# frozen_string_literal: false require 'test/unit' class TestSuper < Test::Unit::TestCase class Base def single(a) a end def double(a, b) [a,b] end def array(*a) a end def optional(a = 0) a end def keyword(**a) a end end class Single1 < Base def single(*) super end end class Single2 < Base def single(a,*) super end end class Double1 < Base def double(*) super end end class Double2 < Base def double(a,*) super end end class Double3 < Base def double(a,b,*) super end end class Array1 < Base def array(*) super end end class Array2 < Base def array(a,*) super end end class Array3 < Base def array(a,b,*) super end end class Array4 < Base def array(a,b,c,*) super end end class Optional1 < Base def optional(a = 1) super end end class Optional2 < Base def optional(a, b = 1) super end end class Optional3 < Base def single(a = 1) super end end class Optional4 < Base def array(a = 1, *) super end end class Optional5 < Base def array(a = 1, b = 2, *) super end end class Keyword1 < Base def keyword(foo: "keyword1") super end end class Keyword2 < Base def keyword(foo: "keyword2") foo = "changed1" x = super foo = "changed2" y = super [x, y] end end def test_single1 assert_equal(1, Single1.new.single(1)) end def test_single2 assert_equal(1, Single2.new.single(1)) end def test_double1 assert_equal([1, 2], Double1.new.double(1, 2)) end def test_double2 assert_equal([1, 2], Double2.new.double(1, 2)) end def test_double3 assert_equal([1, 2], Double3.new.double(1, 2)) end def test_array1 assert_equal([], Array1.new.array()) assert_equal([1], Array1.new.array(1)) end def test_array2 assert_equal([1], Array2.new.array(1)) assert_equal([1,2], Array2.new.array(1, 2)) end def test_array3 assert_equal([1,2], Array3.new.array(1, 2)) assert_equal([1,2,3], Array3.new.array(1, 2, 3)) end def test_array4 assert_equal([1,2,3], Array4.new.array(1, 2, 3)) assert_equal([1,2,3,4], Array4.new.array(1, 2, 3, 4)) end def test_optional1 assert_equal(9, Optional1.new.optional(9)) assert_equal(1, Optional1.new.optional) end def test_optional2 assert_raise(ArgumentError) do # call Base#optional with 2 arguments; the 2nd arg is supplied assert_equal(9, Optional2.new.optional(9)) end assert_raise(ArgumentError) do # call Base#optional with 2 arguments assert_equal(9, Optional2.new.optional(9, 2)) end end def test_optional3 assert_equal(9, Optional3.new.single(9)) # call Base#single with 1 argument; the arg is supplied assert_equal(1, Optional3.new.single) end def test_optional4 assert_equal([1], Optional4.new.array) assert_equal([9], Optional4.new.array(9)) assert_equal([9, 8], Optional4.new.array(9, 8)) end def test_optional5 assert_equal([1, 2], Optional5.new.array) assert_equal([9, 2], Optional5.new.array(9)) assert_equal([9, 8], Optional5.new.array(9, 8)) assert_equal([9, 8, 7], Optional5.new.array(9, 8, 7)) end def test_keyword1 assert_equal({foo: "keyword1"}, Keyword1.new.keyword) bug8008 = '[ruby-core:53114] [Bug #8008]' assert_equal({foo: bug8008}, Keyword1.new.keyword(foo: bug8008)) end def test_keyword2 assert_equal([{foo: "changed1"}, {foo: "changed2"}], Keyword2.new.keyword) end class A def tt(aa) "A#tt" end def uu(a) class << self define_method(:tt) do |sym| super(sym) end end end end def test_define_method a = A.new a.uu(12) assert_equal("A#tt", a.tt(12), "[ruby-core:3856]") assert_raise_with_message(RuntimeError, /implicit argument passing of super from method defined by define_method/, "[ruby-core:24244]") { lambda { Class.new { define_method(:a) {super} }.new.a }.call } end class SubSeq def initialize @first=11 @first or fail end def subseq @first or fail end end class Indexed def subseq SubSeq.new end end Overlaid = proc do class << self def subseq super.instance_eval(& Overlaid) end end end def test_overlaid assert_nothing_raised('[ruby-dev:40959]') do overlaid = proc do |obj| def obj.reverse super end end overlaid.call(str = "123") overlaid.call([1,2,3]) str.reverse end assert_nothing_raised('[ruby-core:27230]') do mid=Indexed.new mid.instance_eval(&Overlaid) mid.subseq mid.subseq end end module DoubleInclude class Base def foo [:Base] end end module Override def foo super << :Override end end class A < Base end class B < A end B.send(:include, Override) A.send(:include, Override) end def test_double_include assert_equal([:Base, :Override, :Override], DoubleInclude::B.new.foo, "[Bug #3351]") end module DoubleInclude2 class Base def foo [:Base] end end module Override def foo super << :Override end end class A < Base def foo super << :A end end class B < A def foo super << :B end end B.send(:include, Override) A.send(:include, Override) end def test_double_include2 assert_equal([:Base, :Override, :A, :Override, :B], DoubleInclude2::B.new.foo) end def test_super_in_instance_eval super_class = EnvUtil.labeled_class("Super\u{30af 30e9 30b9}") { def foo return [:super, self] end } sub_class = EnvUtil.labeled_class("Sub\u{30af 30e9 30b9}", super_class) { def foo x = Object.new x.instance_eval do super() end end } obj = sub_class.new assert_raise_with_message(TypeError, /Sub\u{30af 30e9 30b9}/) do obj.foo end end def test_super_in_instance_eval_with_define_method super_class = EnvUtil.labeled_class("Super\u{30af 30e9 30b9}") { def foo return [:super, self] end } sub_class = EnvUtil.labeled_class("Sub\u{30af 30e9 30b9}", super_class) { define_method(:foo) do x = Object.new x.instance_eval do super() end end } obj = sub_class.new assert_raise_with_message(TypeError, /Sub\u{30af 30e9 30b9}/) do obj.foo end end def test_super_in_orphan_block super_class = EnvUtil.labeled_class("Super\u{30af 30e9 30b9}") { def foo return [:super, self] end } sub_class = EnvUtil.labeled_class("Sub\u{30af 30e9 30b9}", super_class) { def foo lambda { super() } end } obj = sub_class.new assert_equal([:super, obj], obj.foo.call) end def test_super_in_orphan_block_with_instance_eval super_class = EnvUtil.labeled_class("Super\u{30af 30e9 30b9}") { def foo return [:super, self] end } sub_class = EnvUtil.labeled_class("Sub\u{30af 30e9 30b9}", super_class) { def foo x = Object.new x.instance_eval do lambda { super() } end end } obj = sub_class.new assert_raise_with_message(TypeError, /Sub\u{30af 30e9 30b9}/) do obj.foo.call end end def test_yielding_super a = Class.new { def yielder; yield; end } x = Class.new { define_singleton_method(:hello) { 'hi' } } y = Class.new(x) { define_singleton_method(:hello) { m = a.new m.yielder { super() } } } assert_equal 'hi', y.hello end def test_super_in_thread hoge = Class.new { def bar; 'hoge'; end } foo = Class.new(hoge) { def bar; Thread.new { super }.join.value; end } assert_equal 'hoge', foo.new.bar end def assert_super_in_block(type) bug7064 = '[ruby-core:47680]' assert_normal_exit "#{type} {super}", bug7064 end def test_super_in_at_exit assert_super_in_block("at_exit") end def test_super_in_END assert_super_in_block("END") end def test_super_in_BEGIN assert_super_in_block("BEGIN") end class X def foo(*args) args end end class Y < X define_method(:foo) do |*args| super(*args) end end def test_super_splat # [ruby-list:49575] y = Y.new assert_equal([1, 2], y.foo(1, 2)) assert_equal([1, false], y.foo(1, false)) assert_equal([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], y.foo(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)) assert_equal([false, true], y.foo(false, true)) assert_equal([false, false], y.foo(false, false)) assert_equal([1, 2, 3, false, 5], y.foo(1, 2, 3, false, 5)) end def test_missing_super o = Class.new {def foo; super; end}.new e = assert_raise(NoMethodError) {o.foo} assert_same(o, e.receiver) assert_equal(:foo, e.name) end def test_missing_super_in_method_module bug9315 = '[ruby-core:59358] [Bug #9315]' a = Module.new do def foo super end end b = Class.new do include a end assert_raise(NoMethodError, bug9315) do b.new.method(:foo).call end end def test_module_super_in_method_module bug9315 = '[ruby-core:59589] [Bug #9315]' a = Module.new do def foo super end end c = Class.new do def foo :ok end end o = c.new.extend(a) assert_nothing_raised(NoMethodError, bug9315) do assert_equal(:ok, o.method(:foo).call, bug9315) end end def test_missing_super_in_module_unbound_method bug9377 = '[ruby-core:59619] [Bug #9377]' a = Module.new do def foo; super end end m = a.instance_method(:foo).bind(Object.new) assert_raise(NoMethodError, bug9377) do m.call end end def test_super_in_module_unbound_method bug9721 = '[ruby-core:61936] [Bug #9721]' a = Module.new do def foo(result) result << "A" end end b = Module.new do def foo(result) result << "B" super end end um = b.instance_method(:foo) m = um.bind(Object.new.extend(a)) result = [] assert_nothing_raised(NoMethodError, bug9721) do m.call(result) end assert_equal(%w[B A], result, bug9721) bug9740 = '[ruby-core:62017] [Bug #9740]' b.module_eval do define_method(:foo) do |res| um.bind(self).call(res) end end result.clear o = Object.new.extend(a).extend(b) assert_nothing_raised(NoMethodError, SystemStackError, bug9740) do o.foo(result) end assert_equal(%w[B A], result, bug9721) end def test_from_eval bug10263 = '[ruby-core:65122] [Bug #10263a]' a = Class.new do def foo "A" end end b = Class.new(a) do def foo binding.eval("super") end end assert_equal("A", b.new.foo, bug10263) end def test_super_with_block a = Class.new do def foo yield end end b = Class.new(a) do def foo super{ "b" } end end assert_equal "b", b.new.foo{"c"} end def test_public_zsuper_with_prepend bug12876 = '[ruby-core:77784] [Bug #12876]' m = EnvUtil.labeled_module("M") c = EnvUtil.labeled_class("C") {prepend m; public :initialize} o = assert_nothing_raised(Timeout::Error, bug12876) { Timeout.timeout(3) {c.new} } assert_instance_of(c, o) m.module_eval {def initialize; raise "exception in M"; end} assert_raise_with_message(RuntimeError, "exception in M") { c.new } end class TestFor_super_with_modified_rest_parameter_base def foo *args args end end class TestFor_super_with_modified_rest_parameter < TestFor_super_with_modified_rest_parameter_base def foo *args args = 13 super end end def test_super_with_modified_rest_parameter assert_equal [13], TestFor_super_with_modified_rest_parameter.new.foo end end