require 'rubygems/test_case' require 'rubygems/commands/unpack_command' class TestGemCommandsUnpackCommand < Gem::TestCase def setup super Dir.chdir @tempdir do @cmd = end end def test_find_in_cache util_make_gems assert_equal( @cmd.find_in_cache(File.basename @a1.cache_file), @a1.cache_file, 'found a-1.gem in the cache' ) end def test_get_path specs = spec_fetcher do |fetcher| fetcher.gem 'a', 1 end dep = 'a', 1 assert_equal( @cmd.get_path(dep), specs['a-1'].cache_file, 'fetches a-1 and returns the cache path' ) FileUtils.rm specs['a-1'].cache_file assert_equal( @cmd.get_path(dep), specs['a-1'].cache_file, 'when removed from cache, refetches a-1' ) end def test_execute util_make_gems @cmd.options[:args] = %w[a b] use_ui @ui do Dir.chdir @tempdir do @cmd.execute end end assert File.exist?(File.join(@tempdir, 'a-3.a')), 'a should be unpacked' assert File.exist?(File.join(@tempdir, 'b-2')), 'b should be unpacked' end def test_execute_gem_path spec_fetcher do |fetcher| fetcher.gem 'a', '3.a' end Gem.clear_paths gemhome2 = File.join @tempdir, 'gemhome2' Gem.use_paths gemhome2, [gemhome2, @gemhome] @cmd.options[:args] = %w[a] use_ui @ui do Dir.chdir @tempdir do @cmd.execute end end assert File.exist?(File.join(@tempdir, 'a-3.a')) end def test_execute_gem_path_missing spec_fetcher Gem.clear_paths gemhome2 = File.join @tempdir, 'gemhome2' Gem.use_paths gemhome2, [gemhome2, @gemhome] @cmd.options[:args] = %w[z] use_ui @ui do Dir.chdir @tempdir do @cmd.execute end end assert_equal '', @ui.output end def test_execute_remote spec_fetcher do |fetcher| 'a', 1 'a', 2 end Gem.configuration.verbose = :really @cmd.options[:args] = %w[a] use_ui @ui do Dir.chdir @tempdir do @cmd.execute end end assert File.exist?(File.join(@tempdir, 'a-2')), 'a should be unpacked' end def test_execute_spec util_make_gems @cmd.options[:args] = %w[a b] @cmd.options[:spec] = true use_ui @ui do Dir.chdir @tempdir do @cmd.execute end end assert File.exist?(File.join(@tempdir, 'a-3.a.gemspec')) assert File.exist?(File.join(@tempdir, 'b-2.gemspec')) end def test_execute_sudo skip 'Cannot perform this test on windows (chmod)' if win_platform? util_make_gems FileUtils.chmod 0555, @gemhome @cmd.options[:args] = %w[b] use_ui @ui do Dir.chdir @tempdir do @cmd.execute end end assert File.exist?(File.join(@tempdir, 'b-2')), 'b should be unpacked' ensure FileUtils.chmod 0755, @gemhome end def test_execute_with_target_option util_make_gems target = 'with_target' @cmd.options[:args] = %w[a] @cmd.options[:target] = target use_ui @ui do Dir.chdir @tempdir do @cmd.execute end end assert File.exist?(File.join(@tempdir, target, 'a-3.a')) end def test_execute_exact_match foo_spec = util_spec 'foo' foo_bar_spec = util_spec 'foo_bar' use_ui @ui do Dir.chdir @tempdir do foo_spec foo_bar_spec end end foo_path = File.join(@tempdir, "#{foo_spec.full_name}.gem") foo_bar_path = File.join(@tempdir, "#{foo_bar_spec.full_name}.gem") @cmd.options[:args] = %w[foo] use_ui @ui do Dir.chdir @tempdir do @cmd.execute end end assert_path_exists File.join(@tempdir, foo_spec.full_name) end def test_handle_options_metadata refute @cmd.options[:spec] @cmd.send :handle_options, %w[--spec a] assert @cmd.options[:spec] end end