#!/usr/bin/ruby target_directory = true noop = false force = false until ARGV.empty? case ARGV[0] when '-n' noop = true when '-f' force = true when '-T' target_directory = false else break end ARGV.shift end unless ARGV.size == 2 abort "usage: #{$0} src destdir" end src, dest = ARGV require 'fileutils' include FileUtils unless respond_to?(:ln_sr) def ln_sr(src, dest, target_directory: true, force: nil, noop: nil, verbose: nil) options = "#{force ? 'f' : ''}#{target_directory ? '' : 'T'}" dest = File.path(dest) srcs = Array(src) link = proc do |s, target_dir_p = true| s = File.path(s) if target_dir_p d = File.join(destdirs = dest, File.basename(s)) else destdirs = File.dirname(d = dest) end destdirs = fu_split_path(File.realpath(destdirs)) if fu_starting_path?(s) srcdirs = fu_split_path((File.realdirpath(s) rescue File.expand_path(s))) base = fu_relative_components_from(srcdirs, destdirs) s = File.join(*base) else srcdirs = fu_clean_components(*fu_split_path(s)) base = fu_relative_components_from(fu_split_path(Dir.pwd), destdirs) while srcdirs.first&. == ".." and base.last&.!=("..") and !fu_starting_path?(base.last) srcdirs.shift base.pop end s = File.join(*base, *srcdirs) end fu_output_message "ln -s#{options} #{s} #{d}" if verbose next if noop remove_file d, true if force File.symlink s, d end case srcs.size when 0 when 1 link[srcs[0], target_directory && File.directory?(dest)] else srcs.each(&link) end end def fu_split_path(path) path = File.path(path) list = [] until (parent, base = File.split(path); parent == path or parent == ".") list << base path = parent end list << path list.reverse! end def fu_relative_components_from(target, base) #:nodoc: i = 0 while target[i]&.== base[i] i += 1 end Array.new(base.size-i, '..').concat(target[i..-1]) end def fu_clean_components(*comp) comp.shift while comp.first == "." return comp if comp.empty? clean = [comp.shift] path = File.join(*clean, "") # ending with File::SEPARATOR while c = comp.shift if c == ".." and clean.last != ".." and !(fu_have_symlink? && File.symlink?(path)) clean.pop path.chomp!(%r((?<=\A|/)[^/]+/\z), "") else clean << c path << c << "/" end end clean end if fu_windows? def fu_starting_path?(path) path&.start_with?(%r(\w:|/)) end else def fu_starting_path?(path) path&.start_with?("/") end end end if File.respond_to?(:symlink) begin ln_sr(src, dest, verbose: true, target_directory: target_directory, force: force, noop: noop) rescue NotImplementedError, Errno::EPERM, Errno::EACCES else exit end end cp_r(src, dest)