#! /your/favourite/path/to/ruby # -*- Ruby -*- # -*- frozen_string_literal: true; -*- # -*- warn_indent: true; -*- # # Copyright (c) 2017 Urabe, Shyouhei. All rights reserved. # # This file is a part of the programming language Ruby. Permission is hereby # granted, to either redistribute and/or modify this file, provided that the # conditions mentioned in the file COPYING are met. Consult the file for # details. require_relative '../helpers/c_escape' require_relative '../loaders/opt_operand_def' require_relative 'bare_instructions' class RubyVM::OperandsUnifications < RubyVM::BareInstructions include RubyVM::CEscape attr_reader :preamble, :original, :spec def initialize opts = {} name = opts[:signature][0] @original = RubyVM::BareInstructions.fetch name template = @original.template parts = compose opts[:location], opts[:signature], template[:signature] json = template.dup json[:location] = opts[:location] json[:signature] = parts[:signature] json[:name] = parts[:name] @preamble = parts[:preamble] @spec = parts[:spec] super json.merge(:template => template) @konsts = parts[:vars] @konsts.each do |v| @variables[v[:name]] ||= v end end def operand_shift_of var before = @original.operands.find_index var after = @operands.find_index var raise "no #{var} for #{@name}" unless before and after return before - after end def condition ptr # :FIXME: I'm not sure if this method should be in model? exprs = @spec.each_with_index.map do |(var, val), i| case val when '*' then next nil else type = @original.operands[i][:type] expr = RubyVM::Typemap.typecast_to_VALUE type, val next "#{ptr}[#{i}] == #{expr}" end end exprs.compact! if exprs.size == 1 then return exprs[0] else exprs.map! {|i| "(#{i})" } return exprs.join ' && ' end end def has_ope? var super or @konsts.any? {|i| i[:name] == var[:name] } end private def namegen signature insn, argv = *signature wcary = argv.map do |i| case i when '*' then 'WC' else i end end as_tr_cpp [insn, *wcary].join(', ') end def compose location, spec, template name = namegen spec *, argv = *spec opes = @original.operands if opes.size != argv.size raise sprintf("operand size mismatch for %s (%s's: %d, given: %d)", name, template[:name], opes.size, argv.size) else src = [] mod = [] spec = [] vars = [] argv.each_index do |i| j = argv[i] k = opes[i] spec[i] = [k, j] case j when '*' then # operand is from iseq mod << k[:decl] else # operand is inside C vars << k src << { location: location, expr: " const #{k[:decl]} = #{j};" } end end src.map! {|i| RubyVM::CExpr.new i } return { name: name, signature: { name: name, ope: mod, pop: template[:pop], ret: template[:ret], }, preamble: src, vars: vars, spec: spec } end end @instances = RubyVM::OptOperandDef.map do |h| new h end def self.to_a @instances end def self.each_group to_a.group_by(&:original).each_pair do |k, v| yield k, v end end end