# frozen_string_literal: true $LOAD_PATH.unshift "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../.." require 'test/unit' require "profile_test_all" if ENV.key?('RUBY_TEST_ALL_PROFILE') require "tracepointchecker" require "zombie_hunter" require "iseq_loader_checker" require "gc_checker" module Test module Unit class Worker < Runner # :nodoc: class << self undef autorun end alias orig_run_suite mini_run_suite undef _run_suite undef _run_suites undef run def increment_io(orig) # :nodoc: *rest, io = 32.times.inject([orig.dup]){|ios, | ios << ios.last.dup } rest.each(&:close) io end def _run_suites(suites, type) # :nodoc: suites.map do |suite| _run_suite(suite, type) end end def _run_suite(suite, type) # :nodoc: @partial_report = [] orig_testout = Test::Unit::Runner.output i,o = IO.pipe Test::Unit::Runner.output = o orig_stdin, orig_stdout = $stdin, $stdout th = Thread.new do begin while buf = (self.verbose ? i.gets : i.readpartial(1024)) _report "p", buf or break end rescue IOError end end e, f, s = @errors, @failures, @skips begin result = orig_run_suite(suite, type) rescue Interrupt @need_exit = true result = [nil,nil] end Test::Unit::Runner.output = orig_testout $stdin = orig_stdin $stdout = orig_stdout o.close begin th.join rescue IOError raise unless /stream closed|closed stream/ =~ $!.message end i.close result << @partial_report @partial_report = nil result << [@errors-e,@failures-f,@skips-s] result << ($: - @old_loadpath) result << suite.name _report "done", Marshal.dump(result) return result ensure Test::Unit::Runner.output = orig_stdout $stdin = orig_stdin if orig_stdin $stdout = orig_stdout if orig_stdout o.close if o && !o.closed? i.close if i && !i.closed? end def run(args = []) # :nodoc: process_args args @@stop_auto_run = true @opts = @options.dup @need_exit = false @old_loadpath = [] begin begin @stdout = increment_io(STDOUT) @stdin = increment_io(STDIN) rescue exit 2 end exit 2 unless @stdout && @stdin @stdout.sync = true _report "ready!" while buf = @stdin.gets case buf.chomp when /^loadpath (.+?)$/ @old_loadpath = $:.dup $:.push(*Marshal.load($1.unpack("m")[0].force_encoding("ASCII-8BIT"))).uniq! when /^run (.+?) (.+?)$/ _report "okay" @options = @opts.dup suites = Test::Unit::TestCase.test_suites begin require File.realpath($1) rescue LoadError _report "after", Marshal.dump([$1, ProxyError.new($!)]) _report "ready" next end _run_suites Test::Unit::TestCase.test_suites-suites, $2.to_sym if @need_exit _report "bye" exit else _report "ready" end when /^quit$/ _report "bye" exit end end rescue Exception => e trace = e.backtrace || ['unknown method'] err = ["#{trace.shift}: #{e.message} (#{e.class})"] + trace.map{|t| "\t" + t } if @stdout _report "bye", Marshal.dump(err.join("\n")) else raise "failed to report a failure due to lack of @stdout" end exit ensure @stdin.close if @stdin @stdout.close if @stdout end end def _report(res, *args) # :nodoc: @stdout.write(args.empty? ? "#{res}\n" : "#{res} #{args.pack("m0")}\n") true rescue Errno::EPIPE rescue TypeError => e abort("#{e.inspect} in _report(#{res.inspect}, #{args.inspect})\n#{e.backtrace.join("\n")}") end def puke(klass, meth, e) # :nodoc: if e.is_a?(Test::Skip) new_e = Test::Skip.new(e.message) new_e.set_backtrace(e.backtrace) e = new_e end @partial_report << [klass.name, meth, e.is_a?(Test::Assertion) ? e : ProxyError.new(e)] super end def record(suite, method, assertions, time, error) # :nodoc: case error when nil when Test::Assertion, Test::Skip case error.cause when nil, Test::Assertion, Test::Skip else bt = error.backtrace error = error.class.new(error.message) error.set_backtrace(bt) end else error = ProxyError.new(error) end _report "record", Marshal.dump([suite.name, method, assertions, time, error]) super end end end end if $0 == __FILE__ module Test module Unit class TestCase # :nodoc: all undef on_parallel_worker? def on_parallel_worker? true end def self.on_parallel_worker? true end end end end require 'rubygems' Test::Unit::Worker.new.run(ARGV) end