#! /your/favourite/path/to/ruby # -*- mode: ruby; coding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; ruby-indent-level: 2 -*- # -*- frozen_string_literal: true; -*- # -*- warn_indent: true; -*- # # Copyright (c) 2017 Urabe, Shyouhei. All rights reserved. # # This file is a part of the programming language Ruby. Permission is hereby # granted, to either redistribute and/or modify this file, provided that the # conditions mentioned in the file COPYING are met. Consult the file for # details. require_relative '../helpers/scanner' json = [] scanner = RubyVM::Scanner.new '../../../defs/opt_insn_unif.def' path = scanner.__FILE__ until scanner.eos? do next if scanner.scan(/ ^ (?: \#.* )? \n /x) break if scanner.scan(/ ^ __END__ $ /x) pos = scanner.scan!(/(? (?: [\ \t]* \w+ )+ ) \n /mx) json << { location: [path, pos], signature: scanner["series"].strip.split } end RubyVM::OptInsnUnifDef = json if __FILE__ == $0 then require 'json' JSON.dump RubyVM::OptInsnUnifDef, STDOUT end