#!/usr/bin/ruby require 'fileutils' require 'rubygems' fu = FileUtils::Verbose until ARGV.empty? case ARGV.first when '--' ARGV.shift break when '-n', '--dryrun' fu = FileUtils::DryRun when /\A--make=/ # just to run when `make -n` when /\A--mflags=(.*)/ fu = FileUtils::DryRun if /\A-\S*n/ =~ $1 when /\A--gem[-_]platform=(.*)/im gem_platform = $1 ruby_platform = nil when /\A--ruby[-_]platform=(.*)/im ruby_platform = $1 gem_platform = nil when /\A--ruby[-_]version=(.*)/im ruby_version = $1 when /\A--only=(?:(curdir|srcdir)|all)\z/im only = $1&.downcase when /\A--all\z/im all = true when /\A-/ raise "#{$0}: unknown option: #{ARGV.first}" else break end ARGV.shift end gem_platform ||= Gem::Platform.new(ruby_platform).to_s if ruby_platform class Removal attr_reader :base def initialize(base = nil) @base = (File.join(base, "/") if base) @remove = {} end def prefixed(name) @base ? File.join(@base, name) : name end def stripped(name) if @base && name.start_with?(@base) name[@base.size..-1] else name end end def slash(name) name.sub(%r[[^/]\K\z], '/') end def exist?(name) !@remove.fetch(name) {|k| @remove[k] = !File.exist?(prefixed(name))} end def directory?(name) !@remove.fetch(slash(name)) {|k| @remove[k] = !File.directory?(prefixed(name))} end def unlink(name) @remove[stripped(name)] = :rm_f end def rmdir(name) @remove[slash(stripped(name))] = :rm_rf end def glob(pattern, *rest) Dir.glob(prefixed(pattern), *rest) {|n| yield stripped(n) } end def sorted @remove.sort_by {|k, | [-k.count("/"), k]} end def each_file sorted.each {|k, v| yield prefixed(k) if v == :rm_f} end def each_directory sorted.each {|k, v| yield prefixed(k) if v == :rm_rf} end end srcdir = Removal.new(ARGV.shift) curdir = !srcdir.base || File.identical?(srcdir.base, ".") ? srcdir : Removal.new bundled = File.readlines("#{srcdir.base}gems/bundled_gems"). grep(/^(\w\S+)\s+\S+(?:\s+\S+\s+(\S+))?/) {$~.captures}.to_h rescue nil srcdir.glob(".bundle/gems/*/") do |dir| base = File.basename(dir) next if !all && bundled && !bundled.key?(base[/\A.+(?=-)/]) unless srcdir.exist?("gems/#{base}.gem") srcdir.rmdir(dir) end end srcdir.glob(".bundle/.timestamp/*.revision") do |file| unless bundled&.fetch(File.basename(file, ".revision"), nil) srcdir.unlink(file) end end srcdir.glob(".bundle/specifications/*.gemspec") do |spec| unless srcdir.directory?(".bundle/gems/#{File.basename(spec, '.gemspec')}/") srcdir.unlink(spec) end end curdir.glob(".bundle/specifications/*.gemspec") do |spec| unless srcdir.directory?(".bundle/gems/#{File.basename(spec, '.gemspec')}") curdir.unlink(spec) end end curdir.glob(".bundle/gems/*/") do |dir| base = File.basename(dir) unless curdir.exist?(".bundle/specifications/#{base}.gemspec") or curdir.exist?("#{dir}/.bundled.#{base}.gemspec") curdir.rmdir(dir) end end curdir.glob(".bundle/{extensions,.timestamp}/*/") do |dir| unless gem_platform and File.fnmatch?(gem_platform, File.basename(dir)) curdir.rmdir(dir) end end if gem_platform curdir.glob(".bundle/{extensions,.timestamp}/#{gem_platform}/*/") do |dir| unless ruby_version and File.fnmatch?(ruby_version, File.basename(dir, '-static')) curdir.rmdir(dir) end end end if ruby_version curdir.glob(".bundle/extensions/#{gem_platform || '*'}/#{ruby_version}/*/") do |dir| unless curdir.exist?(".bundle/specifications/#{File.basename(dir)}.gemspec") curdir.rmdir(dir) end end curdir.glob(".bundle/.timestamp/#{gem_platform || '*'}/#{ruby_version}/.*.time") do |stamp| dir = stamp[%r[/\.([^/]+)\.time\z], 1].gsub('.-.', '/')[%r[\A[^/]+/[^/]+]] unless curdir.directory?(File.join(".bundle", dir)) curdir.unlink(stamp) end end end unless only == "curdir" srcdir.each_file {|f| fu.rm_f(f)} srcdir.each_directory {|d| fu.rm_rf(d)} end unless only == "srcdir" or curdir.equal?(srcdir) curdir.each_file {|f| fu.rm_f(f)} curdir.each_directory {|d| fu.rm_rf(d)} end