#!/usr/bin/env ruby # Creates the data structures needed by Oniguruma to map Unicode codepoints to # property names and POSIX character classes # # To use this, get UnicodeData.txt, Scripts.txt, PropList.txt, # PropertyAliases.txt, PropertyValueAliases.txt, DerivedCoreProperties.txt, # DerivedAge.txt, Blocks.txt, emoji/emoji-data.txt, # auxiliary/GraphemeBreakProperty.txt from unicode.org # (http://unicode.org/Public/UNIDATA/) And run following command. # tool/enc-unicode.rb data_dir emoji_data_dir > enc/unicode/name2ctype.kwd # You can get source file for gperf. After this, simply make ruby. # Or directly run: # tool/enc-unicode.rb --header data_dir emoji_data_dir > enc/unicode//name2ctype.h while arg = ARGV.shift case arg when "--" break when "--header" header = true when "--diff" diff = ARGV.shift or abort "#{$0}: --diff=DIFF-COMMAND" when /\A--diff=(.+)/m diff = $1 when /\A-/ abort "#{$0}: unknown option #{arg}" else ARGV.unshift(arg) break end end unless ARGV.size == 2 abort "Usage: #{$0} data_directory emoji_data_directory" end pat = /(?:\A|\/)([.\d]+)\z/ $versions = { :Unicode => ARGV[0][pat, 1], :Emoji => ARGV[1][pat, 1], } POSIX_NAMES = %w[NEWLINE Alpha Blank Cntrl Digit Graph Lower Print XPosixPunct Space Upper XDigit Word Alnum ASCII Punct] def pair_codepoints(codepoints) # We have a sorted Array of codepoints that we wish to partition into # ranges such that the start- and endpoints form an inclusive set of # codepoints with property _property_. Note: It is intended that some ranges # will begin with the value with which they end, e.g. 0x0020 -> 0x0020 codepoints.sort! last_cp = codepoints.first pairs = [[last_cp, nil]] codepoints[1..-1].each do |codepoint| next if last_cp == codepoint # If the current codepoint does not follow directly on from the last # codepoint, the last codepoint represents the end of the current range, # and the current codepoint represents the start of the next range. if last_cp.next != codepoint pairs[-1][-1] = last_cp pairs << [codepoint, nil] end last_cp = codepoint end # The final pair has as its endpoint the last codepoint for this property pairs[-1][-1] = codepoints.last pairs end def parse_unicode_data(file) last_cp = 0 data = {'Any' => (0x0000..0x10ffff).to_a, 'Assigned' => [], 'ASCII' => (0..0x007F).to_a, 'NEWLINE' => [0x0a], 'Cn' => []} beg_cp = nil File.foreach(file) do |line| fields = line.split(';') cp = fields[0].to_i(16) case fields[1] when /\A<(.*),\s*First>\z/ beg_cp = cp next when /\A<(.*),\s*Last>\z/ cps = (beg_cp..cp).to_a else beg_cp = cp cps = [cp] end # The Cn category represents unassigned characters. These are not listed in # UnicodeData.txt so we must derive them by looking for 'holes' in the range # of listed codepoints. We increment the last codepoint seen and compare it # with the current codepoint. If the current codepoint is less than # last_cp.next we have found a hole, so we add the missing codepoint to the # Cn category. data['Cn'].concat((last_cp.next...beg_cp).to_a) # Assigned - Defined in unicode.c; interpreted as every character in the # Unicode range minus the unassigned characters data['Assigned'].concat(cps) # The third field denotes the 'General' category, e.g. Lu (data[fields[2]] ||= []).concat(cps) # The 'Major' category is the first letter of the 'General' category, e.g. # 'Lu' -> 'L' (data[fields[2][0,1]] ||= []).concat(cps) last_cp = cp end # The last Cn codepoint should be 0x10ffff. If it's not, append the missing # codepoints to Cn and C cn_remainder = (last_cp.next..0x10ffff).to_a data['Cn'] += cn_remainder data['C'] += data['Cn'] # Special case for LC (Cased_Letter). LC = Ll + Lt + Lu data['LC'] = data['Ll'] + data['Lt'] + data['Lu'] # Define General Category properties gcps = data.keys.sort - POSIX_NAMES # Returns General Category Property names and the data [gcps, data] end def define_posix_props(data) # We now derive the character classes (POSIX brackets), e.g. [[:alpha:]] # data['Alpha'] = data['Alphabetic'] data['Upper'] = data['Uppercase'] data['Lower'] = data['Lowercase'] data['Punct'] = data['Punctuation'] data['XPosixPunct'] = data['Punctuation'] + [0x24, 0x2b, 0x3c, 0x3d, 0x3e, 0x5e, 0x60, 0x7c, 0x7e] data['Digit'] = data['Decimal_Number'] data['XDigit'] = (0x0030..0x0039).to_a + (0x0041..0x0046).to_a + (0x0061..0x0066).to_a data['Alnum'] = data['Alpha'] + data['Digit'] data['Space'] = data['White_Space'] data['Blank'] = data['Space_Separator'] + [0x0009] data['Cntrl'] = data['Cc'] data['Word'] = data['Alpha'] + data['Mark'] + data['Digit'] + data['Connector_Punctuation'] data['Graph'] = data['Any'] - data['Space'] - data['Cntrl'] - data['Surrogate'] - data['Unassigned'] data['Print'] = data['Graph'] + data['Space_Separator'] end def parse_scripts(data, categories) files = [ {:fn => 'DerivedCoreProperties.txt', :title => 'Derived Property'}, {:fn => 'Scripts.txt', :title => 'Script'}, {:fn => 'PropList.txt', :title => 'Binary Property'}, {:fn => 'emoji/emoji-data.txt', :title => 'Emoji'} ] current = nil cps = [] names = {} files.each do |file| data_foreach(file[:fn]) do |line| if /^# Total (?:code points|elements): / =~ line data[current] = cps categories[current] = file[:title] (names[file[:title]] ||= []) << current cps = [] elsif /^([0-9a-fA-F]+)(?:\.\.([0-9a-fA-F]+))?\s*;\s*(\w+)/ =~ line current = $3 $2 ? cps.concat(($1.to_i(16)..$2.to_i(16)).to_a) : cps.push($1.to_i(16)) end end end # All code points not explicitly listed for Script # have the value Unknown (Zzzz). data['Unknown'] = (0..0x10ffff).to_a - data.values_at(*names['Script']).flatten categories['Unknown'] = 'Script' names.values.flatten << 'Unknown' end def parse_aliases(data) kv = {} data_foreach('PropertyAliases.txt') do |line| next unless /^(\w+)\s*; (\w+)/ =~ line data[$1] = data[$2] kv[normalize_propname($1)] = normalize_propname($2) end data_foreach('PropertyValueAliases.txt') do |line| next unless /^(sc|gc)\s*; (\w+)\s*; (\w+)(?:\s*; (\w+))?/ =~ line if $1 == 'gc' data[$3] = data[$2] data[$4] = data[$2] kv[normalize_propname($3)] = normalize_propname($2) kv[normalize_propname($4)] = normalize_propname($2) if $4 else data[$2] = data[$3] data[$4] = data[$3] kv[normalize_propname($2)] = normalize_propname($3) kv[normalize_propname($4)] = normalize_propname($3) if $4 end end kv end # According to Unicode6.0.0/ch03.pdf, Section 3.1, "An update version # never involves any additions to the character repertoire." Versions # in DerivedAge.txt should always be /\d+\.\d+/ def parse_age(data) current = nil last_constname = nil cps = [] ages = [] data_foreach('DerivedAge.txt') do |line| if /^# Total code points: / =~ line constname = constantize_agename(current) # each version matches all previous versions cps.concat(data[last_constname]) if last_constname data[constname] = cps make_const(constname, cps, "Derived Age #{current}") ages << current last_constname = constname cps = [] elsif /^([0-9a-fA-F]+)(?:\.\.([0-9a-fA-F]+))?\s*;\s*(\d+\.\d+)/ =~ line current = $3 $2 ? cps.concat(($1.to_i(16)..$2.to_i(16)).to_a) : cps.push($1.to_i(16)) end end ages end def parse_GraphemeBreakProperty(data) current = nil cps = [] ages = [] data_foreach('auxiliary/GraphemeBreakProperty.txt') do |line| if /^# Total code points: / =~ line constname = constantize_Grapheme_Cluster_Break(current) data[constname] = cps make_const(constname, cps, "Grapheme_Cluster_Break=#{current}") ages << current cps = [] elsif /^([0-9a-fA-F]+)(?:\.\.([0-9a-fA-F]+))?\s*;\s*(\w+)/ =~ line current = $3 $2 ? cps.concat(($1.to_i(16)..$2.to_i(16)).to_a) : cps.push($1.to_i(16)) end end ages end def parse_block(data) cps = [] blocks = [] data_foreach('Blocks.txt') do |line| if /^([0-9a-fA-F]+)\.\.([0-9a-fA-F]+);\s*(.*)/ =~ line cps = ($1.to_i(16)..$2.to_i(16)).to_a constname = constantize_blockname($3) data[constname] = cps make_const(constname, cps, "Block") blocks << constname end end # All code points not belonging to any of the named blocks # have the value No_Block. no_block = (0..0x10ffff).to_a - data.values_at(*blocks).flatten constname = constantize_blockname("No_Block") make_const(constname, no_block, "Block") blocks << constname end $const_cache = {} # make_const(property, pairs, name): Prints a 'static const' structure for a # given property, group of paired codepoints, and a human-friendly name for # the group def make_const(prop, data, name) puts "\n/* '#{prop}': #{name} */" # comment used to generate documentation if origprop = $const_cache.key(data) puts "#define CR_#{prop} CR_#{origprop}" else $const_cache[prop] = data pairs = pair_codepoints(data) puts "static const OnigCodePoint CR_#{prop}[] = {" # The first element of the constant is the number of pairs of codepoints puts "\t#{pairs.size}," pairs.each do |pair| pair.map! { |c| c == 0 ? '0x0000' : sprintf("%0#6x", c) } puts "\t#{pair.first}, #{pair.last}," end puts "}; /* CR_#{prop} */" end end def normalize_propname(name) name = name.downcase name.delete!('- _') name end def constantize_agename(name) "Age_#{name.sub(/\./, '_')}" end def constantize_Grapheme_Cluster_Break(name) "Grapheme_Cluster_Break_#{name}" end def constantize_blockname(name) "In_#{name.gsub(/\W/, '_')}" end def get_file(name) File.join(ARGV[name.start_with?("emoji-[stz]") ? 1 : 0], name) end def data_foreach(name, &block) fn = get_file(name) warn "Reading #{name}" File.open(fn, 'rb') do |f| if /^emoji/ =~ name line = f.gets("") # Headers till Emoji 13 or 15 version = line[/^# #{Regexp.quote(File.basename(name))}.*(?:^# Version:|Emoji Version) ([\d.]+)/m, 1] type = :Emoji else # Headers since Emoji 14 or other Unicode data line = f.gets("\n") type = :Unicode end version ||= line[/^# #{File.basename(name).sub(/\./, '-([\\d.]+)\\.')}/, 1] unless version raise ArgumentError, <<-ERROR #{name}: no #{type} version #{line.gsub(/^/, '> ')} ERROR end if !(v = $versions[type]) $versions[type] = version elsif v != version and "#{v}.0" != version raise ArgumentError, <<-ERROR #{name}: #{type} version mismatch: #{version} to #{v} #{line.gsub(/^/, '> ')} ERROR end f.each(&block) end end # Write Data class Unifdef attr_accessor :output, :top, :stack, :stdout, :kwdonly def initialize(out) @top = @output = [] @stack = [] $stdout, @stdout = self, out end def restore $stdout = @stdout end def ifdef(sym) if @kwdonly @stdout.puts "#ifdef #{sym}" else @stack << @top @top << tmp = [sym] @top = tmp end if block_given? begin return yield ensure endif(sym) end end end def endif(sym) if @kwdonly @stdout.puts "#endif /* #{sym} */" else unless sym == @top[0] restore raise ArgumentError, "#{sym} unmatch to #{@top[0]}" end @top = @stack.pop end end def show(dest, *syms) _show(dest, @output, syms) end def _show(dest, ary, syms) if Symbol === (sym = ary[0]) unless syms.include?(sym) return end end ary.each do |e| case e when Array _show(dest, e, syms) when String dest.print e end end end def write(str) if @kwdonly @stdout.write(str) else @top << str end self end alias << write end output = Unifdef.new($stdout) output.kwdonly = !header puts '%{' props, data = parse_unicode_data(get_file('UnicodeData.txt')) categories = {} props.concat parse_scripts(data, categories) aliases = parse_aliases(data) ages = blocks = graphemeBreaks = nil define_posix_props(data) POSIX_NAMES.each do |name| if name == 'XPosixPunct' make_const(name, data[name], "[[:Punct:]]") else make_const(name, data[name], "[[:#{name}:]]") end end output.ifdef :USE_UNICODE_PROPERTIES do props.each do |name| category = categories[name] || case name.size when 1 then 'Major Category' when 2 then 'General Category' else '-' end make_const(name, data[name], category) end output.ifdef :USE_UNICODE_AGE_PROPERTIES do ages = parse_age(data) end graphemeBreaks = parse_GraphemeBreakProperty(data) blocks = parse_block(data) end puts(<<'__HEREDOC') static const OnigCodePoint* const CodeRanges[] = { __HEREDOC POSIX_NAMES.each{|name|puts" CR_#{name},"} output.ifdef :USE_UNICODE_PROPERTIES do props.each{|name| puts" CR_#{name},"} output.ifdef :USE_UNICODE_AGE_PROPERTIES do ages.each{|name| puts" CR_#{constantize_agename(name)},"} end graphemeBreaks.each{|name| puts" CR_#{constantize_Grapheme_Cluster_Break(name)},"} blocks.each{|name|puts" CR_#{name},"} end puts(<<'__HEREDOC') }; struct uniname2ctype_struct { short name; unsigned short ctype; }; #define uniname2ctype_offset(str) offsetof(struct uniname2ctype_pool_t, uniname2ctype_pool_##str) static const struct uniname2ctype_struct *uniname2ctype_p(register const char *str, register size_t len); %} struct uniname2ctype_struct; %% __HEREDOC i = -1 name_to_index = {} POSIX_NAMES.each do |name| i += 1 next if name == 'NEWLINE' name = normalize_propname(name) name_to_index[name] = i puts"%-40s %3d" % [name + ',', i] end output.ifdef :USE_UNICODE_PROPERTIES do props.each do |name| i += 1 name = normalize_propname(name) name_to_index[name] = i puts "%-40s %3d" % [name + ',', i] end aliases.each_pair do |k, v| next if name_to_index[k] next unless v = name_to_index[v] puts "%-40s %3d" % [k + ',', v] end output.ifdef :USE_UNICODE_AGE_PROPERTIES do ages.each do |name| i += 1 name = "age=#{name}" name_to_index[name] = i puts "%-40s %3d" % [name + ',', i] end end graphemeBreaks.each do |name| i += 1 name = "graphemeclusterbreak=#{name.delete('_').downcase}" name_to_index[name] = i puts "%-40s %3d" % [name + ',', i] end blocks.each do |name| i += 1 name = normalize_propname(name) name_to_index[name] = i puts "%-40s %3d" % [name + ',', i] end end puts(<<'__HEREDOC') %% static int uniname2ctype(const UChar *name, unsigned int len) { const struct uniname2ctype_struct *p = uniname2ctype_p((const char *)name, len); if (p) return p->ctype; return -1; } __HEREDOC $versions.each do |type, ver| name = type == :Unicode ? "ONIG_UNICODE_VERSION" : "ONIG_UNICODE_EMOJI_VERSION" versions = ver.scan(/\d+/) print("#if defined #{name}_STRING && !( \\\n") versions.zip(%w[MAJOR MINOR TEENY]) do |v, n| print(" #{name}_#{n} == #{v} && \\\n") end print(" 1)\n") print("# error #{name}_STRING mismatch\n") print("#endif\n") print("#define #{name}_STRING #{ver.dump}\n") versions.zip(%w[MAJOR MINOR TEENY]) do |v, n| print("#define #{name}_#{n} #{v}\n") end end output.restore if header require 'tempfile' def diff_args(diff) ok = IO.popen([diff, "-DDIFF_TEST", IO::NULL, "-"], "r+") do |f| f.puts "Test for diffutils 3.8" f.close_write /^#if/ =~ f.read end if ok proc {|macro, *inputs| [diff, "-D#{macro}", *inputs] } else IO.popen([diff, "--old-group-format=%<", "--new-group-format=%>", IO::NULL, IO::NULL], err: %i[child out], &:read) unless $?.success? abort "#{$0}: #{diff} -D does not work" end warn "Avoiding diffutils 3.8 bug#61193" proc {|macro, *inputs| [diff] + [ "--old-group-format=" \ "#ifndef @\n" \ "%<" \ "#endif /* ! @ */\n", "--new-group-format=" \ "#ifdef @\n" \ "%>" \ "#endif /* @ */\n", "--changed-group-format=" \ "#ifndef @\n" \ "%<" \ "#else /* @ */\n" \ "%>" \ "#endif /* @ */\n" ].map {|opt| opt.gsub(/@/) {macro}} + inputs } end end ifdef = diff_args(diff || "diff") NAME2CTYPE = %w[gperf -7 -c -j1 -i1 -t -C -P -T -H uniname2ctype_hash -Q uniname2ctype_pool -N uniname2ctype_p] fds = [] syms = %i[USE_UNICODE_PROPERTIES USE_UNICODE_AGE_PROPERTIES] begin fds << (tmp = Tempfile.new(%w"name2ctype .h")) IO.popen([*NAME2CTYPE, out: tmp], "w") {|f| output.show(f, *syms)} end while syms.pop fds.each(&:close) ff = nil IO.popen(ifdef["USE_UNICODE_AGE_PROPERTIES", fds[1].path, fds[0].path], "r") {|age| IO.popen(ifdef["USE_UNICODE_PROPERTIES", fds[2].path, "-"], "r", in: age) {|f| ansi = false f.each {|line| if /ANSI-C code produced by gperf/ =~ line ansi = true end line.sub!(/\/\*ANSI\*\//, '1') if ansi line.gsub!(/\(int\)\((?:long|size_t)\)&\(\(struct uniname2ctype_pool_t \*\)0\)->uniname2ctype_pool_(str\d+),\s+/, 'uniname2ctype_offset(\1), ') if ff = (!ff ? /^(uniname2ctype_hash) /=~line : /^\}/!~line) # no line can match both, exclusive flip-flop line.sub!(/^( *(?:register\s+)?(.*\S)\s+hval\s*=\s*)(?=len;)/, '\1(\2)') end puts line } } } end