# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # frozen_string_literal: false require 'test/unit' require 'shellwords' class TestShellwords < Test::Unit::TestCase include Shellwords def test_shellwords cmd1 = "ruby -i'.bak' -pe \"sub /foo/, '\\\\&bar'\" foobar\\ me.txt\n" assert_equal(['ruby', '-i.bak', '-pe', "sub /foo/, '\\&bar'", "foobar me.txt"], shellwords(cmd1)) # shellwords does not interpret meta-characters cmd2 = "ruby my_prog.rb | less" assert_equal(['ruby', 'my_prog.rb', '|', 'less'], shellwords(cmd2)) end def test_unmatched_double_quote bad_cmd = 'one two "three' assert_raise ArgumentError do shellwords(bad_cmd) end end def test_unmatched_single_quote bad_cmd = "one two 'three" assert_raise ArgumentError do shellwords(bad_cmd) end end def test_unmatched_quotes bad_cmd = "one '"'"''""'"" assert_raise ArgumentError do shellwords(bad_cmd) end end def test_backslashes cmdline, expected = [ %q{/a//b///c////d/////e/ "/a//b///c////d/////e/ "'/a//b///c////d/////e/ '/a//b///c////d/////e/ }, %q{a/b/c//d//e a/b/c//d//e /a//b///c////d/////e/ a/b/c//d//e } ].map { |str| str.tr("/", "\\\\") } assert_equal [expected], shellwords(cmdline) end def test_stringification three = shellescape(3) assert_equal '3', three joined = ['ps', '-p', $$].shelljoin assert_equal "ps -p #{$$}", joined end def test_whitespace empty = '' space = " " newline = "\n" tab = "\t" tokens = [ empty, space, space * 2, newline, newline * 2, tab, tab * 2, empty, space + newline + tab, empty ] tokens.each { |token| assert_equal [token], shellescape(token).shellsplit } assert_equal tokens, shelljoin(tokens).shellsplit end def test_frozenness [ shellescape(String.new), shellescape(String.new('foo')), shellescape(''.freeze), shellescape("\n".freeze), shellescape('foo'.freeze), shelljoin(['ps'.freeze, 'ax'.freeze]), ].each { |object| assert_not_predicate object, :frozen? } [ shellsplit('ps'), shellsplit('ps ax'), ].each { |array| array.each { |arg| assert_not_predicate arg, :frozen?, array.inspect } } end def test_multibyte_characters # This is not a spec. It describes the current behavior which may # be changed in future. There would be no multibyte character # used as shell meta-character that needs to be escaped. assert_equal "\\あ\\い", "あい".shellescape end end