require 'test/unit' require File.join(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)), 'gemutilities') require 'rubygems/commands/query_command' class TestGemCommandsQueryCommand < RubyGemTestCase def setup super @foo_gem = quick_gem 'foo' do |spec| spec.summary = 'This is a lot of text. ' * 5 end @bar_gem = quick_gem 'bar' @cmd = end def test_execute util_setup_source_info_cache @foo_gem @cmd.handle_options %w[-r] use_ui @ui do @cmd.execute end expected = <<-EOF *** REMOTE GEMS *** foo (0.0.2) EOF assert_equal expected, @ui.output assert_equal '', @ui.error end def test_execute_details util_setup_source_info_cache @foo_gem @cmd.handle_options %w[-r -d] use_ui @ui do @cmd.execute end expected = <<-EOF *** REMOTE GEMS *** foo (0.0.2) This is a lot of text. This is a lot of text. This is a lot of text. This is a lot of text. This is a lot of text. EOF assert_equal expected, @ui.output assert_equal '', @ui.error end def test_execute_no_versions util_setup_source_info_cache @foo_gem, @bar_gem @cmd.handle_options %w[-r --no-versions] use_ui @ui do @cmd.execute end expected = <<-EOF *** REMOTE GEMS *** bar foo EOF assert_equal expected, @ui.output assert_equal '', @ui.error end end