at_exit { $SAFE = 1 } $LOAD_PATH.unshift(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'lib')) if RUBY_VERSION > '1.9' then Gem::QuickLoader.load_full_rubygems_library else require 'rubygems' end require 'fileutils' require 'minitest/autorun' require 'tmpdir' require 'uri' require 'rubygems/package' require 'rubygems/test_utilities' require 'pp' require 'yaml' begin YAML::ENGINE.yamler = 'psych' rescue LoadError end if YAML.const_defined? :ENGINE begin gem 'rdoc' rescue Gem::LoadError end require 'rdoc/rdoc' require_relative 'mockgemui' module Gem def self.searcher=(searcher) MUTEX.synchronize do @searcher = searcher end end def self.source_index=(si) @@source_index = si end def self.win_platform=(val) @@win_platform = val end module DefaultUserInteraction @ui = end end class RubyGemTestCase < MiniTest::Unit::TestCase include Gem::DefaultUserInteraction undef_method :default_test if instance_methods.include? 'default_test' or instance_methods.include? :default_test def setup super @ui = tmpdir = nil Dir.chdir Dir.tmpdir do tmpdir = Dir.pwd end # HACK OSX /private/tmp @tempdir = File.join tmpdir, "test_rubygems_#{$$}" @tempdir.untaint @gemhome = File.join @tempdir, "gemhome" @gemcache = File.join(@gemhome, "source_cache") @usrcache = File.join(@gemhome, ".gem", "user_cache") @latest_usrcache = File.join(@gemhome, ".gem", "latest_user_cache") @userhome = File.join @tempdir, 'userhome' Gem.ensure_gem_subdirectories @gemhome @orig_ruby = if ruby = ENV['RUBY'] then Gem.class_eval { ruby, @ruby = @ruby, ruby } ruby end Gem.ensure_gem_subdirectories @gemhome @orig_ENV_HOME = ENV['HOME'] ENV['HOME'] = @userhome Gem.instance_variable_set :@user_home, nil FileUtils.mkdir_p @gemhome FileUtils.mkdir_p @userhome ENV['GEMCACHE'] = @usrcache Gem.use_paths(@gemhome) Gem.loaded_specs.clear Gem.configuration.verbose = true Gem.configuration.update_sources = true @gem_repo = "" @uri = URI.parse @gem_repo Gem.sources.replace [@gem_repo] Gem::SpecFetcher.fetcher = nil @orig_BASERUBY = Gem::ConfigMap[:BASERUBY] Gem::ConfigMap[:BASERUBY] = Gem::ConfigMap[:ruby_install_name] @orig_arch = Gem::ConfigMap[:arch] if win_platform? util_set_arch 'i386-mswin32' else util_set_arch 'i686-darwin8.10.1' end @marshal_version = "#{Marshal::MAJOR_VERSION}.#{Marshal::MINOR_VERSION}" @private_key = File.expand_path File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'private_key.pem') @public_cert = File.expand_path File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'public_cert.pem') Gem.post_install_hooks.clear Gem.post_uninstall_hooks.clear Gem.pre_install_hooks.clear Gem.pre_uninstall_hooks.clear Gem.post_install do |installer| @post_install_hook_arg = installer end Gem.post_uninstall do |uninstaller| @post_uninstall_hook_arg = uninstaller end Gem.pre_install do |installer| @pre_install_hook_arg = installer end Gem.pre_uninstall do |uninstaller| @pre_uninstall_hook_arg = uninstaller end end def teardown Gem::ConfigMap[:BASERUBY] = @orig_BASERUBY Gem::ConfigMap[:arch] = @orig_arch if defined? Gem::RemoteFetcher then Gem::RemoteFetcher.fetcher = nil end FileUtils.rm_rf @tempdir ENV.delete 'GEMCACHE' ENV.delete 'GEM_HOME' ENV.delete 'GEM_PATH' Gem.clear_paths Gem.class_eval { @ruby = ruby } if ruby = @orig_ruby if @orig_ENV_HOME then ENV['HOME'] = @orig_ENV_HOME else ENV.delete 'HOME' end end def install_gem gem require 'rubygems/installer' use_ui do Dir.chdir @tempdir do end end gem = File.join(@tempdir, gem.file_name).untaint, :wrappers => true).install end def mu_pp(obj) s = '' s = PP.pp obj, s s = s.force_encoding(Encoding.default_external) if defined? Encoding s.chomp end def prep_cache_files(lc) @usr_si ||= @usr_sice ||= @usr_si, 0 @sys_si ||= @sys_sice ||= @sys_si, 0 latest_si = latest_si.add_specs(*@sys_si.latest_specs) latest_sys_sice = latest_si, 0 latest_si = latest_si.add_specs(*@usr_si.latest_specs) latest_usr_sice = latest_si, 0 [ [lc.system_cache_file, @sys_sice], [lc.latest_system_cache_file, latest_sys_sice], [lc.user_cache_file, @usr_sice], [lc.latest_user_cache_file, latest_usr_sice], ].each do |filename, data| FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname(filename).untaint open filename.dup.untaint, 'wb' do |f| f.write Marshal.dump({ @gem_repo => data }) end end end def read_cache(path) open path.dup.untaint, 'rb' do |io| Marshal.load end end def read_binary(path) Gem.read_binary path end def write_file(path) path = File.join(@gemhome, path) dir = File.dirname path FileUtils.mkdir_p dir open path, 'wb' do |io| yield io end path end def quick_gem(gemname, version='2') require 'rubygems/specification' spec = do |s| s.platform = Gem::Platform::RUBY = gemname s.version = version = 'A User' = '' s.homepage = '' s.has_rdoc = true s.summary = "this is a summary" s.description = "This is a test description" yield(s) if block_given? end path = File.join "specifications", spec.spec_name written_path = write_file path do |io| io.write(spec.to_ruby) end spec.loaded_from = written_path Gem.source_index.add_spec spec return spec end def util_build_gem(spec) dir = File.join(@gemhome, 'gems', spec.full_name) FileUtils.mkdir_p dir Dir.chdir dir do spec.files.each do |file| next if File.exist? file FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname(file) file, 'w' do |fp| fp.puts "# #{file}" end end use_ui do end spec.file_name, File.join(@gemhome, 'cache', "#{spec.original_name}.gem") end end def util_clear_gems FileUtils.rm_r File.join(@gemhome, 'gems') FileUtils.rm_r File.join(@gemhome, 'specifications') Gem.source_index.refresh! end def util_gem(name, version, &block) spec = quick_gem(name, version, &block) util_build_gem spec cache_file = File.join @tempdir, 'gems', "#{spec.original_name}.gem" File.join(@gemhome, 'cache', "#{spec.original_name}.gem"), cache_file FileUtils.rm File.join(@gemhome, 'specifications', spec.spec_name) spec.loaded_from = nil spec.loaded = false [spec, cache_file] end def util_gzip(data) out = Zlib::GzipWriter.wrap out do |io| io.write data end out.string end def util_make_gems(prerelease = false) @a1 = quick_gem 'a', '1' do |s| s.files = %w[lib/code.rb] s.require_paths = %w[lib] = Gem::Specification::TODAY - 86400 s.homepage = '' = %w[] s.authors = %w[Example Example2] s.description = <<-DESC This line is really, really long. So long, in fact, that it is more than eighty characters long! The purpose of this line is for testing wrapping behavior because sometimes people don't wrap their text to eighty characters. Without the wrapping, the text might not look good in the RSS feed. Also, a list: * An entry that's actually kind of sort * an entry that's really long, which will probably get wrapped funny. That's ok, somebody wasn't thinking straight when they made it more than eighty characters. DESC end init = proc do |s| s.files = %w[lib/code.rb] s.require_paths = %w[lib] end @a2 = quick_gem('a', '2', &init) @a3a = quick_gem('a', '3.a', &init) @a_evil9 = quick_gem('a_evil', '9', &init) @b2 = quick_gem('b', '2', &init) @c1_2 = quick_gem('c', '1.2', &init) @pl1 = quick_gem 'pl', '1' do |s| # l for legacy s.files = %w[lib/code.rb] s.require_paths = %w[lib] s.platform = 'i386-linux' s.instance_variable_set :@original_platform, 'i386-linux' end if prerelease @a2_pre = quick_gem('a', '2.a', &init) write_file File.join(*%W[gems #{@a2_pre.original_name} lib code.rb]) do end util_build_gem @a2_pre end write_file File.join(*%W[gems #{@a1.original_name} lib code.rb]) do end write_file File.join(*%W[gems #{@a2.original_name} lib code.rb]) do end write_file File.join(*%W[gems #{@a3a.original_name} lib code.rb]) do end write_file File.join(*%W[gems #{@b2.original_name} lib code.rb]) do end write_file File.join(*%W[gems #{@c1_2.original_name} lib code.rb]) do end write_file File.join(*%W[gems #{@pl1.original_name} lib code.rb]) do end [@a1, @a2, @a3a, @a_evil9, @b2, @c1_2, @pl1].each do |spec| util_build_gem spec end FileUtils.rm_r File.join(@gemhome, 'gems', @pl1.original_name) Gem.source_index = nil end ## # Set the platform to +arch+ def util_set_arch(arch) Gem::ConfigMap[:arch] = arch platform = arch Gem.instance_variable_set :@platforms, nil Gem::Platform.instance_variable_set :@local, nil platform end def util_setup_fake_fetcher(prerelease = false) require 'zlib' require 'socket' require 'rubygems/remote_fetcher' @fetcher = util_make_gems(prerelease) @all_gems = [@a1, @a2, @a3a, @a_evil9, @b2, @c1_2].sort @all_gem_names = { |gem| gem.full_name } gem_names = [@a1.full_name, @a2.full_name, @a3a.full_name, @b2.full_name] @gem_names = gem_names.sort.join("\n") @source_index = @source_index.add_spec @a1 @source_index.add_spec @a2 @source_index.add_spec @a3a @source_index.add_spec @a_evil9 @source_index.add_spec @c1_2 @source_index.add_spec @a2_pre if prerelease Gem::RemoteFetcher.fetcher = @fetcher end def util_setup_spec_fetcher(*specs) specs = Hash[* { |spec| [spec.full_name, spec] }.flatten] si = specs spec_fetcher = Gem::SpecFetcher.fetcher spec_fetcher.specs[@uri] = [] si.gems.sort_by { |_, spec| spec }.each do |_, spec| spec_tuple = [, spec.version, spec.original_platform] spec_fetcher.specs[@uri] << spec_tuple end spec_fetcher.latest_specs[@uri] = [] si.latest_specs.sort.each do |spec| spec_tuple = [, spec.version, spec.original_platform] spec_fetcher.latest_specs[@uri] << spec_tuple end spec_fetcher.prerelease_specs[@uri] = [] si.prerelease_specs.sort.each do |spec| spec_tuple = [, spec.version, spec.original_platform] spec_fetcher.prerelease_specs[@uri] << spec_tuple end (si.gems.merge si.prerelease_gems).sort_by { |_,spec| spec }.each do |_, spec| path = "#{@gem_repo}quick/Marshal.#{Gem.marshal_version}/#{spec.original_name}.gemspec.rz" data = Marshal.dump spec data_deflate = Zlib::Deflate.deflate data[path] = data_deflate end si end def util_zip(data) Zlib::Deflate.deflate data end def self.win_platform? Gem.win_platform? end def win_platform? Gem.win_platform? end # Returns whether or not we're on a version of Ruby built with VC++ (or # Borland) versus Cygwin, Mingw, etc. # def self.vc_windows? RUBY_PLATFORM.match('mswin') end # Returns whether or not we're on a version of Ruby built with VC++ (or # Borland) versus Cygwin, Mingw, etc. # def vc_windows? RUBY_PLATFORM.match('mswin') end # Returns the make command for the current platform. For versions of Ruby # built on MS Windows with VC++ or Borland it will return 'nmake'. On all # other platforms, including Cygwin, it will return 'make'. # def self.make_command ENV["make"] || (vc_windows? ? 'nmake' : 'make') end # Returns the make command for the current platform. For versions of Ruby # built on MS Windows with VC++ or Borland it will return 'nmake'. On all # other platforms, including Cygwin, it will return 'make'. # def make_command ENV["make"] || (vc_windows? ? 'nmake' : 'make') end # Returns whether or not the nmake command could be found. # def nmake_found? system('nmake /? 1>NUL 2>&1') end # NOTE Allow tests to use a random (but controlled) port number instead of # a hardcoded one. This helps CI tools when running parallels builds on # the same builder slave. def self.process_based_port @@process_based_port ||= 8000 + $$ % 1000 end def process_based_port self.class.process_based_port end def build_rake_in gem_ruby = Gem.ruby ruby = @@ruby Gem.module_eval {@ruby = ruby} env_rake = ENV["rake"] ENV["rake"] = @@rake yield @@rake ensure Gem.module_eval {@ruby = gem_ruby} if env_rake ENV["rake"] = env_rake else ENV.delete("rake") end end def self.rubybin if ruby = ENV["RUBY"] return ruby end ruby = "ruby" rubyexe = ruby+".exe" 3.times do if File.exist? ruby and File.executable? ruby and ! ruby return File.expand_path(ruby) end if File.exist? rubyexe and File.executable? rubyexe return File.expand_path(rubyexe) end ruby = File.join("..", ruby) end begin require "rbconfig" File.join( RbConfig::CONFIG["bindir"], RbConfig::CONFIG["ruby_install_name"] + RbConfig::CONFIG["EXEEXT"] ) rescue LoadError "ruby" end end @@ruby = rubybin env_rake = ENV['rake'] ruby19_rake = File.expand_path("../../../bin/rake", __FILE__) @@rake = if env_rake then ENV["rake"] elsif File.exist? ruby19_rake then @@ruby + " " + ruby19_rake else 'rake' end ## # Construct a new Gem::Dependency. def dep name, *requirements name, *requirements end ## # Construct a new Gem::Requirement. def req *requirements return requirements.first if Gem::Requirement === requirements.first Gem::Requirement.create requirements end ## # Construct a new Gem::Specification. def spec name, version, &block name, v(version), &block end ## # Construct a new Gem::Version. def v string Gem::Version.create string end end