module Lrama # Algorithm Digraph of (P. 625) class Digraph def initialize(sets, relation, base_function) # X in the paper @sets = sets # R in the paper @relation = relation # F' in the paper @base_function = base_function # S in the paper @stack = [] # N in the paper @h = # F in the paper @result = {} end def compute @sets.each do |x| next if @h[x] != 0 traverse(x) end return @result end private def traverse(x) @stack.push(x) d = @stack.count @h[x] = d @result[x] = @base_function[x] # F x = F' x @relation[x] && @relation[x].each do |y| traverse(y) if @h[y] == 0 @h[x] = [@h[x], @h[y]].min @result[x] |= @result[y] # F x = F x + F y end if @h[x] == d while true do z = @stack.pop @h[z] = Float::INFINITY @result[z] = @result[x] # F (Top of S) = F x break if z == x end end end end end