#! ./miniruby exit if defined?(CROSS_COMPILING) and CROSS_COMPILING ruby = ENV["RUBY"] unless ruby load './rbconfig.rb' ruby = "./#{RbConfig::CONFIG['ruby_install_name']}#{RbConfig::CONFIG['EXEEXT']}" end unless File.exist? ruby print "#{ruby} is not found.\n" print "Try `make' first, then `make test', please.\n" exit false end $stderr.reopen($stdout) error = '' srcdir = File.expand_path('..', File.dirname(__FILE__)) `#{ruby} #{srcdir}/sample/test.rb #{ARGV.join(' ')}`.each_line do |line| if line =~ /^end of test/ print "\ntest succeeded\n" exit true end error << line if %r:^(sample/test.rb|not): =~ line end puts print error print "test failed\n" exit false