#-- # Copyright 2006 by Chad Fowler, Rich Kilmer, Jim Weirich and others. # All rights reserved. # See LICENSE.txt for permissions. #++ require 'test/unit' require File.join(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)), 'gemutilities') require 'rubygems/remote_installer' class MockFetcher def initialize(uri, proxy) @uri = uri @proxy = proxy end def size 1000 end def source_index if @uri =~ /non.existent.url/ fail Gem::RemoteSourceException, "Error fetching remote gem cache: Mock Socket Exception" end result = { 'foo-1.2.3' => Gem::Specification.new do |s| s.name = 'foo' s.version = "1.2.3" s.summary = "This is a cool package" end, 'foo-tools-2.0.0' => Gem::Specification.new do |s| s.name = 'foo-tools' s.version = "2.0.0" s.summary = "This is an even cooler package" end, 'foo-2-2.0.0' => Gem::Specification.new do |s| s.name = 'foo-2' s.version = "2.0.0" s.summary = "This is the coolest package evar!~!" end, } result end def fetch_path(path) end def self.finish end end class TestGemRemoteInstaller < RubyGemTestCase def setup super util_setup_fake_fetcher util_setup_source_info_cache @gem1, @gem4 @installer = Gem::RemoteInstaller.new @installer.instance_variable_set("@fetcher_class", MockFetcher) end def teardown FileUtils.rm "dest_file" rescue nil end def test_find_gem_to_install future_gem = quick_gem @gem1.name, '9.9.9' do |spec| spec.required_ruby_version = '> 999.999.999' # HACK end util_setup_source_info_cache @gem1, future_gem version = Gem::Version::Requirement.new "> 0.0.0" gems = @installer.find_gem_to_install(@gem1.name, version) assert_equal @gem1.full_name, gems.first.full_name end def test_source_index_hash source_hash = @installer.source_index_hash assert_equal 1, source_hash.size assert source_hash.has_key?('http://gems.example.com') assert_equal [@gem1, @gem4], source_hash['http://gems.example.com'].search(@gem1.name) end def test_specs_n_sources_matching version = Gem::Version::Requirement.new "> 0.0.0" specs_n_sources = @installer.specs_n_sources_matching @gem1.name, version gems = specs_n_sources.map { |g,| g.full_name } assert_equal [@gem1.full_name], gems, "Gems with longer names and higher versions must not match" end end # This test suite has a number of TODOs in the test cases. The # TestRemoteInstaller test suite is a reworking of this class from # scratch. class RemoteInstallerTest #< RubyGemTestCase # HACK disabled class RInst < Gem::RemoteInstaller include Test::Unit::Assertions attr_accessor :expected_destination_files attr_accessor :expected_bodies attr_accessor :caches attr_accessor :responses def source_index_hash @caches end def fetch(uri) @reponses ||= {} @responses[uri] end def write_gem_to_file(body, destination_file) expected_destination_file = expected_destination_files.pop expected_body = expected_bodies.pop assert_equal expected_body, body, "Unexpected body" assert_equal expected_destination_file, destination_file, "Unexpected destination file" end def new_installer(gem) return MockInstaller.new(gem) end end def setup Gem.clear_paths @remote_installer = Gem::RemoteInstaller.new @remote_installer.instance_eval { @fetcher_class = MockFetcher } end SAMPLE_SPEC = Gem::Specification.new do |s| s.name = 'foo' s.version = "1.2.3" s.platform = Gem::Platform::RUBY s.summary = "This is a cool package" s.files = [] end SAMPLE_CACHE = { 'foo-1.2.3' => SAMPLE_SPEC } SAMPLE_CACHE_YAML = SAMPLE_CACHE.to_yaml FOO_GEM = '' # TODO CACHE_DIR = File.join(Gem.dir, 'cache') def test_install result = @remote_installer.install('foo') assert_equal [nil], result end end