# -*- ruby-indent-level: 4 -*- require 'thread' require 'test/unit' class TC_Thread < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup Thread.abort_on_exception = true end def teardown Thread.abort_on_exception = false end def test_condvar mutex = Mutex.new condvar = ConditionVariable.new result = [] mutex.synchronize do t = Thread.new do mutex.synchronize do result << 1 condvar.signal end end result << 0 condvar.wait(mutex) result << 2 t.join end assert_equal([0, 1, 2], result) end def test_condvar_wait_not_owner mutex = Mutex.new condvar = ConditionVariable.new assert_raises(ThreadError) { condvar.wait(mutex) } end def test_condvar_wait_exception_handling # Calling wait in the only thread running should raise a ThreadError of # 'stopping only thread' mutex = Mutex.new condvar = ConditionVariable.new Thread.abort_on_exception = false locked = false thread = Thread.new do mutex.synchronize do begin condvar.wait(mutex) rescue Exception locked = mutex.locked? raise end end end while !thread.stop? sleep(0.1) end thread.raise Interrupt, "interrupt a dead condition variable" assert_raises(Interrupt) { thread.value } assert(locked) end def test_local_barrier dir = File.dirname(__FILE__) lbtest = File.join(dir, "lbtest.rb") $:.unshift File.join(File.dirname(dir), 'ruby') require 'envutil' $:.shift 10.times { result = `#{EnvUtil.rubybin} #{lbtest}` assert(!$?.coredump?, '[ruby-dev:30653]') assert_equal("exit.", result[/.*\Z/], '[ruby-dev:30653]') } end def test_queue_rescue require "timeout" queue = Queue.new assert_raises(Timeout::Error) {Timeout.timeout(0.001) {queue.pop}} queue.push(1) assert_nothing_raised("[ruby-dev:37545]") {assert_equal(1, queue.pop)} assert(queue.empty?) end # This test checks that a thread in Mutex#lock which is raised is # completely removed from the wait_list of the mutex def test_mutex_exception_handling m = Mutex.new m.lock sleeping = false t = Thread.new do begin m.lock rescue end sleeping = true # Keep that thread alive: if the thread returns, the test method # won't be able to check that +m+ has not been taken (dead mutex # owners are ignored) sleep end # Wait for t to wait for the mutex and raise it while true sleep 0.1 break if t.stop? end t.raise ArgumentError assert(t.alive? || sleeping) # Wait for +t+ to reach the sleep while true sleep 0.1 break if t.stop? end # Now unlock. The mutex should be free, so Mutex#unlock should return nil assert(! m.unlock) end def test_mutex_join m = Mutex.new m.lock wt2 = Thread.new do m.lock sleep 0.5 m.unlock end # Ensure wt2 is waiting on m sleep 0.1 wt1 = Thread.new do m.lock m.unlock end # Ensure wt1 is waiting on m sleep 0.1 # Give it to wt2 m.unlock assert_nothing_raised {wt1.join} end end