# -*- coding: us-ascii -*- # Used to expand Ruby template files by common.mk, uncommon.mk and # some Ruby extension libraries. require 'erb' require 'optparse' require 'fileutils' $:.unshift(File.dirname(__FILE__)) require 'vpath' vpath = VPath.new timestamp = nil output = nil ifchange = nil source = false color = nil opt = OptionParser.new do |o| o.on('-t', '--timestamp[=PATH]') {|v| timestamp = v || true} o.on('-o', '--output=PATH') {|v| output = v} o.on('-c', '--[no-]if-change') {|v| ifchange = v} o.on('-x', '--source') {source = true} o.on('--color') {color = true} vpath.def_options(o) o.order!(ARGV) end unchanged = "unchanged" updated = "updated" if color or (color == nil && STDOUT.tty?) if (/\A\e\[.*m\z/ =~ IO.popen("tput smso", "r", err: IO::NULL, &:read) rescue nil) beg = "\e[" colors = (colors = ENV['TEST_COLORS']) ? Hash[colors.scan(/(\w+)=([^:\n]*)/)] : {} reset = "#{beg}m" unchanged = "#{beg}#{colors["pass"] || "32;1"}m#{unchanged}#{reset}" updated = "#{beg}#{colors["fail"] || "31;1"}m#{updated}#{reset}" end end template = ARGV.shift or abort opt.to_s erb = ERB.new(File.read(template), nil, '%-') erb.filename = template result = source ? erb.src : proc{erb.result}.call if output if ifchange and (vpath.open(output, "rb") {|f| f.read} rescue nil) == result puts "#{output} #{unchanged}" else open(output, "wb") {|f| f.print result} puts "#{output} #{updated}" end if timestamp if timestamp == true dir, base = File.split(output) timestamp = File.join(dir, ".time." + base) end FileUtils.touch(timestamp) end else print result end