# frozen_string_literal: true require_relative "helper" require "rubygems/commands/update_command" class TestGemCommandsUpdateCommand < Gem::TestCase def setup super common_installer_setup @cmd = Gem::Commands::UpdateCommand.new @cmd.options[:document] = [] @specs = spec_fetcher do |fetcher| fetcher.download "a", 1 fetcher.download "a", 2 fetcher.download "a", "3.a" end @a1_path = @specs["a-1"].cache_file @a2_path = @specs["a-1"].cache_file @a3a_path = @specs["a-3.a"].cache_file end def test_execute spec_fetcher do |fetcher| fetcher.download "a", 2 fetcher.spec "a", 1 end @cmd.options[:args] = [] use_ui @ui do @cmd.execute end out = @ui.output.split "\n" assert_equal "Updating installed gems", out.shift assert_equal "Updating a", out.shift assert_equal "Gems updated: a", out.shift assert_empty out end def test_execute_multiple spec_fetcher do |fetcher| fetcher.download "a", 2 fetcher.download "ab", 2 fetcher.spec "a", 1 fetcher.spec "ab", 1 end @cmd.options[:args] = %w[a] use_ui @ui do @cmd.execute end out = @ui.output.split "\n" assert_equal "Updating installed gems", out.shift assert_equal "Updating a", out.shift assert_equal "Gems updated: a", out.shift assert_empty out end def test_execute_system spec_fetcher do |fetcher| fetcher.download "rubygems-update", 9 do |s| s.files = %w[setup.rb] end end @cmd.options[:args] = [] @cmd.options[:system] = true use_ui @ui do @cmd.execute end out = @ui.output.split "\n" assert_equal "Updating rubygems-update", out.shift assert_equal "Installing RubyGems 9", out.shift assert_equal "RubyGems system software updated", out.shift assert_empty out end def test_execute_system_at_latest spec_fetcher do |fetcher| fetcher.download "rubygems-update", Gem::VERSION do |s| s.files = %w[setup.rb] end end @cmd.options[:args] = [] @cmd.options[:system] = true assert_raise Gem::MockGemUi::SystemExitException do use_ui @ui do @cmd.execute end end out = @ui.output.split "\n" assert_equal "Latest version already installed. Done.", out.shift assert_empty out end def test_execute_system_when_latest_does_not_support_your_ruby spec_fetcher do |fetcher| fetcher.download "rubygems-update", 9 do |s| s.files = %w[setup.rb] s.required_ruby_version = "> 9" end end @cmd.options[:args] = [] @cmd.options[:system] = true use_ui @ui do @cmd.execute end out = @ui.output.split "\n" assert_equal "Updating rubygems-update", out.shift assert_empty out err = @ui.error.split "\n" assert_equal "ERROR: Error installing rubygems-update:", err.shift assert_equal "\trubygems-update-9 requires Ruby version > 9. The current ruby version is #{Gem.ruby_version}.", err.shift assert_empty err end def test_execute_system_multiple spec_fetcher do |fetcher| fetcher.download "rubygems-update", 8 do |s| s.files = %w[setup.rb] end fetcher.download "rubygems-update", 9 do |s| s.files = %w[setup.rb] end end @cmd.options[:args] = [] @cmd.options[:system] = true use_ui @ui do @cmd.execute end out = @ui.output.split "\n" assert_equal "Updating rubygems-update", out.shift assert_equal "Installing RubyGems 9", out.shift assert_equal "RubyGems system software updated", out.shift assert_empty out end def test_execute_system_update_installed spec_fetcher do |fetcher| fetcher.download "rubygems-update", 8 do |s| s.files = %w[setup.rb] end end @cmd.options[:args] = [] @cmd.options[:system] = true @cmd.execute spec_fetcher do |fetcher| fetcher.download "rubygems-update", 9 do |s| s.files = %w[setup.rb] end end @cmd = Gem::Commands::UpdateCommand.new @cmd.options[:args] = [] @cmd.options[:system] = true use_ui @ui do @cmd.execute end out = @ui.output.split "\n" assert_equal "Updating rubygems-update", out.shift assert_equal "Installing RubyGems 9", out.shift assert_equal "RubyGems system software updated", out.shift assert_empty out end def test_execute_system_update_installed_in_non_default_gem_path rubygems_update_spec = quick_gem "rubygems-update", 9 do |s| write_file File.join(@tempdir, "setup.rb") s.files += %w[setup.rb] end util_setup_spec_fetcher rubygems_update_spec rubygems_update_package = Gem::Package.build rubygems_update_spec gemhome2 = "#{@gemhome}2" Gem::Installer.at(rubygems_update_package, :install_dir => gemhome2).install Gem.use_paths @gemhome, [gemhome2, @gemhome] @cmd.options[:args] = [] @cmd.options[:system] = true use_ui @ui do @cmd.execute end out = @ui.output.split "\n" assert_equal "Installing RubyGems 9", out.shift assert_equal "RubyGems system software updated", out.shift assert_empty out end def test_execute_system_specific spec_fetcher do |fetcher| fetcher.download "rubygems-update", 8 do |s| s.files = %w[setup.rb] end fetcher.download "rubygems-update", 9 do |s| s.files = %w[setup.rb] end end @cmd.options[:args] = [] @cmd.options[:system] = "8" use_ui @ui do @cmd.execute end out = @ui.output.split "\n" assert_equal "Updating rubygems-update", out.shift assert_equal "Installing RubyGems 8", out.shift assert_equal "RubyGems system software updated", out.shift assert_empty out end def test_execute_system_specific_older_than_minimum_supported_rubygems spec_fetcher do |fetcher| fetcher.download "rubygems-update", "2.5.1" do |s| s.files = %w[setup.rb] end end @cmd.options[:args] = [] @cmd.options[:system] = "2.5.1" oldest_version_mod = Module.new do def oldest_supported_version Gem::Version.new("2.5.2") end private :oldest_supported_version end @cmd.extend(oldest_version_mod) assert_raise Gem::MockGemUi::TermError do use_ui @ui do @cmd.execute end end assert_empty @ui.output assert_equal "ERROR: rubygems 2.5.1 is not supported on #{RUBY_VERSION}. The oldest version supported by this ruby is 2.5.2\n", @ui.error end def test_execute_system_specific_older_than_3_2_removes_plugins_dir spec_fetcher do |fetcher| fetcher.download "rubygems-update", 3.1 do |s| s.files = %w[setup.rb] end end oldest_version_mod = Module.new do def oldest_supported_version Gem::Version.new("2.5.2") end private :oldest_supported_version end @cmd.extend(oldest_version_mod) @cmd.options[:args] = [] @cmd.options[:system] = "3.1" FileUtils.mkdir_p Gem.plugindir write_file File.join(Gem.plugindir, "a_plugin.rb") @cmd.execute assert_path_not_exist Gem.plugindir, "Plugins folder not removed when updating rubygems to pre-3.2" end def test_execute_system_specific_newer_than_or_equal_to_3_2_leaves_plugins_dir_alone spec_fetcher do |fetcher| fetcher.download "rubygems-update", "3.2.a" do |s| s.files = %w[setup.rb] end end oldest_version_mod = Module.new do def oldest_supported_version Gem::Version.new("2.5.2") end private :oldest_supported_version end @cmd.extend(oldest_version_mod) @cmd.options[:args] = [] @cmd.options[:system] = "3.2.a" FileUtils.mkdir_p Gem.plugindir plugin_file = File.join(Gem.plugindir, "a_plugin.rb") write_file plugin_file @cmd.execute assert_path_exist Gem.plugindir, "Plugin folder removed when updating rubygems to post-3.2" assert_path_exist plugin_file, "Plugin removed when updating rubygems to post-3.2" end def test_execute_system_specifically_to_latest_version spec_fetcher do |fetcher| fetcher.download "rubygems-update", 8 do |s| s.files = %w[setup.rb] end fetcher.download "rubygems-update", 9 do |s| s.files = %w[setup.rb] end end @cmd.options[:args] = [] @cmd.options[:system] = "9" use_ui @ui do @cmd.execute end out = @ui.output.split "\n" assert_equal "Updating rubygems-update", out.shift assert_equal "Installing RubyGems 9", out.shift assert_equal "RubyGems system software updated", out.shift assert_empty out end def test_execute_system_with_gems @cmd.options[:args] = %w[gem] @cmd.options[:system] = true assert_raise Gem::MockGemUi::TermError do use_ui @ui do @cmd.execute end end assert_empty @ui.output assert_equal "ERROR: Gem names are not allowed with the --system option\n", @ui.error end def test_execute_system_with_disabled_update old_disable_system_update_message = Gem.disable_system_update_message Gem.disable_system_update_message = "Please use package manager instead." @cmd.options[:args] = [] @cmd.options[:system] = true assert_raise Gem::MockGemUi::TermError do use_ui @ui do @cmd.execute end end assert_empty @ui.output assert_equal "ERROR: Please use package manager instead.\n", @ui.error ensure Gem.disable_system_update_message = old_disable_system_update_message end # The other style of `gem update --system` tests don't actually run # setup.rb, so we just check that setup.rb gets the `--silent` flag. def test_execute_system_silent_passed_to_setuprb @cmd.options[:args] = [] @cmd.options[:system] = true @cmd.options[:silent] = true assert_equal true, @cmd.update_rubygems_arguments.include?("--silent") end def test_execute_system_silent spec_fetcher do |fetcher| fetcher.download "rubygems-update", 9 do |s| s.files = %w[setup.rb] end end @cmd.options[:args] = [] @cmd.options[:system] = true @cmd.options[:silent] = true use_ui @ui do @cmd.execute end assert_empty @ui.output end # before: # a1 -> c1.2 # after: # a2 -> b2 # new dependency # a2 -> c2 def test_execute_dependencies spec_fetcher do |fetcher| fetcher.download "a", 2, "b" => 2, "c" => 2 fetcher.download "b", 2 fetcher.download "c", 2 fetcher.spec "a", 1, "c" => "1.2" fetcher.spec "c", "1.2" end Gem::Specification.reset @cmd.options[:args] = [] use_ui @ui do @cmd.execute end out = @ui.output.split "\n" assert_equal "Updating installed gems", out.shift assert_equal "Updating a", out.shift assert_equal "Gems updated: a b c", out.shift assert_empty out end def test_execute_rdoc spec_fetcher do |fetcher| fetcher.download "a", 2 fetcher.spec "a", 1 end Gem.done_installing(&Gem::RDoc.method(:generation_hook)) @cmd.options[:document] = %w[rdoc ri] @cmd.options[:args] = %w[a] use_ui @ui do @cmd.execute end wait_for_child_process_to_exit a2 = @specs["a-2"] assert_path_exist File.join(a2.doc_dir, "rdoc") end def test_execute_named spec_fetcher do |fetcher| fetcher.download "a", 2 fetcher.spec "a", 1 end @cmd.options[:args] = %w[a] use_ui @ui do @cmd.execute end out = @ui.output.split "\n" assert_equal "Updating installed gems", out.shift assert_equal "Updating a", out.shift assert_equal "Gems updated: a", out.shift assert_empty out end def test_execute_named_some_up_to_date spec_fetcher do |fetcher| fetcher.download "a", 2 fetcher.spec "a", 1 fetcher.spec "b", 2 end @cmd.options[:args] = %w[a b] use_ui @ui do @cmd.execute end out = @ui.output.split "\n" assert_equal "Updating installed gems", out.shift assert_equal "Updating a", out.shift assert_equal "Gems updated: a", out.shift assert_equal "Gems already up-to-date: b", out.shift assert_empty out end def test_execute_named_up_to_date spec_fetcher do |fetcher| fetcher.spec "a", 2 end @cmd.options[:args] = %w[a] use_ui @ui do @cmd.execute end out = @ui.output.split "\n" assert_equal "Updating installed gems", out.shift assert_equal "Nothing to update", out.shift assert_equal "Gems already up-to-date: a", out.shift assert_empty out end def test_execute_named_up_to_date_prerelease spec_fetcher do |fetcher| fetcher.download "a", "3.a" fetcher.gem "a", 2 end @cmd.options[:args] = %w[a] @cmd.options[:prerelease] = true use_ui @ui do @cmd.execute end out = @ui.output.split "\n" assert_equal "Updating installed gems", out.shift assert_equal "Updating a", out.shift assert_equal "Gems updated: a", out.shift assert_empty out end def test_execute_up_to_date spec_fetcher do |fetcher| fetcher.gem "a", 2 end @cmd.options[:args] = [] use_ui @ui do @cmd.execute end out = @ui.output.split "\n" assert_equal "Updating installed gems", out.shift assert_equal "Nothing to update", out.shift assert_empty out end def test_execute_user_install a = util_spec "a", 1 b = util_spec "b", 1 install_gem_user(a) install_gem(b) @cmd.handle_options %w[--user-install] use_ui @ui do @cmd.execute end installer = @cmd.installer user_install = installer.instance_variable_get :@user_install assert user_install, "user_install must be set on the installer" out = @ui.output.split "\n" assert_equal "Updating installed gems", out.shift assert_equal "Updating a", out.shift assert_equal "Gems updated: a", out.shift assert_empty out end def test_fetch_remote_gems specs = spec_fetcher do |fetcher| fetcher.gem "a", 1 fetcher.gem "a", 2 end expected = [ [Gem::NameTuple.new("a", v(2), Gem::Platform::RUBY), Gem::Source.new(@gem_repo)], ] assert_equal expected, @cmd.fetch_remote_gems(specs["a-1"]) end def test_fetch_remote_gems_error Gem.sources.replace %w[http://nonexistent.example] assert_raise Gem::RemoteFetcher::FetchError do @cmd.fetch_remote_gems @specs["a-1"] end end def test_fetch_remote_gems_mismatch platform = Gem::Platform.new "x86-freebsd9" specs = spec_fetcher do |fetcher| fetcher.spec "a", 1 fetcher.spec "a", 2 fetcher.spec "a", 2 do |s| s.platform = platform end end expected = [ [Gem::NameTuple.new("a", v(2), Gem::Platform::RUBY), Gem::Source.new(@gem_repo)], ] assert_equal expected, @cmd.fetch_remote_gems(specs["a-1"]) end def test_fetch_remote_gems_prerelease specs = spec_fetcher do |fetcher| fetcher.gem "a", 1 fetcher.gem "a", 2 fetcher.gem "a", "3.a" end @cmd.options[:prerelease] = true expected = [ [Gem::NameTuple.new("a", v(2), Gem::Platform::RUBY), Gem::Source.new(@gem_repo)], [Gem::NameTuple.new("a", v("3.a"), Gem::Platform::RUBY), Gem::Source.new(@gem_repo)], ] assert_equal expected, @cmd.fetch_remote_gems(specs["a-1"]) end def test_handle_options_system @cmd.handle_options %w[--system] expected = { :args => [], :document => %w[ri], :force => false, :system => true, } assert_equal expected, @cmd.options end def test_handle_options_system_non_version assert_raise ArgumentError do @cmd.handle_options %w[--system non-version] end end def test_handle_options_system_specific @cmd.handle_options %w[--system 1.3.7] expected = { :args => [], :document => %w[ri], :force => false, :system => "1.3.7", } assert_equal expected, @cmd.options end def test_update_gem_prerelease spec_fetcher do |fetcher| fetcher.spec "a", "1.a" fetcher.gem "a", "1.b" end @cmd.update_gem "a", Gem::Requirement.new("= 1.b") refute_empty @cmd.updated assert @cmd.installer.instance_variable_get :@prerelease end def test_update_gem_unresolved_dependency spec_fetcher do |fetcher| fetcher.spec "a", 1 fetcher.gem "a", 2 do |s| s.add_dependency "b", ">= 2" end fetcher.spec "b", 1 end @cmd.update_gem "a" assert_empty @cmd.updated end def test_update_rubygems_arguments @cmd.options[:system] = true arguments = @cmd.update_rubygems_arguments assert_equal "--prefix", arguments.shift assert_equal Gem.prefix, arguments.shift assert_equal "--no-document", arguments.shift assert_equal "--previous-version", arguments.shift assert_equal Gem::VERSION, arguments.shift assert_empty arguments end def test_explain spec_fetcher do |fetcher| fetcher.download "a", 2 fetcher.spec "a", 1 end @cmd.options[:explain] = true @cmd.options[:args] = %w[a] use_ui @ui do @cmd.execute end out = @ui.output.split "\n" assert_equal "Gems to update:", out.shift assert_equal " a-2", out.shift assert_empty out end def test_explain_platform_local local = Gem::Platform.local spec_fetcher do |fetcher| fetcher.download "a", 2 fetcher.download "a", 2 do |s| s.platform = local end fetcher.spec "a", 1 end @cmd.options[:explain] = true @cmd.options[:args] = %w[a] use_ui @ui do @cmd.execute end out = @ui.output.split "\n" assert_equal "Gems to update:", out.shift assert_equal " a-2-#{local}", out.shift assert_empty out end def test_explain_platform_ruby local = Gem::Platform.local spec_fetcher do |fetcher| fetcher.download "a", 2 fetcher.download "a", 2 do |s| s.platform = local end fetcher.spec "a", 1 end # equivalent to --platform=ruby Gem.platforms = [Gem::Platform::RUBY] @cmd.options[:explain] = true @cmd.options[:args] = %w[a] use_ui @ui do @cmd.execute end out = @ui.output.split "\n" assert_equal "Gems to update:", out.shift assert_equal " a-2", out.shift assert_empty out end def test_execute_named_not_installed_and_no_update spec_fetcher do |fetcher| fetcher.spec "a", 2 end @cmd.options[:args] = %w[a b] use_ui @ui do @cmd.execute end out = @ui.output.split "\n" assert_equal "Updating installed gems", out.shift assert_equal "Nothing to update", out.shift assert_equal "Gems already up-to-date: a", out.shift assert_equal "Gems not currently installed: b", out.shift assert_empty out end end