCSTR a) { char *p=(char *)a; if( TRUE==IsDBCSLeadByteEx(CP_ACP, (BYTE)*a) ) p+=2; else p++; return p; } LPSTR CharPrevA(LPCSTR start, LPCSTR ptr) { if( start==ptr ) return (LPSTR)start; else if( start+1==ptr ) return (LPSTR)start; else if( TRUE==IsDBCSLeadByteEx(CP_ACP, (BYTE)*(ptr-2)) ) return (LPSTR)(ptr-2); else return (LPSTR)(ptr-1); } /* WinCE doesn't have "drives". */ DWORD GetLogicalDrives(VOID) { return 0; } /* WinCE doesn't have "user name". */ BOOL GetUserName(LPSTR lpBuffer, LPDWORD nSize) { return 0; } /*------------------- LoadLibrary -----------------------*/ HINSTANCE LoadLibraryA(LPCSTR libname) { HINSTANCE h; LPWSTR wlibname; wlibname = wce_mbtowc(libname); h = LoadLibraryW(wlibname); free(wlibname); return h; } HINSTANCE LoadLibraryExA(LPCSTR lpLibFileName, HANDLE hFile, DWORD dwFlags) { HINSTANCE h; LPWSTR wlibname; wlibname = wce_mbtowc(lpLibFileName); #if _WIN32_WCE < 300 h = LoadLibraryW(wlibname); #else h = LoadLibraryExW(wlibname, hFile, dwFlags); #endif free(wlibname); return h; } /* WinCE doesn't have "CreatePipe". */ BOOL CreatePipe(PHANDLE hReadPipe, PHANDLE hWritePipe, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpPipeAttributes, DWORD nSize) { return FALSE; } /* WinCE doesn't have "Standard Devices". */ HANDLE GetStdHandle(DWORD nStdHandle) { return NULL; } BOOL SetStdHandle(DWORD nStdHandle, HANDLE h) { return FALSE; } #if _WIN32_WCE < 300 VOID ZeroMemory(PVOID p, DWORD length) { memset(p,0,length); } #endif /* need in ruby/io.c. */ int ReadDataPending() { return 0; } /*---------------- helper functions. ---------------------------- */ /* char -> wchar_t */ wchar_t* wce_mbtowc(const char* a) { int length; wchar_t *wbuf; length = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, a, -1, NULL, 0); wbuf = (wchar_t*)malloc( (length+1)*sizeof(wchar_t) ); MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, a, -1, wbuf, length); return wbuf; } /* wchar_t -> char */ char* wce_wctomb(const wchar_t* w) { DWORD charlength; char* pChar; charlength = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, w, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); pChar = (char*)malloc(charlength+1); WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, w, -1, pChar, charlength, NULL, NULL); return pChar; }