#!/usr/bin/env ruby #-- # Copyright 2006 by Chad Fowler, Rich Kilmer, Jim Weirich and others. # All rights reserved. # See LICENSE.txt for permissions. #++ at_exit { $SAFE = 1 } require 'fileutils' require 'test/unit' require 'tmpdir' require 'uri' require 'rubygems/gem_open_uri' require 'rubygems/source_info_cache' require File.join(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)), 'mockgemui') module Gem def self.source_index=(si) @@source_index = si end def self.win_platform=(val) @@win_platform = val end end class FakeFetcher attr_reader :data attr_accessor :uri attr_accessor :paths def initialize @data = {} @paths = [] @uri = nil end def fetch_path(path) path = path.to_s @paths << path raise ArgumentError, 'need full URI' unless path =~ %r'^http://' data = @data[path] raise Gem::RemoteFetcher::FetchError, "no data for #{path}" if data.nil? data.respond_to?(:call) ? data.call : data end def fetch_size(path) path = path.to_s @paths << path raise ArgumentError, 'need full URI' unless path =~ %r'^http://' data = @data[path] raise Gem::RemoteFetcher::FetchError, "no data for #{path}" if data.nil? data.respond_to?(:call) ? data.call : data.length end end class RubyGemTestCase < Test::Unit::TestCase include Gem::DefaultUserInteraction undef_method :default_test if instance_methods.include? 'default_test' or instance_methods.include? :default_test def setup super @ui = MockGemUi.new tmpdir = nil Dir.chdir Dir.tmpdir do tmpdir = Dir.pwd end # HACK OSX /private/tmp @tempdir = File.join tmpdir, "test_rubygems_#{$$}" @tempdir.untaint @gemhome = File.join @tempdir, "gemhome" @gemcache = File.join(@gemhome, "source_cache") @usrcache = File.join(@gemhome, ".gem", "user_cache") FileUtils.mkdir_p @gemhome ENV['GEMCACHE'] = @usrcache Gem.use_paths(@gemhome) Gem.loaded_specs.clear Gem.configuration.verbose = true Gem.configuration.update_sources = true @gem_repo = "http://gems.example.com" Gem.sources.replace [@gem_repo] @orig_BASERUBY = Gem::ConfigMap[:BASERUBY] Gem::ConfigMap[:BASERUBY] = Gem::ConfigMap[:RUBY_INSTALL_NAME] @orig_arch = Gem::ConfigMap[:arch] if win_platform? util_set_arch 'i386-mswin32' else util_set_arch 'i686-darwin8.10.1' end @marshal_version = "#{Marshal::MAJOR_VERSION}.#{Marshal::MINOR_VERSION}" end def teardown Gem::ConfigMap[:BASERUBY] = @orig_BASERUBY Gem::ConfigMap[:arch] = @orig_arch if defined? Gem::RemoteFetcher then Gem::RemoteFetcher.instance_variable_set :@fetcher, nil end FileUtils.rm_rf @tempdir ENV.delete 'GEMCACHE' ENV.delete 'GEM_HOME' ENV.delete 'GEM_PATH' Gem.clear_paths Gem::SourceInfoCache.instance_variable_set :@cache, nil end def install_gem gem require 'rubygems/installer' use_ui MockGemUi.new do Dir.chdir @tempdir do Gem::Builder.new(gem).build end end gem = File.join(@tempdir, "#{gem.full_name}.gem").untaint Gem::Installer.new(gem).install end def prep_cache_files(lc) [ [lc.system_cache_file, 'sys'], [lc.user_cache_file, 'usr'], ].each do |fn, data| FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname(fn).untaint open(fn.dup.untaint, "wb") { |f| f.write(Marshal.dump({'key' => data})) } end end def read_cache(fn) open(fn.dup.untaint) { |f| Marshal.load f.read } end def write_file(path) path = File.join(@gemhome, path) dir = File.dirname path FileUtils.mkdir_p dir File.open(path, "w") { |io| yield(io) } path end def quick_gem(gemname, version='2') require 'rubygems/specification' spec = Gem::Specification.new do |s| s.platform = Gem::Platform::RUBY s.name = gemname s.version = version s.author = 'A User' s.email = 'example@example.com' s.homepage = 'http://example.com' s.has_rdoc = true s.summary = "this is a summary" s.description = "This is a test description" yield(s) if block_given? end path = File.join "specifications", "#{spec.full_name}.gemspec" written_path = write_file path do |io| io.write(spec.to_ruby) end spec.loaded_from = written_path return spec end def util_build_gem(spec) dir = File.join(@gemhome, 'gems', spec.full_name) FileUtils.mkdir_p dir Dir.chdir dir do spec.files.each do |file| next if File.exist? file FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname(file) File.open file, 'w' do |fp| fp.puts "# #{file}" end end use_ui MockGemUi.new do Gem::Builder.new(spec).build end FileUtils.mv "#{spec.full_name}.gem", File.join(@gemhome, 'cache', "#{spec.original_name}.gem") end end def util_make_gems spec = proc do |s| s.files = %w[lib/code.rb] s.require_paths = %w[lib] end @a1 = quick_gem('a', '1', &spec) @a2 = quick_gem('a', '2', &spec) @b2 = quick_gem('b', '2', &spec) @c1_2 = quick_gem('c', '1.2', &spec) @pl1 = quick_gem 'pl', '1' do |s| # l for legacy s.files = %w[lib/code.rb] s.require_paths = %w[lib] s.platform = Gem::Platform.new 'i386-linux' s.instance_variable_set :@original_platform, 'i386-linux' end write_file File.join(*%W[gems #{@a1.original_name} lib code.rb]) do end write_file File.join(*%W[gems #{@a2.original_name} lib code.rb]) do end write_file File.join(*%W[gems #{@b2.original_name} lib code.rb]) do end write_file File.join(*%W[gems #{@c1_2.original_name} lib code.rb]) do end write_file File.join(*%W[gems #{@pl1.original_name} lib code.rb]) do end [@a1, @a2, @b2, @c1_2, @pl1].each { |spec| util_build_gem spec } FileUtils.rm_r File.join(@gemhome, 'gems', @pl1.original_name) Gem.source_index = nil end ## # Set the platform to +cpu+ and +os+ def util_set_arch(arch) Gem::ConfigMap[:arch] = arch platform = Gem::Platform.new arch Gem.instance_variable_set :@platforms, nil Gem::Platform.instance_variable_set :@local, nil platform end def util_setup_fake_fetcher require 'zlib' require 'socket' require 'rubygems/remote_fetcher' @uri = URI.parse @gem_repo @fetcher = FakeFetcher.new @fetcher.uri = @uri @gem1 = quick_gem 'gem_one' do |gem| gem.files = %w[Rakefile lib/gem_one.rb] end @gem2 = quick_gem 'gem_two' do |gem| gem.files = %w[Rakefile lib/gem_two.rb] end @gem3 = quick_gem 'gem_three' do |gem| # missing gem gem.files = %w[Rakefile lib/gem_three.rb] end # this gem has a higher version and longer name than the gem we want @gem4 = quick_gem 'gem_one_evil', '666' do |gem| gem.files = %w[Rakefile lib/gem_one.rb] end @all_gems = [@gem1, @gem2, @gem3, @gem4].sort @all_gem_names = @all_gems.map { |gem| gem.full_name } gem_names = [@gem1.full_name, @gem2.full_name, @gem4.full_name] @gem_names = gem_names.sort.join("\n") @source_index = Gem::SourceIndex.new @gem1.full_name => @gem1, @gem2.full_name => @gem2, @gem4.full_name => @gem4 Gem::RemoteFetcher.instance_variable_set :@fetcher, @fetcher end def util_setup_source_info_cache(*specs) require 'rubygems/source_info_cache_entry' specs = Hash[*specs.map { |spec| [spec.full_name, spec] }.flatten] si = Gem::SourceIndex.new specs sice = Gem::SourceInfoCacheEntry.new si, 0 sic = Gem::SourceInfoCache.new sic.set_cache_data( { @gem_repo => sice } ) Gem::SourceInfoCache.instance_variable_set :@cache, sic si end def util_zip(data) Zlib::Deflate.deflate data end def self.win_platform? Gem.win_platform? end def win_platform? Gem.win_platform? end end