require 'rdoc/markup' class RDoc::Markup ## # We manage a set of attributes. Each attribute has a symbol name and a bit # value. class Attribute SPECIAL = 1 @@name_to_bitmap = { :_SPECIAL_ => SPECIAL } @@next_bitmap = 2 def self.bitmap_for(name) bitmap = @@name_to_bitmap[name] unless bitmap then bitmap = @@next_bitmap @@next_bitmap <<= 1 @@name_to_bitmap[name] = bitmap end bitmap end def self.as_string(bitmap) return "none" if res = [] @@name_to_bitmap.each do |name, bit| res << name if (bitmap & bit) != 0 end res.join(",") end def self.each_name_of(bitmap) @@name_to_bitmap.each do |name, bit| next if bit == SPECIAL yield name.to_s if (bitmap & bit) != 0 end end end AttrChanger =, :turn_off) ## # An AttrChanger records a change in attributes. It contains a bitmap of the # attributes to turn on, and a bitmap of those to turn off. class AttrChanger def to_s "Attr: +#{Attribute.as_string(@turn_on)}/-#{Attribute.as_string(@turn_on)}" end end ## # An array of attributes which parallels the characters in a string. class AttrSpan def initialize(length) @attrs =, 0) end def set_attrs(start, length, bits) for i in start ... (start+length) @attrs[i] |= bits end end def [](n) @attrs[n] end end ## # Hold details of a special sequence class Special attr_reader :type attr_accessor :text def initialize(type, text) @type, @text = type, text end def ==(o) self.text == o.text && self.type == o.type end def inspect "#" % [ object_id, @type, RDoc::Markup::Attribute.as_string(type), text.dump] end def to_s "Special: type=#{type}, name=#{RDoc::Markup::Attribute.as_string type}, text=#{text.dump}" end end end require 'rdoc/markup/attribute_manager'