# frozen_string_literal: true require_relative 'helper' require 'rubygems/package' require 'rubygems/security' require 'rubygems/commands/fetch_command' class TestGemCommandsFetchCommand < Gem::TestCase def setup super @cmd = Gem::Commands::FetchCommand.new end def test_execute specs = spec_fetcher do |fetcher| fetcher.gem 'a', 2 end assert_path_not_exist File.join(@tempdir, 'cache'), 'sanity check' @cmd.options[:args] = %w[a] use_ui @ui do Dir.chdir @tempdir do @cmd.execute end end a2 = specs['a-2'] assert_path_exist(File.join(@tempdir, a2.file_name), "#{a2.full_name} not fetched") assert_path_not_exist File.join(@tempdir, 'cache'), 'gem repository directories must not be created' end def test_execute_latest specs = spec_fetcher do |fetcher| fetcher.gem 'a', 1 fetcher.gem 'a', 2 end assert_path_not_exist File.join(@tempdir, 'cache'), 'sanity check' @cmd.options[:args] = %w[a] @cmd.options[:version] = req('>= 0.1') use_ui @ui do Dir.chdir @tempdir do @cmd.execute end end a2 = specs['a-2'] assert_path_exist(File.join(@tempdir, a2.file_name), "#{a2.full_name} not fetched") assert_path_not_exist File.join(@tempdir, 'cache'), 'gem repository directories must not be created' end def test_execute_prerelease specs = spec_fetcher do |fetcher| fetcher.gem 'a', 2 fetcher.gem 'a', '2.a' end @cmd.options[:args] = %w[a] @cmd.options[:prerelease] = true use_ui @ui do Dir.chdir @tempdir do @cmd.execute end end a2 = specs['a-2'] assert_path_exist(File.join(@tempdir, a2.file_name), "#{a2.full_name} not fetched") end def test_execute_platform a2_spec, a2 = util_gem("a", "2") a2_universal_darwin_spec, a2_universal_darwin = util_gem("a", "2") do |s| s.platform = 'universal-darwin' end Gem::RemoteFetcher.fetcher = @fetcher = Gem::FakeFetcher.new write_marshalled_gemspecs(a2_spec, a2_universal_darwin_spec) @cmd.options[:args] = %w[a] @fetcher.data["#{@gem_repo}latest_specs.#{Gem.marshal_version}.gz"] = util_gzip(Marshal.dump([ Gem::NameTuple.new(a2_spec.name, a2_spec.version, a2_spec.platform), Gem::NameTuple.new(a2_universal_darwin_spec.name, a2_universal_darwin_spec.version, a2_universal_darwin_spec.platform), ])) @fetcher.data["#{@gem_repo}gems/#{a2_spec.file_name}"] = Gem.read_binary(a2) FileUtils.cp a2, a2_spec.cache_file @fetcher.data["#{@gem_repo}gems/#{a2_universal_darwin_spec.file_name}"] = Gem.read_binary(a2_universal_darwin) FileUtils.cp a2_universal_darwin, a2_universal_darwin_spec.cache_file util_set_arch 'arm64-darwin20' do use_ui @ui do Dir.chdir @tempdir do @cmd.execute end end end assert_path_exist(File.join(@tempdir, a2_universal_darwin_spec.file_name), "#{a2_universal_darwin_spec.full_name} not fetched") end def test_execute_specific_prerelease specs = spec_fetcher do |fetcher| fetcher.gem 'a', 2 fetcher.gem 'a', '2.a' end @cmd.options[:args] = %w[a] @cmd.options[:prerelease] = true @cmd.options[:version] = "2.a" use_ui @ui do Dir.chdir @tempdir do @cmd.execute end end a2_pre = specs['a-2.a'] assert_path_exist(File.join(@tempdir, a2_pre.file_name), "#{a2_pre.full_name} not fetched") end def test_execute_version specs = spec_fetcher do |fetcher| fetcher.gem 'a', 1 fetcher.gem 'a', 2 end @cmd.options[:args] = %w[a] @cmd.options[:version] = Gem::Requirement.new '1' use_ui @ui do Dir.chdir @tempdir do @cmd.execute end end a1 = specs['a-1'] assert_path_exist(File.join(@tempdir, a1.file_name), "#{a1.full_name} not fetched") end def test_execute_version_specified_by_colon specs = spec_fetcher do |fetcher| fetcher.gem 'a', 1 end @cmd.options[:args] = %w[a:1] use_ui @ui do Dir.chdir @tempdir do @cmd.execute end end a1 = specs['a-1'] assert_path_exist(File.join(@tempdir, a1.file_name), "#{a1.full_name} not fetched") end def test_execute_two_version @cmd.options[:args] = %w[a b] @cmd.options[:version] = Gem::Requirement.new '1' use_ui @ui do assert_raise Gem::MockGemUi::TermError, @ui.error do @cmd.execute end end msg = "ERROR: Can't use --version with multiple gems. You can specify multiple gems with" \ " version requirements using `gem fetch 'my_gem:1.0.0' 'my_other_gem:~>2.0.0'`" assert_empty @ui.output assert_equal msg, @ui.error.chomp end def test_execute_two_version_specified_by_colon specs = spec_fetcher do |fetcher| fetcher.gem 'a', 1 fetcher.gem 'b', 1 end @cmd.options[:args] = %w[a:1 b:1] use_ui @ui do Dir.chdir @tempdir do @cmd.execute end end a1 = specs['a-1'] b1 = specs['b-1'] assert_path_exist(File.join(@tempdir, a1.file_name), "#{a1.full_name} not fetched") assert_path_exist(File.join(@tempdir, b1.file_name), "#{b1.full_name} not fetched") end def test_execute_version_nonexistent spec_fetcher do |fetcher| fetcher.spec 'foo', 1 end @cmd.options[:args] = %w[foo:2] use_ui @ui do @cmd.execute end expected = <<-EXPECTED ERROR: Could not find a valid gem 'foo' (2) in any repository ERROR: Possible alternatives: foo EXPECTED assert_equal expected, @ui.error end def test_execute_nonexistent_hint_disabled spec_fetcher do |fetcher| fetcher.spec 'foo', 1 end @cmd.options[:args] = %w[foo:2] @cmd.options[:suggest_alternate] = false use_ui @ui do @cmd.execute end expected = <<-EXPECTED ERROR: Could not find a valid gem 'foo' (2) in any repository EXPECTED assert_equal expected, @ui.error end end