# frozen_string_literal: true require_relative 'test_case' require 'rubygems/util' class TestGemUtil < Gem::TestCase def test_class_popen pend "popen with a block does not behave well on jruby" if Gem.java_platform? assert_equal "0\n", Gem::Util.popen(*ruby_with_rubygems_in_load_path, '-e', 'p 0') assert_raise Errno::ECHILD do Process.wait(-1) end end def test_silent_system pend if Gem.java_platform? Gem::Deprecate.skip_during do out, err = capture_output do Gem::Util.silent_system(*ruby_with_rubygems_in_load_path, '-e', 'puts "hello"; warn "hello"') end assert_empty out assert_empty err end end def test_traverse_parents FileUtils.mkdir_p 'a/b/c' enum = Gem::Util.traverse_parents 'a/b/c' assert_equal File.join(@tempdir, 'a/b/c'), enum.next assert_equal File.join(@tempdir, 'a/b'), enum.next assert_equal File.join(@tempdir, 'a'), enum.next loop { break if enum.next.nil? } # exhaust the enumerator end def test_traverse_parents_does_not_crash_on_permissions_error pend 'skipped on MS Windows (chmod has no effect)' if win_platform? || java_platform? FileUtils.mkdir_p 'd/e/f' # remove 'execute' permission from "e" directory and make it # impossible to cd into it and its children FileUtils.chmod(0666, 'd/e') pend 'skipped in root privilege' if Process.uid.zero? paths = Gem::Util.traverse_parents('d/e/f').to_a assert_equal File.join(@tempdir, 'd'), paths[0] assert_equal @tempdir, paths[1] assert_equal File.realpath("..", @tempdir), paths[2] assert_equal File.realpath("../..", @tempdir), paths[3] ensure # restore default permissions, allow the directory to be removed FileUtils.chmod(0775, 'd/e') unless win_platform? || java_platform? end def test_linked_list_find list = [1,2,3,4,5].inject(Gem::List.new(0)) do |m,o| Gem::List.new o, m end assert_equal 5, list.find {|x| x == 5 } assert_equal 4, list.find {|x| x == 4 } end def test_glob_files_in_dir FileUtils.mkdir_p 'g' FileUtils.touch File.join('g', 'h.rb') FileUtils.touch File.join('g', 'i.rb') expected_paths = [ File.join(@tempdir, 'g/h.rb'), File.join(@tempdir, 'g/i.rb'), ] files_with_absolute_base = Gem::Util.glob_files_in_dir('*.rb', File.join(@tempdir, 'g')) assert_equal expected_paths.sort, files_with_absolute_base.sort files_with_relative_base = Gem::Util.glob_files_in_dir('*.rb', 'g') assert_equal expected_paths.sort, files_with_relative_base.sort end def test_correct_for_windows_path path = "/C:/WINDOWS/Temp/gems" assert_equal "C:/WINDOWS/Temp/gems", Gem::Util.correct_for_windows_path(path) path = "/home/skillet" assert_equal "/home/skillet", Gem::Util.correct_for_windows_path(path) end end