#!ruby require "pathname" require "open3" Pathname.glob("**/*.gcda").sort.each do |gcda| if gcda.fnmatch("ext/*") cwd, gcda = gcda.split.map {|s| s.to_s } objdir = "." elsif gcda.fnmatch("rubyspec_temp/*") next else cwd, objdir, gcda = ".", gcda.dirname.to_s, gcda.to_s end puts "$ gcov -lpbc -o #{ objdir } #{ gcda }" out, err, _status = Open3.capture3("gcov", "-lpbc", "-o", objdir, gcda, chdir: cwd) puts out puts err # a black list of source files that contains wrong #line directives if err !~ %r( \A( Cannot\ open\ source\ file\ ( defs/keywords |zonetab\.list |enc/jis/props\.kwd |parser\.c |parser\.rl )\n )*\z )x raise "Unexpected gcov output" end if out !~ %r( \A( File\ .*\nLines\ executed:.*\n ( Branches\ executed:.*\n Taken\ at\ least\ once:.*\n | No\ branches\n )? ( Calls\ executed:.*\n | No\ calls\n )? Creating\ .*\n \n )+\z )x raise "Unexpected gcov output" end end