###################################################################### # This file is imported from the rubygems project. # DO NOT make modifications in this repo. They _will_ be reverted! # File a patch instead and assign it to Ryan Davis or Eric Hodel. ###################################################################### require 'rubygems/test_case' require 'rubygems/commands/which_command' class TestGemCommandsWhichCommand < Gem::TestCase def setup super @cmd = Gem::Commands::WhichCommand.new end def test_execute util_foo_bar @cmd.handle_options %w[foo_bar] use_ui @ui do @cmd.execute end assert_equal "#{@foo_bar.full_gem_path}/lib/foo_bar.rb\n", @ui.output assert_equal '', @ui.error end def test_execute_one_missing util_foo_bar @cmd.handle_options %w[foo_bar missing] use_ui @ui do @cmd.execute end assert_equal "#{@foo_bar.full_gem_path}/lib/foo_bar.rb\n", @ui.output assert_match %r%Can't find ruby library file or shared library missing\n%, @ui.error end def test_execute_missing @cmd.handle_options %w[missing] use_ui @ui do assert_raises Gem::MockGemUi::TermError do @cmd.execute end end assert_equal '', @ui.output assert_match %r%Can't find ruby library file or shared library missing\n%, @ui.error end def util_foo_bar files = %w[lib/foo_bar.rb Rakefile] @foo_bar = quick_gem 'foo_bar' do |gem| gem.files = files end files.each do |file| filename = @foo_bar.full_gem_path + "/#{file}" FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname(filename) FileUtils.touch filename end end end