begin require "socket" require "test/unit" rescue LoadError end class TestSocket_TCPSocket < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_initialize_failure # These addresses are chosen from TEST-NET-1, TEST-NET-2, and TEST-NET-3. # [RFC 5737] # They are choosen because probably they are not used as a host address. # Anyway the addresses are used for bind() and should be failed. # So no packets should be generated. test_ip_addresses = [ '', '', # TEST-NET-1 '', '', # TEST-NET-2 '', '', # TEST-NET-3 ] begin list = Socket.ip_address_list rescue NotImplementedError return end test_ip_addresses -= list.reject {|ai| !ai.ipv4? }.map {|ai| ai.ip_address } if test_ip_addresses.empty? return end client_addr = test_ip_addresses.first client_port = 8000 server_addr = '' server_port = 80 begin # Since client_addr is not an IP address of this host, # bind() in should fail as EADDRNOTAVAIL. t =, server_port, client_addr, client_port) flunk "expected SystemCallError" rescue SystemCallError => e assert_match "for \"#{client_addr}\" port #{client_port}", e.message end ensure t.close if t && !t.closed? end def test_recvfrom svr ="localhost", 0) th = { c = svr.accept c.write "foo" c.close } addr = svr.addr sock =[3], addr[1]) assert_equal(["foo", nil], sock.recvfrom(0x10000)) ensure th.kill if th th.join if th end def test_encoding svr ="localhost", 0) th = { c = svr.accept c.write "foo\r\n" c.close } addr = svr.addr sock =[3], addr[1]) assert_equal(true, sock.binmode?) s = sock.gets assert_equal("foo\r\n", s) assert_equal(Encoding.find("ASCII-8BIT"), s.encoding) ensure th.kill if th th.join if th sock.close if sock end end if defined?(TCPSocket)