# frozen_string_literal: true require_relative "package/tar_test_case" require "rubygems/package" class TestGemPackageTarReaderEntry < Gem::Package::TarTestCase def setup super @contents = ("a".."z").to_a.join * 100 @tar = String.new @tar << tar_file_header("lib/foo", "", 0, @contents.size, Time.now) @tar << @contents @tar << "\0" * (512 - (@tar.size % 512)) @entry = util_entry @tar end def teardown close_util_entry(@entry) super end def close_util_entry(entry) entry.instance_variable_get(:@io).close! end def test_bytes_read assert_equal 0, @entry.bytes_read @entry.getc assert_equal 1, @entry.bytes_read end def test_size assert_equal @contents.size, @entry.size end def test_close @entry.close assert @entry.bytes_read e = assert_raise(IOError) { @entry.eof? } assert_equal "closed Gem::Package::TarReader::Entry", e.message e = assert_raise(IOError) { @entry.getc } assert_equal "closed Gem::Package::TarReader::Entry", e.message e = assert_raise(IOError) { @entry.pos } assert_equal "closed Gem::Package::TarReader::Entry", e.message e = assert_raise(IOError) { @entry.read } assert_equal "closed Gem::Package::TarReader::Entry", e.message e = assert_raise(IOError) { @entry.rewind } assert_equal "closed Gem::Package::TarReader::Entry", e.message end def test_closed_eh @entry.close assert @entry.closed? end def test_eof_eh @entry.read assert @entry.eof? end def test_full_name assert_equal "lib/foo", @entry.full_name end def test_full_name_null pend "jruby strips the null byte and does not think it's corrupt" if Gem.java_platform? @entry.header.prefix << "\000" e = assert_raise Gem::Package::TarInvalidError do @entry.full_name end assert_equal "tar is corrupt, name contains null byte", e.message end def test_getc assert_equal ?a, @entry.getc end def test_directory_eh assert_equal false, @entry.directory? dir_ent = util_dir_entry assert_equal true, dir_ent.directory? ensure close_util_entry(dir_ent) if dir_ent end def test_symlink_eh assert_equal false, @entry.symlink? symlink_ent = util_symlink_entry assert_equal true, symlink_ent.symlink? ensure close_util_entry(symlink_ent) if symlink_ent end def test_file_eh assert_equal true, @entry.file? dir_ent = util_dir_entry assert_equal false, dir_ent.file? ensure close_util_entry(dir_ent) if dir_ent end def test_pos assert_equal 0, @entry.pos @entry.getc assert_equal 1, @entry.pos end def test_read assert_equal @contents, @entry.read end def test_consecutive_read expected = StringIO.new(@contents) assert_equal expected.read, @entry.read assert_equal expected.read, @entry.read end def test_consecutive_read_bytes_past_eof expected = StringIO.new(@contents) assert_equal expected.read, @entry.read assert_equal expected.read(1), @entry.read(1) end def test_read_big assert_equal @contents, @entry.read(@contents.size * 2) end def test_read_small assert_equal @contents[0...100], @entry.read(100) end def test_read_remaining @entry.read(100) assert_equal @contents[100..-1], @entry.read end def test_read_partial assert_equal @contents[0...100], @entry.readpartial(100) end def test_read_partial_buffer buffer = "".b @entry.readpartial(100, buffer) assert_equal @contents[0...100], buffer end def test_readpartial_past_eof @entry.readpartial(@contents.size) assert_raise(EOFError) do @entry.readpartial(1) end end def test_rewind char = @entry.getc @entry.rewind assert_equal 0, @entry.pos assert_equal char, @entry.getc end def test_read_zero expected = StringIO.new("") assert_equal expected.read(0), @entry.read(0) end def test_readpartial_zero expected = StringIO.new("") assert_equal expected.readpartial(0), @entry.readpartial(0) end def util_zero_byte_entry tar = String.new tar << tar_file_header("lib/empty", "", 0, 0, Time.now) tar << "\0" * (512 - (tar.size % 512)) util_entry tar end def test_zero_byte_file_read zero_entry = util_zero_byte_entry expected = StringIO.new("") assert_equal expected.read, zero_entry.read ensure close_util_entry(zero_entry) if zero_entry end def test_zero_byte_file_readpartial zero_entry = util_zero_byte_entry expected = StringIO.new("") assert_equal expected.readpartial(0), zero_entry.readpartial(0) ensure close_util_entry(zero_entry) if zero_entry end end