# frozen_string_literal: true require "rubygems/test_case" require "rubygems/stub_specification" class TestStubSpecification < Gem::TestCase FOO = File.expand_path File.join("specifications", "foo-0.0.1-x86-mswin32.gemspec"), __dir__ BAR = File.expand_path File.join("specifications", "bar-0.0.2.gemspec"), __dir__ def setup super @base_dir = __dir__ @gems_dir = File.join __dir__, 'gem' @foo = Gem::StubSpecification.gemspec_stub FOO, @base_dir, @gems_dir end def test_initialize assert_equal "foo", @foo.name assert_equal Gem::Version.new("0.0.1"), @foo.version assert_equal Gem::Platform.new("mswin32"), @foo.platform assert_equal ["lib", "lib/f oo/ext"], @foo.require_paths assert @foo.stubbed? end def test_initialize_extension stub = stub_with_extension assert_equal 'stub_e', stub.name assert_equal v(2), stub.version assert_equal Gem::Platform::RUBY, stub.platform assert_equal [stub.extension_dir, 'lib'], stub.require_paths assert_equal %w[ext/stub_e/extconf.rb], stub.extensions end def test_initialize_version stub = stub_with_version assert_equal 'stub_v', stub.name assert_equal v(2), stub.version end def test_initialize_with_empty_version stub = stub_without_version assert_equal 'stub_v', stub.name assert_equal v(0), stub.version end def test_initialize_missing_stubline stub = Gem::StubSpecification.gemspec_stub(BAR, @base_dir, @gems_dir) assert_equal "bar", stub.name assert_equal Gem::Version.new("0.0.2"), stub.version assert_equal Gem::Platform.new("ruby"), stub.platform assert_equal ["lib"], stub.require_paths assert !stub.stubbed? end def test_contains_requirable_file_eh stub = stub_without_extension code_rb = File.join stub.gem_dir, 'lib', 'code.rb' FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname code_rb FileUtils.touch code_rb assert stub.contains_requirable_file? 'code' end def test_contains_requirable_file_eh_extension skip "I guess making the stub match the running platform should work" if Gem.java_platform? stub_with_extension do |stub| _, err = capture_output do refute stub.contains_requirable_file? 'nonexistent' end expected = "Ignoring stub_e-2 because its extensions are not built. " + "Try: gem pristine stub_e --version 2\n" assert_equal expected, err end end def test_full_require_paths stub = stub_with_extension expected = [ File.join(stub.full_gem_path, 'lib'), stub.extension_dir, ] assert_equal expected, stub.full_require_paths end def test_lib_dirs_glob stub = stub_without_extension assert_equal File.join(stub.full_gem_path, 'lib'), stub.lib_dirs_glob end def test_lib_dirs_glob_with_extension stub = stub_with_extension assert_equal File.join(stub.full_gem_path, 'lib'), stub.lib_dirs_glob end def test_matches_for_glob stub = stub_without_extension code_rb = File.join stub.gem_dir, 'lib', 'code.rb' FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname code_rb FileUtils.touch code_rb assert_equal code_rb, stub.matches_for_glob('code*').first end def test_matches_for_glob_with_bundler_inline stub = stub_with_extension code_rb = File.join stub.gem_dir, 'lib', 'code.rb' FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname code_rb FileUtils.touch code_rb stub.stub(:raw_require_paths, nil) do assert_equal code_rb, stub.matches_for_glob('code*').first end end def test_missing_extensions_eh skip "I guess making the stub match the running platform should work" if Gem.java_platform? stub = stub_with_extension do |s| extconf_rb = File.join s.gem_dir, s.extensions.first FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname extconf_rb File.open extconf_rb, 'w' do |f| f.write <<-'RUBY' File.open 'Makefile', 'w' do |f| f.puts "clean:\n\techo clean" f.puts "default:\n\techo built" f.puts "install:\n\techo installed" end RUBY end end assert stub.missing_extensions? stub.build_extensions refute stub.missing_extensions? end def test_missing_extensions_eh_default_gem spec = new_default_spec 'default', 1 spec.extensions << 'extconf.rb' File.open spec.loaded_from, 'w' do |io| io.write spec.to_ruby_for_cache end default_spec = Gem::StubSpecification.gemspec_stub spec.loaded_from, spec.base_dir, spec.gems_dir refute default_spec.missing_extensions? end def test_missing_extensions_eh_none refute @foo.missing_extensions? end def test_to_spec real_foo = util_spec @foo.name, @foo.version real_foo.activate assert_equal @foo.version, Gem.loaded_specs[@foo.name].version, 'sanity check' assert_same real_foo, @foo.to_spec end def test_to_spec_with_other_specs_loaded_does_not_warn real_foo = util_spec @foo.name, @foo.version real_foo.activate bar = Gem::StubSpecification.gemspec_stub BAR, real_foo.base_dir, real_foo.gems_dir refute_predicate Gem.loaded_specs, :empty? assert bar.to_spec end def test_to_spec_activated assert @foo.to_spec.is_a?(Gem::Specification) assert_equal "foo", @foo.to_spec.name refute @foo.to_spec.instance_variable_get :@ignored end def test_to_spec_missing_extensions stub = stub_with_extension capture_output do stub.contains_requirable_file? 'nonexistent' end assert stub.to_spec.instance_variable_get :@ignored end def stub_with_version spec = File.join @gemhome, 'specifications', 'stub_e-2.gemspec' File.open spec, 'w' do |io| io.write <<-STUB # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- # stub: stub_v 2 ruby lib Gem::Specification.new do |s| s.name = 'stub_v' s.version = Gem::Version.new '2' end STUB io.flush stub = Gem::StubSpecification.gemspec_stub io.path, @gemhome, File.join(@gemhome, 'gems') yield stub if block_given? return stub end end def stub_without_version spec = File.join @gemhome, 'specifications', 'stub-2.gemspec' File.open spec, 'w' do |io| io.write <<-STUB # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- # stub: stub_v ruby lib Gem::Specification.new do |s| s.name = 'stub_v' s.version = "" end STUB io.flush stub = Gem::StubSpecification.gemspec_stub io.path, @gemhome, File.join(@gemhome, 'gems') yield stub if block_given? return stub end end def stub_with_extension spec = File.join @gemhome, 'specifications', 'stub_e-2.gemspec' File.open spec, 'w' do |io| io.write <<-STUB # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- # stub: stub_e 2 ruby lib # stub: ext/stub_e/extconf.rb Gem::Specification.new do |s| s.name = 'stub_e' s.version = Gem::Version.new '2' s.extensions = ['ext/stub_e/extconf.rb'] s.installed_by_version = '2.2' end STUB io.flush stub = Gem::StubSpecification.gemspec_stub io.path, @gemhome, File.join(@gemhome, 'gems') yield stub if block_given? return stub end end def stub_without_extension spec = File.join @gemhome, 'specifications', 'stub-2.gemspec' File.open spec, 'w' do |io| io.write <<-STUB # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- # stub: stub 2 ruby lib Gem::Specification.new do |s| s.name = 'stub' s.version = Gem::Version.new '2' end STUB io.flush stub = Gem::StubSpecification.gemspec_stub io.path, @gemhome, File.join(@gemhome, 'gems') yield stub if block_given? return stub end end end