# frozen_string_literal: true begin require "socket" rescue LoadError end require "test/unit" require "tempfile" require "timeout" require "tmpdir" require "io/nonblock" class TestSocket_UNIXSocket < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_fd_passing r1, w = IO.pipe s1, s2 = UNIXSocket.pair begin s1.send_io(nil) rescue NotImplementedError assert_raise(NotImplementedError) { s2.recv_io } rescue TypeError s1.send_io(r1) r2 = s2.recv_io assert_equal(r1.stat.ino, r2.stat.ino) assert_not_equal(r1.fileno, r2.fileno) assert(r2.close_on_exec?) w.syswrite "a" assert_equal("a", r2.sysread(10)) ensure s1.close s2.close w.close r1.close r2.close if r2 && !r2.closed? end end def test_fd_passing_class_mode UNIXSocket.pair do |s1, s2| s1.send_io(s1.fileno) r = s2.recv_io(nil) assert_kind_of Integer, r, 'recv_io with klass=nil returns integer FD' assert_not_equal s1.fileno, r r = IO.for_fd(r) assert_equal s1.stat.ino, r.stat.ino r.close s1.send_io(s1) klass = UNIXSocket r = s2.recv_io(klass) assert_instance_of klass, r, 'recv_io with proper klass' assert_not_equal s1.fileno, r.fileno r.close s1.send_io(s1) klass = IO r = s2.recv_io(klass, 'r+') assert_instance_of klass, r, 'recv_io with proper klass and mode' assert_not_equal s1.fileno, r.fileno r.close end rescue NotImplementedError => error omit error.message end def test_fd_passing_n io_ary = [] return if !defined?(Socket::SCM_RIGHTS) io_ary.concat IO.pipe io_ary.concat IO.pipe io_ary.concat IO.pipe send_io_ary = [] io_ary.each {|io| send_io_ary << io UNIXSocket.pair {|s1, s2| begin ret = s1.sendmsg("\0", 0, nil, [Socket::SOL_SOCKET, Socket::SCM_RIGHTS, send_io_ary.map {|io2| io2.fileno }.pack("i!*")]) rescue NotImplementedError return end assert_equal(1, ret) ret = s2.recvmsg(:scm_rights=>true) _, _, _, *ctls = ret recv_io_ary = [] begin ctls.each {|ctl| next if ctl.level != Socket::SOL_SOCKET || ctl.type != Socket::SCM_RIGHTS recv_io_ary.concat ctl.unix_rights } assert_equal(send_io_ary.length, recv_io_ary.length) send_io_ary.length.times {|i| assert_not_equal(send_io_ary[i].fileno, recv_io_ary[i].fileno) assert(File.identical?(send_io_ary[i], recv_io_ary[i])) assert(recv_io_ary[i].close_on_exec?) } ensure recv_io_ary.each {|io2| io2.close if !io2.closed? } end } } ensure io_ary.each {|io| io.close if !io.closed? } end def test_fd_passing_n2 io_ary = [] return if !defined?(Socket::SCM_RIGHTS) return if !defined?(Socket::AncillaryData) io_ary.concat IO.pipe io_ary.concat IO.pipe io_ary.concat IO.pipe send_io_ary = [] io_ary.each {|io| send_io_ary << io UNIXSocket.pair {|s1, s2| begin ancdata = Socket::AncillaryData.unix_rights(*send_io_ary) ret = s1.sendmsg("\0", 0, nil, ancdata) rescue NotImplementedError return end assert_equal(1, ret) ret = s2.recvmsg(:scm_rights=>true) _, _, _, *ctls = ret recv_io_ary = [] begin ctls.each {|ctl| next if ctl.level != Socket::SOL_SOCKET || ctl.type != Socket::SCM_RIGHTS recv_io_ary.concat ctl.unix_rights } assert_equal(send_io_ary.length, recv_io_ary.length) send_io_ary.length.times {|i| assert_not_equal(send_io_ary[i].fileno, recv_io_ary[i].fileno) assert(File.identical?(send_io_ary[i], recv_io_ary[i])) assert(recv_io_ary[i].close_on_exec?) } ensure recv_io_ary.each {|io2| io2.close if !io2.closed? } end } } ensure io_ary.each {|io| io.close if !io.closed? } end def test_fd_passing_race_condition r1, w = IO.pipe s1, s2 = UNIXSocket.pair s1.nonblock = s2.nonblock = true lock = Thread::Mutex.new nr = 0 x = 2 y = 1000 begin s1.send_io(nil) rescue NotImplementedError assert_raise(NotImplementedError) { s2.recv_io } rescue TypeError thrs = x.times.map do Thread.new do y.times do s2.recv_io.close lock.synchronize { nr += 1 } end true end end (x * y).times { s1.send_io r1 } assert_equal([true]*x, thrs.map { |t| t.value }) assert_equal x * y, nr ensure s1.close s2.close w.close r1.close end end def test_sendmsg return if !defined?(Socket::SCM_RIGHTS) IO.pipe {|r1, w| UNIXSocket.pair {|s1, s2| begin ret = s1.sendmsg("\0", 0, nil, [Socket::SOL_SOCKET, Socket::SCM_RIGHTS, [r1.fileno].pack("i!")]) rescue NotImplementedError return end assert_equal(1, ret) r2 = s2.recv_io begin assert(File.identical?(r1, r2)) assert(r2.close_on_exec?) ensure r2.close end } } end def test_sendmsg_ancillarydata_int return if !defined?(Socket::SCM_RIGHTS) return if !defined?(Socket::AncillaryData) IO.pipe {|r1, w| UNIXSocket.pair {|s1, s2| begin ad = Socket::AncillaryData.int(:UNIX, :SOCKET, :RIGHTS, r1.fileno) ret = s1.sendmsg("\0", 0, nil, ad) rescue NotImplementedError return end assert_equal(1, ret) r2 = s2.recv_io begin assert(File.identical?(r1, r2)) ensure r2.close end } } end def test_sendmsg_ancillarydata_unix_rights return if !defined?(Socket::SCM_RIGHTS) return if !defined?(Socket::AncillaryData) IO.pipe {|r1, w| UNIXSocket.pair {|s1, s2| begin ad = Socket::AncillaryData.unix_rights(r1) ret = s1.sendmsg("\0", 0, nil, ad) rescue NotImplementedError return end assert_equal(1, ret) r2 = s2.recv_io begin assert(File.identical?(r1, r2)) ensure r2.close end } } end def test_recvmsg return if !defined?(Socket::SCM_RIGHTS) return if !defined?(Socket::AncillaryData) IO.pipe {|r1, w| UNIXSocket.pair {|s1, s2| s1.send_io(r1) ret = s2.recvmsg(:scm_rights=>true) data, srcaddr, flags, *ctls = ret assert_equal("\0", data) if flags == nil # struct msghdr is 4.3BSD style (msg_accrights field). assert_instance_of(Array, ctls) assert_equal(0, ctls.length) else # struct msghdr is POSIX/4.4BSD style (msg_control field). assert_equal(0, flags & (Socket::MSG_TRUNC|Socket::MSG_CTRUNC)) assert_instance_of(Addrinfo, srcaddr) assert_instance_of(Array, ctls) assert_equal(1, ctls.length) ctl = ctls[0] assert_instance_of(Socket::AncillaryData, ctl) assert_equal(Socket::SOL_SOCKET, ctl.level) assert_equal(Socket::SCM_RIGHTS, ctl.type) assert_instance_of(String, ctl.data) ios = ctl.unix_rights assert_equal(1, ios.length) r2 = ios[0] begin assert(File.identical?(r1, r2)) assert(r2.close_on_exec?) ensure r2.close end end } } end def bound_unix_socket(klass) tmpfile = Tempfile.new("s") path = tmpfile.path tmpfile.close(true) io = klass.new(path) yield io, path ensure io.close File.unlink path if path && File.socket?(path) end def test_open_nul_byte tmpfile = Tempfile.new("s") path = tmpfile.path tmpfile.close(true) assert_raise(ArgumentError) {UNIXServer.open(path+"\0")} assert_raise(ArgumentError) {UNIXSocket.open(path+"\0")} ensure File.unlink path if path && File.socket?(path) end def test_addr bound_unix_socket(UNIXServer) {|serv, path| UNIXSocket.open(path) {|c| s = serv.accept begin assert_equal(["AF_UNIX", path], c.peeraddr) assert_equal(["AF_UNIX", ""], c.addr) assert_equal(["AF_UNIX", ""], s.peeraddr) assert_equal(["AF_UNIX", path], s.addr) assert_equal(path, s.path) assert_equal("", c.path) ensure s.close end } } end def test_cloexec bound_unix_socket(UNIXServer) {|serv, path| UNIXSocket.open(path) {|c| s = serv.accept begin assert(serv.close_on_exec?) assert(c.close_on_exec?) assert(s.close_on_exec?) ensure s.close end } } end def test_noname_path if /mswin|mingw/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM omit "unnamed pipe is emulated on windows" end UNIXSocket.pair do |s1, s2| assert_equal("", s1.path) assert_equal("", s2.path) end end def test_noname_addr if /mswin|mingw/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM omit "unnamed pipe is emulated on windows" end UNIXSocket.pair do |s1, s2| assert_equal(["AF_UNIX", ""], s1.addr) assert_equal(["AF_UNIX", ""], s2.addr) end end def test_noname_peeraddr if /mswin|mingw/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM omit "unnamed pipe is emulated on windows" end UNIXSocket.pair do |s1, s2| assert_equal(["AF_UNIX", ""], s1.peeraddr) assert_equal(["AF_UNIX", ""], s2.peeraddr) end end def test_noname_unpack_sockaddr_un if /mswin|mingw/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM omit "unnamed pipe is emulated on windows" end UNIXSocket.pair do |s1, s2| n = nil assert_equal("", Socket.unpack_sockaddr_un(n)) if (n = s1.getsockname) != "" assert_equal("", Socket.unpack_sockaddr_un(n)) if (n = s1.getsockname) != "" assert_equal("", Socket.unpack_sockaddr_un(n)) if (n = s2.getsockname) != "" assert_equal("", Socket.unpack_sockaddr_un(n)) if (n = s1.getpeername) != "" assert_equal("", Socket.unpack_sockaddr_un(n)) if (n = s2.getpeername) != "" end end def test_noname_recvfrom if /mswin|mingw/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM omit "unnamed pipe is emulated on windows" end UNIXSocket.pair do |s1, s2| s2.write("a") assert_equal(["a", ["AF_UNIX", ""]], s1.recvfrom(10)) end end def test_noname_recv_nonblock UNIXSocket.pair do |s1, s2| s2.write("a") IO.select [s1] assert_equal("a", s1.recv_nonblock(10)) end end def test_too_long_path assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Socket.sockaddr_un("a" * 3000) } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { UNIXServer.new("a" * 3000) } end def test_abstract_namespace return if /linux/ !~ RUBY_PLATFORM addr = Socket.pack_sockaddr_un("\0foo") assert_match(/\0foo\z/, addr) assert_equal("\0foo", Socket.unpack_sockaddr_un(addr)) end def test_dgram_pair s1, s2 = UNIXSocket.pair(Socket::SOCK_DGRAM) begin s1.recv_nonblock(10) fail rescue => e assert(IO::EAGAINWaitReadable === e) assert(IO::WaitReadable === e) end s2.send("", 0) s2.send("haha", 0) s2.send("", 0) s2.send("", 0) assert_equal("", s1.recv(10)) assert_equal("haha", s1.recv(10)) assert_equal("", s1.recv(10)) assert_equal("", s1.recv(10)) assert_raise(IO::EAGAINWaitReadable) { s1.recv_nonblock(10) } buf = "".dup s2.send("BBBBBB", 0) IO.select([s1]) rv = s1.recv(100, 0, buf) assert_equal buf.object_id, rv.object_id assert_equal "BBBBBB", rv rescue Errno::EPROTOTYPE => error omit error.message ensure s1.close if s1 s2.close if s2 end def test_dgram_pair_sendrecvmsg_errno_set if /mswin|mingw/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM omit("AF_UNIX + SOCK_DGRAM is not supported on windows") end s1, s2 = to_close = UNIXSocket.pair(Socket::SOCK_DGRAM) pipe = IO.pipe to_close.concat(pipe) set_errno = lambda do begin pipe[0].read_nonblock(1) fail rescue => e assert(IO::EAGAINWaitReadable === e) end end Timeout.timeout(10) do set_errno.call assert_equal(2, s1.sendmsg("HI")) set_errno.call assert_equal("HI", s2.recvmsg[0]) end ensure to_close.each(&:close) if to_close end def test_epipe # [ruby-dev:34619] # This is a good example of why reporting the exact `errno` is a terrible # idea for platform abstractions. if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mswin|mingw/ error = Errno::ESHUTDOWN else error = Errno::EPIPE end UNIXSocket.pair {|s1, s2| s1.shutdown(Socket::SHUT_WR) assert_raise(error) { s1.write "a" } assert_equal(nil, s2.read(1)) s2.write "a" assert_equal("a", s1.read(1)) } end def test_socket_pair_with_block pair = nil ret = Socket.pair(Socket::AF_UNIX, Socket::SOCK_STREAM, 0) {|s1, s2| pair = [s1, s2] :return_value } assert_equal(:return_value, ret) assert_kind_of(Socket, pair[0]) assert_kind_of(Socket, pair[1]) end def test_unix_socket_pair_with_block pair = nil UNIXSocket.pair {|s1, s2| pair = [s1, s2] } assert_kind_of(UNIXSocket, pair[0]) assert_kind_of(UNIXSocket, pair[1]) end def test_unix_socket_pair_close_on_exec UNIXSocket.pair {|s1, s2| assert(s1.close_on_exec?) assert(s2.close_on_exec?) } end if /mingw|mswin/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM def test_unix_socket_with_encoding Dir.mktmpdir do |tmpdir| path = "#{tmpdir}/sockäöü".encode("cp850") UNIXServer.open(path) do |serv| assert File.socket?(path) assert File.stat(path).socket? assert File.lstat(path).socket? assert_equal path.encode("utf-8"), serv.path UNIXSocket.open(path) do |s1| s2 = serv.accept s2.close end end end end def test_windows_unix_socket_pair_with_umlaut otmp = ENV['TMP'] ENV['TMP'] = File.join(Dir.tmpdir, "äöü€") FileUtils.mkdir_p ENV['TMP'] s1, = UNIXSocket.pair assert !s1.path.empty? assert !File.exist?(s1.path) ensure FileUtils.rm_rf ENV['TMP'] ENV['TMP'] = otmp end def test_windows_unix_socket_pair_paths s1, s2 = UNIXSocket.pair assert !s1.path.empty? assert s2.path.empty? assert !File.exist?(s1.path) end end def test_initialize Dir.mktmpdir {|d| Socket.open(Socket::AF_UNIX, Socket::SOCK_STREAM, 0) {|s| s.bind(Socket.pack_sockaddr_un("#{d}/s1")) addr = s.getsockname assert_nothing_raised { Socket.unpack_sockaddr_un(addr) } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Socket.unpack_sockaddr_in(addr) } } Socket.open("AF_UNIX", "SOCK_STREAM", 0) {|s| s.bind(Socket.pack_sockaddr_un("#{d}/s2")) addr = s.getsockname assert_nothing_raised { Socket.unpack_sockaddr_un(addr) } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Socket.unpack_sockaddr_in(addr) } } } end def test_unix_server_socket Dir.mktmpdir {|d| path = "#{d}/sock" s0 = nil Socket.unix_server_socket(path) {|s| assert_equal(path, s.local_address.unix_path) assert(File.socket?(path)) s0 = s } assert(s0.closed?) assert_raise(Errno::ENOENT) { File.stat path } } end def test_getcred_ucred return if /linux/ !~ RUBY_PLATFORM Dir.mktmpdir {|d| sockpath = "#{d}/sock" Socket.unix_server_socket(sockpath) {|serv| Socket.unix(sockpath) {|c| s, = serv.accept begin cred = s.getsockopt(:SOCKET, :PEERCRED) inspect = cred.inspect assert_match(/ pid=#{$$} /, inspect) assert_match(/ euid=#{Process.euid} /, inspect) assert_match(/ egid=#{Process.egid} /, inspect) assert_match(/ \(ucred\)/, inspect) ensure s.close end } } } end def test_getcred_xucred return if /freebsd|darwin/ !~ RUBY_PLATFORM Dir.mktmpdir do |d| sockpath = "#{d}/sock" serv = Socket.unix_server_socket(sockpath) u = Socket.unix(sockpath) s, = serv.accept cred = s.getsockopt(0, Socket::LOCAL_PEERCRED) inspect = cred.inspect assert_match(/ euid=#{Process.euid} /, inspect) assert_match(/ \(xucred\)/, inspect) ensure s&.close u&.close serv&.close end end def test_sendcred_ucred return if /linux/ !~ RUBY_PLATFORM Dir.mktmpdir {|d| sockpath = "#{d}/sock" Socket.unix_server_socket(sockpath) {|serv| Socket.unix(sockpath) {|c| s, = serv.accept begin s.setsockopt(:SOCKET, :PASSCRED, 1) c.print "a" msg, _, _, cred = s.recvmsg inspect = cred.inspect assert_equal("a", msg) assert_match(/ pid=#{$$} /, inspect) assert_match(/ uid=#{Process.uid} /, inspect) assert_match(/ gid=#{Process.gid} /, inspect) assert_match(/ \(ucred\)/, inspect) ensure s.close end } } } end def test_sendcred_sockcred return if /netbsd|freebsd/ !~ RUBY_PLATFORM Dir.mktmpdir {|d| sockpath = "#{d}/sock" serv = Socket.unix_server_socket(sockpath) c = Socket.unix(sockpath) s, = serv.accept s.setsockopt(0, Socket::LOCAL_CREDS, 1) c.print "a" msg, _, _, cred = s.recvmsg assert_equal("a", msg) inspect = cred.inspect assert_match(/ uid=#{Process.uid} /, inspect) assert_match(/ euid=#{Process.euid} /, inspect) assert_match(/ gid=#{Process.gid} /, inspect) assert_match(/ egid=#{Process.egid} /, inspect) assert_match(/ \(sockcred\)/, inspect) } end def test_sendcred_cmsgcred return if /freebsd/ !~ RUBY_PLATFORM Dir.mktmpdir {|d| sockpath = "#{d}/sock" serv = Socket.unix_server_socket(sockpath) c = Socket.unix(sockpath) s, = serv.accept c.sendmsg("a", 0, nil, [:SOCKET, Socket::SCM_CREDS, ""]) msg, _, _, cred = s.recvmsg assert_equal("a", msg) inspect = cred.inspect assert_match(/ pid=#{$$} /, inspect) assert_match(/ uid=#{Process.uid} /, inspect) assert_match(/ euid=#{Process.euid} /, inspect) assert_match(/ gid=#{Process.gid} /, inspect) assert_match(/ \(cmsgcred\)/, inspect) } end def test_getpeereid Dir.mktmpdir {|d| path = "#{d}/sock" Socket.unix_server_socket(path) {|serv| Socket.unix(path) {|c| s, = serv.accept begin assert_equal([Process.euid, Process.egid], c.getpeereid) assert_equal([Process.euid, Process.egid], s.getpeereid) rescue NotImplementedError ensure s.close end } } } end def test_abstract_unix_server return if /linux/ !~ RUBY_PLATFORM name = "\0ruby-test_unix" s0 = nil UNIXServer.open(name) {|s| assert_equal(name, s.local_address.unix_path) s0 = s UNIXSocket.open(name) {|c| sock = s.accept begin assert_equal(name, c.remote_address.unix_path) ensure sock.close end } } assert(s0.closed?) end def test_abstract_unix_socket_econnrefused return if /linux/ !~ RUBY_PLATFORM name = "\0ruby-test_unix" assert_raise(Errno::ECONNREFUSED) do UNIXSocket.open(name) {} end end def test_abstract_unix_server_socket return if /linux/ !~ RUBY_PLATFORM name = "\0ruby-test_unix" s0 = nil Socket.unix_server_socket(name) {|s| assert_equal(name, s.local_address.unix_path) s0 = s Socket.unix(name) {|c| sock, = s.accept begin assert_equal(name, c.remote_address.unix_path) ensure sock.close end } } assert(s0.closed?) end def test_autobind return if /linux/ !~ RUBY_PLATFORM s0 = nil Socket.unix_server_socket("") {|s| name = s.local_address.unix_path assert_match(/\A\0[0-9a-f]{5}\z/, name) s0 = s Socket.unix(name) {|c| sock, = s.accept begin assert_equal(name, c.remote_address.unix_path) ensure sock.close end } } assert(s0.closed?) end def test_accept_nonblock bound_unix_socket(UNIXServer) {|serv, path| assert_raise(IO::WaitReadable) { serv.accept_nonblock } assert_raise(IO::WaitReadable) { serv.accept_nonblock(exception: true) } assert_equal :wait_readable, serv.accept_nonblock(exception: false) } end end if defined?(UNIXSocket) && /cygwin/ !~ RUBY_PLATFORM