# frozen-string-literal: true class Colorize # call-seq: # Colorize.new(colorize = nil) # Colorize.new(color: color, colors_file: colors_file) def initialize(color = nil, opts = ((_, color = color, nil)[0] if Hash === color)) @colors = @reset = nil @color = (opts[:color] if opts) if color or (color == nil && STDOUT.tty? && (ENV["NO_COLOR"] || "").empty?) if (%w[smso so].any? {|attr| /\A\e\[.*m\z/ =~ IO.popen("tput #{attr}", "r", :err => IO::NULL, &:read)} rescue nil) @beg = "\e[" colors = (colors = ENV['TEST_COLORS']) ? Hash[colors.scan(/(\w+)=([^:\n]*)/)] : {} if opts and colors_file = opts[:colors_file] begin File.read(colors_file).scan(/(\w+)=([^:\n]*)/) do |n, c| colors[n] ||= c end rescue Errno::ENOENT end end @colors = colors @reset = "#{@beg}m" end end self end DEFAULTS = { "pass"=>"32", "fail"=>"31;1", "skip"=>"33;1", "black"=>"30", "red"=>"31", "green"=>"32", "yellow"=>"33", "blue"=>"34", "magenta"=>"35", "cyan"=>"36", "white"=>"37", "bold"=>"1", "underline"=>"4", "reverse"=>"7", } # colorize.decorate(str, name = color_name) def decorate(str, name = @color) if @colors and color = (@colors[name] || DEFAULTS[name]) "#{@beg}#{color}m#{str}#{@reset}" else str end end DEFAULTS.each_key do |name| define_method(name) {|str| decorate(str, name) } end end if $0 == __FILE__ colorize = Colorize.new(ARGV.shift) ARGV.each {|str| puts colorize.decorate(str)} end