/* -*- C -*- */ %# Copyright (c) 2017 Urabe, Shyouhei. All rights reserved. %# %# This file is a part of the programming language Ruby. Permission is hereby %# granted, to either redistribute and/or modify this file, provided that the %# conditions mentioned in the file COPYING are met. Consult the file for %# details. % raise ':FIXME:TBW' if RubyVM::VmOptsH['STACK_CACHING'] <%= render 'copyright' %> <%= render 'notice', locals: { this_file: 'is for threaded code', edit: __FILE__, } -%> #define SC_STATE_SIZE 6 #define SCS_XX 1 #define SCS_AX 2 #define SCS_BX 3 #define SCS_AB 4 #define SCS_BA 5 #define SC_ERROR 0xffffffff static const VALUE sc_insn_info[][SC_STATE_SIZE] = { #define NO_SC { SC_ERROR, SC_ERROR, SC_ERROR, SC_ERROR, SC_ERROR, SC_ERROR } % RubyVM::Instructions.each_slice 8 do |a| <%= a.map{|i| 'NO_SC' }.join(', ') %>, % end #undef NO_SC }; static const VALUE sc_insn_next[] = { % RubyVM::Instructions.each_slice 8 do |a| <%= a.map{|i| 'SCS_XX' }.join(', ') %>, % end }; ASSERT_VM_INSTRUCTION_SIZE(sc_insn_next);