###################################################################### # This file is imported from the rubygems project. # DO NOT make modifications in this repo. They _will_ be reverted! # File a patch instead and assign it to Ryan Davis or Eric Hodel. ###################################################################### require "rubygems" require "rubygems/test_case" require "rubygems/commands/help_command" require "rubygems/format" require "rubygems/command_manager" class TestGemCommandsHelpCommand < Gem::TestCase def setup super @cmd = Gem::Commands::HelpCommand.new end def test_gem_help_bad util_gem 'bad' do |out, err| assert_equal('', out) assert_match(/Unknown command bad. Try gem help commands\n/, err) end end def test_gem_help_platforms util_gem 'platforms' do |out, err| assert_match(/x86-freebsd/, out) assert_equal '', err end end def test_gem_help_commands mgr = Gem::CommandManager.new util_gem 'commands' do |out, err| mgr.command_names.each do |cmd| assert_match(/\s+#{cmd}\s+\S+/, out) end assert_equal '', err end end def test_gem_no_args_shows_help util_gem do |out, err| assert_match(/Usage:/, out) assert_match(/gem install/, out) assert_equal '', err end end def util_gem *args @cmd.options[:args] = args use_ui @ui do Dir.chdir @tempdir do @cmd.execute end end yield @ui.output, @ui.error end end