#!./miniruby -s # This script, which is run when ruby is built, generates rbconfig.rb by # parsing information from config.status. rbconfig.rb contains build # information for ruby (compiler flags, paths, etc.) and is used e.g. by # mkmf to build compatible native extensions. # avoid warnings with -d. $install_name ||= nil $so_name ||= nil $unicode_version ||= nil $unicode_emoji_version ||= nil arch = $arch or raise "missing -arch" version = $version or raise "missing -version" srcdir = File.expand_path('../..', __FILE__) $:.unshift(".") mkconfig = File.basename($0) fast = {'prefix'=>true, 'ruby_install_name'=>true, 'INSTALL'=>true, 'EXEEXT'=>true} win32 = /mswin/ =~ arch universal = /universal.*darwin/ =~ arch v_fast = [] v_others = [] vars = {} continued_name = nil continued_line = nil install_name = nil so_name = nil File.foreach "config.status" do |line| next if /^#/ =~ line name = nil case line when /^s([%,])@(\w+)@\1(?:\|\#_!!_\#\|)?(.*)\1/ name = $2 val = $3.gsub(/\\(?=,)/, '') when /^S\["(\w+)"\]\s*=\s*"(.*)"\s*(\\)?$/ name = $1 val = $2 if $3 continued_line = [val] continued_name = name next end when /^"(.*)"\s*(\\)?$/ next if !continued_line continued_line << $1 next if $2 continued_line.each {|s| s.sub!(/\\n\z/, "\n")} val = continued_line.join name = continued_name continued_line = nil when /^(?:ac_given_)?INSTALL=(.*)/ v_fast << " CONFIG[\"INSTALL\"] = " + $1 + "\n" end if name case name when /^(?:ac_.*|configure_input|(?:top_)?srcdir|\w+OBJS)$/; next when /^(?:X|(?:MINI|RUN|(?:HAVE_)?BASE|BOOTSTRAP|BTEST)RUBY(?:_COMMAND)?$)/; next when /^INSTALLDOC|TARGET$/; next when /^DTRACE/; next when /^MJIT_SUPPORT/; # pass when /^MJIT_/; next when /^(?:MAJOR|MINOR|TEENY)$/; vars[name] = val; next when /^LIBRUBY_D?LD/; next when /^RUBY_INSTALL_NAME$/; next vars[name] = (install_name = val).dup if $install_name when /^RUBY_SO_NAME$/; next vars[name] = (so_name = val).dup if $so_name when /^arch$/; if val.empty? then val = arch else arch = val end when /^sitearch$/; val = '$(arch)' if val.empty? when /^DESTDIR$/; next when /RUBYGEMS/; next end case val when /^\$\(ac_\w+\)$/; next when /^\$\{ac_\w+\}$/; next when /^\$ac_\w+$/; next end if /^program_transform_name$/ =~ name val.sub!(/\As(\\?\W)(?:\^|\${1,2})\1\1(;|\z)/, '') if val.empty? $install_name ||= "ruby" next end unless $install_name $install_name = "ruby" val.gsub!(/\$\$/, '$') val.scan(%r[\G[\s;]*(/(?:\\.|[^/])*/)?([sy])(\\?\W)((?:(?!\3)(?:\\.|.))*)\3((?:(?!\3)(?:\\.|.))*)\3([gi]*)]) do |addr, cmd, sep, pat, rep, opt| if addr Regexp.new(addr[/\A\/(.*)\/\z/, 1]) =~ $install_name or next end case cmd when 's' pat = Regexp.new(pat, opt.include?('i')) if opt.include?('g') $install_name.gsub!(pat, rep) else $install_name.sub!(pat, rep) end when 'y' $install_name.tr!(Regexp.quote(pat), rep) end end end end eq = win32 && vars[name] ? '<< "\n"' : '=' vars[name] = val if name == "configure_args" val.gsub!(/--with-out-ext/, "--without-ext") end val = val.gsub(/\$(?:\$|\{?(\w+)\}?)/) {$1 ? "$(#{$1})" : $&}.dump case name when /^prefix$/ val = "(TOPDIR || DESTDIR + #{val})" when /^ARCH_FLAG$/ val = "arch_flag || #{val}" if universal when /^UNIVERSAL_ARCHNAMES$/ universal, val = val, 'universal' if universal when /^arch$/ if universal val.sub!(/universal/, %q[#{arch && universal[/(?:\A|\s)#{Regexp.quote(arch)}=(\S+)/, 1] || '\&'}]) end when /^oldincludedir$/ val = '"$(SDKROOT)"'+val if /darwin/ =~ arch end v = " CONFIG[\"#{name}\"] #{eq} #{val}\n" if fast[name] v_fast << v else v_others << v end #case name #when "RUBY_PROGRAM_VERSION" # version = val[/\A"(.*)"\z/, 1] #end end # break if /^CEOF/ end drive = File::PATH_SEPARATOR == ';' def vars.expand(val, config = self) newval = val.gsub(/\$\$|\$\(([^()]+)\)|\$\{([^{}]+)\}/) { var = $& if !(v = $1 || $2) '$' elsif key = config[v = v[/\A[^:]+(?=(?::(.*?)=(.*))?\z)/]] pat, sub = $1, $2 config[v] = false config[v] = expand(key, config) key = key.gsub(/#{Regexp.quote(pat)}(?=\s|\z)/n) {sub} if pat key else var end } val.replace(newval) unless newval == val val end prefix = vars.expand(vars["prefix"] ||= "") rubyarchdir = vars.expand(vars["rubyarchdir"] ||= "") relative_archdir = rubyarchdir.rindex(prefix, 0) ? rubyarchdir[prefix.size..-1] : rubyarchdir puts %[\ # encoding: ascii-8bit # frozen-string-literal: false # # The module storing Ruby interpreter configurations on building. # # This file was created by #{mkconfig} when ruby was built. It contains # build information for ruby which is used e.g. by mkmf to build # compatible native extensions. Any changes made to this file will be # lost the next time ruby is built. module RbConfig RUBY_VERSION.start_with?("#{version[/^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\./] || version}") or raise "ruby lib version (#{version}) doesn't match executable version (\#{RUBY_VERSION})" ] print " # Ruby installed directory.\n" print " TOPDIR = File.dirname(__FILE__).chomp!(#{relative_archdir.dump})\n" print " # DESTDIR on make install.\n" print " DESTDIR = ", (drive ? "TOPDIR && TOPDIR[/\\A[a-z]:/i] || " : ""), "'' unless defined? DESTDIR\n" print <<'ARCH' if universal arch_flag = ENV['ARCHFLAGS'] || ((e = ENV['RC_ARCHS']) && e.split.uniq.map {|a| "-arch #{a}"}.join(' ')) arch = arch_flag && arch_flag[/\A\s*-arch\s+(\S+)\s*\z/, 1] ARCH print " universal = #{universal}\n" if universal print " # The hash configurations stored.\n" print " CONFIG = {}\n" print " CONFIG[\"DESTDIR\"] = DESTDIR\n" versions = {} IO.foreach(File.join(srcdir, "version.h")) do |l| m = /^\s*#\s*define\s+RUBY_(PATCHLEVEL)\s+(-?\d+)/.match(l) if m versions[m[1]] = m[2] break if versions.size == 4 next end m = /^\s*#\s*define\s+RUBY_VERSION\s+\W?([.\d]+)/.match(l) if m versions['MAJOR'], versions['MINOR'], versions['TEENY'] = m[1].split('.') break if versions.size == 4 next end end %w[MAJOR MINOR TEENY PATCHLEVEL].each do |v| print " CONFIG[#{v.dump}] = #{(versions[v]||vars[v]).dump}\n" end dest = drive ? %r'= "(?!\$[\(\{])(?i:[a-z]:)' : %r'= "(?!\$[\(\{])' v_disabled = {} v_others.collect! do |x| if /^\s*CONFIG\["((?!abs_|old)[a-z]+(?:_prefix|dir))"\]/ === x name = $1 if /= "no"$/ =~ x v_disabled[name] = true v_others.delete(name) next end x.sub(dest, '= "$(DESTDIR)') else x end end v_others.compact! if $install_name if install_name and vars.expand("$(RUBY_INSTALL_NAME)") == $install_name $install_name = install_name end v_fast << " CONFIG[\"ruby_install_name\"] = \"" + $install_name + "\"\n" v_fast << " CONFIG[\"RUBY_INSTALL_NAME\"] = \"" + $install_name + "\"\n" end if $so_name if so_name and vars.expand("$(RUBY_SO_NAME)") == $so_name $so_name = so_name end v_fast << " CONFIG[\"RUBY_SO_NAME\"] = \"" + $so_name + "\"\n" end print(*v_fast) print(*v_others) print < prefix = /usr/local # exec_prefix = $(prefix) # bindir = $(exec_prefix)/bin MAKEFILE_CONFIG = {} # # RbConfig.expand is used for resolving references like above in rbconfig. # # require 'rbconfig' # p Config.expand(Config::MAKEFILE_CONFIG["bindir"]) # # => "/usr/local/bin" MAKEFILE_CONFIG = {} CONFIG.each{|k,v| MAKEFILE_CONFIG[k] = v.dup} # call-seq: # # RbConfig.expand(val) -> string # RbConfig.expand(val, config) -> string # # expands variable with given +val+ value. # # RbConfig.expand("$(bindir)") # => /home/foobar/all-ruby/ruby19x/bin def RbConfig::expand(val, config = CONFIG) newval = val.gsub(/\\$\\$|\\$\\(([^()]+)\\)|\\$\\{([^{}]+)\\}/) { var = $& if !(v = $1 || $2) '$' elsif key = config[v = v[/\\A[^:]+(?=(?::(.*?)=(.*))?\\z)/]] pat, sub = $1, $2 config[v] = false config[v] = RbConfig::expand(key, config) key = key.gsub(/\#{Regexp.quote(pat)}(?=\\s|\\z)/n) {sub} if pat key else var end } val.replace(newval) unless newval == val val end CONFIG.each_value do |val| RbConfig::expand(val) end # :nodoc: # call-seq: # # RbConfig.fire_update!(key, val) -> string # RbConfig.fire_update!(key, val, mkconf, conf) -> string # # updates +key+ in +mkconf+ with +val+, and all values depending on # the +key+ in +mkconf+. # # RbConfig::MAKEFILE_CONFIG.values_at("CC", "LDSHARED") # => ["gcc", "$(CC) -shared"] # RbConfig::CONFIG.values_at("CC", "LDSHARED") # => ["gcc", "gcc -shared"] # RbConfig.fire_update!("CC", "gcc-8") # => ["CC", "LDSHARED"] # RbConfig::MAKEFILE_CONFIG.values_at("CC", "LDSHARED") # => ["gcc-8", "$(CC) -shared"] # RbConfig::CONFIG.values_at("CC", "LDSHARED") # => ["gcc-8", "gcc-8 -shared"] # # returns updated keys list, or +nil+ if nothing changed. def RbConfig.fire_update!(key, val, mkconf = MAKEFILE_CONFIG, conf = CONFIG) return if (old = mkconf[key]) == val mkconf[key] = val keys = [key] deps = [] begin re = Regexp.new("\\\\$\\\\((?:%1$s)\\\\)|\\\\$\\\\{(?:%1$s)\\\\}" % keys.join('|')) deps |= keys keys.clear mkconf.each {|k,v| keys << k if re =~ v} end until keys.empty? deps.each {|k| conf[k] = mkconf[k].dup} deps.each {|k| expand(conf[k])} deps end # call-seq: # # RbConfig.ruby -> path # # returns the absolute pathname of the ruby command. def RbConfig.ruby File.join( RbConfig::CONFIG["bindir"], RbConfig::CONFIG["ruby_install_name"] + RbConfig::CONFIG["EXEEXT"] ) end end CROSS_COMPILING = nil unless defined? CROSS_COMPILING EOS # vi:set sw=2: