# frozen_string_literal: false require 'test/unit' require 'tmpdir' require 'timeout' class TestThreadQueue < Test::Unit::TestCase Queue = Thread::Queue SizedQueue = Thread::SizedQueue def test_queue_initialized assert_raise(TypeError) { Queue.allocate.push(nil) } end def test_sized_queue_initialized assert_raise(TypeError) { SizedQueue.allocate.push(nil) } end def test_queue grind(5, 1000, 15, Queue) end def test_sized_queue grind(5, 1000, 15, SizedQueue, 1000) end def grind(num_threads, num_objects, num_iterations, klass, *args) from_workers = klass.new(*args) to_workers = klass.new(*args) workers = (1..num_threads).map { Thread.new { while object = to_workers.pop from_workers.push object end } } Thread.new { num_iterations.times { num_objects.times { to_workers.push 99 } num_objects.times { from_workers.pop } } }.join # close the queue the old way to test for backwards-compatibility num_threads.times { to_workers.push nil } workers.each { |t| t.join } assert_equal 0, from_workers.size assert_equal 0, to_workers.size end def test_sized_queue_initialize q = SizedQueue.new(1) assert_equal 1, q.max assert_raise(ArgumentError) { SizedQueue.new(0) } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { SizedQueue.new(-1) } end def test_sized_queue_assign_max q = SizedQueue.new(2) assert_equal(2, q.max) q.max = 1 assert_equal(1, q.max) assert_raise(ArgumentError) { q.max = 0 } assert_equal(1, q.max) assert_raise(ArgumentError) { q.max = -1 } assert_equal(1, q.max) before = q.max q.max.times { q << 1 } t1 = Thread.new { q << 1 } sleep 0.01 until t1.stop? q.max = q.max + 1 assert_equal before + 1, q.max ensure t1.join if t1 end def test_queue_pop_interrupt q = Queue.new t1 = Thread.new { q.pop } sleep 0.01 until t1.stop? t1.kill.join assert_equal(0, q.num_waiting) end def test_queue_pop_non_block q = Queue.new assert_raise_with_message(ThreadError, /empty/) do q.pop(true) end end def test_sized_queue_pop_interrupt q = SizedQueue.new(1) t1 = Thread.new { q.pop } sleep 0.01 until t1.stop? t1.kill.join assert_equal(0, q.num_waiting) end def test_sized_queue_pop_non_block q = SizedQueue.new(1) assert_raise_with_message(ThreadError, /empty/) do q.pop(true) end end def test_sized_queue_push_interrupt q = SizedQueue.new(1) q.push(1) assert_raise_with_message(ThreadError, /full/) do q.push(2, true) end end def test_sized_queue_push_non_block q = SizedQueue.new(1) q.push(1) t1 = Thread.new { q.push(2) } sleep 0.01 until t1.stop? t1.kill.join assert_equal(0, q.num_waiting) end def test_thr_kill bug5343 = '[ruby-core:39634]' Dir.mktmpdir {|d| timeout = 60 total_count = 250 begin assert_normal_exit(<<-"_eom", bug5343, {:timeout => timeout, :chdir=>d}) #{total_count}.times do |i| open("test_thr_kill_count", "w") {|f| f.puts i } queue = Queue.new r, w = IO.pipe th = Thread.start { queue.push(nil) r.read 1 } queue.pop th.kill th.join end _eom rescue Timeout::Error count = File.read("#{d}/test_thr_kill_count").to_i flunk "only #{count}/#{total_count} done in #{timeout} seconds." end } end def test_queue_push_return_value q = Queue.new retval = q.push(1) assert_same q, retval end def test_queue_clear_return_value q = Queue.new retval = q.clear assert_same q, retval end def test_sized_queue_clear # Fill queue, then test that SizedQueue#clear wakes up all waiting threads sq = SizedQueue.new(2) 2.times { sq << 1 } t1 = Thread.new do sq << 1 end t2 = Thread.new do sq << 1 end t3 = Thread.new do Thread.pass sq.clear end [t3, t2, t1].each(&:join) assert_equal sq.length, 2 end def test_sized_queue_push_return_value q = SizedQueue.new(1) retval = q.push(1) assert_same q, retval end def test_sized_queue_clear_return_value q = SizedQueue.new(1) retval = q.clear assert_same q, retval end def test_sized_queue_throttle q = SizedQueue.new(1) i = 0 consumer = Thread.new do while q.pop i += 1 Thread.pass end end nprod = 4 npush = 100 producer = nprod.times.map do Thread.new do npush.times { q.push(true) } end end producer.each(&:join) q.push(nil) consumer.join assert_equal(nprod * npush, i) end def test_queue_thread_raise q = Queue.new th1 = Thread.new do begin q.pop rescue RuntimeError sleep end end th2 = Thread.new do sleep 0.1 q.pop end sleep 0.1 th1.raise sleep 0.1 q << :s assert_nothing_raised(Timeout::Error) do Timeout.timeout(1) { th2.join } end ensure [th1, th2].each do |th| if th and th.alive? th.wakeup th.join end end end def test_dup bug9440 = '[ruby-core:59961] [Bug #9440]' q = Queue.new assert_raise(NoMethodError, bug9440) do q.dup end end (DumpableQueue = Queue.dup).class_eval {remove_method :marshal_dump} def test_dump bug9674 = '[ruby-core:61677] [Bug #9674]' q = Queue.new assert_raise_with_message(TypeError, /#{Queue}/, bug9674) do Marshal.dump(q) end sq = SizedQueue.new(1) assert_raise_with_message(TypeError, /#{SizedQueue}/, bug9674) do Marshal.dump(sq) end q = DumpableQueue.new assert_raise(TypeError, bug9674) do Marshal.dump(q) end end def test_close [->{Queue.new}, ->{SizedQueue.new 3}].each do |qcreate| q = qcreate.call assert_equal false, q.closed? q << :something assert_equal q, q.close assert q.closed? assert_raise_with_message(ClosedQueueError, /closed/){q << :nothing} assert_equal q.pop, :something assert_nil q.pop assert_nil q.pop # non-blocking assert_raise_with_message(ThreadError, /queue empty/){q.pop(non_block=true)} end end # test that waiting producers are woken up on close def close_wakeup( num_items, num_threads, &qcreate ) raise "This test won't work with num_items(#{num_items}) >= num_threads(#{num_threads})" if num_items >= num_threads # create the Queue q = yield threads = num_threads.times.map{Thread.new{q.pop}} num_items.times{|i| q << i} # wait until queue empty (Thread.pass; sleep 0.01) until q.size == 0 # close the queue so remaining threads will wake up q.close # wait for them to go away Thread.pass until threads.all?{|thr| thr.status == false} # check that they've gone away. Convert nil to -1 so we can sort and do the comparison expected_values = [-1] * (num_threads - num_items) + num_items.times.to_a assert_equal expected_values, threads.map{|thr| thr.value || -1 }.sort end def test_queue_close_wakeup close_wakeup(15, 18){Queue.new} end def test_size_queue_close_wakeup close_wakeup(5, 8){SizedQueue.new 9} end def test_sized_queue_one_closed_interrupt q = SizedQueue.new 1 q << :one t1 = Thread.new { Thread.current.report_on_exception = false q << :two } sleep 0.01 until t1.stop? q.close assert_raise(ClosedQueueError) {t1.join} assert_equal 1, q.size assert_equal :one, q.pop assert q.empty?, "queue not empty" end # make sure that shutdown state is handled properly by empty? for the non-blocking case def test_empty_non_blocking q = SizedQueue.new 3 3.times{|i| q << i} # these all block cos the queue is full prod_threads = 4.times.map {|i| Thread.new { Thread.current.report_on_exception = false q << 3+i } } sleep 0.01 until prod_threads.all?{|thr| thr.stop?} items = [] # sometimes empty? is false but pop will raise ThreadError('empty'), # meaning a value is not immediately available but will be soon. until q.empty? and !prod_threads.any?(&:alive?) items << q.pop(true) rescue nil end assert_join_threads(prod_threads) items.compact! assert_equal 7.times.to_a, items.sort assert q.empty? end def test_sized_queue_closed_push_non_blocking q = SizedQueue.new 7 q.close assert_raise_with_message(ClosedQueueError, /queue closed/){q.push(non_block=true)} end def test_blocked_pushers q = SizedQueue.new 3 prod_threads = 6.times.map do |i| thr = Thread.new{ Thread.current.report_on_exception = false q << i } thr[:pc] = i thr end # wait until some producer threads have finished, and the other 3 are blocked sleep 0.01 while prod_threads.reject{|t| t.status}.count < 3 # this would ensure that all producer threads call push before close # sleep 0.01 while prod_threads.select{|t| t.status == 'sleep'}.count < 3 q.close # more than prod_threads cons_threads = 10.times.map do |i| thr = Thread.new{q.pop}; thr[:pc] = i; thr end # values that came from the queue popped_values = cons_threads.map &:value # wait untl all threads have finished sleep 0.01 until prod_threads.find_all{|t| t.status}.count == 0 # pick only the producer threads that got in before close successful_prod_threads = prod_threads.reject{|thr| thr.status == nil} assert_nothing_raised{ successful_prod_threads.map(&:value) } # the producer threads that tried to push after q.close should all fail unsuccessful_prod_threads = prod_threads - successful_prod_threads unsuccessful_prod_threads.each do |thr| assert_raise(ClosedQueueError){ thr.value } end assert_equal cons_threads.size, popped_values.size assert_equal 0, q.size # check that consumer threads with values match producers that called push before close assert_equal successful_prod_threads.map{|thr| thr[:pc]}, popped_values.compact.sort assert_nil q.pop end def test_deny_pushers [->{Queue.new}, ->{SizedQueue.new 3}].each do |qcreate| q = qcreate[] synq = Queue.new prod_threads = 20.times.map do |i| Thread.new { synq.pop assert_raise(ClosedQueueError) { q << i } } end q.close synq.close # start producer threads prod_threads.each(&:join) end end # size should account for waiting pushers during shutdown def sized_queue_size_close q = SizedQueue.new 4 4.times{|i| q << i} Thread.new{ q << 5 } Thread.new{ q << 6 } assert_equal 4, q.size assert_equal 4, q.items q.close assert_equal 6, q.size assert_equal 4, q.items end def test_blocked_pushers_empty q = SizedQueue.new 3 prod_threads = 6.times.map do |i| Thread.new{ Thread.current.report_on_exception = false q << i } end # this ensures that all producer threads call push before close sleep 0.01 while prod_threads.select{|t| t.status == 'sleep'}.count < 3 q.close ary = [] until q.empty? ary << q.pop end assert_equal 0, q.size assert_equal 3, ary.size ary.each{|e| assert [0,1,2,3,4,5].include?(e)} assert_nil q.pop prod_threads.each{|t| begin t.join rescue end } end # test thread wakeup on one-element SizedQueue with close def test_one_element_sized_queue q = SizedQueue.new 1 t = Thread.new{ q.pop } q.close assert_nil t.value end def test_close_twice [->{Queue.new}, ->{SizedQueue.new 3}].each do |qcreate| q = qcreate[] q.close assert_nothing_raised(ClosedQueueError){q.close} end end def test_queue_close_multi_multi q = SizedQueue.new rand(800..1200) count_items = rand(3000..5000) count_producers = rand(10..20) producers = count_producers.times.map do Thread.new do sleep(rand / 100) count_items.times{|i| q << [i,"#{i} for #{Thread.current.inspect}"]} end end consumers = rand(7..12).times.map do Thread.new do count = 0 while e = q.pop i, st = e count += 1 if i.is_a?(Integer) && st.is_a?(String) end count end end # No dead or finished threads, give up to 10 seconds to start running t = Time.now Thread.pass until Time.now - t > 10 || (consumers + producers).all?{|thr| thr.status =~ /\A(?:run|sleep)\z/} assert (consumers + producers).all?{|thr| thr.status =~ /\A(?:run|sleep)\z/}, 'no threads running' # just exercising the concurrency of the support methods. counter = Thread.new do until q.closed? && q.empty? raise if q.size > q.max # otherwise this exercise causes too much contention on the lock sleep 0.01 end end producers.each &:join q.close # results not randomly distributed. Not sure why. # consumers.map{|thr| thr.value}.each do |x| # assert_not_equal 0, x # end all_items_count = consumers.map{|thr| thr.value}.inject(:+) assert_equal count_items * count_producers, all_items_count # don't leak this thread assert_nothing_raised{counter.join} end def test_queue_with_trap if ENV['APPVEYOR'] == 'True' && RUBY_PLATFORM.match?(/mswin/) skip 'This test fails too often on AppVeyor vs140' end assert_in_out_err([], <<-INPUT, %w(INT INT exit), []) q = Queue.new trap(:INT){ q.push 'INT' } Thread.new{ loop{ Process.kill :INT, $$ } } puts q.pop puts q.pop puts 'exit' INPUT end def test_fork_while_queue_waiting q = Queue.new sq = SizedQueue.new(1) thq = Thread.new { q.pop } thsq = Thread.new { sq.pop } Thread.pass until thq.stop? && thsq.stop? pid = fork do exit!(1) if q.num_waiting != 0 exit!(2) if sq.num_waiting != 0 exit!(6) unless q.empty? exit!(7) unless sq.empty? q.push :child_q sq.push :child_sq exit!(3) if q.pop != :child_q exit!(4) if sq.pop != :child_sq exit!(0) end _, s = Process.waitpid2(pid) assert_predicate s, :success?, 'no segfault [ruby-core:86316] [Bug #14634]' q.push :thq sq.push :thsq assert_equal :thq, thq.value assert_equal :thsq, thsq.value sq.push(1) th = Thread.new { q.pop; sq.pop } thsq = Thread.new { sq.push(2) } Thread.pass until th.stop? && thsq.stop? pid = fork do exit!(1) if q.num_waiting != 0 exit!(2) if sq.num_waiting != 0 exit!(3) unless q.empty? exit!(4) if sq.empty? exit!(5) if sq.pop != 1 exit!(0) end _, s = Process.waitpid2(pid) assert_predicate s, :success?, 'no segfault [ruby-core:86316] [Bug #14634]' assert_predicate thsq, :stop? assert_equal 1, sq.pop assert_same sq, thsq.value q.push('restart th') assert_equal 2, th.value end if Process.respond_to?(:fork) end