extern crate rb_sys; use rb_sys::{rb_define_module, rb_define_module_function, rb_utf8_str_new, VALUE}; use std::ffi::CString; #[no_mangle] unsafe extern "C" fn say_hello(_klass: VALUE) -> VALUE { let cstr = CString::new("Hello world!").unwrap(); rb_utf8_str_new(cstr.as_ptr(), 12) } #[allow(non_snake_case)] #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn Init_custom_name_ext() { let name = CString::new("CustomName").unwrap(); let function_name = CString::new("say_hello").unwrap(); // bindgen does not properly detect the arity of the ruby callback function, so we have to transmute let callback = unsafe { std::mem::transmute:: VALUE, unsafe extern "C" fn() -> VALUE>( say_hello, ) }; let klass = unsafe { rb_define_module(name.as_ptr()) }; unsafe { rb_define_module_function(klass, function_name.as_ptr(), Some(callback), 0) } }