# frozen_string_literal: true require 'test/unit' require 'pstore' require 'tmpdir' class PStoreTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup @pstore_file = File.join(Dir.tmpdir, "pstore.tmp.#{Process.pid}") @pstore = PStore.new(@pstore_file) end def teardown File.unlink(@pstore_file) rescue nil end def test_opening_new_file_in_readonly_mode_should_result_in_empty_values @pstore.transaction(true) do assert_nil @pstore[:foo] assert_nil @pstore[:bar] end end def test_opening_new_file_in_readwrite_mode_should_result_in_empty_values @pstore.transaction do assert_nil @pstore[:foo] assert_nil @pstore[:bar] end end def test_data_should_be_loaded_correctly_when_in_readonly_mode @pstore.transaction do @pstore[:foo] = "bar" end @pstore.transaction(true) do assert_equal "bar", @pstore[:foo] end end def test_data_should_be_loaded_correctly_when_in_readwrite_mode @pstore.transaction do @pstore[:foo] = "bar" end @pstore.transaction do assert_equal "bar", @pstore[:foo] end end def test_changes_after_commit_are_discarded @pstore.transaction do @pstore[:foo] = "bar" @pstore.commit @pstore[:foo] = "baz" end @pstore.transaction(true) do assert_equal "bar", @pstore[:foo] end end def test_changes_are_not_written_on_abort @pstore.transaction do @pstore[:foo] = "bar" @pstore.abort end @pstore.transaction(true) do assert_nil @pstore[:foo] end end def test_writing_inside_readonly_transaction_raises_error assert_raise(PStore::Error) do @pstore.transaction(true) do @pstore[:foo] = "bar" end end end def test_thread_safe q1 = Queue.new assert_raise(PStore::Error) do th = Thread.new do @pstore.transaction do @pstore[:foo] = "bar" q1.push true sleep end end begin q1.pop @pstore.transaction {} ensure th.kill th.join end end q2 = Queue.new begin pstore = PStore.new(second_file, true) cur = Thread.current th = Thread.new do pstore.transaction do pstore[:foo] = "bar" q1.push true q2.pop # wait for cur to enter a transaction sleep 0.1 until cur.stop? end end begin q1.pop q2.push true assert_equal("bar", pstore.transaction { pstore[:foo] }) ensure th.join end end ensure File.unlink(second_file) rescue nil end def test_nested_transaction_raises_error assert_raise(PStore::Error) do @pstore.transaction { @pstore.transaction { } } end pstore = PStore.new(second_file, true) assert_raise(PStore::Error) do pstore.transaction { pstore.transaction { } } end ensure File.unlink(second_file) rescue nil end # Test that PStore's file operations do not blow up when default encodings are set def test_pstore_files_are_accessed_as_binary_files bug5311 = '[ruby-core:39503]' n = 128 assert_in_out_err(["-Eutf-8:utf-8", "-rpstore", "-", @pstore_file], <<-SRC, [bug5311], [], bug5311, timeout: 30) @pstore = PStore.new(ARGV[0]) (1..#{n}).each do |i| @pstore.transaction {@pstore["Key\#{i}"] = "value \#{i}"} end @pstore.transaction {@pstore["Bug5311"] = '#{bug5311}'} puts @pstore.transaction {@pstore["Bug5311"]} SRC assert_equal(bug5311, @pstore.transaction {@pstore["Bug5311"]}, bug5311) end def second_file File.join(Dir.tmpdir, "pstore.tmp2.#{Process.pid}") end end