/************************************************ variable.c - $Author: matz $ $Date: 1995/01/12 08:54:53 $ created at: Tue Apr 19 23:55:15 JST 1994 ************************************************/ #include "ruby.h" #include "env.h" #include "st.h" st_table *rb_global_tbl; st_table *rb_class_tbl; #define global_tbl rb_global_tbl #define class_tbl rb_class_tbl VALUE rb_const_defined(); VALUE rb_const_get(); st_table * new_idhash() { return st_init_table(ST_NUMCMP, ST_NUMHASH); } void Init_var_tables() { global_tbl = new_idhash(); class_tbl = new_idhash(); } char * rb_class2path(class) VALUE class; { VALUE path; while (TYPE(class) == T_ICLASS) { class = (VALUE)RCLASS(class)->super; } path = rb_ivar_get(class, rb_intern("__classpath__")); if (TYPE(path) != T_STRING) Bug("class path does not set properly"); return RSTRING(path)->ptr; } VALUE rb_class_path(class) VALUE class; { char *name = rb_class2path(class); if (strchr(name, ':')) { VALUE ary = str_split(str_new2(name), ":"); ary_pop(ary); ary = ary_reverse(ary); return ary_join(ary, str_new2("::")); } return str_new2(name); } void rb_set_class_path(class, under, name) VALUE class, under; char *name; { VALUE str; char *s; str = str_new2(name); if (under) { str_cat(str, ":", 1); s = rb_class2path(under); str_cat(str, s, strlen(s)); } rb_ivar_set(class, rb_intern("__classpath__"), str); } VALUE rb_path2class(path) char *path; { char *p, *name, *s; ID id; VALUE class; p = path; while (*p) { if (*p == ':') break; *p++; } if (*p == '\0') { /* pre-defined class */ if (!st_lookup(class_tbl, rb_intern(path), &class)) { Fail("Undefined class -- %s", path); } return class; } class = rb_path2class(p+1); name = ALLOCA_N(char, p-path+1); s = name; while (pathptr); return Qnil; } char * rb_class2name(class) struct RClass *class; { int name; switch (TYPE(class)) { case T_ICLASS: class = (struct RClass*)RBASIC(class)->class; break; case T_CLASS: case T_MODULE: break; default: Fail("0x%x is not a class/module", class); } while (FL_TEST(class, FL_SINGLE) || TYPE(class) == T_ICLASS) { class = (struct RClass*)class->super; } name = rb_ivar_get(class, rb_intern("__classname__")); if (name) { name = FIX2INT(name); return rb_id2name((ID)name); } Bug("class 0x%x not named", class); } struct trace_var { void (*func)(); void *data; struct trace_var *next; }; struct global_entry { ID id; void *data; VALUE (*getter)(); void (*setter)(); void (*marker)(); int block_trace; struct trace_var *trace; }; static VALUE undef_getter(); static void undef_setter(); static void undef_marker(); static VALUE val_getter(); static void val_setter(); static void val_marker(); static VALUE var_getter(); static void var_setter(); static void var_marker(); struct global_entry* rb_global_entry(id) ID id; { struct global_entry *entry; if (!st_lookup(global_tbl, id, &entry)) { entry = ALLOC(struct global_entry); st_insert(global_tbl, id, entry); entry->id = id; entry->data = 0; entry->getter = undef_getter; entry->setter = undef_setter; entry->marker = undef_marker; entry->block_trace = 0; entry->trace = 0; } return entry; } static VALUE undef_getter(id) ID id; { Warning("global var %s not initialized", rb_id2name(id)); return Qnil; } static void undef_setter(val, id, data, entry) VALUE val; ID id; void *data; struct global_entry *entry; { entry->getter = val_getter; entry->setter = val_setter; entry->marker = val_marker; entry->data = (void*)val; } static void undef_marker() { } static VALUE val_getter(id, val) ID id; VALUE val; { return val; } static void val_setter(val, id, data, entry) VALUE val; ID id; void *data; struct global_entry *entry; { entry->data = (void*)val; } static void val_marker(data) void *data; { if (data) gc_mark_maybe(data); } static VALUE var_getter(id, var) ID id; VALUE *var; { if (!var || !*var) return Qnil; return *var; } static void var_setter(val, id, var) VALUE val; ID id; VALUE *var; { *var = val; } static void var_marker(var) VALUE **var; { if (var) gc_mark_maybe(*var); } static void readonly_setter(id, var, val) ID id; void *var; VALUE val; { Fail("Can't set variable %s", rb_id2name(id)); } static int mark_global_entry(key, entry) ID key; struct global_entry *entry; { struct trace_var *trace; (*entry->marker)(entry->data); trace = entry->trace; while (trace) { if (trace->data) gc_mark_maybe(trace->data); trace = trace->next; } return ST_CONTINUE; } void gc_mark_global_tbl() { st_foreach(global_tbl, mark_global_entry, 0); } static ID global_id(name) char *name; { ID id; if (name[0] == '$') id = rb_intern(name); else { char *buf = ALLOCA_N(char, strlen(name)+2); buf[0] = '$'; strcpy(buf+1, name); id = rb_intern(buf); } return id; } void rb_define_hooked_variable(name, var, getter, setter) char *name; VALUE *var; VALUE (*getter)(); void (*setter)(); { struct global_entry *entry; ID id = global_id(name); entry = rb_global_entry(id); entry->data = (void*)var; entry->getter = getter?getter:var_getter; entry->setter = setter?setter:var_setter; entry->marker = var_marker; } void rb_define_variable(name, var) char *name; VALUE *var; { rb_define_hooked_variable(name, var, 0, 0); } void rb_define_readonly_variable(name, var) char *name; VALUE *var; { rb_define_hooked_variable(name, var, 0, readonly_setter); } void rb_define_virtual_variable(name, getter, setter) char *name; VALUE (*getter)(); void (*setter)(); { if (!getter) getter = val_getter; if (!setter) setter = readonly_setter; rb_define_hooked_variable(name, 0, getter, setter); } void rb_trace_eval(); void rb_trace_eval(cmd, val) VALUE cmd, val; { rb_eval_cmd(cmd, ary_new3(1, val)); } VALUE f_trace_var(argc, argv) int argc; VALUE *argv; { VALUE var, cmd; ID id; struct global_entry *entry; struct trace_var *trace; if (rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &var, &cmd) == 1) { cmd = f_lambda(); } id = rb_to_id(var); if (!st_lookup(global_tbl, id, &entry)) { Fail("undefined global variable %s", rb_id2name(id)); } trace = ALLOC(struct trace_var); trace->next = entry->trace; trace->func = rb_trace_eval; trace->data = (void*)cmd; entry->trace = trace; return Qnil; } VALUE f_untrace_var(obj, var) VALUE obj, var; { ID id; struct global_entry *entry; struct trace_var *trace; VALUE ary; id = rb_to_id(var); if (!st_lookup(global_tbl, id, &entry)) { Fail("undefined global variable %s", rb_id2name(id)); } ary = ary_new(); trace = entry->trace; while (trace) { struct trace_var *next = trace->next; ary_push(ary, trace->data); free(trace); trace = next; } entry->trace = 0; return ary; } VALUE rb_gvar_get(entry) struct global_entry *entry; { return (*entry->getter)(entry->id, entry->data, entry); } struct trace_data { struct trace_var *trace; VALUE val; }; static void trace_ev(data) struct trace_data *data; { struct trace_var *trace = data->trace; while (trace) { (*trace->func)(trace->data, data->val); trace = trace->next; } } static void trace_en(entry) struct global_entry *entry; { entry->block_trace = 0; } VALUE rb_gvar_set(entry, val) struct global_entry *entry; VALUE val; { struct trace_data trace; (*entry->setter)(val, entry->id, entry->data, entry); if (!entry->block_trace) { entry->block_trace = 1; trace.trace = entry->trace; trace.val = val; rb_ensure(trace_ev, &trace, trace_en, entry); } return val; } VALUE rb_gvar_set2(name, val) char *name; VALUE val; { struct global_entry *entry; entry = rb_global_entry(global_id(name)); return rb_gvar_set(entry, val); } VALUE rb_gvar_defined(entry) struct global_entry *entry; { if (entry->getter == undef_getter) return FALSE; return TRUE; } VALUE rb_ivar_get(obj, id) struct RObject *obj; ID id; { VALUE val; switch (TYPE(obj)) { case T_OBJECT: case T_CLASS: case T_MODULE: if (obj->iv_tbl && st_lookup(obj->iv_tbl, id, &val)) return val; return Qnil; default: Fail("class %s can not have instance variables", rb_class2name(CLASS_OF(obj))); break; } Warning("instance var %s not initialized", rb_id2name(id)); return Qnil; } VALUE rb_ivar_set(obj, id, val) struct RObject *obj; ID id; VALUE val; { switch (TYPE(obj)) { case T_OBJECT: case T_CLASS: case T_MODULE: if (!obj->iv_tbl) obj->iv_tbl = new_idhash(); st_insert(obj->iv_tbl, id, val); break; default: Fail("class %s can not have instance variables", rb_class2name(CLASS_OF(obj))); break; } return val; } VALUE rb_ivar_defined(obj, id) struct RObject *obj; ID id; { switch (TYPE(obj)) { case T_OBJECT: case T_CLASS: case T_MODULE: if (obj->iv_tbl && st_lookup(obj->iv_tbl, id, 0)) return TRUE; break; } return FALSE; } VALUE rb_const_get(class, id) struct RClass *class; ID id; { VALUE value; struct RClass *tmp; tmp = class; while (tmp) { if (tmp->iv_tbl && st_lookup(tmp->iv_tbl, id, &value)) { return value; } tmp = tmp->super; } if (BUILTIN_TYPE(class) == T_MODULE) { return rb_const_get(cObject, id); } /* pre-defined class */ if (st_lookup(class_tbl, id, &value)) return value; /* autoload */ if (autoload_tbl && st_lookup(autoload_tbl, id, 0)) { char *modname; VALUE module; st_delete(autoload_tbl, &id, &modname); module = str_new2(modname); free(modname); f_require(Qnil, module); return rb_const_get(class, id); } /* Uninitialized constant */ if (class && (VALUE)class != cObject) Fail("Uninitialized constant %s::%s", RSTRING(rb_class_path(class))->ptr, rb_id2name(id)); else Fail("Uninitialized constant %s",rb_id2name(id)); /* not reached */ } VALUE rb_const_defined(class, id) struct RClass *class; ID id; { while (class) { if (class->iv_tbl && st_lookup(class->iv_tbl, id, 0)) { return TRUE; } class = class->super; } if (st_lookup(class_tbl, id, 0)) return TRUE; if (autoload_tbl && st_lookup(autoload_tbl, id, 0)) return TRUE; return FALSE; } void rb_const_set(class, id, val) struct RClass *class; ID id; VALUE val; { if (rb_const_defined(class, id)) Fail("already initialized constnant %s", rb_id2name(id)); if (!class->iv_tbl) class->iv_tbl = new_idhash(); st_insert(class->iv_tbl, id, val); } void rb_define_const(class, name, val) struct RClass *class; char *name; VALUE val; { rb_const_set(class, rb_intern(name), val); } VALUE rb_iv_get(obj, name) VALUE obj; char *name; { ID id = rb_intern(name); return rb_ivar_get(obj, id); } VALUE rb_iv_set(obj, name, val) VALUE obj; char *name; VALUE val; { ID id = rb_intern(name); return rb_ivar_set(obj, id, val); } VALUE backref_get() { int cnt, max; if (!the_scope->local_vars) return Qnil; for (cnt=1, max=the_scope->local_tbl[0]+1; cntlocal_tbl[cnt] == '~') { cnt--; if (the_scope->local_vars[cnt]) return the_scope->local_vars[cnt]; else return 1; } } return Qnil; } void backref_set(val) VALUE val; { int cnt, max; for (cnt=1, max=the_scope->local_tbl[0]+1; cntlocal_tbl[cnt] == '~') break; } the_scope->local_vars[cnt-1] = val; }