# # This script check that Win32OLE can execute InvokeVerb method of FolderItem2. # begin require 'win32ole' rescue LoadError end require 'test/unit' if defined?(WIN32OLE) class TestInvokeVerb < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup # # make dummy.txt file for InvokeVerb test. # @fso = WIN32OLE.new('Scripting.FileSystemObject') @dummy_path = @fso.GetTempName @cfolder = @fso.getFolder(".") f = @cfolder.CreateTextFile(@dummy_path) f.close @dummy_path = @cfolder.path + "\\" + @dummy_path @shell=WIN32OLE.new('Shell.Application') @fi2 = @shell.NameSpace(@dummy_path).ParentFolder.ParseName(@shell.NameSpace(@dummy_path).Title) @shortcut = nil # # Search the 'Create Shortcut (&S)' string. # Yes, I know the string in the Windows 2000 Japanese Edition. # But I do not know about the string in any other Windows. # verbs = @fi2.verbs verbs.extend(Enumerable) @shortcut = verbs.collect{|verb| verb.name }.find {|name| /.*\(\&S\)$/ =~ name } end def find_link(path) arlink = [] @cfolder.files.each do |f| if /\.lnk$/ =~ f.path linkinfo = @shell.NameSpace(f.path).self.getlink arlink.push f if linkinfo.path == path end end arlink end def test_invokeverb links = find_link(@dummy_path) assert(0, links.size) # Now create shortcut to @dummy_path assert(@shortcut) arg = WIN32OLE_VARIANT.new(@shortcut) @fi2.InvokeVerb(arg) # Now search shortcut to @dummy_path links = find_link(@dummy_path) assert(1, links.size) @lpath = links[0].path end def teardown if @lpath @fso.deleteFile(@lpath) end if @dummy_path @fso.deleteFile(@dummy_path) end end end end