# frozen_string_literal: false require 'test/unit' # mathn redefines too much. It must be isolated to child processes. class TestMathn < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_power stderr = $VERBOSE ? ["lib/mathn.rb is deprecated"] : [] assert_in_out_err ['-r', 'mathn', '-e', 'a=1**2;!a'], "", [], stderr, '[ruby-core:25740]' assert_in_out_err ['-r', 'mathn', '-e', 'a=(1 << 126)**2;!a'], "", [], stderr, '[ruby-core:25740]' end def test_quo stderr = $VERBOSE ? ["lib/mathn.rb is deprecated"] : [] assert_in_out_err ['-r', 'mathn'], <<-EOS, %w(OK), stderr, '[ruby-core:41575]' 1.quo(2); puts :OK EOS end def test_floor assert_separately(%w[-rmathn], <<-EOS, ignore_stderr: true) assert_equal( 2, ( 13/5).floor) assert_equal( 2, ( 5/2).floor) assert_equal( 2, ( 12/5).floor) assert_equal(-3, (-12/5).floor) assert_equal(-3, ( -5/2).floor) assert_equal(-3, (-13/5).floor) assert_equal( 2, ( 13/5).floor(0)) assert_equal( 2, ( 5/2).floor(0)) assert_equal( 2, ( 12/5).floor(0)) assert_equal(-3, (-12/5).floor(0)) assert_equal(-3, ( -5/2).floor(0)) assert_equal(-3, (-13/5).floor(0)) assert_equal(( 13/5), ( 13/5).floor(2)) assert_equal(( 5/2), ( 5/2).floor(2)) assert_equal(( 12/5), ( 12/5).floor(2)) assert_equal((-12/5), (-12/5).floor(2)) assert_equal(( -5/2), ( -5/2).floor(2)) assert_equal((-13/5), (-13/5).floor(2)) EOS end def test_ceil assert_separately(%w[-rmathn], <<-EOS, ignore_stderr: true) assert_equal( 3, ( 13/5).ceil) assert_equal( 3, ( 5/2).ceil) assert_equal( 3, ( 12/5).ceil) assert_equal(-2, (-12/5).ceil) assert_equal(-2, ( -5/2).ceil) assert_equal(-2, (-13/5).ceil) assert_equal( 3, ( 13/5).ceil(0)) assert_equal( 3, ( 5/2).ceil(0)) assert_equal( 3, ( 12/5).ceil(0)) assert_equal(-2, (-12/5).ceil(0)) assert_equal(-2, ( -5/2).ceil(0)) assert_equal(-2, (-13/5).ceil(0)) assert_equal(( 13/5), ( 13/5).ceil(2)) assert_equal(( 5/2), ( 5/2).ceil(2)) assert_equal(( 12/5), ( 12/5).ceil(2)) assert_equal((-12/5), (-12/5).ceil(2)) assert_equal(( -5/2), ( -5/2).ceil(2)) assert_equal((-13/5), (-13/5).ceil(2)) EOS end def test_truncate assert_separately(%w[-rmathn], <<-EOS, ignore_stderr: true) assert_equal( 2, ( 13/5).truncate) assert_equal( 2, ( 5/2).truncate) assert_equal( 2, ( 12/5).truncate) assert_equal(-2, (-12/5).truncate) assert_equal(-2, ( -5/2).truncate) assert_equal(-2, (-13/5).truncate) assert_equal( 2, ( 13/5).truncate(0)) assert_equal( 2, ( 5/2).truncate(0)) assert_equal( 2, ( 12/5).truncate(0)) assert_equal(-2, (-12/5).truncate(0)) assert_equal(-2, ( -5/2).truncate(0)) assert_equal(-2, (-13/5).truncate(0)) assert_equal(( 13/5), ( 13/5).truncate(2)) assert_equal(( 5/2), ( 5/2).truncate(2)) assert_equal(( 12/5), ( 12/5).truncate(2)) assert_equal((-12/5), (-12/5).truncate(2)) assert_equal(( -5/2), ( -5/2).truncate(2)) assert_equal((-13/5), (-13/5).truncate(2)) EOS end def test_round assert_separately(%w[-rmathn], <<-EOS, ignore_stderr: true) assert_equal( 3, ( 13/5).round) assert_equal( 3, ( 5/2).round) assert_equal( 2, ( 12/5).round) assert_equal(-2, (-12/5).round) assert_equal(-3, ( -5/2).round) assert_equal(-3, (-13/5).round) assert_equal( 3, ( 13/5).round(0)) assert_equal( 3, ( 5/2).round(0)) assert_equal( 2, ( 12/5).round(0)) assert_equal(-2, (-12/5).round(0)) assert_equal(-3, ( -5/2).round(0)) assert_equal(-3, (-13/5).round(0)) assert_equal(( 13/5), ( 13/5).round(2)) assert_equal(( 5/2), ( 5/2).round(2)) assert_equal(( 12/5), ( 12/5).round(2)) assert_equal((-12/5), (-12/5).round(2)) assert_equal(( -5/2), ( -5/2).round(2)) assert_equal((-13/5), (-13/5).round(2)) assert_equal( 3, ( 13/5).round(half: :even)) assert_equal( 2, ( 5/2).round(half: :even)) assert_equal( 2, ( 12/5).round(half: :even)) assert_equal(-2, (-12/5).round(half: :even)) assert_equal(-2, ( -5/2).round(half: :even)) assert_equal(-3, (-13/5).round(half: :even)) assert_equal( 3, ( 13/5).round(0, half: :even)) assert_equal( 2, ( 5/2).round(0, half: :even)) assert_equal( 2, ( 12/5).round(0, half: :even)) assert_equal(-2, (-12/5).round(0, half: :even)) assert_equal(-2, ( -5/2).round(0, half: :even)) assert_equal(-3, (-13/5).round(0, half: :even)) assert_equal(( 13/5), ( 13/5).round(2, half: :even)) assert_equal(( 5/2), ( 5/2).round(2, half: :even)) assert_equal(( 12/5), ( 12/5).round(2, half: :even)) assert_equal((-12/5), (-12/5).round(2, half: :even)) assert_equal(( -5/2), ( -5/2).round(2, half: :even)) assert_equal((-13/5), (-13/5).round(2, half: :even)) assert_equal( 3, ( 13/5).round(half: :up)) assert_equal( 3, ( 5/2).round(half: :up)) assert_equal( 2, ( 12/5).round(half: :up)) assert_equal(-2, (-12/5).round(half: :up)) assert_equal(-3, ( -5/2).round(half: :up)) assert_equal(-3, (-13/5).round(half: :up)) assert_equal( 3, ( 13/5).round(0, half: :up)) assert_equal( 3, ( 5/2).round(0, half: :up)) assert_equal( 2, ( 12/5).round(0, half: :up)) assert_equal(-2, (-12/5).round(0, half: :up)) assert_equal(-3, ( -5/2).round(0, half: :up)) assert_equal(-3, (-13/5).round(0, half: :up)) assert_equal(( 13/5), ( 13/5).round(2, half: :up)) assert_equal(( 5/2), ( 5/2).round(2, half: :up)) assert_equal(( 12/5), ( 12/5).round(2, half: :up)) assert_equal((-12/5), (-12/5).round(2, half: :up)) assert_equal(( -5/2), ( -5/2).round(2, half: :up)) assert_equal((-13/5), (-13/5).round(2, half: :up)) assert_equal( 3, ( 13/5).round(half: :down)) assert_equal( 2, ( 5/2).round(half: :down)) assert_equal( 2, ( 12/5).round(half: :down)) assert_equal(-2, (-12/5).round(half: :down)) assert_equal(-2, ( -5/2).round(half: :down)) assert_equal(-3, (-13/5).round(half: :down)) assert_equal( 3, ( 13/5).round(0, half: :down)) assert_equal( 2, ( 5/2).round(0, half: :down)) assert_equal( 2, ( 12/5).round(0, half: :down)) assert_equal(-2, (-12/5).round(0, half: :down)) assert_equal(-2, ( -5/2).round(0, half: :down)) assert_equal(-3, (-13/5).round(0, half: :down)) assert_equal(( 13/5), ( 13/5).round(2, half: :down)) assert_equal(( 5/2), ( 5/2).round(2, half: :down)) assert_equal(( 12/5), ( 12/5).round(2, half: :down)) assert_equal((-12/5), (-12/5).round(2, half: :down)) assert_equal(( -5/2), ( -5/2).round(2, half: :down)) assert_equal((-13/5), (-13/5).round(2, half: :down)) EOS end def test_rational assert_separately(%w[-rmathn], "#{<<-"begin;"}\n#{<<-"end;"}", ignore_stderr: true) begin; assert_equal(-5, "-5".to_r) assert_equal(1, "5/5".to_r) assert_equal(5, "5e0".to_r) end; end end