# frozen_string_literal: true begin require "socket" require "test/unit" require "io/nonblock" rescue LoadError end class TestSocket_BasicSocket < Test::Unit::TestCase def inet_stream sock = Socket.new(Socket::AF_INET, Socket::SOCK_STREAM, 0) yield sock ensure assert(sock.closed?) end def test_getsockopt inet_stream do |s| begin n = s.getsockopt(Socket::SOL_SOCKET, Socket::SO_TYPE) assert_equal([Socket::SOCK_STREAM].pack("i"), n.data) n = s.getsockopt("SOL_SOCKET", "SO_TYPE") assert_equal([Socket::SOCK_STREAM].pack("i"), n.data) n = s.getsockopt(:SOL_SOCKET, :SO_TYPE) assert_equal([Socket::SOCK_STREAM].pack("i"), n.data) n = s.getsockopt(:SOCKET, :TYPE) assert_equal([Socket::SOCK_STREAM].pack("i"), n.data) n = s.getsockopt(Socket::SOL_SOCKET, Socket::SO_ERROR) assert_equal([0].pack("i"), n.data) rescue Test::Unit::AssertionFailedError s.close if /aix/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM skip "Known bug in getsockopt(2) on AIX" end raise $! end val = Object.new class << val; self end.send(:define_method, :to_int) { s.close Socket::SO_TYPE } assert_raise(IOError) { n = s.getsockopt(Socket::SOL_SOCKET, val) } end end def test_setsockopt s = nil linger = [0, 0].pack("ii") val = Object.new class << val; self end.send(:define_method, :to_str) { s.close linger } inet_stream do |sock| s = sock assert_equal(0, s.setsockopt(Socket::SOL_SOCKET, Socket::SO_LINGER, linger)) assert_raise(IOError, "[ruby-dev:25039]") { s.setsockopt(Socket::SOL_SOCKET, Socket::SO_LINGER, val) } end val = Object.new class << val; self end.send(:define_method, :to_int) { s.close Socket::SO_LINGER } inet_stream do |sock| s = sock assert_raise(IOError) { s.setsockopt(Socket::SOL_SOCKET, val, linger) } end end def test_listen s = nil log = Object.new class << log; self end.send(:define_method, :to_int) { s.close 2 } inet_stream do |sock| s = sock assert_raise(IOError) { s.listen(log) } end end def socks sserv = TCPServer.new('localhost', 0) ssock = nil t = Thread.new { ssock = sserv.accept } csock = TCPSocket.new('localhost', sserv.addr[1]) t.join yield sserv, ssock, csock ensure ssock.close rescue nil csock.close rescue nil sserv.close rescue nil end def test_close_read socks do |sserv, ssock, csock| # close_read makes subsequent reads raise IOError csock.close_read assert_raise(IOError) { csock.read(5) } # close_read ignores any error from shutting down half of still-open socket assert_nothing_raised { csock.close_read } # close_read raises if socket is not open assert_nothing_raised { csock.close } assert_raise(IOError) { csock.close_read } end end def test_close_write socks do |sserv, ssock, csock| # close_write makes subsequent writes raise IOError csock.close_write assert_raise(IOError) { csock.write(5) } # close_write ignores any error from shutting down half of still-open socket assert_nothing_raised { csock.close_write } # close_write raises if socket is not open assert_nothing_raised { csock.close } assert_raise(IOError) { csock.close_write } end end def test_for_fd assert_raise(Errno::EBADF, '[ruby-core:72418] [Bug #11854]') do BasicSocket.for_fd(-1) end inet_stream do |sock| s = BasicSocket.for_fd(sock.fileno) assert_instance_of BasicSocket, s s.autoclose = false sock.close end end def test_read_write_nonblock socks do |sserv, ssock, csock| set_nb = true buf = String.new if ssock.respond_to?(:nonblock?) csock.nonblock = ssock.nonblock = false # Linux may use MSG_DONTWAIT to avoid setting O_NONBLOCK if RUBY_PLATFORM.match?(/linux/) && Socket.const_defined?(:MSG_DONTWAIT) set_nb = false end end assert_equal :wait_readable, ssock.read_nonblock(1, buf, exception: false) assert_equal 5, csock.write_nonblock('hello') IO.select([ssock]) assert_same buf, ssock.read_nonblock(5, buf, exception: false) assert_equal 'hello', buf buf = '*' * 16384 n = 0 case w = csock.write_nonblock(buf, exception: false) when Integer n += w when :wait_writable break end while true assert_equal :wait_writable, w assert_raise(IO::WaitWritable) { loop { csock.write_nonblock(buf) } } assert_operator n, :>, 0 assert_not_predicate(csock, :nonblock?, '[Feature #13362]') unless set_nb csock.close case r = ssock.read_nonblock(16384, buf, exception: false) when String next when nil break when :wait_readable IO.select([ssock], nil, nil, 10) or flunk 'socket did not become readable' else flunk "unexpected read_nonblock return: #{r.inspect}" end while true assert_raise(EOFError) { ssock.read_nonblock(1) } assert_not_predicate(ssock, :nonblock?) unless set_nb end end def test_read_nonblock_mix_buffered socks do |sserv, ssock, csock| ssock.write("hello\nworld\n") assert_equal "hello\n", csock.gets IO.select([csock], nil, nil, 10) or flunk 'socket did not become readable' assert_equal "world\n", csock.read_nonblock(8) end end def test_write_nonblock_buffered socks do |sserv, ssock, csock| ssock.sync = false ssock.write("h") assert_equal :wait_readable, csock.read_nonblock(1, exception: false) assert_equal 4, ssock.write_nonblock("ello") ssock.close assert_equal "hello", csock.read(5) end end end if defined?(BasicSocket)