require 'test/unit' require 'getoptlong' class TestGetoptLong < Test::Unit::TestCase def verify(test_argv, expected_remaining_argv, expected_options) # Save ARGV and replace it with a test ARGV. argv_saved = ARGV.dup ARGV.replace(test_argv) # Define options. opts = ['--xxx', '-x', '--aaa', '-a', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT], ['--yyy', '-y', '--bbb', '-b', GetoptLong::OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT], ['--zzz', '-z', '--ccc', '-c', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT] ) opts.quiet = true # Gather options. actual_options = [] opts.each do |opt, arg| actual_options << "#{opt}: #{arg}" end # Save remaining test ARGV and restore original ARGV. actual_remaining_argv = ARGV.dup ARGV.replace(argv_saved) # Assert. assert_equal(expected_remaining_argv, actual_remaining_argv, 'ARGV') assert_equal(expected_options, actual_options, 'Options') end def test_no_options expected_options = [] expected_argv = %w[foo bar] argv = %w[foo bar] verify(argv, expected_argv, expected_options) end def test_required_argument expected_options = [ '--xxx: arg' ] expected_argv = %w[foo bar] options = %w[--xxx --xx --x -x --aaa --aa --a -a] options.each do |option| argv = ['foo', option, 'arg', 'bar'] verify(argv, expected_argv, expected_options) end end def test_required_argument_missing options = %w[--xxx --xx --x -x --aaa --aa --a -a] options.each do |option| argv = [option] e = assert_raise(GetoptLong::MissingArgument) do verify(argv, [], []) end assert_match('requires an argument', e.message) end end def test_optional_argument expected_options = [ '--yyy: arg' ] expected_argv = %w[foo bar] options = %w[--yyy --y --y -y --bbb --bb --b -b] options.each do |option| argv = ['foo', 'bar', option, 'arg'] verify(argv, expected_argv, expected_options) end end def test_optional_argument_missing expected_options = [ '--yyy: ' ] expected_argv = %w[foo bar] options = %w[--yyy --y --y -y --bbb --bb --b -b] options.each do |option| argv = ['foo', 'bar', option] verify(argv, expected_argv, expected_options) end end def test_no_argument expected_options = [ '--zzz: ' ] expected_argv = %w[foo bar] options = %w[--zzz --zz --z -z --ccc --cc --c -c] options.each do |option| argv = ['foo', option, 'bar'] verify(argv, expected_argv, expected_options) end end def test_new_with_empty_array e = assert_raise(ArgumentError) do[]) end assert_match(/no argument-flag/, e.message) end def test_new_with_bad_array e = assert_raise(ArgumentError) do'foo') end assert_match(/option list contains non-Array argument/, e.message) end def test_new_with_empty_subarray e = assert_raise(ArgumentError) do[[]]) end assert_match(/no argument-flag/, e.message) end def test_new_with_bad_subarray e = assert_raise(ArgumentError) do[1]) end assert_match(/no option name/, e.message) end def test_new_with_invalid_option invalid_options = %w[verbose -verbose -- +] invalid_options.each do |invalid_option| e = assert_raise(ArgumentError, invalid_option.to_s) do arguments = [ [invalid_option, '-v', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT] ]*arguments) end assert_match(/invalid option/, e.message) end end def test_new_with_invalid_alias invalid_aliases = %w[v - -- +] invalid_aliases.each do |invalid_alias| e = assert_raise(ArgumentError, invalid_alias.to_s) do arguments = [ ['--verbose', invalid_alias, GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT] ]*arguments) end assert_match(/invalid option/, e.message) end end def test_new_with_invalid_flag invalid_flags = ['foo'] invalid_flags.each do |invalid_flag| e = assert_raise(ArgumentError, invalid_flag.to_s) do arguments = [ ['--verbose', '-v', invalid_flag] ]*arguments) end assert_match(/no argument-flag/, e.message) end end end